224 lines
6.7 KiB
224 lines
6.7 KiB
import gc
import itertools
import numpy as np
import unittest
from numba import jit, njit
from numba.core import types
from numba.tests.support import TestCase
from numba.np import numpy_support
def identity(x):
return x
def addition(x, y):
return x + y
def equality(x, y):
return x == y
def foobar(x, y, z):
return x
class TestConversion(TestCase):
Testing Python to Native conversion
def test_complex_identity(self):
pyfunc = identity
cfunc = njit(types.complex64(types.complex64))(pyfunc)
xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)]
for x in xs:
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), x)
for x in np.complex64(xs):
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), x)
cfunc = njit(types.complex128(types.complex128))(pyfunc)
xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)]
for x in xs:
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), x)
for x in np.complex128(xs):
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x), x)
def test_complex_addition(self):
pyfunc = addition
cfunc = njit(types.complex64(types.complex64, types.complex64))(pyfunc)
xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)]
for x in xs:
y = x
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), x + y)
for x in np.complex64(xs):
y = x
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), x + y)
cfunc = njit(types.complex128(types.complex128,
xs = [1.0j, (1+1j), (-1-1j), (1+0j)]
for x in xs:
y = x
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), x + y)
for x in np.complex128(xs):
y = x
self.assertEqual(cfunc(x, y), x + y)
def test_boolean_as_int(self):
pyfunc = equality
cfunc = njit((types.boolean, types.intp))(pyfunc)
xs = True, False
ys = -1, 0, 1
for xs, ys in itertools.product(xs, ys):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(xs, ys), cfunc(xs, ys))
def test_boolean_as_float(self):
pyfunc = equality
cfunc = njit((types.boolean, types.float64))(pyfunc)
xs = True, False
ys = -1, 0, 1
for xs, ys in itertools.product(xs, ys):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(xs, ys), cfunc(xs, ys))
def test_boolean_eq_boolean(self):
pyfunc = equality
cfunc = njit((types.boolean, types.boolean))(pyfunc)
xs = True, False
ys = True, False
for xs, ys in itertools.product(xs, ys):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(xs, ys), cfunc(xs, ys))
# test when a function parameters are jitted as unsigned types
# the function is called with negative parameters the Python error
# that it generates is correctly handled -- a Python error is returned to the user
# For more info, see the comment in Include/longobject.h for _PyArray_AsByteArray
# which PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong calls
def test_negative_to_unsigned(self):
def f(x):
return x
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
jit('uintp(uintp)', nopython=True)(f)(-5)
# test the switch logic in callwraper.py:build_wrapper() works for more than one argument
# and where the error occurs
def test_multiple_args_negative_to_unsigned(self):
pyfunc = foobar
cfunc = njit(types.uint64(types.uint64, types.uint64,
test_fail_args = ((-1, 0, 1), (0, -1, 1), (0, 1, -1))
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
for a, b, c in test_fail_args:
cfunc(a, b, c)
# test switch logic of callwraper.py:build_wrapper() with records as function parameters
def test_multiple_args_records(self):
pyfunc = foobar
mystruct_dt = np.dtype([('p', np.float64),
('row', np.float64),
('col', np.float64)])
mystruct = numpy_support.from_dtype(mystruct_dt)
cfunc = njit(mystruct[:](mystruct[:], types.uint64,
st1 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)
st1.p = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
st1.row = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
st1.col = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
with self.assertRefCount(st1):
test_fail_args = ((st1, -1, 1), (st1, 1, -1))
for a, b, c in test_fail_args:
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
cfunc(a, b, c)
del test_fail_args, a, b, c
# test switch logic of callwraper.py:build_wrapper() with no function parameters
def test_with_no_parameters(self):
def f():
self.assertEqual(f(), jit('()', nopython=True)(f)())
def check_argument_cleanup(self, typ, obj):
Check that argument cleanup doesn't leak references.
def f(x, y):
def _objects(obj):
objs = [obj]
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
for v in obj:
objs += _objects(v)
return objs
objects = _objects(obj)
cfunc = njit((typ, types.uint32))(f)
with self.assertRefCount(*objects):
cfunc(obj, 1)
with self.assertRefCount(*objects):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
cfunc(obj, -1)
cfunc = njit((types.uint32, typ))(f)
with self.assertRefCount(*objects):
cfunc(1, obj)
with self.assertRefCount(*objects):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
cfunc(-1, obj)
def test_cleanup_buffer(self):
mem = memoryview(bytearray(b"xyz"))
self.check_argument_cleanup(types.MemoryView(types.byte, 1, 'C'), mem)
def test_cleanup_record(self):
dtype = np.dtype([('x', np.float64), ('y', np.float64)])
recarr = np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
self.check_argument_cleanup(numpy_support.from_dtype(dtype), recarr[0])
def test_cleanup_tuple(self):
mem = memoryview(bytearray(b"xyz"))
tp = types.UniTuple(types.MemoryView(types.byte, 1, 'C'), 2)
self.check_argument_cleanup(tp, (mem, mem))
def test_cleanup_optional(self):
mem = memoryview(bytearray(b"xyz"))
tp = types.Optional(types.MemoryView(types.byte, 1, 'C'))
self.check_argument_cleanup(tp, mem)
def test_stringliteral_to_unicode(self):
# See issue #6907, explicit signature on bar() takes a unicode_type but
# the call to bar() in foo() is with a StringLiteral
@jit(types.void(types.unicode_type), nopython=True)
def bar(string):
@jit(types.void(), nopython=True)
def foo2():
bar("literal string")
if __name__ == '__main__':