
209 lines
6.7 KiB

import re
import threading
import time
from ._utils import logger
class LogCatcher(threading.Thread):
"""Thread to keep reading from stderr so that the buffer does not
fill up and stalls the ffmpeg process. On stderr a message is send
on every few frames with some meta information. We only keep the
last ones.
def __init__(self, file):
self._file = file
self._header = ""
self._lines = []
self._remainder = b""
self.daemon = True # do not let this thread hold up Python shutdown
self._should_stop = False
def stop_me(self):
self._should_stop = True
def header(self):
"""Get header text. Empty string if the header is not yet parsed."""
return self._header
def get_text(self, timeout=0):
"""Get the whole text written to stderr so far. To preserve
memory, only the last 50 to 100 frames are kept.
If a timeout is given, wait for this thread to finish. When
something goes wrong, we stop ffmpeg and want a full report of
stderr, but this thread might need a tiny bit more time.
# Wait?
if timeout > 0:
etime = time.time() + timeout
while self.is_alive() and time.time() < etime: # pragma: no cover
# Return str
lines = b"\n".join(self._lines)
return self._header + "\n" + lines.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
def run(self):
# Create ref here so it still exists even if Py is shutting down
limit_lines_local = limit_lines
while not self._should_stop:
# Read one line. Detect when closed, and exit
line =
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
if not line:
# Process to divide in lines
line = line.replace(b"\r", b"\n").replace(b"\n\n", b"\n")
lines = line.split(b"\n")
lines[0] = self._remainder + lines[0]
self._remainder = lines.pop(-1)
# Process each line
if not self._header:
if get_output_video_line(self._lines):
header = b"\n".join(self._lines)
self._header += header.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
elif self._lines:
self._lines = limit_lines_local(self._lines)
# Close the file when we're done
# See #61 and #69
except Exception:
def get_output_video_line(lines):
"""Get the line that defines the video stream that ffmpeg outputs,
and which we read.
in_output = False
for line in lines:
sline = line.lstrip()
if sline.startswith(b"Output "):
in_output = True
elif in_output:
if sline.startswith(b"Stream ") and b" Video:" in sline:
return line
def limit_lines(lines, N=32):
"""When number of lines > 2*N, reduce to N."""
if len(lines) > 2 * N:
lines = [b"... showing only last few lines ..."] + lines[-N:]
return lines
def cvsecs(*args):
"""converts a time to second. Either cvsecs(min, secs) or
cvsecs(hours, mins, secs).
if len(args) == 1:
return float(args[0])
elif len(args) == 2:
return 60 * float(args[0]) + float(args[1])
elif len(args) == 3:
return 3600 * float(args[0]) + 60 * float(args[1]) + float(args[2])
def parse_ffmpeg_header(text):
lines = text.splitlines()
meta = {}
# meta["header"] = text # Can enable this for debugging
# Get version
ver = lines[0].split("version", 1)[-1].split("Copyright")[0]
meta["ffmpeg_version"] = ver.strip() + " " + lines[1].strip()
# get the output line that speaks about video
videolines = [
l for l in lines if l.lstrip().startswith("Stream ") and " Video: " in l
# Codec and pix_fmt hint
line = videolines[0]
meta["codec"] = line.split("Video: ", 1)[-1].lstrip().split(" ", 1)[0].strip()
meta["pix_fmt"] = re.split(
# use a negative lookahead regexp to ignore commas that are contained
# within a parenthesis
# this helps consider a pix_fmt of the kind
# yuv420p(tv, progressive)
# as what it is, instead of erroneously reporting as
# yuv420p(tv
line.split("Video: ", 1)[-1],
# get the output line that speaks about audio
audiolines = [
l for l in lines if l.lstrip().startswith("Stream ") and " Audio: " in l
if len(audiolines) > 0:
audio_line = audiolines[0]
meta["audio_codec"] = (
audio_line.split("Audio: ", 1)[-1].lstrip().split(" ", 1)[0].strip()
# get the frame rate.
# matches can be empty, see #171, assume nframes = inf
# the regexp omits values of "1k tbr" which seems a specific edge-case #262
# it seems that tbr is generally to be preferred #262
fps = 0
for line in [videolines[0]]:
matches = re.findall(r" ([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*) (fps)", line)
if matches:
fps = float(matches[0][0].strip())
meta["fps"] = fps
# get the size of the original stream, of the form 460x320 (w x h)
line = videolines[0]
match =" [0-9]*x[0-9]*(,| )", line)
parts = line[match.start() : match.end() - 1].split("x")
meta["source_size"] = tuple(map(int, parts))
# get the size of what we receive, of the form 460x320 (w x h)
line = videolines[-1] # Pipe output
match =" [0-9]*x[0-9]*(,| )", line)
parts = line[match.start() : match.end() - 1].split("x")
meta["size"] = tuple(map(int, parts))
# Check the two sizes
if meta["source_size"] != meta["size"]:
"The frame size for reading {} is "
"different from the source frame size {}.".format(
meta["size"], meta["source_size"]
# get the rotate metadata
reo_rotate = re.compile(r"rotate\s+:\s([0-9]+)")
match =
rotate = 0
if match is not None:
rotate = match.groups()[0]
meta["rotate"] = int(rotate)
# get duration (in seconds)
line = [l for l in lines if "Duration: " in l][0]
match =" [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]", line)
duration = 0
if match is not None:
hms = line[match.start() + 1 : match.end()].split(":")
duration = cvsecs(*hms)
meta["duration"] = duration
return meta