
647 lines
21 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote
import idna
from ._types import QueryParamTypes, RawURL, URLTypes
from ._urlparse import urlencode, urlparse
from ._utils import primitive_value_to_str
class URL:
url = httpx.URL("HTTPS://ü")
assert url.scheme == "https"
assert url.username == ""
assert url.password == "a secret"
assert url.userinfo == b""
assert == "mü"
assert url.raw_host == b""
assert url.port == 1234
assert url.netloc == b""
assert url.path == "/pa th"
assert url.query == b"?search=ab"
assert url.raw_path == b"/pa%20th?search=ab"
assert url.fragment == "anchorlink"
The components of a URL are broken down like this:ü
[scheme] [ username ] [password] [ host ][port][ path ] [ query ] [fragment]
[ userinfo ] [ netloc ][ raw_path ]
Note that:
* `url.scheme` is normalized to always be lowercased.
* `` is normalized to always be lowercased. Internationalized domain
names are represented in unicode, without IDNA encoding applied. For instance:
url = httpx.URL("http://中国")
assert == "中国"
url = httpx.URL("")
assert == "中国"
* `url.raw_host` is normalized to always be lowercased, and is IDNA encoded.
url = httpx.URL("http://中国")
assert url.raw_host == b""
url = httpx.URL("")
assert url.raw_host == b""
* `url.port` is either None or an integer. URLs that include the default port for
"http", "https", "ws", "wss", and "ftp" schemes have their port
normalized to `None`.
assert httpx.URL("") == httpx.URL("")
assert httpx.URL("").port is None
assert httpx.URL("").port is None
* `url.userinfo` is raw bytes, without URL escaping. Usually you'll want to work
with `url.username` and `url.password` instead, which handle the URL escaping.
* `url.raw_path` is raw bytes of both the path and query, without URL escaping.
This portion is used as the target when constructing HTTP requests. Usually you'll
want to work with `url.path` instead.
* `url.query` is raw bytes, without URL escaping. A URL query string portion can
only be properly URL escaped when decoding the parameter names and values
def __init__(self, url: URL | str = "", **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
if kwargs:
allowed = {
"scheme": str,
"username": str,
"password": str,
"userinfo": bytes,
"host": str,
"port": int,
"netloc": bytes,
"path": str,
"query": bytes,
"raw_path": bytes,
"fragment": str,
"params": object,
# Perform type checking for all supported keyword arguments.
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key not in allowed:
message = f"{key!r} is an invalid keyword argument for URL()"
raise TypeError(message)
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, allowed[key]):
expected = allowed[key].__name__
seen = type(value).__name__
message = f"Argument {key!r} must be {expected} but got {seen}"
raise TypeError(message)
if isinstance(value, bytes):
kwargs[key] = value.decode("ascii")
if "params" in kwargs:
# Replace any "params" keyword with the raw "query" instead.
# Ensure that empty params use `kwargs["query"] = None` rather
# than `kwargs["query"] = ""`, so that generated URLs do not
# include an empty trailing "?".
params = kwargs.pop("params")
kwargs["query"] = None if not params else str(QueryParams(params))
if isinstance(url, str):
self._uri_reference = urlparse(url, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(url, URL):
self._uri_reference = url._uri_reference.copy_with(**kwargs)
raise TypeError(
"Invalid type for url. Expected str or httpx.URL,"
f" got {type(url)}: {url!r}"
def scheme(self) -> str:
The URL scheme, such as "http", "https".
Always normalised to lowercase.
return self._uri_reference.scheme
def raw_scheme(self) -> bytes:
The raw bytes representation of the URL scheme, such as b"http", b"https".
Always normalised to lowercase.
return self._uri_reference.scheme.encode("ascii")
def userinfo(self) -> bytes:
The URL userinfo as a raw bytestring.
For example: b"".
return self._uri_reference.userinfo.encode("ascii")
def username(self) -> str:
The URL username as a string, with URL decoding applied.
For example: ""
userinfo = self._uri_reference.userinfo
return unquote(userinfo.partition(":")[0])
def password(self) -> str:
The URL password as a string, with URL decoding applied.
For example: "a secret"
userinfo = self._uri_reference.userinfo
return unquote(userinfo.partition(":")[2])
def host(self) -> str:
The URL host as a string.
Always normalized to lowercase, with IDNA hosts decoded into unicode.
url = httpx.URL("")
assert == ""
url = httpx.URL("http://中国")
assert == "中国"
url = httpx.URL("")
assert == "中国"
url = httpx.URL("https://[::ffff:]")
assert == "::ffff:"
host: str =
if host.startswith("xn--"):
host = idna.decode(host)
return host
def raw_host(self) -> bytes:
The raw bytes representation of the URL host.
Always normalized to lowercase, and IDNA encoded.
url = httpx.URL("")
assert url.raw_host == b""
url = httpx.URL("http://中国")
assert url.raw_host == b""
url = httpx.URL("")
assert url.raw_host == b""
url = httpx.URL("https://[::ffff:]")
assert url.raw_host == b"::ffff:"
def port(self) -> int | None:
The URL port as an integer.
Note that the URL class performs port normalization as per the WHATWG spec.
Default ports for "http", "https", "ws", "wss", and "ftp" schemes are always
treated as `None`.
For example:
assert httpx.URL("") == httpx.URL("")
assert httpx.URL("").port is None
return self._uri_reference.port
def netloc(self) -> bytes:
Either `<host>` or `<host>:<port>` as bytes.
Always normalized to lowercase, and IDNA encoded.
This property may be used for generating the value of a request
"Host" header.
return self._uri_reference.netloc.encode("ascii")
def path(self) -> str:
The URL path as a string. Excluding the query string, and URL decoded.
For example:
url = httpx.URL("")
assert url.path == "/pa th"
path = self._uri_reference.path or "/"
return unquote(path)
def query(self) -> bytes:
The URL query string, as raw bytes, excluding the leading b"?".
This is necessarily a bytewise interface, because we cannot
perform URL decoding of this representation until we've parsed
the keys and values into a QueryParams instance.
For example:
url = httpx.URL("")
assert url.query == b"filter=some%20search%20terms"
query = self._uri_reference.query or ""
return query.encode("ascii")
def params(self) -> QueryParams:
The URL query parameters, neatly parsed and packaged into an immutable
multidict representation.
return QueryParams(self._uri_reference.query)
def raw_path(self) -> bytes:
The complete URL path and query string as raw bytes.
Used as the target when constructing HTTP requests.
For example:
GET /users?search=some%20text HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
path = self._uri_reference.path or "/"
if self._uri_reference.query is not None:
path += "?" + self._uri_reference.query
return path.encode("ascii")
def fragment(self) -> str:
The URL fragments, as used in HTML anchors.
As a string, without the leading '#'.
return unquote(self._uri_reference.fragment or "")
def raw(self) -> RawURL:
Provides the (scheme, host, port, target) for the outgoing request.
In older versions of `httpx` this was used in the low-level transport API.
We no longer use `RawURL`, and this property will be deprecated
in a future release.
return RawURL(
def is_absolute_url(self) -> bool:
Return `True` for absolute URLs such as '',
and `False` for relative URLs such as '/path'.
# We don't use `.is_absolute` from `rfc3986` because it treats
# URLs with a fragment portion as not absolute.
# What we actually care about is if the URL provides
# a scheme and hostname to which connections should be made.
return bool(self._uri_reference.scheme and
def is_relative_url(self) -> bool:
Return `False` for absolute URLs such as '',
and `True` for relative URLs such as '/path'.
return not self.is_absolute_url
def copy_with(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> URL:
Copy this URL, returning a new URL with some components altered.
Accepts the same set of parameters as the components that are made
available via properties on the `URL` class.
For example:
url = httpx.URL("").copy_with(
username="", password="a secret"
assert url == ""
return URL(self, **kwargs)
def copy_set_param(self, key: str, value: typing.Any = None) -> URL:
return self.copy_with(params=self.params.set(key, value))
def copy_add_param(self, key: str, value: typing.Any = None) -> URL:
return self.copy_with(params=self.params.add(key, value))
def copy_remove_param(self, key: str) -> URL:
return self.copy_with(params=self.params.remove(key))
def copy_merge_params(self, params: QueryParamTypes) -> URL:
return self.copy_with(params=self.params.merge(params))
def join(self, url: URLTypes) -> URL:
Return an absolute URL, using this URL as the base.
url = httpx.URL("")
url = url.join("/new/path")
assert url == ""
from urllib.parse import urljoin
return URL(urljoin(str(self), str(URL(url))))
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(str(self))
def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(other, (URL, str)) and str(self) == str(URL(other))
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self._uri_reference)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment = self._uri_reference
if ":" in userinfo:
# Mask any password component.
userinfo = f'{userinfo.split(":")[0]}:[secure]'
authority = "".join(
f"{userinfo}@" if userinfo else "",
f"[{host}]" if ":" in host else host,
f":{port}" if port is not None else "",
url = "".join(
f"{self.scheme}:" if scheme else "",
f"//{authority}" if authority else "",
f"?{query}" if query is not None else "",
f"#{fragment}" if fragment is not None else "",
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({url!r})"
class QueryParams(typing.Mapping[str, str]):
URL query parameters, as a multi-dict.
def __init__(self, *args: QueryParamTypes | None, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
assert len(args) < 2, "Too many arguments."
assert not (args and kwargs), "Cannot mix named and unnamed arguments."
value = args[0] if args else kwargs
if value is None or isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
value = value.decode("ascii") if isinstance(value, bytes) else value
self._dict = parse_qs(value, keep_blank_values=True)
elif isinstance(value, QueryParams):
self._dict = {k: list(v) for k, v in value._dict.items()}
dict_value: dict[typing.Any, list[typing.Any]] = {}
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
# Convert list inputs like:
# [("a", "123"), ("a", "456"), ("b", "789")]
# To a dict representation, like:
# {"a": ["123", "456"], "b": ["789"]}
for item in value:
dict_value.setdefault(item[0], []).append(item[1])
# Convert dict inputs like:
# {"a": "123", "b": ["456", "789"]}
# To dict inputs where values are always lists, like:
# {"a": ["123"], "b": ["456", "789"]}
dict_value = {
k: list(v) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else [v]
for k, v in value.items()
# Ensure that keys and values are neatly coerced to strings.
# We coerce values `True` and `False` to JSON-like "true" and "false"
# representations, and coerce `None` values to the empty string.
self._dict = {
str(k): [primitive_value_to_str(item) for item in v]
for k, v in dict_value.items()
def keys(self) -> typing.KeysView[str]:
Return all the keys in the query params.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456&b=789")
assert list(q.keys()) == ["a", "b"]
return self._dict.keys()
def values(self) -> typing.ValuesView[str]:
Return all the values in the query params. If a key occurs more than once
only the first item for that key is returned.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456&b=789")
assert list(q.values()) == ["123", "789"]
return {k: v[0] for k, v in self._dict.items()}.values()
def items(self) -> typing.ItemsView[str, str]:
Return all items in the query params. If a key occurs more than once
only the first item for that key is returned.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456&b=789")
assert list(q.items()) == [("a", "123"), ("b", "789")]
return {k: v[0] for k, v in self._dict.items()}.items()
def multi_items(self) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
Return all items in the query params. Allow duplicate keys to occur.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456&b=789")
assert list(q.multi_items()) == [("a", "123"), ("a", "456"), ("b", "789")]
multi_items: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
for k, v in self._dict.items():
multi_items.extend([(k, i) for i in v])
return multi_items
def get(self, key: typing.Any, default: typing.Any = None) -> typing.Any:
Get a value from the query param for a given key. If the key occurs
more than once, then only the first value is returned.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456&b=789")
assert q.get("a") == "123"
if key in self._dict:
return self._dict[str(key)][0]
return default
def get_list(self, key: str) -> list[str]:
Get all values from the query param for a given key.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456&b=789")
assert q.get_list("a") == ["123", "456"]
return list(self._dict.get(str(key), []))
def set(self, key: str, value: typing.Any = None) -> QueryParams:
Return a new QueryParams instance, setting the value of a key.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123")
q = q.set("a", "456")
assert q == httpx.QueryParams("a=456")
q = QueryParams()
q._dict = dict(self._dict)
q._dict[str(key)] = [primitive_value_to_str(value)]
return q
def add(self, key: str, value: typing.Any = None) -> QueryParams:
Return a new QueryParams instance, setting or appending the value of a key.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123")
q = q.add("a", "456")
assert q == httpx.QueryParams("a=123&a=456")
q = QueryParams()
q._dict = dict(self._dict)
q._dict[str(key)] = q.get_list(key) + [primitive_value_to_str(value)]
return q
def remove(self, key: str) -> QueryParams:
Return a new QueryParams instance, removing the value of a key.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123")
q = q.remove("a")
assert q == httpx.QueryParams("")
q = QueryParams()
q._dict = dict(self._dict)
q._dict.pop(str(key), None)
return q
def merge(self, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None) -> QueryParams:
Return a new QueryParams instance, updated with.
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123")
q = q.merge({"b": "456"})
assert q == httpx.QueryParams("a=123&b=456")
q = httpx.QueryParams("a=123")
q = q.merge({"a": "456", "b": "789"})
assert q == httpx.QueryParams("a=456&b=789")
q = QueryParams(params)
q._dict = {**self._dict, **q._dict}
return q
def __getitem__(self, key: typing.Any) -> str:
return self._dict[key][0]
def __contains__(self, key: typing.Any) -> bool:
return key in self._dict
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Any]:
return iter(self.keys())
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._dict)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return bool(self._dict)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(str(self))
def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
return sorted(self.multi_items()) == sorted(other.multi_items())
def __str__(self) -> str:
Note that we use '%20' encoding for spaces, and treat '/' as a safe
See and
return urlencode(self.multi_items())
def __repr__(self) -> str:
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
query_string = str(self)
return f"{class_name}({query_string!r})"
def update(self, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None) -> None:
raise RuntimeError(
"QueryParams are immutable since 0.18.0. "
"Use `q = q.merge(...)` to create an updated copy."
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
raise RuntimeError(
"QueryParams are immutable since 0.18.0. "
"Use `q = q.set(key, value)` to create an updated copy."