
42 lines
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from cython cimport floating
cpdef enum BLAS_Order:
RowMajor # C contiguous
ColMajor # Fortran contiguous
cpdef enum BLAS_Trans:
NoTrans = 110 # correspond to 'n'
Trans = 116 # correspond to 't'
# BLAS Level 1 ################################################################
cdef floating _dot(int, const floating*, int, const floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef floating _asum(int, const floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef void _axpy(int, floating, const floating*, int, floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef floating _nrm2(int, const floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef void _copy(int, const floating*, int, const floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef void _scal(int, floating, const floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef void _rotg(floating*, floating*, floating*, floating*) noexcept nogil
cdef void _rot(int, floating*, int, floating*, int, floating, floating) noexcept nogil
# BLAS Level 2 ################################################################
cdef void _gemv(BLAS_Order, BLAS_Trans, int, int, floating, const floating*, int,
const floating*, int, floating, floating*, int) noexcept nogil
cdef void _ger(BLAS_Order, int, int, floating, const floating*, int, const floating*,
int, floating*, int) noexcept nogil
# BLASLevel 3 ################################################################
cdef void _gemm(BLAS_Order, BLAS_Trans, BLAS_Trans, int, int, int, floating,
const floating*, int, const floating*, int, floating, floating*,
int) noexcept nogil