
322 lines
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This module contains utils for manipulating target configurations such as
compiler flags.
import re
import zlib
import base64
from types import MappingProxyType
from numba.core import utils
class Option:
"""An option to be used in ``TargetConfig``.
__slots__ = "_type", "_default", "_doc"
def __init__(self, type, *, default, doc):
type :
Type of the option value. It can be a callable.
The setter always calls ``self._type(value)``.
default :
The default value for the option.
doc : str
Docstring for the option.
self._type = type
self._default = default
self._doc = doc
def type(self):
return self._type
def default(self):
return self._default
def doc(self):
return self._doc
class _FlagsStack(utils.ThreadLocalStack, stack_name="flags"):
class ConfigStack:
"""A stack for tracking target configurations in the compiler.
It stores the stack in a thread-local class attribute. All instances in the
same thread will see the same stack.
def top_or_none(cls):
"""Get the TOS or return None if no config is set.
self = cls()
if self:
flags =
# Note: should this be the default flag for the target instead?
flags = None
return flags
def __init__(self):
self._stk = _FlagsStack()
def top(self):
def __len__(self):
return len(self._stk)
def enter(self, flags):
"""Returns a contextmanager that performs ``push(flags)`` on enter and
``pop()`` on exit.
return self._stk.enter(flags)
class _MetaTargetConfig(type):
"""Metaclass for ``TargetConfig``.
When a subclass of ``TargetConfig`` is created, all ``Option`` defined
as class members will be parsed and corresponding getters, setters, and
delters will be inserted.
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
"""Invoked when subclass is created.
Insert properties for each ``Option`` that are class members.
All the options will be grouped inside the ``.options`` class
# Gather options from base classes and class dict
opts = {}
# Reversed scan into the base classes to follow MRO ordering such that
# the closest base class is overriding
for base_cls in reversed(bases):
# Store the options into class attribute as a ready-only mapping.
cls.options = MappingProxyType(opts)
# Make properties for each of the options
def make_prop(name, option):
def getter(self):
return self._values.get(name, option.default)
def setter(self, val):
self._values[name] = option.type(val)
def delter(self):
del self._values[name]
return property(getter, setter, delter, option.doc)
for name, option in cls.options.items():
setattr(cls, name, make_prop(name, option))
def find_options(cls, dct):
"""Returns a new dict with all the items that are a mapping to an
return {k: v for k, v in dct.items() if isinstance(v, Option)}
class _NotSetType:
def __repr__(self):
return "<NotSet>"
_NotSet = _NotSetType()
class TargetConfig(metaclass=_MetaTargetConfig):
"""Base class for ``TargetConfig``.
Subclass should fill class members with ``Option``. For example:
>>> class MyTargetConfig(TargetConfig):
>>> a_bool_option = Option(type=bool, default=False, doc="a bool")
>>> an_int_option = Option(type=int, default=0, doc="an int")
The metaclass will insert properties for each ``Option``. For example:
>>> tc = MyTargetConfig()
>>> tc.a_bool_option = True # invokes the setter
>>> print(tc.an_int_option) # print the default
# Used for compression in mangling.
# Set to -15 to disable the header and checksum for smallest output.
_ZLIB_CONFIG = {"wbits": -15}
def __init__(self, copy_from=None):
copy_from : TargetConfig or None
if None, creates an empty ``TargetConfig``.
Otherwise, creates a copy.
self._values = {}
if copy_from is not None:
assert isinstance(copy_from, TargetConfig)
def __repr__(self):
# NOTE: default options will be placed at the end and grouped inside
# a square bracket; i.e. [optname=optval, ...]
args = []
defs = []
for k in self.options:
msg = f"{k}={getattr(self, k)}"
if not self.is_set(k):
clsname = self.__class__.__name__
return f"{clsname}({', '.join(args)}, [{', '.join(defs)}])"
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self.values())))
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TargetConfig):
return self.values() == other.values()
return NotImplemented
def values(self):
"""Returns a dict of all the values
return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.options}
def is_set(self, name):
"""Is the option set?
return name in self._values
def discard(self, name):
"""Remove the option by name if it is defined.
After this, the value for the option will be set to its default value.
self._values.pop(name, None)
def inherit_if_not_set(self, name, default=_NotSet):
"""Inherit flag from ``ConfigStack``.
name : str
Option name.
default : optional
When given, it overrides the default value.
It is only used when the flag is not defined locally and there is
no entry in the ``ConfigStack``.
if not self.is_set(name):
cstk = ConfigStack()
if cstk:
# inherit
top =
setattr(self, name, getattr(top, name))
elif default is not _NotSet:
setattr(self, name, default)
def copy(self):
"""Clone this instance.
return type(self)(self)
def summary(self) -> str:
"""Returns a ``str`` that summarizes this instance.
In contrast to ``__repr__``, only options that are explicitly set will
be shown.
args = [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self._summary_args()]
clsname = self.__class__.__name__
return f"{clsname}({', '.join(args)})"
def _guard_option(self, name):
if name not in self.options:
msg = f"{name!r} is not a valid option for {type(self)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
def _summary_args(self):
"""returns a sorted sequence of 2-tuple containing the
``(flag_name, flag_value)`` for flag that are set with a non-default
args = []
for k in sorted(self.options):
opt = self.options[k]
if self.is_set(k):
flagval = getattr(self, k)
if opt.default != flagval:
v = (k, flagval)
return args
def _make_compression_dictionary(cls) -> bytes:
"""Returns a ``bytes`` object suitable for use as a dictionary for
buf = []
# include package name
# include class name
# include common values
buf.extend(["True", "False"])
# include all options name and their default value
for k, opt in cls.options.items():
return ''.join(buf).encode()
def get_mangle_string(self) -> str:
"""Return a string suitable for symbol mangling.
zdict = self._make_compression_dictionary()
comp = zlib.compressobj(zdict=zdict, level=zlib.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION,
# The mangled string is a compressed and base64 encoded version of the
# summary
buf = [comp.compress(self.summary().encode())]
return base64.b64encode(b''.join(buf)).decode()
def demangle(cls, mangled: str) -> str:
"""Returns the demangled result from ``.get_mangle_string()``
# unescape _XX sequence
def repl(x):
return chr(int('0x' +[1:], 16))
unescaped = re.sub(r"_[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]", repl, mangled)
# decode base64
raw = base64.b64decode(unescaped)
# decompress
zdict = cls._make_compression_dictionary()
dc = zlib.decompressobj(zdict=zdict, **cls._ZLIB_CONFIG)
buf = []
while raw:
raw = dc.unconsumed_tail
return b''.join(buf).decode()