303 lines
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303 lines
9.2 KiB
Implement slices and various slice computations.
from itertools import zip_longest
from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core import cgutils, types, typing, utils
from numba.core.imputils import (impl_ret_borrowed, impl_ret_new_ref,
impl_ret_untracked, iternext_impl,
lower_builtin, lower_cast, lower_constant,
def fix_index(builder, idx, size):
Fix negative index by adding *size* to it. Positive
indices are left untouched.
is_negative = builder.icmp_signed('<', idx, ir.Constant(size.type, 0))
wrapped_index = builder.add(idx, size)
return builder.select(is_negative, wrapped_index, idx)
def fix_slice(builder, slice, size):
Fix *slice* start and stop to be valid (inclusive and exclusive, resp)
indexing bounds for a sequence of the given *size*.
# See PySlice_GetIndicesEx()
zero = ir.Constant(size.type, 0)
minus_one = ir.Constant(size.type, -1)
def fix_bound(bound_name, lower_repl, upper_repl):
bound = getattr(slice, bound_name)
bound = fix_index(builder, bound, size)
# Store value
setattr(slice, bound_name, bound)
# Still negative? => clamp to lower_repl
underflow = builder.icmp_signed('<', bound, zero)
with builder.if_then(underflow, likely=False):
setattr(slice, bound_name, lower_repl)
# Greater than size? => clamp to upper_repl
overflow = builder.icmp_signed('>=', bound, size)
with builder.if_then(overflow, likely=False):
setattr(slice, bound_name, upper_repl)
with builder.if_else(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, slice.step)) as (if_neg_step, if_pos_step):
with if_pos_step:
# < 0 => 0; >= size => size
fix_bound('start', zero, size)
fix_bound('stop', zero, size)
with if_neg_step:
# < 0 => -1; >= size => size - 1
lower = minus_one
upper = builder.add(size, minus_one)
fix_bound('start', lower, upper)
fix_bound('stop', lower, upper)
def get_slice_length(builder, slicestruct):
Given a slice, compute the number of indices it spans, i.e. the
number of iterations that for_range_slice() will execute.
assert step != 0
if step > 0:
if stop <= start:
return 0
return (stop - start - 1) // step + 1
if stop >= start:
return 0
return (stop - start + 1) // step + 1
(see PySlice_GetIndicesEx() in CPython)
start = slicestruct.start
stop = slicestruct.stop
step = slicestruct.step
one = ir.Constant(start.type, 1)
zero = ir.Constant(start.type, 0)
is_step_negative = cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, step)
delta = builder.sub(stop, start)
# Nominal case
pos_dividend = builder.sub(delta, one)
neg_dividend = builder.add(delta, one)
dividend = builder.select(is_step_negative, neg_dividend, pos_dividend)
nominal_length = builder.add(one, builder.sdiv(dividend, step))
# Catch zero length
is_zero_length = builder.select(is_step_negative,
builder.icmp_signed('>=', delta, zero),
builder.icmp_signed('<=', delta, zero))
# Clamp to 0 if is_zero_length
return builder.select(is_zero_length, zero, nominal_length)
def get_slice_bounds(builder, slicestruct):
Return the [lower, upper) indexing bounds of a slice.
start = slicestruct.start
stop = slicestruct.stop
zero = start.type(0)
one = start.type(1)
# This is a bit pessimal, e.g. it will return [1, 5) instead
# of [1, 4) for `1:5:2`
is_step_negative = builder.icmp_signed('<', slicestruct.step, zero)
lower = builder.select(is_step_negative,
builder.add(stop, one), start)
upper = builder.select(is_step_negative,
builder.add(start, one), stop)
return lower, upper
def fix_stride(builder, slice, stride):
Fix the given stride for the slice's step.
return builder.mul(slice.step, stride)
def guard_invalid_slice(context, builder, typ, slicestruct):
Guard against *slicestruct* having a zero step (and raise ValueError).
if typ.has_step:
cgutils.guard_null(context, builder, slicestruct.step,
(ValueError, "slice step cannot be zero"))
def get_defaults(context):
Get the default values for a slice's members:
(start for positive step, start for negative step,
stop for positive step, stop for negative step, step)
maxint = (1 << (context.address_size - 1)) - 1
return (0, maxint, maxint, - maxint - 1, 1)
# The slice structure
@lower_builtin(slice, types.VarArg(types.Any))
def slice_constructor_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
) = [context.get_constant(types.intp, x) for x in get_defaults(context)]
slice_args = [None] * 3
# Fetch non-None arguments
if len(args) == 1 and sig.args[0] is not types.none:
slice_args[1] = args[0]
for i, (ty, val) in enumerate(zip(sig.args, args)):
if ty is not types.none:
slice_args[i] = val
# Fill omitted arguments
def get_arg_value(i, default):
val = slice_args[i]
if val is None:
return default
return val
step = get_arg_value(2, default_step)
is_step_negative = builder.icmp_signed('<', step,
context.get_constant(types.intp, 0))
default_stop = builder.select(is_step_negative,
default_stop_neg, default_stop_pos)
default_start = builder.select(is_step_negative,
default_start_neg, default_start_pos)
stop = get_arg_value(1, default_stop)
start = get_arg_value(0, default_start)
ty = sig.return_type
sli = context.make_helper(builder, sig.return_type)
sli.start = start
sli.stop = stop
sli.step = step
res = sli._getvalue()
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_getattr(types.SliceType, "start")
def slice_start_impl(context, builder, typ, value):
sli = context.make_helper(builder, typ, value)
return sli.start
@lower_getattr(types.SliceType, "stop")
def slice_stop_impl(context, builder, typ, value):
sli = context.make_helper(builder, typ, value)
return sli.stop
@lower_getattr(types.SliceType, "step")
def slice_step_impl(context, builder, typ, value):
if typ.has_step:
sli = context.make_helper(builder, typ, value)
return sli.step
return context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)
@lower_builtin("slice.indices", types.SliceType, types.Integer)
def slice_indices(context, builder, sig, args):
length = args[1]
sli = context.make_helper(builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
with builder.if_then(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, length), likely=False):
builder, ValueError,
("length should not be negative",)
with builder.if_then(cgutils.is_scalar_zero(builder, sli.step), likely=False):
builder, ValueError,
("slice step cannot be zero",)
fix_slice(builder, sli, length)
return context.make_tuple(
(sli.start, sli.stop, sli.step)
def make_slice_from_constant(context, builder, ty, pyval):
sli = context.make_helper(builder, ty)
lty = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
) = [context.get_constant(types.intp, x) for x in get_defaults(context)]
step = pyval.step
if step is None:
step_is_neg = False
step = default_step
step_is_neg = step < 0
step = lty(step)
start = pyval.start
if start is None:
if step_is_neg:
start = default_start_neg
start = default_start_pos
start = lty(start)
stop = pyval.stop
if stop is None:
if step_is_neg:
stop = default_stop_neg
stop = default_stop_pos
stop = lty(stop)
sli.start = start
sli.stop = stop
sli.step = step
return sli._getvalue()
def constant_slice(context, builder, ty, pyval):
if isinstance(ty, types.Literal):
typ = ty.literal_type
typ = ty
return make_slice_from_constant(context, builder, typ, pyval)
@lower_cast(types.misc.SliceLiteral, types.SliceType)
def cast_from_literal(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
return make_slice_from_constant(
context, builder, toty, fromty.literal_value,