
647 lines
17 KiB

from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, Union
from .typing import display_as_type
from .typing import DictStrAny
# explicitly state exports to avoid "from .errors import *" also importing Decimal, Path etc.
__all__ = (
def cls_kwargs(cls: Type['PydanticErrorMixin'], ctx: 'DictStrAny') -> 'PydanticErrorMixin':
For built-in exceptions like ValueError or TypeError, we need to implement
__reduce__ to override the default behaviour (instead of __getstate__/__setstate__)
By default pickle protocol 2 calls `cls.__new__(cls, *args)`.
Since we only use kwargs, we need a little constructor to change that.
Note: the callable can't be a lambda as pickle looks in the namespace to find it
return cls(**ctx)
class PydanticErrorMixin:
code: str
msg_template: str
def __init__(self, **ctx: Any) -> None:
self.__dict__ = ctx
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.msg_template.format(**self.__dict__)
def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[Callable[..., 'PydanticErrorMixin'], Tuple[Type['PydanticErrorMixin'], 'DictStrAny']]:
return cls_kwargs, (self.__class__, self.__dict__)
class PydanticTypeError(PydanticErrorMixin, TypeError):
class PydanticValueError(PydanticErrorMixin, ValueError):
class ConfigError(RuntimeError):
class MissingError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'field required'
class ExtraError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'extra fields not permitted'
class NoneIsNotAllowedError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'none.not_allowed'
msg_template = 'none is not an allowed value'
class NoneIsAllowedError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'none.allowed'
msg_template = 'value is not none'
class WrongConstantError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'const'
def __str__(self) -> str:
permitted = ', '.join(repr(v) for v in self.permitted) # type: ignore
return f'unexpected value; permitted: {permitted}'
class NotNoneError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'not_none'
msg_template = 'value is not None'
class BoolError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value could not be parsed to a boolean'
class BytesError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'byte type expected'
class DictError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid dict'
class EmailError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid email address'
class UrlError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'url'
class UrlSchemeError(UrlError):
code = 'url.scheme'
msg_template = 'invalid or missing URL scheme'
class UrlSchemePermittedError(UrlError):
code = 'url.scheme'
msg_template = 'URL scheme not permitted'
def __init__(self, allowed_schemes: Set[str]):
class UrlUserInfoError(UrlError):
code = 'url.userinfo'
msg_template = 'userinfo required in URL but missing'
class UrlHostError(UrlError):
code = ''
msg_template = 'URL host invalid'
class UrlHostTldError(UrlError):
code = ''
msg_template = 'URL host invalid, top level domain required'
class UrlPortError(UrlError):
code = 'url.port'
msg_template = 'URL port invalid, port cannot exceed 65535'
class UrlExtraError(UrlError):
code = 'url.extra'
msg_template = 'URL invalid, extra characters found after valid URL: {extra!r}'
class EnumMemberError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'enum'
def __str__(self) -> str:
permitted = ', '.join(repr(v.value) for v in self.enum_values) # type: ignore
return f'value is not a valid enumeration member; permitted: {permitted}'
class IntegerError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid integer'
class FloatError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid float'
class PathError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid path'
class _PathValueError(PydanticValueError):
def __init__(self, *, path: Path) -> None:
class PathNotExistsError(_PathValueError):
code = 'path.not_exists'
msg_template = 'file or directory at path "{path}" does not exist'
class PathNotAFileError(_PathValueError):
code = 'path.not_a_file'
msg_template = 'path "{path}" does not point to a file'
class PathNotADirectoryError(_PathValueError):
code = 'path.not_a_directory'
msg_template = 'path "{path}" does not point to a directory'
class PyObjectError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'ensure this value contains valid import path or valid callable: {error_message}'
class SequenceError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid sequence'
class IterableError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid iterable'
class ListError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid list'
class SetError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid set'
class FrozenSetError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid frozenset'
class DequeError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid deque'
class TupleError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid tuple'
class TupleLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'tuple.length'
msg_template = 'wrong tuple length {actual_length}, expected {expected_length}'
def __init__(self, *, actual_length: int, expected_length: int) -> None:
super().__init__(actual_length=actual_length, expected_length=expected_length)
class ListMinLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'list.min_items'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at least {limit_value} items'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class ListMaxLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'list.max_items'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at most {limit_value} items'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class ListUniqueItemsError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'list.unique_items'
msg_template = 'the list has duplicated items'
class SetMinLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'set.min_items'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at least {limit_value} items'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class SetMaxLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'set.max_items'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at most {limit_value} items'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class FrozenSetMinLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'frozenset.min_items'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at least {limit_value} items'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class FrozenSetMaxLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'frozenset.max_items'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at most {limit_value} items'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class AnyStrMinLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'any_str.min_length'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at least {limit_value} characters'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class AnyStrMaxLengthError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'any_str.max_length'
msg_template = 'ensure this value has at most {limit_value} characters'
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: int) -> None:
class StrError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'str type expected'
class StrRegexError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'str.regex'
msg_template = 'string does not match regex "{pattern}"'
def __init__(self, *, pattern: str) -> None:
class _NumberBoundError(PydanticValueError):
def __init__(self, *, limit_value: Union[int, float, Decimal]) -> None:
class NumberNotGtError(_NumberBoundError):
code = 'number.not_gt'
msg_template = 'ensure this value is greater than {limit_value}'
class NumberNotGeError(_NumberBoundError):
code = 'number.not_ge'
msg_template = 'ensure this value is greater than or equal to {limit_value}'
class NumberNotLtError(_NumberBoundError):
code = 'number.not_lt'
msg_template = 'ensure this value is less than {limit_value}'
class NumberNotLeError(_NumberBoundError):
code = 'number.not_le'
msg_template = 'ensure this value is less than or equal to {limit_value}'
class NumberNotFiniteError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'number.not_finite_number'
msg_template = 'ensure this value is a finite number'
class NumberNotMultipleError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'number.not_multiple'
msg_template = 'ensure this value is a multiple of {multiple_of}'
def __init__(self, *, multiple_of: Union[int, float, Decimal]) -> None:
class DecimalError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid decimal'
class DecimalIsNotFiniteError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'decimal.not_finite'
msg_template = 'value is not a valid decimal'
class DecimalMaxDigitsError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'decimal.max_digits'
msg_template = 'ensure that there are no more than {max_digits} digits in total'
def __init__(self, *, max_digits: int) -> None:
class DecimalMaxPlacesError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'decimal.max_places'
msg_template = 'ensure that there are no more than {decimal_places} decimal places'
def __init__(self, *, decimal_places: int) -> None:
class DecimalWholeDigitsError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'decimal.whole_digits'
msg_template = 'ensure that there are no more than {whole_digits} digits before the decimal point'
def __init__(self, *, whole_digits: int) -> None:
class DateTimeError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'invalid datetime format'
class DateError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'invalid date format'
class DateNotInThePastError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'date.not_in_the_past'
msg_template = 'date is not in the past'
class DateNotInTheFutureError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'date.not_in_the_future'
msg_template = 'date is not in the future'
class TimeError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'invalid time format'
class DurationError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'invalid duration format'
class HashableError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid hashable'
class UUIDError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid uuid'
class UUIDVersionError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'uuid.version'
msg_template = 'uuid version {required_version} expected'
def __init__(self, *, required_version: int) -> None:
class ArbitraryTypeError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'arbitrary_type'
msg_template = 'instance of {expected_arbitrary_type} expected'
def __init__(self, *, expected_arbitrary_type: Type[Any]) -> None:
class ClassError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'class'
msg_template = 'a class is expected'
class SubclassError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'subclass'
msg_template = 'subclass of {expected_class} expected'
def __init__(self, *, expected_class: Type[Any]) -> None:
class JsonError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'Invalid JSON'
class JsonTypeError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'json'
msg_template = 'JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray'
class PatternError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'regex_pattern'
msg_template = 'Invalid regular expression'
class DataclassTypeError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'dataclass'
msg_template = 'instance of {class_name}, tuple or dict expected'
class CallableError(PydanticTypeError):
msg_template = '{value} is not callable'
class EnumError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'enum_instance'
msg_template = '{value} is not a valid Enum instance'
class IntEnumError(PydanticTypeError):
code = 'int_enum_instance'
msg_template = '{value} is not a valid IntEnum instance'
class IPvAnyAddressError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address'
class IPvAnyInterfaceError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 interface'
class IPvAnyNetworkError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 network'
class IPv4AddressError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv4 address'
class IPv6AddressError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv6 address'
class IPv4NetworkError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv4 network'
class IPv6NetworkError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv6 network'
class IPv4InterfaceError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv4 interface'
class IPv6InterfaceError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid IPv6 interface'
class ColorError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid color: {reason}'
class StrictBoolError(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'value is not a valid boolean'
class NotDigitError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'payment_card_number.digits'
msg_template = 'card number is not all digits'
class LuhnValidationError(PydanticValueError):
code = 'payment_card_number.luhn_check'
msg_template = 'card number is not luhn valid'
class InvalidLengthForBrand(PydanticValueError):
code = 'payment_card_number.invalid_length_for_brand'
msg_template = 'Length for a {brand} card must be {required_length}'
class InvalidByteSize(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'could not parse value and unit from byte string'
class InvalidByteSizeUnit(PydanticValueError):
msg_template = 'could not interpret byte unit: {unit}'
class MissingDiscriminator(PydanticValueError):
code = 'discriminated_union.missing_discriminator'
msg_template = 'Discriminator {discriminator_key!r} is missing in value'
class InvalidDiscriminator(PydanticValueError):
code = 'discriminated_union.invalid_discriminator'
msg_template = (
'No match for discriminator {discriminator_key!r} and value {discriminator_value!r} '
'(allowed values: {allowed_values})'
def __init__(self, *, discriminator_key: str, discriminator_value: Any, allowed_values: Sequence[Any]) -> None:
allowed_values=', '.join(map(repr, allowed_values)),