
1570 lines
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"""Tools for manipulating of large commutative expressions. """
from .add import Add
from .mul import Mul, _keep_coeff
from .power import Pow
from .basic import Basic
from .expr import Expr
from .function import expand_power_exp
from .sympify import sympify
from .numbers import Rational, Integer, Number, I, equal_valued
from .singleton import S
from .sorting import default_sort_key, ordered
from .symbol import Dummy
from .traversal import preorder_traversal
from .coreerrors import NonCommutativeExpression
from .containers import Tuple, Dict
from sympy.external.gmpy import SYMPY_INTS
from sympy.utilities.iterables import (common_prefix, common_suffix,
variations, iterable, is_sequence)
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Tuple as tTuple
_eps = Dummy(positive=True)
def _isnumber(i):
return isinstance(i, (SYMPY_INTS, float)) or i.is_Number
def _monotonic_sign(self):
"""Return the value closest to 0 that ``self`` may have if all symbols
are signed and the result is uniformly the same sign for all values of symbols.
If a symbol is only signed but not known to be an
integer or the result is 0 then a symbol representative of the sign of self
will be returned. Otherwise, None is returned if a) the sign could be positive
or negative or b) self is not in one of the following forms:
- L(x, y, ...) + A: a function linear in all symbols x, y, ... with an
additive constant; if A is zero then the function can be a monomial whose
sign is monotonic over the range of the variables, e.g. (x + 1)**3 if x is
- A/L(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a function linear in all symbols x, y, ...
that does not have a sign change from positive to negative for any set
of values for the variables.
- M(x, y, ...) + A: a monomial M whose factors are all signed and a constant, A.
- A/M(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a monomial and constants A and B.
- P(x): a univariate polynomial
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import _monotonic_sign as F
>>> from sympy import Dummy
>>> nn = Dummy(integer=True, nonnegative=True)
>>> p = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
>>> p2 = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
>>> F(nn + 1)
>>> F(p - 1)
>>> F(nn*p + 1)
>>> F(p2*p + 1)
>>> F(nn - 1) # could be negative, zero or positive
if not self.is_extended_real:
if (-self).is_Symbol:
rv = _monotonic_sign(-self)
return rv if rv is None else -rv
if not self.is_Add and self.as_numer_denom()[1].is_number:
s = self
if s.is_prime:
if s.is_odd:
return Integer(3)
return Integer(2)
elif s.is_composite:
if s.is_odd:
return Integer(9)
return Integer(4)
elif s.is_positive:
if s.is_even:
if s.is_prime is False:
return Integer(4)
return Integer(2)
elif s.is_integer:
return S.One
return _eps
elif s.is_extended_negative:
if s.is_even:
return Integer(-2)
elif s.is_integer:
return S.NegativeOne
return -_eps
if s.is_zero or s.is_extended_nonpositive or s.is_extended_nonnegative:
return S.Zero
return None
# univariate polynomial
free = self.free_symbols
if len(free) == 1:
if self.is_polynomial():
from sympy.polys.polytools import real_roots
from sympy.polys.polyroots import roots
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolynomialError
x = free.pop()
x0 = _monotonic_sign(x)
if x0 in (_eps, -_eps):
x0 = S.Zero
if x0 is not None:
d = self.diff(x)
if d.is_number:
currentroots = []
currentroots = real_roots(d)
except (PolynomialError, NotImplementedError):
currentroots = [r for r in roots(d, x) if r.is_extended_real]
y = self.subs(x, x0)
if x.is_nonnegative and all(
(r - x0).is_nonpositive for r in currentroots):
if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_positive:
if y:
return y if y.is_positive else Dummy('pos', positive=True)
return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_negative:
if y:
return y if y.is_negative else Dummy('neg', negative=True)
return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
elif x.is_nonpositive and all(
(r - x0).is_nonnegative for r in currentroots):
if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_negative:
if y:
return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_positive:
if y:
return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
n, d = self.as_numer_denom()
den = None
if n.is_number:
den = _monotonic_sign(d)
elif not d.is_number:
if _monotonic_sign(n) is not None:
den = _monotonic_sign(d)
if den is not None and (den.is_positive or den.is_negative):
v = n*den
if v.is_positive:
return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
elif v.is_nonnegative:
return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
elif v.is_negative:
return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
elif v.is_nonpositive:
return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
return None
# multivariate
c, a = self.as_coeff_Add()
v = None
if not a.is_polynomial():
# F/A or A/F where A is a number and F is a signed, rational monomial
n, d = a.as_numer_denom()
if not (n.is_number or d.is_number):
if (
a.is_Mul or a.is_Pow) and \
a.is_rational and \
all(p.exp.is_Integer for p in a.atoms(Pow) if p.is_Pow) and \
(a.is_positive or a.is_negative):
v = S.One
for ai in Mul.make_args(a):
if ai.is_number:
v *= ai
reps = {}
for x in ai.free_symbols:
reps[x] = _monotonic_sign(x)
if reps[x] is None:
v *= ai.subs(reps)
elif c:
# signed linear expression
if not any(p for p in a.atoms(Pow) if not p.is_number) and (a.is_nonpositive or a.is_nonnegative):
free = list(a.free_symbols)
p = {}
for i in free:
v = _monotonic_sign(i)
if v is None:
p[i] = v or (_eps if i.is_nonnegative else -_eps)
v = a.xreplace(p)
if v is not None:
rv = v + c
if v.is_nonnegative and rv.is_positive:
return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
if v.is_nonpositive and rv.is_negative:
return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
def decompose_power(expr: Expr) -> tTuple[Expr, int]:
Decompose power into symbolic base and integer exponent.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import decompose_power
>>> from import x, y
>>> from sympy import exp
>>> decompose_power(x)
(x, 1)
>>> decompose_power(x**2)
(x, 2)
>>> decompose_power(exp(2*y/3))
(exp(y/3), 2)
base, exp = expr.as_base_exp()
if exp.is_Number:
if exp.is_Rational:
if not exp.is_Integer:
base = Pow(base, Rational(1, exp.q)) # type: ignore
e = exp.p # type: ignore
base, e = expr, 1
exp, tail = exp.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True)
if exp is S.NegativeOne:
base, e = Pow(base, tail), -1
elif exp is not S.One:
# todo: after dropping python 3.7 support, use overload and Literal
# in as_coeff_Mul to make exp Rational, and remove these 2 ignores
tail = _keep_coeff(Rational(1, exp.q), tail) # type: ignore
base, e = Pow(base, tail), exp.p # type: ignore
base, e = expr, 1
return base, e
def decompose_power_rat(expr: Expr) -> tTuple[Expr, Rational]:
Decompose power into symbolic base and rational exponent;
if the exponent is not a Rational, then separate only the
integer coefficient.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import decompose_power_rat
>>> from import x
>>> from sympy import sqrt, exp
>>> decompose_power_rat(sqrt(x))
(x, 1/2)
>>> decompose_power_rat(exp(-3*x/2))
(exp(x/2), -3)
_ = base, exp = expr.as_base_exp()
return _ if exp.is_Rational else decompose_power(expr)
class Factors:
"""Efficient representation of ``f_1*f_2*...*f_n``."""
__slots__ = ('factors', 'gens')
def __init__(self, factors=None): # Factors
"""Initialize Factors from dict or expr.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x
>>> from sympy import I
>>> e = 2*x**3
>>> Factors(e)
Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
>>> Factors(e.as_powers_dict())
Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
>>> f = _
>>> f.factors # underlying dictionary
{2: 1, x: 3}
>>> f.gens # base of each factor
frozenset({2, x})
>>> Factors(0)
Factors({0: 1})
>>> Factors(I)
Factors({I: 1})
Although a dictionary can be passed, only minimal checking is
performed: powers of -1 and I are made canonical.
if isinstance(factors, (SYMPY_INTS, float)):
factors = S(factors)
if isinstance(factors, Factors):
factors = factors.factors.copy()
elif factors in (None, S.One):
factors = {}
elif factors is S.Zero or factors == 0:
factors = {S.Zero: S.One}
elif isinstance(factors, Number):
n = factors
factors = {}
if n < 0:
factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
n = -n
if n is not S.One:
if n.is_Float or n.is_Integer or n is S.Infinity:
factors[n] = S.One
elif n.is_Rational:
# since we're processing Numbers, the denominator is
# stored with a negative exponent; all other factors
# are left .
if n.p != 1:
factors[Integer(n.p)] = S.One
factors[Integer(n.q)] = S.NegativeOne
raise ValueError('Expected Float|Rational|Integer, not %s' % n)
elif isinstance(factors, Basic) and not factors.args:
factors = {factors: S.One}
elif isinstance(factors, Expr):
c, nc = factors.args_cnc()
i = c.count(I)
for _ in range(i):
factors = dict(Mul._from_args(c).as_powers_dict())
# Handle all rational Coefficients
for f in list(factors.keys()):
if isinstance(f, Rational) and not isinstance(f, Integer):
p, q = Integer(f.p), Integer(f.q)
factors[p] = (factors[p] if p in factors else S.Zero) + factors[f]
factors[q] = (factors[q] if q in factors else S.Zero) - factors[f]
if i:
factors[I] = factors.get(I, S.Zero) + i
if nc:
factors[Mul(*nc, evaluate=False)] = S.One
factors = factors.copy() # /!\ should be dict-like
# tidy up -/+1 and I exponents if Rational
handle = [k for k in factors if k is I or k in (-1, 1)]
if handle:
i1 = S.One
for k in handle:
if not _isnumber(factors[k]):
i1 *= k**factors.pop(k)
if i1 is not S.One:
for a in i1.args if i1.is_Mul else [i1]: # at worst, -1.0*I*(-1)**e
if a is S.NegativeOne:
factors[a] = S.One
elif a is I:
factors[I] = S.One
elif a.is_Pow:
factors[a.base] = factors.get(a.base, S.Zero) + a.exp
elif equal_valued(a, 1):
factors[a] = S.One
elif equal_valued(a, -1):
factors[-a] = S.One
factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
raise ValueError('unexpected factor in i1: %s' % a)
self.factors = factors
keys = getattr(factors, 'keys', None)
if keys is None:
raise TypeError('expecting Expr or dictionary')
self.gens = frozenset(keys())
def __hash__(self): # Factors
keys = tuple(ordered(self.factors.keys()))
values = [self.factors[k] for k in keys]
return hash((keys, values))
def __repr__(self): # Factors
return "Factors({%s})" % ', '.join(
['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in ordered(self.factors.items())])
def is_zero(self): # Factors
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> Factors(0).is_zero
f = self.factors
return len(f) == 1 and S.Zero in f
def is_one(self): # Factors
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> Factors(1).is_one
return not self.factors
def as_expr(self): # Factors
"""Return the underlying expression.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y
>>> Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict()).as_expr()
args = []
for factor, exp in self.factors.items():
if exp != 1:
if isinstance(exp, Integer):
b, e = factor.as_base_exp()
e = _keep_coeff(exp, e)
return Mul(*args)
def mul(self, other): # Factors
"""Return Factors of ``self * other``.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> b = Factors((x*y/z).as_powers_dict())
>>> a.mul(b)
Factors({x: 2, y: 3, z: -1})
>>> a*b
Factors({x: 2, y: 3, z: -1})
if not isinstance(other, Factors):
other = Factors(other)
if any(f.is_zero for f in (self, other)):
return Factors(S.Zero)
factors = dict(self.factors)
for factor, exp in other.factors.items():
if factor in factors:
exp = factors[factor] + exp
if not exp:
del factors[factor]
factors[factor] = exp
return Factors(factors)
def normal(self, other):
"""Return ``self`` and ``other`` with ``gcd`` removed from each.
The only differences between this and method ``div`` is that this
is 1) optimized for the case when there are few factors in common and
2) this does not raise an error if ``other`` is zero.
See Also
if not isinstance(other, Factors):
other = Factors(other)
if other.is_zero:
return (Factors(), Factors(S.Zero))
if self.is_zero:
return (Factors(S.Zero), Factors())
self_factors = dict(self.factors)
other_factors = dict(other.factors)
for factor, self_exp in self.factors.items():
other_exp = other.factors[factor]
except KeyError:
exp = self_exp - other_exp
if not exp:
del self_factors[factor]
del other_factors[factor]
elif _isnumber(exp):
if exp > 0:
self_factors[factor] = exp
del other_factors[factor]
del self_factors[factor]
other_factors[factor] = -exp
r = self_exp.extract_additively(other_exp)
if r is not None:
if r:
self_factors[factor] = r
del other_factors[factor]
else: # should be handled already
del self_factors[factor]
del other_factors[factor]
sc, sa = self_exp.as_coeff_Add()
if sc:
oc, oa = other_exp.as_coeff_Add()
diff = sc - oc
if diff > 0:
self_factors[factor] -= oc
other_exp = oa
elif diff < 0:
self_factors[factor] -= sc
other_factors[factor] -= sc
other_exp = oa - diff
self_factors[factor] = sa
other_exp = oa
if other_exp:
other_factors[factor] = other_exp
del other_factors[factor]
return Factors(self_factors), Factors(other_factors)
def div(self, other): # Factors
"""Return ``self`` and ``other`` with ``gcd`` removed from each.
This is optimized for the case when there are many factors in common.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> from sympy import S
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> a.div(a)
(Factors({}), Factors({}))
>>> a.div(x*z)
(Factors({y: 2}), Factors({z: 1}))
The ``/`` operator only gives ``quo``:
>>> a/x
Factors({y: 2})
Factors treats its factors as though they are all in the numerator, so
if you violate this assumption the results will be correct but will
not strictly correspond to the numerator and denominator of the ratio:
>>> a.div(x/z)
(Factors({y: 2}), Factors({z: -1}))
Factors is also naive about bases: it does not attempt any denesting
of Rational-base terms, for example the following does not become
>>> Factors(2**(2*x + 2)).div(S(8))
(Factors({2: 2*x + 2}), Factors({8: 1}))
factor_terms can clean up such Rational-bases powers:
>>> from sympy import factor_terms
>>> n, d = Factors(2**(2*x + 2)).div(S(8))
>>> n.as_expr()/d.as_expr()
2**(2*x + 2)/8
>>> factor_terms(_)
quo, rem = dict(self.factors), {}
if not isinstance(other, Factors):
other = Factors(other)
if other.is_zero:
raise ZeroDivisionError
if self.is_zero:
return (Factors(S.Zero), Factors())
for factor, exp in other.factors.items():
if factor in quo:
d = quo[factor] - exp
if _isnumber(d):
if d <= 0:
del quo[factor]
if d >= 0:
if d:
quo[factor] = d
exp = -d
r = quo[factor].extract_additively(exp)
if r is not None:
if r:
quo[factor] = r
else: # should be handled already
del quo[factor]
other_exp = exp
sc, sa = quo[factor].as_coeff_Add()
if sc:
oc, oa = other_exp.as_coeff_Add()
diff = sc - oc
if diff > 0:
quo[factor] -= oc
other_exp = oa
elif diff < 0:
quo[factor] -= sc
other_exp = oa - diff
quo[factor] = sa
other_exp = oa
if other_exp:
rem[factor] = other_exp
assert factor not in rem
rem[factor] = exp
return Factors(quo), Factors(rem)
def quo(self, other): # Factors
"""Return numerator Factor of ``self / other``.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> b = Factors((x*y/z).as_powers_dict())
>>> a.quo(b) # same as a/b
Factors({y: 1})
return self.div(other)[0]
def rem(self, other): # Factors
"""Return denominator Factors of ``self / other``.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> b = Factors((x*y/z).as_powers_dict())
>>> a.rem(b)
Factors({z: -1})
>>> a.rem(a)
return self.div(other)[1]
def pow(self, other): # Factors
"""Return self raised to a non-negative integer power.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> a**2
Factors({x: 2, y: 4})
if isinstance(other, Factors):
other = other.as_expr()
if other.is_Integer:
other = int(other)
if isinstance(other, SYMPY_INTS) and other >= 0:
factors = {}
if other:
for factor, exp in self.factors.items():
factors[factor] = exp*other
return Factors(factors)
raise ValueError("expected non-negative integer, got %s" % other)
def gcd(self, other): # Factors
"""Return Factors of ``gcd(self, other)``. The keys are
the intersection of factors with the minimum exponent for
each factor.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> b = Factors((x*y/z).as_powers_dict())
>>> a.gcd(b)
Factors({x: 1, y: 1})
if not isinstance(other, Factors):
other = Factors(other)
if other.is_zero:
return Factors(self.factors)
factors = {}
for factor, exp in self.factors.items():
factor, exp = sympify(factor), sympify(exp)
if factor in other.factors:
lt = (exp - other.factors[factor]).is_negative
if lt == True:
factors[factor] = exp
elif lt == False:
factors[factor] = other.factors[factor]
return Factors(factors)
def lcm(self, other): # Factors
"""Return Factors of ``lcm(self, other)`` which are
the union of factors with the maximum exponent for
each factor.
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> a = Factors((x*y**2).as_powers_dict())
>>> b = Factors((x*y/z).as_powers_dict())
>>> a.lcm(b)
Factors({x: 1, y: 2, z: -1})
if not isinstance(other, Factors):
other = Factors(other)
if any(f.is_zero for f in (self, other)):
return Factors(S.Zero)
factors = dict(self.factors)
for factor, exp in other.factors.items():
if factor in factors:
exp = max(exp, factors[factor])
factors[factor] = exp
return Factors(factors)
def __mul__(self, other): # Factors
return self.mul(other)
def __divmod__(self, other): # Factors
return self.div(other)
def __truediv__(self, other): # Factors
return self.quo(other)
def __mod__(self, other): # Factors
return self.rem(other)
def __pow__(self, other): # Factors
return self.pow(other)
def __eq__(self, other): # Factors
if not isinstance(other, Factors):
other = Factors(other)
return self.factors == other.factors
def __ne__(self, other): # Factors
return not self == other
class Term:
"""Efficient representation of ``coeff*(numer/denom)``. """
__slots__ = ('coeff', 'numer', 'denom')
def __init__(self, term, numer=None, denom=None): # Term
if numer is None and denom is None:
if not term.is_commutative:
raise NonCommutativeExpression(
'commutative expression expected')
coeff, factors = term.as_coeff_mul()
numer, denom = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int)
for factor in factors:
base, exp = decompose_power(factor)
if base.is_Add:
cont, base = base.primitive()
coeff *= cont**exp
if exp > 0:
numer[base] += exp
denom[base] += -exp
numer = Factors(numer)
denom = Factors(denom)
coeff = term
if numer is None:
numer = Factors()
if denom is None:
denom = Factors()
self.coeff = coeff
self.numer = numer
self.denom = denom
def __hash__(self): # Term
return hash((self.coeff, self.numer, self.denom))
def __repr__(self): # Term
return "Term(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.coeff, self.numer, self.denom)
def as_expr(self): # Term
return self.coeff*(self.numer.as_expr()/self.denom.as_expr())
def mul(self, other): # Term
coeff = self.coeff*other.coeff
numer = self.numer.mul(other.numer)
denom = self.denom.mul(other.denom)
numer, denom = numer.normal(denom)
return Term(coeff, numer, denom)
def inv(self): # Term
return Term(1/self.coeff, self.denom, self.numer)
def quo(self, other): # Term
return self.mul(other.inv())
def pow(self, other): # Term
if other < 0:
return self.inv().pow(-other)
return Term(self.coeff ** other,
def gcd(self, other): # Term
return Term(self.coeff.gcd(other.coeff),
def lcm(self, other): # Term
return Term(self.coeff.lcm(other.coeff),
def __mul__(self, other): # Term
if isinstance(other, Term):
return self.mul(other)
return NotImplemented
def __truediv__(self, other): # Term
if isinstance(other, Term):
return self.quo(other)
return NotImplemented
def __pow__(self, other): # Term
if isinstance(other, SYMPY_INTS):
return self.pow(other)
return NotImplemented
def __eq__(self, other): # Term
return (self.coeff == other.coeff and
self.numer == other.numer and
self.denom == other.denom)
def __ne__(self, other): # Term
return not self == other
def _gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive=False, fraction=True):
"""Helper function for :func:`gcd_terms`.
isprimitive : boolean, optional
If ``isprimitive`` is True then the call to primitive
for an Add will be skipped. This is useful when the
content has already been extracted.
fraction : boolean, optional
If ``fraction`` is True then the expression will appear over a common
denominator, the lcm of all term denominators.
if isinstance(terms, Basic) and not isinstance(terms, Tuple):
terms = Add.make_args(terms)
terms = list(map(Term, [t for t in terms if t]))
# there is some simplification that may happen if we leave this
# here rather than duplicate it before the mapping of Term onto
# the terms
if len(terms) == 0:
return S.Zero, S.Zero, S.One
if len(terms) == 1:
cont = terms[0].coeff
numer = terms[0].numer.as_expr()
denom = terms[0].denom.as_expr()
cont = terms[0]
for term in terms[1:]:
cont = cont.gcd(term)
for i, term in enumerate(terms):
terms[i] = term.quo(cont)
if fraction:
denom = terms[0].denom
for term in terms[1:]:
denom = denom.lcm(term.denom)
numers = []
for term in terms:
numer = term.numer.mul(denom.quo(term.denom))
numers = [t.as_expr() for t in terms]
denom = Term(S.One).numer
cont = cont.as_expr()
numer = Add(*numers)
denom = denom.as_expr()
if not isprimitive and numer.is_Add:
_cont, numer = numer.primitive()
cont *= _cont
return cont, numer, denom
def gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive=False, clear=True, fraction=True):
"""Compute the GCD of ``terms`` and put them together.
terms : Expr
Can be an expression or a non-Basic sequence of expressions
which will be handled as though they are terms from a sum.
isprimitive : bool, optional
If ``isprimitive`` is True the _gcd_terms will not run the primitive
method on the terms.
clear : bool, optional
It controls the removal of integers from the denominator of an Add
expression. When True (default), all numerical denominator will be cleared;
when False the denominators will be cleared only if all terms had numerical
denominators other than 1.
fraction : bool, optional
When True (default), will put the expression over a common
>>> from sympy import gcd_terms
>>> from import x, y
>>> gcd_terms((x + 1)**2*y + (x + 1)*y**2)
y*(x + 1)*(x + y + 1)
>>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1)
(x + 2)/2
>>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=False)
x/2 + 1
>>> gcd_terms(x/2 + y/2, clear=False)
(x + y)/2
>>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1/x)
(x**2 + 2)/(2*x)
>>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1/x, fraction=False)
(x + 2/x)/2
>>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1/x, fraction=False, clear=False)
x/2 + 1/x
>>> gcd_terms(x/2/y + 1/x/y)
(x**2 + 2)/(2*x*y)
>>> gcd_terms(x/2/y + 1/x/y, clear=False)
(x**2/2 + 1)/(x*y)
>>> gcd_terms(x/2/y + 1/x/y, clear=False, fraction=False)
(x/2 + 1/x)/y
The ``clear`` flag was ignored in this case because the returned
expression was a rational expression, not a simple sum.
See Also
factor_terms, sympy.polys.polytools.terms_gcd
def mask(terms):
"""replace nc portions of each term with a unique Dummy symbols
and return the replacements to restore them"""
args = [(a, []) if a.is_commutative else a.args_cnc() for a in terms]
reps = []
for i, (c, nc) in enumerate(args):
if nc:
nc = Mul(*nc)
d = Dummy()
reps.append((d, nc))
args[i] = Mul(*c)
args[i] = c
return args, dict(reps)
isadd = isinstance(terms, Add)
addlike = isadd or not isinstance(terms, Basic) and \
is_sequence(terms, include=set) and \
not isinstance(terms, Dict)
if addlike:
if isadd: # i.e. an Add
terms = list(terms.args)
terms = sympify(terms)
terms, reps = mask(terms)
cont, numer, denom = _gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive, fraction)
numer = numer.xreplace(reps)
coeff, factors = cont.as_coeff_Mul()
if not clear:
c, _coeff = coeff.as_coeff_Mul()
if not c.is_Integer and not clear and numer.is_Add:
n, d = c.as_numer_denom()
_numer = numer/d
if any(a.as_coeff_Mul()[0].is_Integer
for a in _numer.args):
numer = _numer
coeff = n*_coeff
return _keep_coeff(coeff, factors*numer/denom, clear=clear)
if not isinstance(terms, Basic):
return terms
if terms.is_Atom:
return terms
if terms.is_Mul:
c, args = terms.as_coeff_mul()
return _keep_coeff(c, Mul(*[gcd_terms(i, isprimitive, clear, fraction)
for i in args]), clear=clear)
def handle(a):
# don't treat internal args like terms of an Add
if not isinstance(a, Expr):
if isinstance(a, Basic):
if not a.args:
return a
return a.func(*[handle(i) for i in a.args])
return type(a)([handle(i) for i in a])
return gcd_terms(a, isprimitive, clear, fraction)
if isinstance(terms, Dict):
return Dict(*[(k, handle(v)) for k, v in terms.args])
return terms.func(*[handle(i) for i in terms.args])
def _factor_sum_int(expr, **kwargs):
"""Return Sum or Integral object with factors that are not
in the wrt variables removed. In cases where there are additive
terms in the function of the object that are independent, the
object will be separated into two objects.
>>> from sympy import Sum, factor_terms
>>> from import x, y
>>> factor_terms(Sum(x + y, (x, 1, 3)))
y*Sum(1, (x, 1, 3)) + Sum(x, (x, 1, 3))
>>> factor_terms(Sum(x*y, (x, 1, 3)))
y*Sum(x, (x, 1, 3))
If a function in the summand or integrand is replaced
with a symbol, then this simplification should not be
done or else an incorrect result will be obtained when
the symbol is replaced with an expression that depends
on the variables of summation/integration:
>>> eq = Sum(y, (x, 1, 3))
>>> factor_terms(eq).subs(y, x).doit()
>>> eq.subs(y, x).doit()
result = expr.function
if result == 0:
return S.Zero
limits = expr.limits
# get the wrt variables
wrt = {i.args[0] for i in limits}
# factor out any common terms that are independent of wrt
f = factor_terms(result, **kwargs)
i, d = f.as_independent(*wrt)
if isinstance(f, Add):
return i * expr.func(1, *limits) + expr.func(d, *limits)
return i * expr.func(d, *limits)
def factor_terms(expr, radical=False, clear=False, fraction=False, sign=True):
"""Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
simplification (and no processing of non-commutatives) is performed.
radical: bool, optional
If radical=True then a radical common to all terms will be factored
out of any Add sub-expressions of the expr.
clear : bool, optional
If clear=False (default) then coefficients will not be separated
from a single Add if they can be distributed to leave one or more
terms with integer coefficients.
fraction : bool, optional
If fraction=True (default is False) then a common denominator will be
constructed for the expression.
sign : bool, optional
If sign=True (default) then even if the only factor in common is a -1,
it will be factored out of the expression.
>>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol
>>> from import x, y
>>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
>>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
>>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
x*(y*A + 2*A)
When ``clear`` is False, a rational will only be factored out of an
Add expression if all terms of the Add have coefficients that are
>>> factor_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=False)
x/2 + 1
>>> factor_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=True)
(x + 2)/2
If a -1 is all that can be factored out, to *not* factor it out, the
flag ``sign`` must be False:
>>> factor_terms(-x - y)
-(x + y)
>>> factor_terms(-x - y, sign=False)
-x - y
>>> factor_terms(-2*x - 2*y, sign=False)
-2*(x + y)
See Also
gcd_terms, sympy.polys.polytools.terms_gcd
def do(expr):
from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
is_iterable = iterable(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
if is_iterable:
return type(expr)([do(i) for i in expr])
return expr
if expr.is_Pow or expr.is_Function or \
is_iterable or not hasattr(expr, 'args_cnc'):
args = expr.args
newargs = tuple([do(i) for i in args])
if newargs == args:
return expr
return expr.func(*newargs)
if isinstance(expr, (Sum, Integral)):
return _factor_sum_int(expr,
radical=radical, clear=clear,
fraction=fraction, sign=sign)
cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive(radical=radical, clear=clear)
if p.is_Add:
list_args = [do(a) for a in Add.make_args(p)]
# get a common negative (if there) which gcd_terms does not remove
if not any(a.as_coeff_Mul()[0].extract_multiplicatively(-1) is None
for a in list_args):
cont = -cont
list_args = [-a for a in list_args]
# watch out for exp(-(x+2)) which gcd_terms will change to exp(-x-2)
special = {}
for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
b, e = a.as_base_exp()
if e.is_Mul and e != Mul(*e.args):
list_args[i] = Dummy()
special[list_args[i]] = a
# rebuild p not worrying about the order which gcd_terms will fix
p = Add._from_args(list_args)
p = gcd_terms(p,
elif p.args:
p = p.func(
*[do(a) for a in p.args])
rv = _keep_coeff(cont, p, clear=clear, sign=sign)
return rv
expr = sympify(expr)
return do(expr)
def _mask_nc(eq, name=None):
Return ``eq`` with non-commutative objects replaced with Dummy
symbols. A dictionary that can be used to restore the original
values is returned: if it is None, the expression is noncommutative
and cannot be made commutative. The third value returned is a list
of any non-commutative symbols that appear in the returned equation.
All non-commutative objects other than Symbols are replaced with
a non-commutative Symbol. Identical objects will be identified
by identical symbols.
If there is only 1 non-commutative object in an expression it will
be replaced with a commutative symbol. Otherwise, the non-commutative
entities are retained and the calling routine should handle
replacements in this case since some care must be taken to keep
track of the ordering of symbols when they occur within Muls.
name : str
``name``, if given, is the name that will be used with numbered Dummy
variables that will replace the non-commutative objects and is mainly
used for doctesting purposes.
>>> from sympy.physics.secondquant import Commutator, NO, F, Fd
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> from sympy.core.exprtools import _mask_nc
>>> from import x, y
>>> A, B, C = symbols('A,B,C', commutative=False)
One nc-symbol:
>>> _mask_nc(A**2 - x**2, 'd')
(_d0**2 - x**2, {_d0: A}, [])
Multiple nc-symbols:
>>> _mask_nc(A**2 - B**2, 'd')
(A**2 - B**2, {}, [A, B])
An nc-object with nc-symbols but no others outside of it:
>>> _mask_nc(1 + x*Commutator(A, B), 'd')
(_d0*x + 1, {_d0: Commutator(A, B)}, [])
>>> _mask_nc(NO(Fd(x)*F(y)), 'd')
(_d0, {_d0: NO(CreateFermion(x)*AnnihilateFermion(y))}, [])
Multiple nc-objects:
>>> eq = x*Commutator(A, B) + x*Commutator(A, C)*Commutator(A, B)
>>> _mask_nc(eq, 'd')
(x*_d0 + x*_d1*_d0, {_d0: Commutator(A, B), _d1: Commutator(A, C)}, [_d0, _d1])
Multiple nc-objects and nc-symbols:
>>> eq = A*Commutator(A, B) + B*Commutator(A, C)
>>> _mask_nc(eq, 'd')
(A*_d0 + B*_d1, {_d0: Commutator(A, B), _d1: Commutator(A, C)}, [_d0, _d1, A, B])
name = name or 'mask'
# Make Dummy() append sequential numbers to the name
def numbered_names():
i = 0
while True:
yield name + str(i)
i += 1
names = numbered_names()
def Dummy(*args, **kwargs):
from .symbol import Dummy
return Dummy(next(names), *args, **kwargs)
expr = eq
if expr.is_commutative:
return eq, {}, []
# identify nc-objects; symbols and other
rep = []
nc_obj = set()
nc_syms = set()
pot = preorder_traversal(expr, keys=default_sort_key)
for i, a in enumerate(pot):
if any(a == r[0] for r in rep):
elif not a.is_commutative:
if a.is_symbol:
elif not (a.is_Add or a.is_Mul or a.is_Pow):
# If there is only one nc symbol or object, it can be factored regularly
# but polys is going to complain, so replace it with a Dummy.
if len(nc_obj) == 1 and not nc_syms:
rep.append((nc_obj.pop(), Dummy()))
elif len(nc_syms) == 1 and not nc_obj:
rep.append((nc_syms.pop(), Dummy()))
# Any remaining nc-objects will be replaced with an nc-Dummy and
# identified as an nc-Symbol to watch out for
nc_obj = sorted(nc_obj, key=default_sort_key)
for n in nc_obj:
nc = Dummy(commutative=False)
rep.append((n, nc))
expr = expr.subs(rep)
nc_syms = list(nc_syms)
return expr, {v: k for k, v in rep}, nc_syms
def factor_nc(expr):
"""Return the factored form of ``expr`` while handling non-commutative
>>> from sympy import factor_nc, Symbol
>>> from import x
>>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
>>> B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
>>> factor_nc((x**2 + 2*A*x + A**2).expand())
(x + A)**2
>>> factor_nc(((x + A)*(x + B)).expand())
(x + A)*(x + B)
expr = sympify(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, Expr) or not expr.args:
return expr
if not expr.is_Add:
return expr.func(*[factor_nc(a) for a in expr.args])
expr = expr.func(*[expand_power_exp(i) for i in expr.args])
from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd, factor
expr, rep, nc_symbols = _mask_nc(expr)
if rep:
return factor(expr).subs(rep)
args = [a.args_cnc() for a in Add.make_args(expr)]
c = g = l = r = S.One
hit = False
# find any commutative gcd term
for i, a in enumerate(args):
if i == 0:
c = Mul._from_args(a[0])
elif a[0]:
c = gcd(c, Mul._from_args(a[0]))
c = S.One
if c is not S.One:
hit = True
c, g = c.as_coeff_Mul()
if g is not S.One:
for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
cc = list(Mul.make_args(Mul._from_args(list(cc))/g))
args[i][0] = cc
for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
if cc:
cc[0] = cc[0]/c
cc = [1/c]
args[i][0] = cc
# find any noncommutative common prefix
for i, a in enumerate(args):
if i == 0:
n = a[1][:]
n = common_prefix(n, a[1])
if not n:
# is there a power that can be extracted?
if not args[0][1]:
b, e = args[0][1][0].as_base_exp()
ok = False
if e.is_Integer:
for t in args:
if not t[1]:
bt, et = t[1][0].as_base_exp()
if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
e = min(e, et)
ok = hit = True
l = b**e
il = b**-e
for _ in args:
_[1][0] = il*_[1][0]
if not ok:
hit = True
lenn = len(n)
l = Mul(*n)
for _ in args:
_[1] = _[1][lenn:]
# find any noncommutative common suffix
for i, a in enumerate(args):
if i == 0:
n = a[1][:]
n = common_suffix(n, a[1])
if not n:
# is there a power that can be extracted?
if not args[0][1]:
b, e = args[0][1][-1].as_base_exp()
ok = False
if e.is_Integer:
for t in args:
if not t[1]:
bt, et = t[1][-1].as_base_exp()
if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
e = min(e, et)
ok = hit = True
r = b**e
il = b**-e
for _ in args:
_[1][-1] = _[1][-1]*il
if not ok:
hit = True
lenn = len(n)
r = Mul(*n)
for _ in args:
_[1] = _[1][:len(_[1]) - lenn]
if hit:
mid = Add(*[Mul(*cc)*Mul(*nc) for cc, nc in args])
mid = expr
from sympy.simplify.powsimp import powsimp
# sort the symbols so the Dummys would appear in the same
# order as the original symbols, otherwise you may introduce
# a factor of -1, e.g. A**2 - B**2) -- {A:y, B:x} --> y**2 - x**2
# and the former factors into two terms, (A - B)*(A + B) while the
# latter factors into 3 terms, (-1)*(x - y)*(x + y)
rep1 = [(n, Dummy()) for n in sorted(nc_symbols, key=default_sort_key)]
unrep1 = [(v, k) for k, v in rep1]
new_mid, r2, _ = _mask_nc(mid.subs(rep1))
new_mid = powsimp(factor(new_mid))
new_mid = new_mid.subs(r2).subs(unrep1)
if new_mid.is_Pow:
return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*new_mid*r)
if new_mid.is_Mul:
def _pemexpand(expr):
"Expand with the minimal set of hints necessary to check the result."
return expr.expand(deep=True, mul=True, power_exp=True,
power_base=False, basic=False, multinomial=True, log=False)
# XXX TODO there should be a way to inspect what order the terms
# must be in and just select the plausible ordering without
# checking permutations
cfac = []
ncfac = []
for f in new_mid.args:
if f.is_commutative:
b, e = f.as_base_exp()
if e.is_Integer:
pre_mid = g*Mul(*cfac)*l
target = _pemexpand(expr/c)
for s in variations(ncfac, len(ncfac)):
ok = pre_mid*Mul(*s)*r
if _pemexpand(ok) == target:
return _keep_coeff(c, ok)
# mid was an Add that didn't factor successfully
return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*mid*r)