561 lines
20 KiB
561 lines
20 KiB
import unittest
from unittest.case import TestCase
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numba import objmode
from numba.core import ir, compiler
from numba.core import errors
from numba.core.compiler import (
from numba.core.compiler_machinery import (
from numba.core.untyped_passes import (
from numba import njit
class TestIR(unittest.TestCase):
def test_IRScope(self):
filename = "<?>"
top = ir.Scope(parent=None, loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=1))
local = ir.Scope(parent=top, loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=2))
apple = local.define('apple', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=3))
self.assertIs(local.get('apple'), apple)
self.assertEqual(len(local.localvars), 1)
orange = top.define('orange', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=4))
self.assertEqual(len(local.localvars), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(top.localvars), 1)
self.assertIs(top.get('orange'), orange)
self.assertIs(local.get('orange'), orange)
more_orange = local.define('orange', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename,
self.assertIs(top.get('orange'), orange)
self.assertIsNot(local.get('orange'), not orange)
self.assertIs(local.get('orange'), more_orange)
local.define('orange', loc=ir.Loc(filename=filename, line=5))
except ir.RedefinedError:
self.fail("Expecting an %s" % ir.RedefinedError)
class CheckEquality(unittest.TestCase):
var_a = ir.Var(None, 'a', ir.unknown_loc)
var_b = ir.Var(None, 'b', ir.unknown_loc)
var_c = ir.Var(None, 'c', ir.unknown_loc)
var_d = ir.Var(None, 'd', ir.unknown_loc)
var_e = ir.Var(None, 'e', ir.unknown_loc)
loc1 = ir.Loc('mock', 1, 0)
loc2 = ir.Loc('mock', 2, 0)
loc3 = ir.Loc('mock', 3, 0)
def check(self, base, same=[], different=[]):
for s in same:
self.assertTrue(base == s)
for d in different:
self.assertTrue(base != d)
class TestIRMeta(CheckEquality):
Tests IR node meta, like Loc and Scope
def test_loc(self):
a = ir.Loc('file', 1, 0)
b = ir.Loc('file', 1, 0)
c = ir.Loc('pile', 1, 0)
d = ir.Loc('file', 2, 0)
e = ir.Loc('file', 1, 1)
self.check(a, same=[b,], different=[c, d, e])
f = ir.Loc('file', 1, 0, maybe_decorator=False)
g = ir.Loc('file', 1, 0, maybe_decorator=True)
self.check(a, same=[f, g])
def test_scope(self):
parent1 = ir.Scope(None, self.loc1)
parent2 = ir.Scope(None, self.loc1)
parent3 = ir.Scope(None, self.loc2)
self.check(parent1, same=[parent2, parent3,])
a = ir.Scope(parent1, self.loc1)
b = ir.Scope(parent1, self.loc1)
c = ir.Scope(parent1, self.loc2)
d = ir.Scope(parent3, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c, d])
# parent1 and parent2 are equal, so children referring to either parent
# should be equal
e = ir.Scope(parent2, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[e,])
class TestIRNodes(CheckEquality):
Tests IR nodes
def test_terminator(self):
# terminator base class inst should always be equal
t1 = ir.Terminator()
t2 = ir.Terminator()
self.check(t1, same=[t2])
def test_jump(self):
a = ir.Jump(1, self.loc1)
b = ir.Jump(1, self.loc1)
c = ir.Jump(1, self.loc2)
d = ir.Jump(2, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d])
def test_return(self):
a = ir.Return(self.var_a, self.loc1)
b = ir.Return(self.var_a, self.loc1)
c = ir.Return(self.var_a, self.loc2)
d = ir.Return(self.var_b, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d])
def test_raise(self):
a = ir.Raise(self.var_a, self.loc1)
b = ir.Raise(self.var_a, self.loc1)
c = ir.Raise(self.var_a, self.loc2)
d = ir.Raise(self.var_b, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d])
def test_staticraise(self):
a = ir.StaticRaise(AssertionError, None, self.loc1)
b = ir.StaticRaise(AssertionError, None, self.loc1)
c = ir.StaticRaise(AssertionError, None, self.loc2)
e = ir.StaticRaise(AssertionError, ("str",), self.loc1)
d = ir.StaticRaise(RuntimeError, None, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_branch(self):
a = ir.Branch(self.var_a, 1, 2, self.loc1)
b = ir.Branch(self.var_a, 1, 2, self.loc1)
c = ir.Branch(self.var_a, 1, 2, self.loc2)
d = ir.Branch(self.var_b, 1, 2, self.loc1)
e = ir.Branch(self.var_a, 2, 2, self.loc1)
f = ir.Branch(self.var_a, 1, 3, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f])
def test_expr(self):
a = ir.Expr('some_op', self.loc1)
b = ir.Expr('some_op', self.loc1)
c = ir.Expr('some_op', self.loc2)
d = ir.Expr('some_other_op', self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d])
def test_setitem(self):
a = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
b = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
c = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc2)
d = ir.SetItem(self.var_d, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
e = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_d, self.var_c, self.loc1)
f = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_d, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f])
def test_staticsetitem(self):
a = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_a, 1, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
b = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_a, 1, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
c = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_a, 1, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc2)
d = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_d, 1, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
e = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_a, 2, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
f = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_a, 1, self.var_d, self.var_c, self.loc1)
g = ir.StaticSetItem(self.var_a, 1, self.var_b, self.var_d, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f, g])
def test_delitem(self):
a = ir.DelItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc1)
b = ir.DelItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc1)
c = ir.DelItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc2)
d = ir.DelItem(self.var_c, self.var_b, self.loc1)
e = ir.DelItem(self.var_a, self.var_c, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_del(self):
a = ir.Del(self.var_a.name, self.loc1)
b = ir.Del(self.var_a.name, self.loc1)
c = ir.Del(self.var_a.name, self.loc2)
d = ir.Del(self.var_b.name, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d])
def test_setattr(self):
a = ir.SetAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.var_b, self.loc1)
b = ir.SetAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.var_b, self.loc1)
c = ir.SetAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.var_b, self.loc2)
d = ir.SetAttr(self.var_c, 'foo', self.var_b, self.loc1)
e = ir.SetAttr(self.var_a, 'bar', self.var_b, self.loc1)
f = ir.SetAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.var_c, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f])
def test_delattr(self):
a = ir.DelAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.loc1)
b = ir.DelAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.loc1)
c = ir.DelAttr(self.var_a, 'foo', self.loc2)
d = ir.DelAttr(self.var_c, 'foo', self.loc1)
e = ir.DelAttr(self.var_a, 'bar', self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_assign(self):
a = ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc1)
b = ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc1)
c = ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc2)
d = ir.Assign(self.var_c, self.var_b, self.loc1)
e = ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_c, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_print(self):
a = ir.Print((self.var_a,), self.var_b, self.loc1)
b = ir.Print((self.var_a,), self.var_b, self.loc1)
c = ir.Print((self.var_a,), self.var_b, self.loc2)
d = ir.Print((self.var_c,), self.var_b, self.loc1)
e = ir.Print((self.var_a,), self.var_c, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_storemap(self):
a = ir.StoreMap(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
b = ir.StoreMap(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
c = ir.StoreMap(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc2)
d = ir.StoreMap(self.var_d, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1)
e = ir.StoreMap(self.var_a, self.var_d, self.var_c, self.loc1)
f = ir.StoreMap(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_d, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f])
def test_yield(self):
a = ir.Yield(self.var_a, self.loc1, 0)
b = ir.Yield(self.var_a, self.loc1, 0)
c = ir.Yield(self.var_a, self.loc2, 0)
d = ir.Yield(self.var_b, self.loc1, 0)
e = ir.Yield(self.var_a, self.loc1, 1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_enterwith(self):
a = ir.EnterWith(self.var_a, 0, 1, self.loc1)
b = ir.EnterWith(self.var_a, 0, 1, self.loc1)
c = ir.EnterWith(self.var_a, 0, 1, self.loc2)
d = ir.EnterWith(self.var_b, 0, 1, self.loc1)
e = ir.EnterWith(self.var_a, 1, 1, self.loc1)
f = ir.EnterWith(self.var_a, 0, 2, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f])
def test_arg(self):
a = ir.Arg('foo', 0, self.loc1)
b = ir.Arg('foo', 0, self.loc1)
c = ir.Arg('foo', 0, self.loc2)
d = ir.Arg('bar', 0, self.loc1)
e = ir.Arg('foo', 1, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_const(self):
a = ir.Const(1, self.loc1)
b = ir.Const(1, self.loc1)
c = ir.Const(1, self.loc2)
d = ir.Const(2, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d])
def test_global(self):
a = ir.Global('foo', 0, self.loc1)
b = ir.Global('foo', 0, self.loc1)
c = ir.Global('foo', 0, self.loc2)
d = ir.Global('bar', 0, self.loc1)
e = ir.Global('foo', 1, self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e])
def test_var(self):
a = ir.Var(None, 'foo', self.loc1)
b = ir.Var(None, 'foo', self.loc1)
c = ir.Var(None, 'foo', self.loc2)
d = ir.Var(ir.Scope(None, ir.unknown_loc), 'foo', self.loc1)
e = ir.Var(None, 'bar', self.loc1)
self.check(a, same=[b, c, d], different=[e])
def test_undefinedtype(self):
a = ir.UndefinedType()
b = ir.UndefinedType()
self.check(a, same=[b])
def test_loop(self):
a = ir.Loop(1, 3)
b = ir.Loop(1, 3)
c = ir.Loop(2, 3)
d = ir.Loop(1, 4)
self.check(a, same=[b], different=[c, d])
def test_with(self):
a = ir.With(1, 3)
b = ir.With(1, 3)
c = ir.With(2, 3)
d = ir.With(1, 4)
self.check(a, same=[b], different=[c, d])
# used later
_GLOBAL = 1234
class TestIRCompounds(CheckEquality):
Tests IR concepts that have state
def test_varmap(self):
a = ir.VarMap()
a.define(self.var_a, 'foo')
a.define(self.var_b, 'bar')
b = ir.VarMap()
b.define(self.var_a, 'foo')
b.define(self.var_b, 'bar')
c = ir.VarMap()
c.define(self.var_a, 'foo')
c.define(self.var_c, 'bar')
self.check(a, same=[b], different=[c])
def test_block(self):
def gen_block():
parent = ir.Scope(None, self.loc1)
tmp = ir.Block(parent, self.loc2)
assign1 = ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc3)
assign2 = ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_c, self.loc3)
assign3 = ir.Assign(self.var_c, self.var_b, self.loc3)
return tmp
a = gen_block()
b = gen_block()
c = gen_block().append(ir.Assign(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.loc3))
self.check(a, same=[b], different=[c])
def test_functionir(self):
def run_frontend(x):
return compiler.run_frontend(x, emit_dels=True)
# this creates a function full of all sorts of things to ensure the IR
# is pretty involved, it then compares two instances of the compiled
# function IR to check the IR is the same invariant of objects, and then
# a tiny mutation is made to the IR in the second function and detection
# of this change is checked.
def gen():
def foo(a, b, c=12, d=1j, e=None):
f = a + b
g = np.zeros(c, dtype=np.complex64)
h = f + g
i = 1j / d
if np.abs(i) > 0:
k = h / i
l = np.arange(1, c + 1)
with objmode():
print(e, k)
m = np.sqrt(l - g)
if np.abs(m[0]) < 1:
n = 0
for o in range(a):
n += 0
if np.abs(n) < 3:
n += m[2]
p = g / l
q = []
for r in range(len(p)):
if r > 4 + 1:
with objmode(s='intp', t='complex128'):
s = 123
t = 5
if s > 122:
t += s
t += q[0] + _GLOBAL
return f + o + r + t + r + a + n
return foo
x = gen()
y = gen()
x_ir = run_frontend(x)
y_ir = run_frontend(y)
def check_diffstr(string, pointing_at=[]):
lines = string.splitlines()
for item in pointing_at:
for l in lines:
if l.startswith('->'):
if item in l:
raise AssertionError("Could not find %s " % item)
self.assertIn("IR is considered equivalent", x_ir.diff_str(y_ir))
# minor mutation, simply switch branch targets on last branch
for label in reversed(list(y_ir.blocks.keys())):
blk = y_ir.blocks[label]
if isinstance(blk.body[-1], ir.Branch):
ref = blk.body[-1]
ref.truebr, ref.falsebr = ref.falsebr, ref.truebr
check_diffstr(x_ir.diff_str(y_ir), ['branch'])
z = gen()
z_ir = run_frontend(z)
change_set = set()
for label in reversed(list(z_ir.blocks.keys())):
blk = z_ir.blocks[label]
ref = blk.body[:-1]
idx = None
for i in range(len(ref) - 1):
# look for two adjacent Del
if (isinstance(ref[i], ir.Del) and
isinstance(ref[i + 1], ir.Del)):
idx = i
if idx is not None:
b = blk.body
change_set.add(str(b[idx + 1]))
b[idx], b[idx + 1] = b[idx + 1], b[idx]
# ensure that a mutation occurred.
self.assertEqual(len(change_set), 2)
for item in change_set:
self.assertTrue(item.startswith('del '))
check_diffstr(x_ir.diff_str(z_ir), change_set)
def foo(a, b):
c = a * 2
d = c + b
e = np.sqrt(d)
return e
def bar(a, b): # same as foo
c = a * 2
d = c + b
e = np.sqrt(d)
return e
def baz(a, b):
c = a * 2
d = b + c
e = np.sqrt(d + 1)
return e
foo_ir = run_frontend(foo)
bar_ir = run_frontend(bar)
self.assertIn("IR is considered equivalent", foo_ir.diff_str(bar_ir))
baz_ir = run_frontend(baz)
tmp = foo_ir.diff_str(baz_ir)
self.assertIn("Other block contains more statements", tmp)
check_diffstr(tmp, ["c + b", "b + c"])
class TestIRPedanticChecks(TestCase):
def test_var_in_scope_assumption(self):
# Create a pass that clears ir.Scope in ir.Block
@register_pass(mutates_CFG=False, analysis_only=False)
class RemoveVarInScope(FunctionPass):
_name = "_remove_var_in_scope"
def __init__(self):
# implement method to do the work, "state" is the internal compiler
# state from the CompilerBase instance.
def run_pass(self, state):
func_ir = state.func_ir
# walk the blocks
for blk in func_ir.blocks.values():
oldscope = blk.scope
# put in an empty Scope
blk.scope = ir.Scope(parent=oldscope.parent,
return True
# Create a pass that always fails, to stop the compiler
@register_pass(mutates_CFG=False, analysis_only=False)
class FailPass(FunctionPass):
_name = "_fail"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def run_pass(self, state):
# This is unreachable. SSA pass should have raised before this
# pass when run with `error.NumbaPedanticWarning`s raised as
# errors.
raise AssertionError("unreachable")
class MyCompiler(CompilerBase):
def define_pipelines(self):
pm = PassManager("testing pm")
pm.add_pass(TranslateByteCode, "analyzing bytecode")
pm.add_pass(IRProcessing, "processing IR")
pm.add_pass(RemoveVarInScope, "_remove_var_in_scope")
pm.add_pass(ReconstructSSA, "ssa")
pm.add_pass(FailPass, "_fail")
return [pm]
def dummy(x):
# To trigger SSA and the pedantic check, this function must have
# multiple assignments to the same variable in different blocks.
a = 1
b = 2
if a < b:
a = 2
b = 3
return a, b
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Make NumbaPedanticWarning an error
warnings.simplefilter("error", errors.NumbaPedanticWarning)
# Catch NumbaIRAssumptionWarning
with self.assertRaises(errors.NumbaIRAssumptionWarning) as raises:
# Verify the error message
r"variable '[a-z]' is not in scope",
if __name__ == '__main__':