93 lines
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93 lines
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"""Tests for the minimum dependencies in README.rst and pyproject.toml"""
import os
import platform
import re
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
import sklearn
from sklearn._min_dependencies import dependent_packages
from sklearn.utils.fixes import parse_version
def test_min_dependencies_readme():
# Test that the minimum dependencies in the README.rst file are
# consistent with the minimum dependencies defined at the file:
# sklearn/_min_dependencies.py
if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy":
pytest.skip("PyPy does not always share the same minimum deps")
pattern = re.compile(
r"(\.\. \|)"
+ r"(([A-Za-z]+\-?)+)"
+ r"(MinVersion\| replace::)"
+ r"( [0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)"
readme_path = Path(sklearn.__file__).parent.parent
readme_file = readme_path / "README.rst"
if not os.path.exists(readme_file):
# Skip the test if the README.rst file is not available.
# For instance, when installing scikit-learn from wheels
pytest.skip("The README.rst file is not available.")
with readme_file.open("r") as f:
for line in f:
matched = pattern.match(line)
if not matched:
package, version = matched.group(2), matched.group(5)
package = package.lower()
if package in dependent_packages:
version = parse_version(version)
min_version = parse_version(dependent_packages[package][0])
assert version == min_version, f"{package} has a mismatched version"
def test_min_dependencies_pyproject_toml():
"""Check versions in pyproject.toml is consistent with _min_dependencies."""
# tomllib is available in Python 3.11
tomllib = pytest.importorskip("tomllib")
root_directory = Path(sklearn.__file__).parent.parent
pyproject_toml_path = root_directory / "pyproject.toml"
if not pyproject_toml_path.exists():
# Skip the test if the pyproject.toml file is not available.
# For instance, when installing scikit-learn from wheels
pytest.skip("pyproject.toml is not available.")
with pyproject_toml_path.open("rb") as f:
pyproject_toml = tomllib.load(f)
build_requirements = pyproject_toml["build-system"]["requires"]
pyproject_build_min_versions = {}
for requirement in build_requirements:
if ">=" in requirement:
# Don't check NumPy: this requirement is only build time.
if "numpy>=1.25" in requirement:
package, version = requirement.split(">=")
package = package.lower()
pyproject_build_min_versions[package] = version
# Only scipy and cython are listed in pyproject.toml
# NumPy is more complex using oldest-supported-numpy or >=1.25.
assert set(["scipy", "cython"]) == set(pyproject_build_min_versions)
for package, version in pyproject_build_min_versions.items():
version = parse_version(version)
expected_min_version = parse_version(dependent_packages[package][0])
assert version == expected_min_version, f"{package} has a mismatched version"