
285 lines
11 KiB

import os
import sys
import subprocess
from numba import cuda
import unittest
import itertools
import git # noqa: F401 from gitpython package
except ImportError:
has_gitpython = False
has_gitpython = True
import yaml # from pyyaml package
except ImportError:
has_pyyaml = False
has_pyyaml = True
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""These test cases are meant to test the Numba test infrastructure itself.
Therefore, the logic used here shouldn't use numba.testing, but only the
upstream unittest, and run the numba test suite only in a subprocess."""
def get_testsuite_listing(self, args, *, subp_kwargs=None):
Use `subp_kwargs` to pass extra argument to `subprocess.check_output`.
subp_kwargs = subp_kwargs or {}
cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'numba.runtests', '-l'] + list(args)
out_bytes = subprocess.check_output(cmd, **subp_kwargs)
lines = out_bytes.decode('UTF-8').splitlines()
lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip()]
return lines
def check_listing_prefix(self, prefix):
listing = self.get_testsuite_listing([prefix])
for ln in listing[:-1]:
errmsg = '{!r} not startswith {!r}'.format(ln, prefix)
self.assertTrue(ln.startswith(prefix), msg=errmsg)
def check_testsuite_size(self, args, minsize):
Check that the reported numbers of tests are at least *minsize*.
lines = self.get_testsuite_listing(args)
last_line = lines[-1]
self.assertTrue('tests found' in last_line)
number = int(last_line.split(' ')[0])
# There may be some "skipped" messages at the beginning,
# so do an approximate check.
self.assertIn(len(lines), range(number + 1, number + 20))
self.assertGreaterEqual(number, minsize)
return lines
def check_all(self, ids):
lines = self.check_testsuite_size(ids, 5000)
# CUDA should be included by default
self.assertTrue(any('numba.cuda.tests.' in line for line in lines))
# As well as subpackage
self.assertTrue(any('numba.tests.npyufunc.test_' in line
for line in lines),)
def _get_numba_tests_from_listing(self, listing):
"""returns a filter on strings starting with 'numba.', useful for
selecting the 'numba' test names from a test listing."""
return filter(lambda x: x.startswith('numba.'), listing)
def test_default(self):
def test_all(self):
def test_cuda(self):
# Even without CUDA enabled, there is at least one test
# (in numba.cuda.tests.nocuda)
minsize = 100 if cuda.is_available() else 1
self.check_testsuite_size(['numba.cuda.tests'], minsize)
@unittest.skipIf(not cuda.is_available(), "NO CUDA")
def test_cuda_submodules(self):
def test_module(self):
self.check_testsuite_size(['numba.tests.test_storeslice'], 2)
self.check_testsuite_size(['numba.tests.test_nested_calls'], 10)
# Several modules
'numba.tests.test_storeslice'], 12)
def test_subpackage(self):
self.check_testsuite_size(['numba.tests.npyufunc'], 50)
def test_random(self):
['--random', '0.1', 'numba.tests.npyufunc'], 5)
def test_include_exclude_tags(self):
def get_count(arg_list):
lines = self.get_testsuite_listing(arg_list)
self.assertIn('tests found', lines[-1])
count = int(lines[-1].split()[0])
self.assertTrue(count > 0)
return count
tags = ['long_running', 'long_running, important']
total = get_count(['numba.tests'])
for tag in tags:
included = get_count(['--tags', tag, 'numba.tests'])
excluded = get_count(['--exclude-tags', tag, 'numba.tests'])
self.assertEqual(total, included + excluded)
# check syntax with `=` sign in
included = get_count(['--tags=%s' % tag, 'numba.tests'])
excluded = get_count(['--exclude-tags=%s' % tag, 'numba.tests'])
self.assertEqual(total, included + excluded)
def test_check_shard(self):
tmpAll = self.get_testsuite_listing([])
tmp1 = self.get_testsuite_listing(['-j', '0:2'])
tmp2 = self.get_testsuite_listing(['-j', '1:2'])
lAll = set(self._get_numba_tests_from_listing(tmpAll))
l1 = set(self._get_numba_tests_from_listing(tmp1))
l2 = set(self._get_numba_tests_from_listing(tmp2))
# The difference between two adjacent shards should be less than 5% of
# the total
self.assertLess(abs(len(l2) - len(l1)), len(lAll) / 20)
self.assertLess(len(l1), len(lAll))
self.assertLess(len(l2), len(lAll))
def test_check_sharding_equivalent(self):
# get some shards
sharded = list()
for i in range(3):
subset = self.get_testsuite_listing(['-j', '{}:3'.format(i)])
slist = [*self._get_numba_tests_from_listing(subset)]
# get the always running tests
tmp = self.get_testsuite_listing(['--tag', 'always_test'])
always_running = set(self._get_numba_tests_from_listing(tmp))
# make sure there is at least one test that always runs
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(always_running), 1)
# check that each shard contains no repeats
sharded_sets = [set(x) for x in sharded]
for i in range(len(sharded)):
self.assertEqual(len(sharded_sets[i]), len(sharded[i]))
# check that the always running tests are in every shard, and then
# remove them from the shards
for shard in sharded_sets:
for test in always_running:
self.assertIn(test, shard)
self.assertNotIn(test, shard)
# check that there is no overlap between the shards
for a, b in itertools.combinations(sharded_sets, 2):
self.assertFalse(a & b)
# check that the sum of the shards and the always running tests is the
# same as the full listing
sum_of_parts = set()
for x in sharded_sets:
full_listing = set(self._get_numba_tests_from_listing(
self.assertEqual(sum_of_parts, full_listing)
@unittest.skipUnless(has_gitpython, "Requires gitpython")
def test_gitdiff(self):
# Check for git
except FileNotFoundError:
self.skipTest("no git available")
# default
outs = self.get_testsuite_listing(['-g'])
self.assertNotIn("Git diff by common ancestor", outs)
# using ancestor
outs = self.get_testsuite_listing(['-g=ancestor'])
self.assertIn("Git diff by common ancestor", outs)
# misspelled ancestor
subp_kwargs = dict(stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
self.get_testsuite_listing(['-g=ancest'], subp_kwargs=subp_kwargs)
@unittest.skipUnless(has_pyyaml, "Requires pyyaml")
def test_azure_config(self):
from yaml import Loader
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
azure_pipe = os.path.join(base_path, '..', '..', 'azure-pipelines.yml')
if not os.path.isfile(azure_pipe):
self.skipTest("'azure-pipelines.yml' is not available")
with open(os.path.abspath(azure_pipe), 'rt') as f:
data =
pipe_yml = yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)
templates = pipe_yml['jobs']
# first look at the items in the first two templates, this is osx/linux
start_indexes = []
for tmplt in templates[:2]:
matrix = tmplt['parameters']['matrix']
for setup in matrix.values():
# next look at the items in the windows only template
winpath = ['..', '..', 'buildscripts', 'azure', 'azure-windows.yml']
azure_windows = os.path.join(base_path, *winpath)
if not os.path.isfile(azure_windows):
self.skipTest("'azure-windows.yml' is not available")
with open(os.path.abspath(azure_windows), 'rt') as f:
data =
windows_yml = yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)
# There's only one template in windows and its keyed differently to the
# above, get its matrix.
matrix = windows_yml['jobs'][0]['strategy']['matrix']
for setup in matrix.values():
# sanity checks
# 1. That the TEST_START_INDEX is unique
self.assertEqual(len(start_indexes), len(set(start_indexes)))
# 2. That the TEST_START_INDEX is a complete range
lim_start_index = max(start_indexes) + 1
expected = [*range(lim_start_index)]
self.assertEqual(sorted(start_indexes), expected)
# 3. That the number of indexes matches the declared test count
self.assertEqual(lim_start_index, pipe_yml['variables']['TEST_COUNT'])
def test_no_compilation_on_list(self):
# Checks that the test suite doesn't do any CPU-side compilation on
# listing of tests.
code = """if 1:
from unittest import mock
from llvmlite import binding as llvm
error = RuntimeError("Detected compilation during test listing")
with mock.patch.object(llvm.ExecutionEngine, 'finalize_object',
import numba
# Run with a jit function in the test to demonstrate failure
with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as raises:
cmd = [sys.executable, "-c", code.format("numba.njit(lambda:0)()")]
self.assertIn("Detected compilation during test listing",
# Run to validate the test suite does not trigger compilation during
# listing.
cmd = [sys.executable, "-c", code.format("numba.test('-l')")]
if __name__ == '__main__':