1005 lines
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1005 lines
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from collections import namedtuple
import math
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import operator
import warnings
from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core.imputils import (lower_builtin, lower_getattr,
lower_getattr_generic, lower_cast,
lower_constant, iternext_impl,
call_getiter, call_iternext, impl_ret_borrowed,
impl_ret_untracked, numba_typeref_ctor)
from numba.core import typing, types, utils, cgutils
from numba.core.extending import overload, intrinsic
from numba.core.typeconv import Conversion
from numba.core.errors import (TypingError, LoweringError,
NumbaTypeError, RequireLiteralValue,
from numba.misc.special import literal_unroll
from numba.core.typing.asnumbatype import as_numba_type
def ol_truth(val):
if isinstance(val, types.Boolean):
def impl(val):
return val
return impl
@lower_builtin(operator.is_not, types.Any, types.Any)
def generic_is_not(context, builder, sig, args):
Implement `x is not y` as `not (x is y)`.
is_impl = context.get_function(operator.is_, sig)
return builder.not_(is_impl(builder, args))
@lower_builtin(operator.is_, types.Any, types.Any)
def generic_is(context, builder, sig, args):
Default implementation for `x is y`
lhs_type, rhs_type = sig.args
# the lhs and rhs have the same type
if lhs_type == rhs_type:
# mutable types
if lhs_type.mutable:
msg = 'no default `is` implementation'
raise LoweringError(msg)
# immutable types
# fallbacks to `==`
eq_impl = context.get_function(operator.eq, sig)
except NotImplementedError:
# no `==` implemented for this type
return cgutils.false_bit
return eq_impl(builder, args)
return cgutils.false_bit
@lower_builtin(operator.is_, types.Opaque, types.Opaque)
def opaque_is(context, builder, sig, args):
Implementation for `x is y` for Opaque types.
lhs_type, rhs_type = sig.args
# the lhs and rhs have the same type
if lhs_type == rhs_type:
lhs_ptr = builder.ptrtoint(args[0], cgutils.intp_t)
rhs_ptr = builder.ptrtoint(args[1], cgutils.intp_t)
return builder.icmp_unsigned('==', lhs_ptr, rhs_ptr)
return cgutils.false_bit
@lower_builtin(operator.is_, types.Boolean, types.Boolean)
def bool_is_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
Implementation for `x is y` for types derived from types.Boolean
(e.g. BooleanLiteral), and cross-checks between literal and non-literal
booleans, to satisfy Python's behavior preserving identity for bools.
arg1, arg2 = args
arg1_type, arg2_type = sig.args
_arg1 = context.cast(builder, arg1, arg1_type, types.boolean)
_arg2 = context.cast(builder, arg2, arg2_type, types.boolean)
eq_impl = context.get_function(
typing.signature(types.boolean, types.boolean, types.boolean)
return eq_impl(builder, (_arg1, _arg2))
# keep types.IntegerLiteral, as otherwise there's ambiguity between this and int_eq_impl
@lower_builtin(operator.eq, types.Literal, types.Literal)
@lower_builtin(operator.eq, types.IntegerLiteral, types.IntegerLiteral)
def const_eq_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
arg1, arg2 = sig.args
val = 0
if arg1.literal_value == arg2.literal_value:
val = 1
res = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(1), val)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# keep types.IntegerLiteral, as otherwise there's ambiguity between this and int_ne_impl
@lower_builtin(operator.ne, types.Literal, types.Literal)
@lower_builtin(operator.ne, types.IntegerLiteral, types.IntegerLiteral)
def const_ne_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
arg1, arg2 = sig.args
val = 0
if arg1.literal_value != arg2.literal_value:
val = 1
res = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(1), val)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
def gen_non_eq(val):
def none_equality(a, b):
a_none = isinstance(a, types.NoneType)
b_none = isinstance(b, types.NoneType)
if a_none and b_none:
def impl(a, b):
return val
return impl
elif a_none ^ b_none:
def impl(a, b):
return not val
return impl
return none_equality
def deferred_getattr(context, builder, typ, value, attr):
Deferred.__getattr__ => redirect to the actual type.
inner_type = typ.get()
val = context.cast(builder, value, typ, inner_type)
imp = context.get_getattr(inner_type, attr)
return imp(context, builder, inner_type, val, attr)
@lower_cast(types.Any, types.DeferredType)
@lower_cast(types.Optional, types.DeferredType)
@lower_cast(types.Boolean, types.DeferredType)
def any_to_deferred(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
actual = context.cast(builder, val, fromty, toty.get())
model = context.data_model_manager[toty]
return model.set(builder, model.make_uninitialized(), actual)
@lower_cast(types.DeferredType, types.Any)
@lower_cast(types.DeferredType, types.Boolean)
@lower_cast(types.DeferredType, types.Optional)
def deferred_to_any(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
model = context.data_model_manager[fromty]
val = model.get(builder, val)
return context.cast(builder, val, fromty.get(), toty)
@lower_builtin(operator.getitem, types.CPointer, types.Integer)
def getitem_cpointer(context, builder, sig, args):
base_ptr, idx = args
elem_ptr = builder.gep(base_ptr, [idx])
res = builder.load(elem_ptr)
return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.setitem, types.CPointer, types.Integer, types.Any)
def setitem_cpointer(context, builder, sig, args):
base_ptr, idx, val = args
elem_ptr = builder.gep(base_ptr, [idx])
builder.store(val, elem_ptr)
def do_minmax(context, builder, argtys, args, cmpop):
assert len(argtys) == len(args), (argtys, args)
assert len(args) > 0
def binary_minmax(accumulator, value):
# This is careful to reproduce Python's algorithm, e.g.
# max(1.5, nan, 2.5) should return 2.5 (not nan or 1.5)
accty, acc = accumulator
vty, v = value
ty = context.typing_context.unify_types(accty, vty)
assert ty is not None
acc = context.cast(builder, acc, accty, ty)
v = context.cast(builder, v, vty, ty)
cmpsig = typing.signature(types.boolean, ty, ty)
ge = context.get_function(cmpop, cmpsig)
pred = ge(builder, (v, acc))
res = builder.select(pred, v, acc)
return ty, res
typvals = zip(argtys, args)
resty, resval = reduce(binary_minmax, typvals)
return resval
@lower_builtin(max, types.BaseTuple)
def max_iterable(context, builder, sig, args):
argtys = list(sig.args[0])
args = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, args[0])
return do_minmax(context, builder, argtys, args, operator.gt)
@lower_builtin(max, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def max_vararg(context, builder, sig, args):
return do_minmax(context, builder, sig.args, args, operator.gt)
@lower_builtin(min, types.BaseTuple)
def min_iterable(context, builder, sig, args):
argtys = list(sig.args[0])
args = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, args[0])
return do_minmax(context, builder, argtys, args, operator.lt)
@lower_builtin(min, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def min_vararg(context, builder, sig, args):
return do_minmax(context, builder, sig.args, args, operator.lt)
def _round_intrinsic(tp):
# round() rounds half to even
return "llvm.rint.f%d" % (tp.bitwidth,)
@lower_builtin(round, types.Float)
def round_impl_unary(context, builder, sig, args):
fltty = sig.args[0]
llty = context.get_value_type(fltty)
module = builder.module
fnty = ir.FunctionType(llty, [llty])
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(module, fnty, _round_intrinsic(fltty))
res = builder.call(fn, args)
# unary round() returns an int
res = builder.fptosi(res, context.get_value_type(sig.return_type))
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(round, types.Float, types.Integer)
def round_impl_binary(context, builder, sig, args):
fltty = sig.args[0]
# Allow calling the intrinsic from the Python implementation below.
# This avoids the conversion to an int in Python 3's unary round().
_round = types.ExternalFunction(
_round_intrinsic(fltty), typing.signature(fltty, fltty))
def round_ndigits(x, ndigits):
if math.isinf(x) or math.isnan(x):
return x
if ndigits >= 0:
if ndigits > 22:
# pow1 and pow2 are each safe from overflow, but
# pow1*pow2 ~= pow(10.0, ndigits) might overflow.
pow1 = 10.0 ** (ndigits - 22)
pow2 = 1e22
pow1 = 10.0 ** ndigits
pow2 = 1.0
y = (x * pow1) * pow2
if math.isinf(y):
return x
return (_round(y) / pow2) / pow1
pow1 = 10.0 ** (-ndigits)
y = x / pow1
return _round(y) * pow1
res = context.compile_internal(builder, round_ndigits, sig, args)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# Numeric constructors
@lower_builtin(int, types.Any)
@lower_builtin(float, types.Any)
def int_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
[ty] = sig.args
[val] = args
res = context.cast(builder, val, ty, sig.return_type)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(complex, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def complex_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
complex_type = sig.return_type
float_type = complex_type.underlying_float
if len(sig.args) == 1:
[argty] = sig.args
[arg] = args
if isinstance(argty, types.Complex):
# Cast Complex* to Complex*
res = context.cast(builder, arg, argty, complex_type)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
real = context.cast(builder, arg, argty, float_type)
imag = context.get_constant(float_type, 0)
elif len(sig.args) == 2:
[realty, imagty] = sig.args
[real, imag] = args
real = context.cast(builder, real, realty, float_type)
imag = context.cast(builder, imag, imagty, float_type)
cmplx = context.make_complex(builder, complex_type)
cmplx.real = real
cmplx.imag = imag
res = cmplx._getvalue()
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(types.NumberClass, types.Any)
def number_constructor(context, builder, sig, args):
Call a number class, e.g. np.int32(...)
if isinstance(sig.return_type, types.Array):
# Array constructor
dt = sig.return_type.dtype
def foo(*arg_hack):
return np.array(arg_hack, dtype=dt)
res = context.compile_internal(builder, foo, sig, args)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# Scalar constructor
[val] = args
[valty] = sig.args
return context.cast(builder, val, valty, sig.return_type)
# Constants
def constant_dummy(context, builder, ty, pyval):
# This handles None, etc.
return context.get_dummy_value()
def constant_function_pointer(context, builder, ty, pyval):
ptrty = context.get_function_pointer_type(ty)
ptrval = context.add_dynamic_addr(builder, ty.get_pointer(pyval),
return builder.bitcast(ptrval, ptrty)
def constant_optional(context, builder, ty, pyval):
if pyval is None:
return context.make_optional_none(builder, ty.type)
return context.make_optional_value(builder, ty.type, pyval)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@lower_builtin(type, types.Any)
def type_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
One-argument type() builtin.
return context.get_dummy_value()
@lower_builtin(iter, types.IterableType)
def iter_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
ty, = sig.args
val, = args
iterval = call_getiter(context, builder, ty, val)
return iterval
@lower_builtin(next, types.IteratorType)
def next_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
iterty, = sig.args
iterval, = args
res = call_iternext(context, builder, iterty, iterval)
with builder.if_then(builder.not_(res.is_valid()), likely=False):
context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, StopIteration, ())
return res.yielded_value()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@lower_builtin("not in", types.Any, types.Any)
def not_in(context, builder, sig, args):
def in_impl(a, b):
return operator.contains(b, a)
res = context.compile_internal(builder, in_impl, sig, args)
return builder.not_(res)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@lower_builtin(len, types.ConstSized)
def constsized_len(context, builder, sig, args):
[ty] = sig.args
retty = sig.return_type
res = context.get_constant(retty, len(ty.types))
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(bool, types.Sized)
def sized_bool(context, builder, sig, args):
[ty] = sig.args
if len(ty):
return cgutils.true_bit
return cgutils.false_bit
def lower_empty_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
retty = sig.return_type
res = context.get_constant_undef(retty)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(tuple, types.BaseTuple)
def lower_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
val, = args
return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, val)
def bool_sequence(x):
valid_types = (
if isinstance(x, valid_types):
def bool_impl(x):
return len(x) > 0
return bool_impl
@overload(bool, inline='always')
def bool_none(x):
if isinstance(x, types.NoneType) or x is None:
return lambda x: False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_type_max_value(typ):
if isinstance(typ, types.Float):
return np.inf
if isinstance(typ, types.Integer):
return typ.maxval
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported type")
def get_type_min_value(typ):
if isinstance(typ, types.Float):
return -np.inf
if isinstance(typ, types.Integer):
return typ.minval
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported type")
@lower_builtin(get_type_min_value, types.NumberClass)
@lower_builtin(get_type_min_value, types.DType)
def lower_get_type_min_value(context, builder, sig, args):
typ = sig.args[0].dtype
if isinstance(typ, types.Integer):
bw = typ.bitwidth
lty = ir.IntType(bw)
val = typ.minval
res = ir.Constant(lty, val)
elif isinstance(typ, types.Float):
bw = typ.bitwidth
if bw == 32:
lty = ir.FloatType()
elif bw == 64:
lty = ir.DoubleType()
raise NotImplementedError("llvmlite only supports 32 and 64 bit floats")
npty = getattr(np, 'float{}'.format(bw))
res = ir.Constant(lty, -np.inf)
elif isinstance(typ, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)):
bw = 64
lty = ir.IntType(bw)
val = types.int64.minval + 1 # minval is NaT, so minval + 1 is the smallest value
res = ir.Constant(lty, val)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, lty, res)
@lower_builtin(get_type_max_value, types.NumberClass)
@lower_builtin(get_type_max_value, types.DType)
def lower_get_type_max_value(context, builder, sig, args):
typ = sig.args[0].dtype
if isinstance(typ, types.Integer):
bw = typ.bitwidth
lty = ir.IntType(bw)
val = typ.maxval
res = ir.Constant(lty, val)
elif isinstance(typ, types.Float):
bw = typ.bitwidth
if bw == 32:
lty = ir.FloatType()
elif bw == 64:
lty = ir.DoubleType()
raise NotImplementedError("llvmlite only supports 32 and 64 bit floats")
npty = getattr(np, 'float{}'.format(bw))
res = ir.Constant(lty, np.inf)
elif isinstance(typ, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)):
bw = 64
lty = ir.IntType(bw)
val = types.int64.maxval
res = ir.Constant(lty, val)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, lty, res)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numba.core.typing.builtins import IndexValue, IndexValueType
from numba.extending import overload, register_jitable
@lower_builtin(IndexValue, types.intp, types.Type)
@lower_builtin(IndexValue, types.uintp, types.Type)
def impl_index_value(context, builder, sig, args):
typ = sig.return_type
index, value = args
index_value = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder)
index_value.index = index
index_value.value = value
return index_value._getvalue()
def indval_min(indval1, indval2):
if isinstance(indval1, IndexValueType) and \
isinstance(indval2, IndexValueType):
def min_impl(indval1, indval2):
if np.isnan(indval1.value):
if np.isnan(indval2.value):
# both indval1 and indval2 are nans so order by index
if indval1.index < indval2.index:
return indval1
return indval2
# comparing against one nan always considered less
return indval1
elif np.isnan(indval2.value):
# indval1 not a nan but indval2 is so consider indval2 less
return indval2
elif indval1.value > indval2.value:
return indval2
elif indval1.value == indval2.value:
if indval1.index < indval2.index:
return indval1
return indval2
return indval1
return min_impl
def boolval_min(val1, val2):
if isinstance(val1, types.Boolean) and \
isinstance(val2, types.Boolean):
def bool_min_impl(val1, val2):
return val1 and val2
return bool_min_impl
def indval_max(indval1, indval2):
if isinstance(indval1, IndexValueType) and \
isinstance(indval2, IndexValueType):
def max_impl(indval1, indval2):
if np.isnan(indval1.value):
if np.isnan(indval2.value):
# both indval1 and indval2 are nans so order by index
if indval1.index < indval2.index:
return indval1
return indval2
# comparing against one nan always considered larger
return indval1
elif np.isnan(indval2.value):
# indval1 not a nan but indval2 is so consider indval2 larger
return indval2
elif indval2.value > indval1.value:
return indval2
elif indval1.value == indval2.value:
if indval1.index < indval2.index:
return indval1
return indval2
return indval1
return max_impl
def boolval_max(val1, val2):
if isinstance(val1, types.Boolean) and \
isinstance(val2, types.Boolean):
def bool_max_impl(val1, val2):
return val1 or val2
return bool_max_impl
greater_than = register_jitable(lambda a, b: a > b)
less_than = register_jitable(lambda a, b: a < b)
def min_max_impl(iterable, op):
if isinstance(iterable, types.IterableType):
def impl(iterable):
it = iter(iterable)
return_val = next(it)
for val in it:
if op(val, return_val):
return_val = val
return return_val
return impl
def iterable_min(iterable):
return min_max_impl(iterable, less_than)
def iterable_max(iterable):
return min_max_impl(iterable, greater_than)
@lower_builtin(types.TypeRef, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def redirect_type_ctor(context, builder, sig, args):
"""Redirect constructor implementation to `numba_typeref_ctor(cls, *args)`,
which should be overloaded by the type's implementation.
For example:
d = Dict()
`d` will be typed as `TypeRef[DictType]()`. Thus, it will call into this
implementation. We need to redirect the lowering to a function
named ``numba_typeref_ctor``.
cls = sig.return_type
def call_ctor(cls, *args):
return numba_typeref_ctor(cls, *args)
# Pack arguments into a tuple for `*args`
ctor_args = types.Tuple.from_types(sig.args)
# Make signature T(TypeRef[T], *args) where T is cls
sig = typing.signature(cls, types.TypeRef(cls), ctor_args)
if len(ctor_args) > 0:
args = (context.get_dummy_value(), # Type object has no runtime repr.
context.make_tuple(builder, ctor_args, args))
args = (context.get_dummy_value(), # Type object has no runtime repr.
context.make_tuple(builder, ctor_args, ()))
return context.compile_internal(builder, call_ctor, sig, args)
def ol_sum(iterable, start=0):
# Cpython explicitly rejects strings, bytes and bytearrays
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.9/Python/bltinmodule.c#L2310-L2329 # noqa: E501
error = None
if isinstance(start, types.UnicodeType):
error = ('strings', '')
elif isinstance(start, types.Bytes):
error = ('bytes', 'b')
elif isinstance(start, types.ByteArray):
error = ('bytearray', 'b')
if error is not None:
msg = "sum() can't sum {} [use {}''.join(seq) instead]".format(*error)
raise TypingError(msg)
# if the container is homogeneous then it's relatively easy to handle.
if isinstance(iterable, (types.containers._HomogeneousTuple, types.List,
types.ListType, types.Array, types.RangeType)):
iterator = iter
elif isinstance(iterable, (types.containers._HeterogeneousTuple)):
# if container is heterogeneous then literal unroll and hope for the
# best.
iterator = literal_unroll
return None
def impl(iterable, start=0):
acc = start
for x in iterator(iterable):
# This most likely widens the type, this is expected Numba behaviour
acc = acc + x
return acc
return impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# map, filter, reduce
def ol_map(func, iterable, *args):
def impl(func, iterable, *args):
for x in zip(iterable, *args):
yield func(*x)
return impl
def ol_filter(func, iterable):
if (func is None) or isinstance(func, types.NoneType):
def impl(func, iterable):
for x in iterable:
if x:
yield x
def impl(func, iterable):
for x in iterable:
if func(x):
yield x
return impl
def ol_isinstance(var, typs):
def true_impl(var, typs):
return True
def false_impl(var, typs):
return False
var_ty = as_numba_type(var)
if isinstance(var_ty, types.Optional):
msg = f'isinstance cannot handle optional types. Found: "{var_ty}"'
raise NumbaTypeError(msg)
# NOTE: The current implementation of `isinstance` restricts the type of the
# instance variable to types that are well known and in common use. The
# danger of unrestricted type comparison is that a "default" of `False` is
# required and this means that if there is a bug in the logic of the
# comparison tree `isinstance` returns False! It's therefore safer to just
# reject the compilation as untypable!
supported_var_ty = (types.Number, types.Bytes, types.RangeType,
types.DictType, types.LiteralStrKeyDict, types.List,
types.ListType, types.Tuple, types.UniTuple, types.Set,
types.Function, types.ClassType, types.UnicodeType,
types.ClassInstanceType, types.NoneType, types.Array,
types.Boolean, types.Float, types.UnicodeCharSeq,
if not isinstance(var_ty, supported_var_ty):
msg = f'isinstance() does not support variables of type "{var_ty}".'
raise NumbaTypeError(msg)
t_typs = typs
# Check the types that the var can be an instance of, it'll be a scalar,
# a unituple or a tuple.
if isinstance(t_typs, types.UniTuple):
# corner case - all types in isinstance are the same
t_typs = (t_typs.key[0])
if not isinstance(t_typs, types.Tuple):
t_typs = (t_typs, )
for typ in t_typs:
if isinstance(typ, types.Function):
key = typ.key[0] # functions like int(..), float(..), str(..)
elif isinstance(typ, types.ClassType):
key = typ # jitclasses
key = typ.key
# corner cases for bytes, range, ...
# avoid registering those types on `as_numba_type`
types_not_registered = {
bytes: types.Bytes,
range: types.RangeType,
dict: (types.DictType, types.LiteralStrKeyDict),
list: types.List,
tuple: types.BaseTuple,
set: types.Set,
if key in types_not_registered:
if isinstance(var_ty, types_not_registered[key]):
return true_impl
if isinstance(typ, types.TypeRef):
# Use of Numba type classes is in general not supported as they do
# not work when the jit is disabled.
if key not in (types.ListType, types.DictType):
msg = ("Numba type classes (except numba.typed.* container "
"types) are not supported.")
raise NumbaTypeError(msg)
# Case for TypeRef (i.e. isinstance(var, typed.List))
# var_ty == ListType[int64] (instance)
# typ == types.ListType (class)
return true_impl if type(var_ty) is key else false_impl
numba_typ = as_numba_type(key)
if var_ty == numba_typ:
return true_impl
elif isinstance(numba_typ, types.ClassType) and \
isinstance(var_ty, types.ClassInstanceType) and \
var_ty.key == numba_typ.instance_type.key:
# check for jitclasses
return true_impl
elif isinstance(numba_typ, types.Container) and \
numba_typ.key[0] == types.undefined:
# check for containers (list, tuple, set, ...)
if isinstance(var_ty, numba_typ.__class__) or \
(isinstance(var_ty, types.BaseTuple) and \
isinstance(numba_typ, types.BaseTuple)):
return true_impl
return false_impl
# -- getattr implementation
def _getattr_raise_attr_exc(obj, name):
# Dummy function for the purpose of creating an overloadable stub from
# which to raise an AttributeError as needed
def ol__getattr_raise_attr_exc(obj, name):
if not isinstance(name, types.StringLiteral):
raise RequireLiteralValue("argument 'name' must be a literal string")
lname = name.literal_value
message = f"'{obj}' has no attribute '{lname}'"
def impl(obj, name):
raise AttributeError(message)
return impl
def resolve_getattr(tyctx, obj, name, default):
if not isinstance(name, types.StringLiteral):
raise RequireLiteralValue("argument 'name' must be a literal string")
lname = name.literal_value
fn = tyctx.resolve_getattr(obj, lname)
# Cannot handle things like `getattr(np, 'cos')` as the return type is
# types.Function.
if isinstance(fn, types.Function):
msg = ("Returning function objects is not implemented. "
f"getattr() was requested to return {fn} from attribute "
f"'{lname}' of {obj}.")
raise TypingError(msg)
if fn is None: # No attribute
# if default is not _getattr_default then return the default
if not (isinstance(default, types.NamedTuple) and
default.instance_class == _getattr_default_type):
# it's not the marker default value, so return it
sig = default(obj, name, default)
def impl(cgctx, builder, sig, llargs):
tmp = llargs[-1]
cgctx.nrt.incref(builder, default, tmp)
return tmp
# else wire in raising an AttributeError
fnty = tyctx.resolve_value_type(_getattr_raise_attr_exc)
raise_sig = fnty.get_call_type(tyctx, (obj, name), {})
sig = types.none(obj, name, default)
def impl(cgctx, builder, sig, llargs):
native_impl = cgctx.get_function(fnty, raise_sig)
return native_impl(builder, llargs[:-1])
else: # Attribute present, wire in handing it back to the overload(getattr)
sig = fn(obj, name, default)
if isinstance(fn, types.BoundFunction):
# It's a method on an object
def impl(cgctx, builder, sig, ll_args):
cast_type = fn.this
casted = cgctx.cast(builder, ll_args[0], obj, cast_type)
res = cgctx.get_bound_function(builder, casted, cast_type)
cgctx.nrt.incref(builder, fn, res)
return res
# Else it's some other type of attribute.
# Ensure typing calls occur at typing time, not at lowering
attrty = tyctx.resolve_getattr(obj, lname)
def impl(cgctx, builder, sig, ll_args):
attr_impl = cgctx.get_getattr(obj, lname)
res = attr_impl(cgctx, builder, obj, ll_args[0], lname)
casted = cgctx.cast(builder, res, attrty, fn)
cgctx.nrt.incref(builder, fn, casted)
return casted
return sig, impl
# These are marker objects to indicate "no default has been provided" in a call
_getattr_default_type = namedtuple('_getattr_default_type', '')
_getattr_default = _getattr_default_type()
# getattr with no default arg, obj is an open type and name is forced as a
# literal string. The _getattr_default marker is used to indicate "no default
# was provided".
@overload(getattr, prefer_literal=True)
def ol_getattr_2(obj, name):
def impl(obj, name):
return resolve_getattr(obj, name, _getattr_default)
return impl
# getattr with default arg present, obj is an open type, name is forced as a
# literal string, the "default" is again an open type. Note that the CPython
# definition is: `getattr(object, name[, default]) -> value`, the `default`
# is not a kwarg.
def ol_getattr_3(obj, name, default):
def impl(obj, name, default):
return resolve_getattr(obj, name, default)
return impl
def resolve_hasattr(tyctx, obj, name):
if not isinstance(name, types.StringLiteral):
raise RequireLiteralValue("argument 'name' must be a literal string")
lname = name.literal_value
fn = tyctx.resolve_getattr(obj, lname)
# Whilst technically the return type could be a types.bool_, the literal
# value is resolvable at typing time. Propagating this literal information
# into the type system allows the compiler to prune branches based on a
# hasattr predicate. As a result the signature is based on literals. This is
# "safe" because the overload requires a literal string so each will be a
# different variant of (obj, literal(name)) -> literal(bool).
if fn is None:
retty = types.literal(False)
retty = types.literal(True)
sig = retty(obj, name)
def impl(cgctx, builder, sig, ll_args):
return cgutils.false_bit if fn is None else cgutils.true_bit
return sig, impl
# hasattr cannot be implemented as a getattr call and then catching
# AttributeError because Numba doesn't support catching anything other than
# "Exception", so lacks the specificity required. Instead this implementation
# tries to resolve the attribute via typing information and returns True/False
# based on that.
def ol_hasattr(obj, name):
def impl(obj, name):
return resolve_hasattr(obj, name)
return impl
def ol_repr_generic(obj):
missing_repr_format = f"<object type:{obj}>"
def impl(obj):
attr = '__repr__'
if hasattr(obj, attr) == True:
return getattr(obj, attr)()
# There's no __str__ or __repr__ defined for this object, return
# something generic
return missing_repr_format
return impl
def ol_str_generic(object=''):
def impl(object=""):
attr = '__str__'
if hasattr(object, attr) == True:
return getattr(object, attr)()
return repr(object)
return impl