307 lines
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307 lines
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Implementation of a minimal Pandas-like API.
import numpy as np
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from numba.core.datamodel import models
from numba.core.extending import (
typeof_impl, type_callable, register_model,
lower_builtin, box, unbox, NativeValue,
overload, overload_attribute, overload_method, make_attribute_wrapper)
from numba.core.imputils import impl_ret_borrowed
class Index(object):
A minimal pandas.Index-like object.
def __init__(self, data):
assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
assert data.ndim == 1
self._data = data
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def dtype(self):
return self._data.dtype
def flags(self):
return self._data.flags
class IndexType(types.Buffer):
The type class for Index objects.
array_priority = 1000
def __init__(self, dtype, layout, pyclass):
self.pyclass = pyclass
super(IndexType, self).__init__(dtype, 1, layout)
def key(self):
return self.pyclass, self.dtype, self.layout
def as_array(self):
return types.Array(self.dtype, 1, self.layout)
def copy(self, dtype=None, ndim=1, layout=None):
assert ndim == 1
if dtype is None:
dtype = self.dtype
layout = layout or self.layout
return type(self)(dtype, layout, self.pyclass)
class Series(object):
A minimal pandas.Series-like object.
def __init__(self, data, index):
assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(index, Index)
assert data.ndim == 1
self._values = data
self._index = index
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._values)
def dtype(self):
return self._values.dtype
def flags(self):
return self._values.flags
class SeriesType(types.ArrayCompatible):
The type class for Series objects.
array_priority = 1000
def __init__(self, dtype, index):
assert isinstance(index, IndexType)
self.dtype = dtype
self.index = index
self.values = types.Array(self.dtype, 1, 'C')
name = "series(%s, %s)" % (dtype, index)
super(SeriesType, self).__init__(name)
def key(self):
return self.dtype, self.index
def as_array(self):
return self.values
def copy(self, dtype=None, ndim=1, layout='C'):
assert ndim == 1
assert layout == 'C'
if dtype is None:
dtype = self.dtype
return type(self)(dtype, self.index)
def typeof_index(val, c):
arrty = typeof_impl(val._data, c)
assert arrty.ndim == 1
return IndexType(arrty.dtype, arrty.layout, type(val))
def typeof_series(val, c):
index = typeof_impl(val._index, c)
arrty = typeof_impl(val._values, c)
assert arrty.ndim == 1
assert arrty.layout == 'C'
return SeriesType(arrty.dtype, index)
def type_array_wrap(context):
def typer(input_type, result):
if isinstance(input_type, (IndexType, SeriesType)):
return input_type.copy(dtype=result.dtype,
return typer
def type_series_constructor(context):
def typer(data, index):
if isinstance(index, IndexType) and isinstance(data, types.Array):
assert data.layout == 'C'
assert data.ndim == 1
return SeriesType(data.dtype, index)
return typer
# Backend extensions for Index and Series
class IndexModel(models.StructModel):
def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
members = [('data', fe_type.as_array)]
models.StructModel.__init__(self, dmm, fe_type, members)
class SeriesModel(models.StructModel):
def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
members = [
('index', fe_type.index),
('values', fe_type.as_array),
models.StructModel.__init__(self, dmm, fe_type, members)
make_attribute_wrapper(IndexType, 'data', '_data')
make_attribute_wrapper(SeriesType, 'index', '_index')
make_attribute_wrapper(SeriesType, 'values', '_values')
def make_index(context, builder, typ, **kwargs):
return cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder, **kwargs)
def make_series(context, builder, typ, **kwargs):
return cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder, **kwargs)
@lower_builtin('__array__', IndexType)
def index_as_array(context, builder, sig, args):
val = make_index(context, builder, sig.args[0], ref=args[0])
return val._get_ptr_by_name('data')
@lower_builtin('__array__', SeriesType)
def series_as_array(context, builder, sig, args):
val = make_series(context, builder, sig.args[0], ref=args[0])
return val._get_ptr_by_name('values')
@lower_builtin('__array_wrap__', IndexType, types.Array)
def index_wrap_array(context, builder, sig, args):
dest = make_index(context, builder, sig.return_type)
dest.data = args[1]
return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest._getvalue())
@lower_builtin('__array_wrap__', SeriesType, types.Array)
def series_wrap_array(context, builder, sig, args):
src = make_series(context, builder, sig.args[0], value=args[0])
dest = make_series(context, builder, sig.return_type)
dest.values = args[1]
dest.index = src.index
return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest._getvalue())
@lower_builtin(Series, types.Array, IndexType)
def pdseries_constructor(context, builder, sig, args):
data, index = args
series = make_series(context, builder, sig.return_type)
series.index = index
series.values = data
return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, series._getvalue())
def unbox_index(typ, obj, c):
Convert a Index object to a native structure.
data = c.pyapi.object_getattr_string(obj, "_data")
index = make_index(c.context, c.builder, typ)
index.data = c.unbox(typ.as_array, data).value
return NativeValue(index._getvalue())
def unbox_series(typ, obj, c):
Convert a Series object to a native structure.
index = c.pyapi.object_getattr_string(obj, "_index")
values = c.pyapi.object_getattr_string(obj, "_values")
series = make_series(c.context, c.builder, typ)
series.index = c.unbox(typ.index, index).value
series.values = c.unbox(typ.values, values).value
return NativeValue(series._getvalue())
def box_index(typ, val, c):
Convert a native index structure to a Index object.
# First build a Numpy array object, then wrap it in a Index
index = make_index(c.context, c.builder, typ, value=val)
classobj = c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(typ.pyclass))
arrayobj = c.box(typ.as_array, index.data)
indexobj = c.pyapi.call_function_objargs(classobj, (arrayobj,))
return indexobj
def box_series(typ, val, c):
Convert a native series structure to a Series object.
series = make_series(c.context, c.builder, typ, value=val)
classobj = c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(Series))
indexobj = c.box(typ.index, series.index)
arrayobj = c.box(typ.as_array, series.values)
seriesobj = c.pyapi.call_function_objargs(classobj, (arrayobj, indexobj))
return seriesobj
@overload_attribute(IndexType, 'is_monotonic_increasing')
def index_is_monotonic_increasing(index):
def getter(index):
data = index._data
if len(data) == 0:
return True
u = data[0]
for v in data:
if v < u:
return False
v = u
return True
return getter
def series_len(series):
if isinstance(series, SeriesType):
def len_impl(series):
return len(series._values)
return len_impl
@overload_method(SeriesType, 'clip')
def series_clip(series, lower, upper):
def clip_impl(series, lower, upper):
data = series._values.copy()
for i in range(len(data)):
v = data[i]
if v < lower:
data[i] = lower
elif v > upper:
data[i] = upper
return Series(data, series._index)
return clip_impl