
343 lines
13 KiB

"""Precompute coefficients of several series expansions
of Wright's generalized Bessel function Phi(a, b, x).
See with rho=a, beta=b, z=x.
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, curve_fit
from time import time
import sympy
from sympy import EulerGamma, Rational, S, Sum, \
factorial, gamma, gammasimp, pi, polygamma, symbols, zeta
from sympy.polys.polyfuncs import horner
except ImportError:
def series_small_a():
"""Tylor series expansion of Phi(a, b, x) in a=0 up to order 5.
order = 5
a, b, x, k = symbols("a b x k")
A = [] # terms with a
X = [] # terms with x
B = [] # terms with b (polygammas)
# Phi(a, b, x) = exp(x)/gamma(b) * sum(A[i] * X[i] * B[i])
expression = Sum(x**k/factorial(k)/gamma(a*k+b), (k, 0, S.Infinity))
expression = gamma(b)/sympy.exp(x) * expression
# nth term of taylor series in a=0: a^n/n! * (d^n Phi(a, b, x)/da^n at a=0)
for n in range(0, order+1):
term = expression.diff(a, n).subs(a, 0).simplify().doit()
# set the whole bracket involving polygammas to 1
x_part = (term.subs(polygamma(0, b), 1)
.replace(polygamma, lambda *args: 0))
# sign convention: x part always positive
x_part *= (-1)**n
s = "Tylor series expansion of Phi(a, b, x) in a=0 up to order 5.\n"
s += "Phi(a, b, x) = exp(x)/gamma(b) * sum(A[i] * X[i] * B[i], i=0..5)\n"
for name, c in zip(['A', 'X', 'B'], [A, X, B]):
for i in range(len(c)):
s += f"\n{name}[{i}] = " + str(c[i])
return s
# expansion of digamma
def dg_series(z, n):
"""Symbolic expansion of digamma(z) in z=0 to order n.
See and with
k = symbols("k")
return -1/z - EulerGamma + \
sympy.summation((-1)**k * zeta(k) * z**(k-1), (k, 2, n+1))
def pg_series(k, z, n):
"""Symbolic expansion of polygamma(k, z) in z=0 to order n."""
return sympy.diff(dg_series(z, n+k), z, k)
def series_small_a_small_b():
"""Tylor series expansion of Phi(a, b, x) in a=0 and b=0 up to order 5.
Be aware of cancellation of poles in b=0 of digamma(b)/Gamma(b) and
polygamma functions.
digamma(b)/Gamma(b) = -1 - 2*M_EG*b + O(b^2)
digamma(b)^2/Gamma(b) = 1/b + 3*M_EG + b*(-5/12*PI^2+7/2*M_EG^2) + O(b^2)
polygamma(1, b)/Gamma(b) = 1/b + M_EG + b*(1/12*PI^2 + 1/2*M_EG^2) + O(b^2)
and so on.
order = 5
a, b, x, k = symbols("a b x k")
M_PI, M_EG, M_Z3 = symbols("M_PI M_EG M_Z3")
c_subs = {pi: M_PI, EulerGamma: M_EG, zeta(3): M_Z3}
A = [] # terms with a
X = [] # terms with x
B = [] # terms with b (polygammas expanded)
C = [] # terms that generate B
# Phi(a, b, x) = exp(x) * sum(A[i] * X[i] * B[i])
# B[0] = 1
# B[k] = sum(C[k] * b**k/k!, k=0..)
# Note: C[k] can be obtained from a series expansion of 1/gamma(b).
expression = gamma(b)/sympy.exp(x) * \
Sum(x**k/factorial(k)/gamma(a*k+b), (k, 0, S.Infinity))
# nth term of taylor series in a=0: a^n/n! * (d^n Phi(a, b, x)/da^n at a=0)
for n in range(0, order+1):
term = expression.diff(a, n).subs(a, 0).simplify().doit()
# set the whole bracket involving polygammas to 1
x_part = (term.subs(polygamma(0, b), 1)
.replace(polygamma, lambda *args: 0))
# sign convention: x part always positive
x_part *= (-1)**n
# expansion of polygamma part with 1/gamma(b)
pg_part = term/x_part/gamma(b)
if n >= 1:
# Note: highest term is digamma^n
pg_part = pg_part.replace(polygamma,
lambda k, x: pg_series(k, x, order+1+n))
pg_part = (pg_part.series(b, 0, n=order+1-n)
.subs(polygamma(2, 1), -2*zeta(3))
# Calculate C and put in the k!
C = sympy.Poly(B[1].subs(c_subs), b).coeffs()
for i in range(len(C)):
C[i] = (C[i] * factorial(i)).simplify()
s = "Tylor series expansion of Phi(a, b, x) in a=0 and b=0 up to order 5."
s += "\nPhi(a, b, x) = exp(x) * sum(A[i] * X[i] * B[i], i=0..5)\n"
s += "B[0] = 1\n"
s += "B[i] = sum(C[k+i-1] * b**k/k!, k=0..)\n"
s += "\nM_PI = pi"
s += "\nM_EG = EulerGamma"
s += "\nM_Z3 = zeta(3)"
for name, c in zip(['A', 'X'], [A, X]):
for i in range(len(c)):
s += f"\n{name}[{i}] = "
s += str(c[i])
# For C, do also compute the values numerically
for i in range(len(C)):
s += f"\n# C[{i}] = "
s += str(C[i])
s += f"\nC[{i}] = "
s += str(C[i].subs({M_EG: EulerGamma, M_PI: pi, M_Z3: zeta(3)})
# Does B have the assumed structure?
s += "\n\nTest if B[i] does have the assumed structure."
s += "\nC[i] are derived from B[1] alone."
s += "\nTest B[2] == C[1] + b*C[2] + b^2/2*C[3] + b^3/6*C[4] + .."
test = sum([b**k/factorial(k) * C[k+1] for k in range(order-1)])
test = (test - B[2].subs(c_subs)).simplify()
s += f"\ntest successful = {test==S(0)}"
s += "\nTest B[3] == C[2] + b*C[3] + b^2/2*C[4] + .."
test = sum([b**k/factorial(k) * C[k+2] for k in range(order-2)])
test = (test - B[3].subs(c_subs)).simplify()
s += f"\ntest successful = {test==S(0)}"
return s
def asymptotic_series():
"""Asymptotic expansion for large x.
Phi(a, b, x) ~ Z^(1/2-b) * exp((1+a)/a * Z) * sum_k (-1)^k * C_k / Z^k
Z = (a*x)^(1/(1+a))
Wright (1935) lists the coefficients C_0 and C_1 (he calls them a_0 and
a_1). With slightly different notation, Paris (2017) lists coefficients
c_k up to order k=3.
Paris (2017) uses ZP = (1+a)/a * Z (ZP = Z of Paris) and
C_k = C_0 * (-a/(1+a))^k * c_k
order = 8
class g(sympy.Function):
"""Helper function g according to Wright (1935)
g(n, rho, v) = (1 + (rho+2)/3 * v + (rho+2)*(rho+3)/(2*3) * v^2 + ...)
Note: Wright (1935) uses square root of above definition.
nargs = 3
def eval(cls, n, rho, v):
if not n >= 0:
raise ValueError("must have n >= 0")
elif n == 0:
return 1
return g(n-1, rho, v) \
+ gammasimp(gamma(rho+2+n)/gamma(rho+2)) \
/ gammasimp(gamma(3+n)/gamma(3))*v**n
class coef_C(sympy.Function):
"""Calculate coefficients C_m for integer m.
C_m is the coefficient of v^(2*m) in the Taylor expansion in v=0 of
Gamma(m+1/2)/(2*pi) * (2/(rho+1))^(m+1/2) * (1-v)^(-b)
* g(rho, v)^(-m-1/2)
nargs = 3
def eval(cls, m, rho, beta):
if not m >= 0:
raise ValueError("must have m >= 0")
v = symbols("v")
expression = (1-v)**(-beta) * g(2*m, rho, v)**(-m-Rational(1, 2))
res = expression.diff(v, 2*m).subs(v, 0) / factorial(2*m)
res = res * (gamma(m + Rational(1, 2)) / (2*pi)
* (2/(rho+1))**(m + Rational(1, 2)))
return res
# in order to have nice ordering/sorting of expressions, we set a = xa.
xa, b, xap1 = symbols("xa b xap1")
C0 = coef_C(0, xa, b)
# a1 = a(1, rho, beta)
s = "Asymptotic expansion for large x\n"
s += "Phi(a, b, x) = Z**(1/2-b) * exp((1+a)/a * Z) \n"
s += " * sum((-1)**k * C[k]/Z**k, k=0..6)\n\n"
s += "Z = pow(a * x, 1/(1+a))\n"
s += "A[k] = pow(a, k)\n"
s += "B[k] = pow(b, k)\n"
s += "Ap1[k] = pow(1+a, k)\n\n"
s += "C[0] = 1./sqrt(2. * M_PI * Ap1[1])\n"
for i in range(1, order+1):
expr = (coef_C(i, xa, b) / (C0/(1+xa)**i)).simplify()
factor = [x.denominator() for x in sympy.Poly(expr).coeffs()]
factor = sympy.lcm(factor)
expr = (expr * factor).simplify().collect(b, sympy.factor)
expr = expr.xreplace({xa+1: xap1})
s += f"C[{i}] = C[0] / ({factor} * Ap1[{i}])\n"
s += f"C[{i}] *= {str(expr)}\n\n"
import re
re_a = re.compile(r'xa\*\*(\d+)')
s = re_a.sub(r'A[\1]', s)
re_b = re.compile(r'b\*\*(\d+)')
s = re_b.sub(r'B[\1]', s)
s = s.replace('xap1', 'Ap1[1]')
s = s.replace('xa', 'a')
# max integer = 2^31-1 = 2,147,483,647. Solution: Put a point after 10
# or more digits.
re_digits = re.compile(r'(\d{10,})')
s = re_digits.sub(r'\1.', s)
return s
def optimal_epsilon_integral():
"""Fit optimal choice of epsilon for integral representation.
The integrand of
int_0^pi P(eps, a, b, x, phi) * dphi
can exhibit oscillatory behaviour. It stems from the cosine of P and can be
minimized by minimizing the arc length of the argument
f(phi) = eps * sin(phi) - x * eps^(-a) * sin(a * phi) + (1 - b) * phi
of cos(f(phi)).
We minimize the arc length in eps for a grid of values (a, b, x) and fit a
parametric function to it.
def fp(eps, a, b, x, phi):
"""Derivative of f w.r.t. phi."""
eps_a = np.power(1. * eps, -a)
return eps * np.cos(phi) - a * x * eps_a * np.cos(a * phi) + 1 - b
def arclength(eps, a, b, x, epsrel=1e-2, limit=100):
"""Compute Arc length of f.
Note that the arc length of a function f from t0 to t1 is given by
int_t0^t1 sqrt(1 + f'(t)^2) dt
return quad(lambda phi: np.sqrt(1 + fp(eps, a, b, x, phi)**2),
0, np.pi,
epsrel=epsrel, limit=100)[0]
# grid of minimal arc length values
data_a = [1e-3, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8]
data_b = [0, 1, 4, 7, 10]
data_x = [1, 1.5, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1e3, 5e3, 1e4]
data_a, data_b, data_x = np.meshgrid(data_a, data_b, data_x)
data_a, data_b, data_x = (data_a.flatten(), data_b.flatten(),
best_eps = []
for i in range(data_x.size):
minimize_scalar(lambda eps: arclength(eps, data_a[i], data_b[i],
bounds=(1e-3, 1000),
method='Bounded', options={'xatol': 1e-3}).x
best_eps = np.array(best_eps)
# pandas would be nice, but here a dictionary is enough
df = {'a': data_a,
'b': data_b,
'x': data_x,
'eps': best_eps,
def func(data, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5):
"""Compute parametric function to fit."""
a = data['a']
b = data['b']
x = data['x']
return (A0 * b * np.exp(-0.5 * a)
+ np.exp(A1 + 1 / (1 + a) * np.log(x) - A2 * np.exp(-A3 * a)
+ A4 / (1 + np.exp(A5 * a))))
func_params = list(curve_fit(func, df, df['eps'], method='trf')[0])
s = "Fit optimal eps for integrand P via minimal arc length\n"
s += "with parametric function:\n"
s += "optimal_eps = (A0 * b * exp(-a/2) + exp(A1 + 1 / (1 + a) * log(x)\n"
s += " - A2 * exp(-A3 * a) + A4 / (1 + exp(A5 * a)))\n\n"
s += "Fitted parameters A0 to A5 are:\n"
s += ', '.join([f'{x:.5g}' for x in func_params])
return s
def main():
t0 = time()
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
parser.add_argument('action', type=int, choices=[1, 2, 3, 4],
help='chose what expansion to precompute\n'
'1 : Series for small a\n'
'2 : Series for small a and small b\n'
'3 : Asymptotic series for large x\n'
' This may take some time (>4h).\n'
'4 : Fit optimal eps for integral representation.'
args = parser.parse_args()
switch = {1: lambda: print(series_small_a()),
2: lambda: print(series_small_a_small_b()),
3: lambda: print(asymptotic_series()),
4: lambda: print(optimal_epsilon_integral())
switch.get(args.action, lambda: print("Invalid input."))()
print(f"\n{(time() - t0)/60:.1f} minutes elapsed.\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':