
2048 lines
61 KiB

from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from import (TestCase, MemoryLeakMixin,
skip_parfors_unsupported, captured_stdout)
from numba import njit, typed, literal_unroll, prange
from numba.core import types, errors, ir
from numba.testing import unittest
from numba.core.extending import overload
from numba.core.compiler_machinery import (PassManager, register_pass,
FunctionPass, AnalysisPass)
from numba.core.compiler import CompilerBase
from numba.core.untyped_passes import (FixupArgs, TranslateByteCode,
IRProcessing, InlineClosureLikes,
SimplifyCFG, IterLoopCanonicalization,
LiteralUnroll, PreserveIR)
from numba.core.typed_passes import (NopythonTypeInference, IRLegalization,
NoPythonBackend, PartialTypeInference,
from numba.core.ir_utils import (compute_cfg_from_blocks, flatten_labels)
from numba.core.types.functions import _header_lead
_X_GLOBAL = (10, 11)
class TestLiteralTupleInterpretation(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
def check(self, func, var):
cres = func.overloads[func.signatures[0]]
ty = cres.fndesc.typemap[var]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(ty, types.Tuple))
for subty in ty:
self.assertTrue(isinstance(subty, types.Literal), "non literal")
def test_homogeneous_literal(self):
def foo():
x = (1, 2, 3)
return x[1]
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
self.check(foo, 'x')
def test_heterogeneous_literal(self):
def foo():
x = (1, 2, 3, 'a')
return x[3]
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
self.check(foo, 'x')
def test_non_literal(self):
def foo():
x = (1, 2, 3, 'a', 1j)
return x[4]
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e:
self.check(foo, 'x')
self.assertIn("non literal", str(e.exception))
@register_pass(mutates_CFG=False, analysis_only=False)
class ResetTypeInfo(FunctionPass):
_name = "reset_the_type_information"
def __init__(self):
def run_pass(self, state):
state.typemap = None
state.return_type = None
state.calltypes = None
return True
class TestLoopCanonicalisation(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
def get_pipeline(use_canonicaliser, use_partial_typing=False):
class NewCompiler(CompilerBase):
def define_pipelines(self):
pm = PassManager("custom_pipeline")
# untyped
pm.add_pass(TranslateByteCode, "analyzing bytecode")
pm.add_pass(IRProcessing, "processing IR")
"inline calls to locally defined closures")
if use_partial_typing:
pm.add_pass(PartialTypeInference, "do partial typing")
if use_canonicaliser:
pm.add_pass(IterLoopCanonicalization, "Canonicalise loops")
pm.add_pass(SimplifyCFG, "Simplify the CFG")
# typed
if use_partial_typing:
pm.add_pass(ResetTypeInfo, "resets the type info state")
pm.add_pass(NopythonTypeInference, "nopython frontend")
# legalise
pm.add_pass(IRLegalization, "ensure IR is legal")
# preserve
pm.add_pass(PreserveIR, "save IR for later inspection")
# lower
pm.add_pass(NativeLowering, "native lowering")
pm.add_pass(NoPythonBackend, "nopython mode backend")
# finalise the contents
return [pm]
return NewCompiler
# generate variants
LoopIgnoringCompiler = get_pipeline(False)
LoopCanonicalisingCompiler = get_pipeline(True)
TypedLoopCanonicalisingCompiler = get_pipeline(True, True)
def test_simple_loop_in_depth(self):
""" This heavily checks a simple loop transform """
def get_info(pipeline):
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
for i in tup:
acc += i
return acc
x = (1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(foo(x), foo.py_func(x))
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
func_ir = cres.metadata['preserved_ir']
return func_ir, cres.fndesc
ignore_loops_ir, ignore_loops_fndesc = \
canonicalise_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_fndesc = \
# check CFG is the same
def compare_cfg(a, b):
a_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(a.blocks))
b_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(b.blocks))
self.assertEqual(a_cfg, b_cfg)
compare_cfg(ignore_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_ir)
# check there's three more call types in the canonicalised one:
# len(tuple arg)
# range(of the len() above)
# getitem(tuple arg, index)
self.assertEqual(len(ignore_loops_fndesc.calltypes) + 3,
def find_getX(fd, op):
return [x for x in fd.calltypes.keys()
if isinstance(x, ir.Expr) and x.op == op]
il_getiters = find_getX(ignore_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(il_getiters), 1) # tuple iterator
cl_getiters = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getiters), 1) # loop range iterator
cl_getitems = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getitem")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getitems), 1) # tuple getitem induced by loop
# check the value of the untransformed IR getiter is now the value of
# the transformed getitem
self.assertEqual(il_getiters[0], cl_getitems[0]
# check the type of the transformed IR getiter is a range iter
range_inst = canonicalise_loops_fndesc.calltypes[cl_getiters[0]].args[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(range_inst, types.RangeType))
def test_transform_scope(self):
""" This checks the transform, when there's no typemap, will happily
transform a loop on something that's not tuple-like
def get_info(pipeline):
def foo():
acc = 0
for i in [1, 2, 3]:
acc += i
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
func_ir = cres.metadata['preserved_ir']
return func_ir, cres.fndesc
ignore_loops_ir, ignore_loops_fndesc = \
canonicalise_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_fndesc = \
# check CFG is the same
def compare_cfg(a, b):
a_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(a.blocks))
b_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(b.blocks))
self.assertEqual(a_cfg, b_cfg)
compare_cfg(ignore_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_ir)
# check there's three more call types in the canonicalised one:
# len(literal list)
# range(of the len() above)
# getitem(literal list arg, index)
self.assertEqual(len(ignore_loops_fndesc.calltypes) + 3,
def find_getX(fd, op):
return [x for x in fd.calltypes.keys()
if isinstance(x, ir.Expr) and x.op == op]
il_getiters = find_getX(ignore_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(il_getiters), 1) # list iterator
cl_getiters = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getiters), 1) # loop range iterator
cl_getitems = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getitem")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getitems), 1) # list getitem induced by loop
# check the value of the untransformed IR getiter is now the value of
# the transformed getitem
self.assertEqual(il_getiters[0], cl_getitems[0]
# check the type of the transformed IR getiter is a range iter
range_inst = canonicalise_loops_fndesc.calltypes[cl_getiters[0]].args[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(range_inst, types.RangeType))
@unittest.skip("Waiting for pass to be enabled for all tuples")
def test_influence_of_typed_transform(self):
""" This heavily checks a typed transformation only impacts tuple
induced loops"""
def get_info(pipeline):
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
for i in range(4):
for y in tup:
for j in range(3):
acc += 1
return acc
x = (1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(foo(x), foo.py_func(x))
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
func_ir = cres.metadata['func_ir']
return func_ir, cres.fndesc
ignore_loops_ir, ignore_loops_fndesc = \
canonicalise_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_fndesc = \
# check CFG is the same
def compare_cfg(a, b):
a_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(a.blocks))
b_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(b.blocks))
self.assertEqual(a_cfg, b_cfg)
compare_cfg(ignore_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_ir)
# check there's three more call types in the canonicalised one:
# len(tuple arg)
# range(of the len() above)
# getitem(tuple arg, index)
self.assertEqual(len(ignore_loops_fndesc.calltypes) + 3,
def find_getX(fd, op):
return [x for x in fd.calltypes.keys()
if isinstance(x, ir.Expr) and x.op == op]
il_getiters = find_getX(ignore_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(il_getiters), 3) # 1 * tuple + 2 * loop range
cl_getiters = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getiters), 3) # 3 * loop range iterator
cl_getitems = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getitem")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getitems), 1) # tuple getitem induced by loop
# check the value of the untransformed IR getiter is now the value of
# the transformed getitem
self.assertEqual(il_getiters[1], cl_getitems[0]
# check the type of the transformed IR getiter's are all range iter
for x in cl_getiters:
range_inst = canonicalise_loops_fndesc.calltypes[x].args[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(range_inst, types.RangeType))
def test_influence_of_typed_transform_literal_unroll(self):
""" This heavily checks a typed transformation only impacts loops with
literal_unroll marker"""
def get_info(pipeline):
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
for i in range(4):
for y in literal_unroll(tup):
for j in range(3):
acc += 1
return acc
x = (1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(foo(x), foo.py_func(x))
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
func_ir = cres.metadata['preserved_ir']
return func_ir, cres.fndesc
ignore_loops_ir, ignore_loops_fndesc = \
canonicalise_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_fndesc = \
# check CFG is the same
def compare_cfg(a, b):
a_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(a.blocks))
b_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(b.blocks))
self.assertEqual(a_cfg, b_cfg)
compare_cfg(ignore_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_ir)
# check there's three more call types in the canonicalised one:
# len(tuple arg)
# range(of the len() above)
# getitem(tuple arg, index)
self.assertEqual(len(ignore_loops_fndesc.calltypes) + 3,
def find_getX(fd, op):
return [x for x in fd.calltypes.keys()
if isinstance(x, ir.Expr) and x.op == op]
il_getiters = find_getX(ignore_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(il_getiters), 3) # 1 * tuple + 2 * loop range
cl_getiters = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getiter")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getiters), 3) # 3 * loop range iterator
cl_getitems = find_getX(canonicalise_loops_fndesc, "getitem")
self.assertEqual(len(cl_getitems), 1) # tuple getitem induced by loop
# check the value of the untransformed IR getiter is now the value of
# the transformed getitem
self.assertEqual(il_getiters[1], cl_getitems[0]
# check the type of the transformed IR getiter's are all range iter
for x in cl_getiters:
range_inst = canonicalise_loops_fndesc.calltypes[x].args[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(range_inst, types.RangeType))
@unittest.skip("Waiting for pass to be enabled for all tuples")
def test_lots_of_loops(self):
""" This heavily checks a simple loop transform """
def get_info(pipeline):
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
for i in tup:
acc += i
for j in tup + (4, 5, 6):
acc += 1 - j
if j > 5:
acc -= 2
for i in tup:
acc -= i % 2
return acc
x = (1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(foo(x), foo.py_func(x))
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
func_ir = cres.metadata['preserved_ir']
return func_ir, cres.fndesc
ignore_loops_ir, ignore_loops_fndesc = \
canonicalise_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_fndesc = \
# check CFG is the same
def compare_cfg(a, b):
a_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(a.blocks))
b_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(b.blocks))
self.assertEqual(a_cfg, b_cfg)
compare_cfg(ignore_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_ir)
# check there's three * N more call types in the canonicalised one:
# len(tuple arg)
# range(of the len() above)
# getitem(tuple arg, index)
self.assertEqual(len(ignore_loops_fndesc.calltypes) + 3 * 3,
def test_inlined_loops(self):
""" Checks a loop appearing from a closure """
def get_info(pipeline):
def foo(tup):
def bar(n):
acc = 0
for i in range(n):
acc += 1
return acc
acc = 0
for i in tup:
acc += i
acc += bar(i)
return acc
x = (1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(foo(x), foo.py_func(x))
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
func_ir = cres.metadata['preserved_ir']
return func_ir, cres.fndesc
ignore_loops_ir, ignore_loops_fndesc = \
canonicalise_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_fndesc = \
# check CFG is the same
def compare_cfg(a, b):
a_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(a.blocks))
b_cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(flatten_labels(b.blocks))
self.assertEqual(a_cfg, b_cfg)
compare_cfg(ignore_loops_ir, canonicalise_loops_ir)
# check there's 2 * N - 1 more call types in the canonicalised one:
# The -1 comes from the closure being inlined and and the call removed.
# len(tuple arg)
# range(of the len() above)
# getitem(tuple arg, index)
self.assertEqual(len(ignore_loops_fndesc.calltypes) + 5,
class TestMixedTupleUnroll(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
def test_01(self):
# test a case which is already in loop canonical form
def foo(idx, z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for i in range(len(literal_unroll(a))):
acc += a[i]
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(2, k), foo.py_func(2, k))
def test_02(self):
# same as test_1 but without the explicit loop canonicalisation
def foo(idx, z):
x = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(2, k), foo.py_func(2, k))
def test_03(self):
# two unrolls
def foo(idx, z):
x = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
y = ('foo', z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for t in literal_unroll(y):
acc += t is False
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(2, k), foo.py_func(2, k))
def test_04(self):
# mixed ref counted types
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup):
acc += a.sum()
return acc
n = 10
tup = (np.ones((n,)), np.ones((n, n)), np.ones((n, n, n)))
self.assertEqual(foo(tup), foo.py_func(tup))
def test_05(self):
# mix unroll and static_getitem
def foo(tup1, tup2):
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup1):
if a == 'a':
acc += tup2[0].sum()
elif a == 'b':
acc += tup2[1].sum()
elif a == 'c':
acc += tup2[2].sum()
elif a == 12:
acc += tup2[3].sum()
elif a == 3j:
acc += tup2[4].sum()
raise RuntimeError("Unreachable")
return acc
n = 10
tup1 = ('a', 'b', 'c', 12, 3j,)
tup2 = (np.ones((n,)), np.ones((n, n)), np.ones((n, n, n)),
np.ones((n, n, n, n)), np.ones((n, n, n, n, n)))
self.assertEqual(foo(tup1, tup2), foo.py_func(tup1, tup2))
@unittest.skip("needs more clever branch prune")
def test_06(self):
# This wont work because both sides of the branch need typing as neither
# can be pruned by the current pruner
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
str_buf = typed.List.empty_list(types.unicode_type)
for a in literal_unroll(tup):
if a == 'a':
acc += a
return acc
tup = ('a', 12)
self.assertEqual(foo(tup), foo.py_func(tup))
def test_07(self):
# A mix bag of stuff as an arg to a function that unifies as `intp`.
def foo(tup):
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup):
acc += len(a)
return acc
n = 10
tup = (np.ones((n,)), np.ones((n, n)), "ABCDEFGHJI", (1, 2, 3),
(1, 'foo', 2, 'bar'), {3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
self.assertEqual(foo(tup), foo.py_func(tup))
def test_08(self):
# dispatch to functions
def foo(tup1, tup2):
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup1):
if a == 'a':
acc += tup2[0]()
elif a == 'b':
acc += tup2[1]()
elif a == 'c':
acc += tup2[2]()
return acc
def gen(x):
def impl():
return x
return njit(impl)
tup1 = ('a', 'b', 'c', 12, 3j, ('f',))
tup2 = (gen(1), gen(2), gen(3))
self.assertEqual(foo(tup1, tup2), foo.py_func(tup1, tup2))
def test_09(self):
# illegal RHS, has a mixed tuple being index dynamically
def foo(tup1, tup2):
acc = 0
idx = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup1):
if a == 'a':
acc += tup2[idx]
elif a == 'b':
acc += tup2[idx]
elif a == 'c':
acc += tup2[idx]
idx += 1
return idx, acc
def func1():
return 1
def func2():
return 2
def func3():
return 3
tup1 = ('a', 'b', 'c')
tup2 = (1j, 1, 2)
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
foo(tup1, tup2)
self.assertIn(_header_lead, str(raises.exception))
def test_10(self):
# dispatch on literals triggering @overload resolution
def dt(value):
if value == "apple":
return 1
elif value == "orange":
return 2
elif value == "banana":
return 3
elif value == 0xca11ab1e:
return 0x5ca1ab1e + value
@overload(dt, inline='always')
def ol_dt(li):
if isinstance(li, types.StringLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == "apple":
def impl(li):
return 1
elif value == "orange":
def impl(li):
return 2
elif value == "banana":
def impl(li):
return 3
return impl
elif isinstance(li, types.IntegerLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == 0xca11ab1e:
def impl(li):
# close over the dispatcher :)
return 0x5ca1ab1e + value
return impl
def foo():
acc = 0
for t in literal_unroll(('apple', 'orange', 'banana', 3390155550)):
acc += dt(t)
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_11(self):
def foo():
x = []
z = ('apple', 'orange', 'banana')
for i in range(len(literal_unroll(z))):
t = z[i]
if t == "apple":
elif t == "orange":
elif t == "banana":
return x
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_11a(self):
def foo():
x = typed.List()
z = ('apple', 'orange', 'banana')
for i in range(len(literal_unroll(z))):
t = z[i]
if t == "apple":
elif t == "orange":
elif t == "banana":
return x
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_12(self):
# unroll the same target twice
def foo(idx, z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for i in literal_unroll(a):
acc += i
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
if a[0] < 23:
acc += 2
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(2, k), foo.py_func(2, k))
def test_13(self):
# nesting unrolls is illegal
def foo(idx, z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for i in literal_unroll(a):
acc += i
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for x in literal_unroll(a):
for j in literal_unroll(a):
acc += j
acc += x
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
if a[0] < 23:
acc += 2
return acc
f = 9
k = f
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
foo(2, k)
self.assertIn("Nesting of literal_unroll is unsupported",
def test_14(self):
# unituple unroll can return derivative of the induction var
def foo():
x = (1, 2, 3, 4)
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
return a
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_15(self):
# mixed tuple unroll cannot return derivative of the induction var
def foo(x):
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += len(a)
return a
n = 5
tup = (np.ones((n,)), np.ones((n, n)), "ABCDEFGHJI", (1, 2, 3),
(1, 'foo', 2, 'bar'), {3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Cannot unify", str(raises.exception))
def test_16(self):
# unituple slice and unroll is ok
def dt(value):
if value == 1000:
return "a"
elif value == 2000:
return "b"
elif value == 3000:
return "c"
elif value == 4000:
return "d"
@overload(dt, inline='always')
def ol_dt(li):
if isinstance(li, types.IntegerLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == 1000:
def impl(li):
return "a"
elif value == 2000:
def impl(li):
return "b"
elif value == 3000:
def impl(li):
return "c"
elif value == 4000:
def impl(li):
return "d"
return impl
def foo():
x = (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000)
acc = ""
for a in literal_unroll(x[:2]):
acc += dt(a)
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_17(self):
# mixed tuple slice and unroll is ok
def dt(value):
if value == 1000:
return "a"
elif value == 2000:
return "b"
elif value == 3000:
return "c"
elif value == 4000:
return "d"
elif value == 'f':
return "EFF"
@overload(dt, inline='always')
def ol_dt(li):
if isinstance(li, types.IntegerLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == 1000:
def impl(li):
return "a"
elif value == 2000:
def impl(li):
return "b"
elif value == 3000:
def impl(li):
return "c"
elif value == 4000:
def impl(li):
return "d"
return impl
elif isinstance(li, types.StringLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == 'f':
def impl(li):
return "EFF"
return impl
def foo():
x = (1000, 2000, 3000, 'f')
acc = ""
for a in literal_unroll(x[1:]):
acc += dt(a)
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_18(self):
# unituple backwards slice
def foo():
x = (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000)
count = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x[::-1]):
count += 1
if a < 3000:
return count
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_19(self):
# mixed bag of refcounted
def foo():
acc = 0
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
l2 = [10, 20]
tup = (l1, l2)
a1 = np.arange(20)
a2 = np.ones(5, dtype=np.complex128)
tup = (l1, a1, l2, a2)
for t in literal_unroll(tup):
acc += len(t)
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_20(self):
# testing partial type inference survives as the list append in the
# unrolled version is full inferable
def foo():
l = []
a1 = np.arange(20)
a2 = np.ones(5, dtype=np.complex128)
tup = (a1, a2)
for t in literal_unroll(tup):
return l
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_21(self):
# unroll in closure that gets inlined
def foo(z):
b = (23, 23.9, 6j, 8)
def bar():
acc = 0
for j in literal_unroll(b):
acc += j
return acc
outer_acc = 0
for x in (1, 2, 3, 4):
outer_acc += bar() + x
return outer_acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(k), foo.py_func(k))
def test_22(self):
# NOTE: This test "worked" as a side effect of a bug that was discovered
# during work that added support for Python 3.12. In the literal_unroll
# transform, there was an accidental overwrite of a dictionary key that
# could occur if nested unrolls happened to have the conditions:
# 1. outer unroll induction varible not used in the induced loop.
# 2. the `max_label` from numba.core.ir_utils was in a specific state
# such that a collision occurred.
# 3. the bug existed in the algorithm that checked for getitem access.
# This exceedingly rare usecase is now considered illegal as a result,
# by banning this behaviour the analysis is considerably more simple.
# Further there is no loss of functionality as the outer loop can be
# trivially replaced (in the following) by using a `range(len())` based
# iteration over `a` as there's no need for the loop in `a` to be
# versioned!
def foo(z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z, 'a')
b = (23, 23.9, 6j, 8)
def bar():
acc = 0
for j in literal_unroll(b):
acc += j
return acc
acc = 0
# this loop is induced in `x` but `x` is not used, there is a nest
# here by virtue of inlining
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += bar()
return acc
f = 9
k = f
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Nesting of literal_unroll is unsupported",
def test_23(self):
# unroll from closure that ends up banned as it leads to nesting
def foo(z):
b = (23, 23.9, 6j, 8)
def bar():
acc = 0
for j in literal_unroll(b):
acc += j
return acc
outer_acc = 0
# this drives an inlined literal_unroll loop but also has access to
# the induction variable, this is a nested literal_unroll so is
# banned
for x in literal_unroll(b):
outer_acc += bar() + x
return outer_acc
f = 9
k = f
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Nesting of literal_unroll is unsupported",
def test_24(self):
# unroll something unsupported
def foo():
for x in literal_unroll("ABCDE"):
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
msg = "argument should be a tuple or a list of constant values"
self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
def test_25(self):
# use unroll by reference/alias
def foo():
val = literal_unroll(((1, 2, 3), (2j, 3j), [1, 2], "xyz"))
alias1 = val
alias2 = alias1
lens = []
for x in alias2:
return lens
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_26(self):
# var defined in unrolled body escapes
# untouched variable is untouched
# read only variable is only read
# mutated is muted correctly
def foo(z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
count = 0
untouched = 54
read_only = 17
mutated = np.empty((len(a),), dtype=np.complex128)
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
mutated[count] = x
count += 1
escape = count + read_only
return escape, acc, untouched, read_only, mutated
f = 9
k = f
self.assertPreciseEqual(foo(k), foo.py_func(k))
def test_27(self):
# parfors loop in unrolled loop
def foo(z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for x in literal_unroll(a):
for k in prange(10):
acc += 1
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(k), foo.py_func(k))
def test_28(self):
# parfors reducing on the unrolled induction var
def foo(z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for x in literal_unroll(a):
for k in prange(10):
acc += x
return acc
f = 9
k = f
# summation is unstable
np.testing.assert_allclose(foo(k), foo.py_func(k))
def test_29(self):
# This "works" but parfors is not producing a parallel loop
# TODO: fix
def foo(z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
acc = 0
for k in prange(10):
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(k), foo.py_func(k))
def test_30(self):
# function escaping containing an unroll
def foo():
const = 1234
def bar(t):
acc = 0
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4)
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x + const
return acc, t
return [x for x in map(bar, (1, 2))]
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_31(self):
# this is testing that generators can survive partial typing
# invalid function escaping, map uses zip which can't handle the mixed
# tuple
def foo():
const = 1234
def bar(t):
acc = 0
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4)
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x + const
return acc, t
return [x for x in map(bar, (1, 2j))]
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn(_header_lead, str(raises.exception))
self.assertIn("zip", str(raises.exception))
def test_32(self):
# test yielding from an unroll
def gen(a):
for x in literal_unroll(a):
yield x
def foo():
return [x for x in gen((1, 2.3, 4j,))]
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_33(self):
# test yielding from unroll in escaping function that is consumed and
# yields
def consumer(func, arg):
yield func(arg)
def get(cons):
def foo():
def gen(a):
for x in literal_unroll(a):
yield x
return [next(x) for x in cons(gen, (1, 2.3, 4j,))]
return foo
cfunc = get(consumer)
pyfunc = get(consumer.py_func).py_func
self.assertEqual(cfunc(), pyfunc())
def test_34(self):
# mixed bag, redefinition of tuple
def foo():
acc = 0
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
l2 = [10, 20]
if acc - 2 > 3:
tup = (l1, l2)
a1 = np.arange(20)
a2 = np.ones(5, dtype=np.complex128)
tup = (l1, a1, l2, a2)
for t in literal_unroll(tup):
acc += len(t)
return acc
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Invalid use of", str(raises.exception))
self.assertIn("found multiple definitions of variable",
class TestConstListUnroll(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
def test_01(self):
def foo():
a = [12, 12.7, 3j, 4]
acc = 0
for i in range(len(literal_unroll(a))):
acc += a[i]
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_02(self):
# same as test_1 but without the explicit loop canonicalisation
def foo():
x = [12, 12.7, 3j, 4]
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_03(self):
# two unrolls
def foo():
x = [12, 12.7, 3j, 4]
y = ['foo', 8]
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for t in literal_unroll(y):
acc += t is False
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_04(self):
# two unrolls, one is a const list, one is a tuple
def foo():
x = [12, 12.7, 3j, 4]
y = ('foo', 8)
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for t in literal_unroll(y):
acc += t is False
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_05(self):
# illegal, list has to be const
def foo(tup1, tup2):
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup1):
if a[0] > 1:
acc += tup2[0].sum()
return acc
n = 10
tup1 = [np.zeros(10), np.zeros(10)]
tup2 = (np.ones((n,)), np.ones((n, n)), np.ones((n, n, n)),
np.ones((n, n, n, n)), np.ones((n, n, n, n, n)))
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
foo(tup1, tup2)
msg = "Invalid use of literal_unroll with a function argument"
self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
def test_06(self):
# illegal: list containing non const
def foo():
n = 10
tup = [np.ones((n,)), np.ones((n, n)), "ABCDEFGHJI", (1, 2, 3),
(1, 'foo', 2, 'bar'), {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}]
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(tup):
acc += len(a)
return acc
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Found non-constant value at position 0",
def test_7(self):
# dispatch on literals triggering @overload resolution
def dt(value):
if value == "apple":
return 1
elif value == "orange":
return 2
elif value == "banana":
return 3
elif value == 0xca11ab1e:
return 0x5ca1ab1e + value
@overload(dt, inline='always')
def ol_dt(li):
if isinstance(li, types.StringLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == "apple":
def impl(li):
return 1
elif value == "orange":
def impl(li):
return 2
elif value == "banana":
def impl(li):
return 3
return impl
elif isinstance(li, types.IntegerLiteral):
value = li.literal_value
if value == 0xca11ab1e:
def impl(li):
# close over the dispatcher :)
return 0x5ca1ab1e + value
return impl
def foo():
acc = 0
for t in literal_unroll(['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 3390155550]):
acc += dt(t)
return acc
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_8(self):
def foo():
x = []
z = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']
for i in range(len(literal_unroll(z))):
t = z[i]
if t == "apple":
elif t == "orange":
elif t == "banana":
return x
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_9(self):
# unroll the same target twice
def foo(idx, z):
a = [12, 12.7, 3j, 4]
acc = 0
for i in literal_unroll(a):
acc += i
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
if a[0] < 23:
acc += 2
return acc
f = 9
k = f
self.assertEqual(foo(2, k), foo.py_func(2, k))
def test_10(self):
# nesting unrolls is illegal
def foo(idx, z):
a = (12, 12.7, 3j, 4, z, 2 * z)
b = [12, 12.7, 3j, 4]
acc = 0
for i in literal_unroll(a):
acc += i
if acc.real < 26:
acc -= 1
for x in literal_unroll(a):
for j in literal_unroll(b):
acc += j
acc += x
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
for x in literal_unroll(a):
acc += x
if a[0] < 23:
acc += 2
return acc
f = 9
k = f
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
foo(2, k)
self.assertIn("Nesting of literal_unroll is unsupported",
def test_11(self):
# homogeneous const list unroll can return derivative of the induction
# var
def foo():
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
return a
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_12(self):
# mixed unroll cannot return derivative of the induction var
def foo():
acc = 0
x = [1, 2, 'a']
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += bool(a)
return a
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Cannot unify", str(raises.exception))
def test_13(self):
# list slice is illegal
def foo():
x = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000]
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x[:2]):
acc += a
return acc
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Invalid use of literal_unroll", str(raises.exception))
def test_14(self):
# list mutate is illegal
def foo():
x = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000]
acc = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
acc += a
return acc
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Unknown attribute 'append' of type Tuple",
class TestMore(TestCase):
def test_invalid_use_of_unroller(self):
def foo():
x = (10, 20)
r = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x, x):
r += a
return r
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
"literal_unroll takes one argument, found 2",
def test_non_constant_list(self):
def foo(y):
x = [10, y]
r = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
r += a
return r
with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
("Found non-constant value at position 1 in a list argument to "
@unittest.skip("numba.literally not supported yet")
def test_literally_constant_list(self):
# FAIL. May need to consider it in a future PR
from numba import literally
def foo(y):
x = [10, literally(y)]
r = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
r += a
return r
# Found non-constant value at position 1 in a list argument to
# literal_unroll
def bar():
return foo(12)
# Found non-constant value at position 1 in a list argument to
# literal_unroll
@unittest.skip("inlining of foo doesn't have const prop so y isn't const")
def test_inlined_unroll_list(self):
def foo(y):
x = [10, y]
r = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
r += a
return r
def bar():
return foo(12)
self.assertEqual(bar(), 10 + 12)
def test_unroll_tuple_arg(self):
def foo(y):
x = (10, y)
r = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
r += a
return r
self.assertEqual(foo(12), foo.py_func(12))
self.assertEqual(foo(1.2), foo.py_func(1.2))
def test_unroll_tuple_arg2(self):
def foo(x):
r = 0
for a in literal_unroll(x):
r += a
return r
self.assertEqual(foo((12, 1.2)), foo.py_func((12, 1.2)))
self.assertEqual(foo((12, 1.2)), foo.py_func((12, 1.2)))
def test_unroll_tuple_alias(self):
def foo():
x = (10, 1.2)
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(x):
j = i
k = j
out += j + k + i
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_tuple_nested(self):
def foo():
x = ((10, 1.2), (1j, 3.))
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(x):
for j in (i):
out += j
return out
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("getiter", str(raises.exception))
re = r".*Tuple\(int[0-9][0-9], float64\).*"
self.assertRegex(str(raises.exception), re)
def test_unroll_tuple_of_dict(self):
def foo():
x = {}
x["a"] = 1
x["b"] = 2
y = {}
y[3] = "c"
y[4] = "d"
for it in literal_unroll((x, y)):
for k, v in it.items():
print(k, v)
with captured_stdout() as stdout:
lines = stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
['a 1', 'b 2', '3 c', '4 d'],
def test_unroll_named_tuple(self):
ABC = namedtuple('ABC', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
def foo():
abc = ABC(1, 2j, 3.4)
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(abc):
out += i
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_named_tuple_arg(self):
ABC = namedtuple('ABC', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
def foo(x):
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(x):
out += i
return out
abc = ABC(1, 2j, 3.4)
self.assertEqual(foo(abc), foo.py_func(abc))
def test_unroll_named_unituple(self):
ABC = namedtuple('ABC', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
def foo():
abc = ABC(1, 2, 3)
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(abc):
out += i
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_named_unituple_arg(self):
ABC = namedtuple('ABC', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
def foo(x):
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(x):
out += i
return out
abc = ABC(1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(foo(abc), foo.py_func(abc))
def test_unroll_global_tuple(self):
def foo():
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(_X_GLOBAL):
out += i
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_freevar_tuple(self):
x = (10, 11)
def foo():
out = 0
for i in literal_unroll(x):
out += i
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_function_tuple(self):
def a():
return 1
def b():
return 2
x = (a, b)
def foo():
out = 0
for f in literal_unroll(x):
out += f()
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_indexing_list(self):
# See issue #5477
def foo(cont):
i = 0
acc = 0
normal_list = [a for a in cont]
heter_tuple = ('a', 25, 0.23, None)
for item in literal_unroll(heter_tuple):
acc += normal_list[i]
i += 1
return i, acc
data = [j for j in range(4)]
# send stdout to nowhere, just check return values
with captured_stdout():
self.assertEqual(foo(data), foo.py_func(data))
# now capture stdout for jit function and check
with captured_stdout() as stdout:
lines = stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
['a', '25', '0.23', 'None'],
def test_unroller_as_freevar(self):
mixed = (np.ones((1,)), np.ones((1, 1)), np.ones((1, 1, 1)))
from numba import literal_unroll as freevar_unroll
def foo():
out = 0
for i in freevar_unroll(mixed):
out += i.ndim
return out
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
def test_unroll_with_non_conformant_loops_present(self):
# See issue #8311
@njit('(Tuple((int64, float64)),)')
def foo(tup):
for t in literal_unroll(tup):
x = 1
while x == 1:
x = 0
def test_literal_unroll_legalize_var_names01(self):
# See issue #8939
test = np.array([(1, 2), (2, 3)], dtype=[("a1", "f8"), ("a2", "f8")])
fields = tuple(test.dtype.fields.keys())
def foo(arr):
res = 0
for k in literal_unroll(fields):
res = res + np.abs(arr[k]).sum()
return res
self.assertEqual(foo(test), 8.0)
def test_literal_unroll_legalize_var_names02(self):
# See issue #8939
test = np.array([(1, 2), (2, 3)],
dtype=[("a1[0]", "f8"), ("a2[1]", "f8")])
fields = tuple(test.dtype.fields.keys())
def foo(arr):
res = 0
for k in literal_unroll(fields):
res = res + np.abs(arr[k]).sum()
return res
self.assertEqual(foo(test), 8.0)
def capture(real_pass):
""" Returns a compiler pass that captures the mutation state reported
by the pass used in the argument"""
@register_pass(mutates_CFG=False, analysis_only=True)
class ResultCapturer(AnalysisPass):
_name = "capture_%s" % real_pass._name
_real_pass = real_pass
def __init__(self):
def run_pass(self, state):
result = real_pass().run_pass(state)
mutation_results = state.metadata.setdefault('mutation_results', {})
mutation_results[real_pass] = result
return result
return ResultCapturer
class CapturingCompiler(CompilerBase):
""" Simple pipeline that wraps passes with the ResultCapturer pass"""
def define_pipelines(self):
pm = PassManager("Capturing Compiler")
def add_pass(x, y):
return pm.add_pass(capture(x), y)
add_pass(TranslateByteCode, "analyzing bytecode")
add_pass(FixupArgs, "fix up args")
add_pass(IRProcessing, "processing IR")
add_pass(LiteralUnroll, "handles literal_unroll")
# typing
add_pass(NopythonTypeInference, "nopython frontend")
# legalise
"ensure IR is legal prior to lowering")
# lower
add_pass(NativeLowering, "native lowering")
add_pass(NoPythonBackend, "nopython mode backend")
return [pm]
class TestLiteralUnrollPassTriggering(TestCase):
def test_literal_unroll_not_invoked(self):
def foo():
acc = 0
for i in (1, 2, 3):
acc += i
return acc
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
def test_literal_unroll_is_invoked(self):
def foo():
acc = 0
for i in literal_unroll((1, 2, 3)):
acc += i
return acc
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
def test_literal_unroll_is_invoked_via_alias(self):
alias = literal_unroll
def foo():
acc = 0
for i in alias((1, 2, 3)):
acc += i
return acc
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
def test_literal_unroll_assess_empty_function(self):
def foo():
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
def test_literal_unroll_not_in_globals(self):
f = """def foo():\n\tpass"""
l = {}
exec(f, {}, l)
foo = njit(pipeline_class=CapturingCompiler)(l['foo'])
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
def test_literal_unroll_globals_and_locals(self):
f = """def foo():\n\tfor x in literal_unroll((1,)):\n\t\tpass"""
l = {}
exec(f, {}, l)
foo = njit(pipeline_class=CapturingCompiler)(l['foo'])
with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("Untyped global name 'literal_unroll'",
# same as above but now add literal_unroll to globals
l = {}
exec(f, {'literal_unroll': literal_unroll}, l)
foo = njit(pipeline_class=CapturingCompiler)(l['foo'])
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
# same as above, but now with import
from textwrap import dedent
f = """
def gen():
from numba import literal_unroll
def foo():
for x in literal_unroll((1,)):
return foo
bar = gen()
l = {}
exec(dedent(f), {}, l)
foo = njit(pipeline_class=CapturingCompiler)(l['bar'])
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
# same as above, but now with import as something else
from textwrap import dedent
f = """
def gen():
from numba import literal_unroll as something_else
def foo():
for x in something_else((1,)):
return foo
bar = gen()
l = {}
exec(dedent(f), {}, l)
foo = njit(pipeline_class=CapturingCompiler)(l['bar'])
cres = foo.overloads[foo.signatures[0]]
if __name__ == '__main__':