
463 lines
19 KiB

from sympy.core.backend import cos, Matrix, sin, zeros, tan, pi, symbols
from sympy.simplify.simplify import simplify
from sympy.simplify.trigsimp import trigsimp
from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
from sympy.physics.mechanics import (cross, dot, dynamicsymbols,
find_dynamicsymbols, KanesMethod, inertia,
inertia_of_point_mass, Point,
ReferenceFrame, RigidBody)
def test_aux_dep():
# This test is about rolling disc dynamics, comparing the results found
# with KanesMethod to those found when deriving the equations "manually"
# with SymPy.
# The terms Fr, Fr*, and Fr*_steady are all compared between the two
# methods. Here, Fr*_steady refers to the generalized inertia forces for an
# equilibrium configuration.
# Note: comparing to the test of test_rolling_disc() in, this
# test also tests auxiliary speeds and configuration and motion constraints
#, seen in the generalized dependent coordinates q[3], and depend speeds
# u[3], u[4] and u[5].
# First, manual derivation of Fr, Fr_star, Fr_star_steady.
# Symbols for time and constant parameters.
# Symbols for contact forces: Fx, Fy, Fz.
t, r, m, g, I, J = symbols('t r m g I J')
Fx, Fy, Fz = symbols('Fx Fy Fz')
# Configuration variables and their time derivatives:
# q[0] -- yaw
# q[1] -- lean
# q[2] -- spin
# q[3] -- dot(-r*B.z, A.z) -- distance from ground plane to disc center in
# A.z direction
# Generalized speeds and their time derivatives:
# u[0] -- disc angular velocity component, disc fixed x direction
# u[1] -- disc angular velocity component, disc fixed y direction
# u[2] -- disc angular velocity component, disc fixed z direction
# u[3] -- disc velocity component, A.x direction
# u[4] -- disc velocity component, A.y direction
# u[5] -- disc velocity component, A.z direction
# Auxiliary generalized speeds:
# ua[0] -- contact point auxiliary generalized speed, A.x direction
# ua[1] -- contact point auxiliary generalized speed, A.y direction
# ua[2] -- contact point auxiliary generalized speed, A.z direction
q = dynamicsymbols('q:4')
qd = [qi.diff(t) for qi in q]
u = dynamicsymbols('u:6')
ud = [ui.diff(t) for ui in u]
ud_zero = dict(zip(ud, [0.]*len(ud)))
ua = dynamicsymbols('ua:3')
ua_zero = dict(zip(ua, [0.]*len(ua))) # noqa:F841
# Reference frames:
# Yaw intermediate frame: A.
# Lean intermediate frame: B.
# Disc fixed frame: C.
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
A = N.orientnew('A', 'Axis', [q[0], N.z])
B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', [q[1], A.x])
C = B.orientnew('C', 'Axis', [q[2], B.y])
# Angular velocity and angular acceleration of disc fixed frame
# u[0], u[1] and u[2] are generalized independent speeds.
C.set_ang_vel(N, u[0]*B.x + u[1]*B.y + u[2]*B.z)
C.set_ang_acc(N, C.ang_vel_in(N).diff(t, B)
+ cross(B.ang_vel_in(N), C.ang_vel_in(N)))
# Velocity and acceleration of points:
# Disc-ground contact point: P.
# Center of disc: O, defined from point P with depend coordinate: q[3]
# u[3], u[4] and u[5] are generalized dependent speeds.
P = Point('P')
P.set_vel(N, ua[0]*A.x + ua[1]*A.y + ua[2]*A.z)
O = P.locatenew('O', q[3]*A.z + r*sin(q[1])*A.y)
O.set_vel(N, u[3]*A.x + u[4]*A.y + u[5]*A.z)
O.set_acc(N, O.vel(N).diff(t, A) + cross(A.ang_vel_in(N), O.vel(N)))
# Kinematic differential equations:
# Two equalities: one is w_c_n_qd = C.ang_vel_in(N) in three coordinates
# directions of B, for qd0, qd1 and qd2.
# the other is v_o_n_qd = O.vel(N) in A.z direction for qd3.
# Then, solve for dq/dt's in terms of u's: qd_kd.
w_c_n_qd = qd[0]*A.z + qd[1]*B.x + qd[2]*B.y
v_o_n_qd = O.pos_from(P).diff(t, A) + cross(A.ang_vel_in(N), O.pos_from(P))
kindiffs = Matrix([dot(w_c_n_qd - C.ang_vel_in(N), uv) for uv in B] +
[dot(v_o_n_qd - O.vel(N), A.z)])
qd_kd = solve(kindiffs, qd) # noqa:F841
# Values of generalized speeds during a steady turn for later substitution
# into the Fr_star_steady.
steady_conditions = solve(kindiffs.subs({qd[1] : 0, qd[3] : 0}), u)
steady_conditions.update({qd[1] : 0, qd[3] : 0})
# Partial angular velocities and velocities.
partial_w_C = [C.ang_vel_in(N).diff(ui, N) for ui in u + ua]
partial_v_O = [O.vel(N).diff(ui, N) for ui in u + ua]
partial_v_P = [P.vel(N).diff(ui, N) for ui in u + ua]
# Configuration constraint: f_c, the projection of radius r in A.z direction
# is q[3].
# Velocity constraints: f_v, for u3, u4 and u5.
# Acceleration constraints: f_a.
f_c = Matrix([dot(-r*B.z, A.z) - q[3]])
f_v = Matrix([dot(O.vel(N) - (P.vel(N) + cross(C.ang_vel_in(N),
O.pos_from(P))), ai).expand() for ai in A])
v_o_n = cross(C.ang_vel_in(N), O.pos_from(P))
a_o_n = v_o_n.diff(t, A) + cross(A.ang_vel_in(N), v_o_n)
f_a = Matrix([dot(O.acc(N) - a_o_n, ai) for ai in A]) # noqa:F841
# Solve for constraint equations in the form of
# u_dependent = A_rs * [u_i; u_aux].
# First, obtain constraint coefficient matrix: M_v * [u; ua] = 0;
# Second, taking u[0], u[1], u[2] as independent,
# taking u[3], u[4], u[5] as dependent,
# rearranging the matrix of M_v to be A_rs for u_dependent.
# Third, u_aux ==0 for u_dep, and resulting dictionary of u_dep_dict.
M_v = zeros(3, 9)
for i in range(3):
for j, ui in enumerate(u + ua):
M_v[i, j] = f_v[i].diff(ui)
M_v_i = M_v[:, :3]
M_v_d = M_v[:, 3:6]
M_v_aux = M_v[:, 6:]
M_v_i_aux = M_v_i.row_join(M_v_aux)
A_rs = - M_v_d.inv() * M_v_i_aux
u_dep = A_rs[:, :3] * Matrix(u[:3])
u_dep_dict = dict(zip(u[3:], u_dep))
# Active forces: F_O acting on point O; F_P acting on point P.
# Generalized active forces (unconstrained): Fr_u = F_point * pv_point.
F_O = m*g*A.z
F_P = Fx * A.x + Fy * A.y + Fz * A.z
Fr_u = Matrix([dot(F_O, pv_o) + dot(F_P, pv_p) for pv_o, pv_p in
zip(partial_v_O, partial_v_P)])
# Inertia force: R_star_O.
# Inertia of disc: I_C_O, where J is a inertia component about principal axis.
# Inertia torque: T_star_C.
# Generalized inertia forces (unconstrained): Fr_star_u.
R_star_O = -m*O.acc(N)
I_C_O = inertia(B, I, J, I)
T_star_C = -(dot(I_C_O, C.ang_acc_in(N)) \
+ cross(C.ang_vel_in(N), dot(I_C_O, C.ang_vel_in(N))))
Fr_star_u = Matrix([dot(R_star_O, pv) + dot(T_star_C, pav) for pv, pav in
zip(partial_v_O, partial_w_C)])
# Form nonholonomic Fr: Fr_c, and nonholonomic Fr_star: Fr_star_c.
# Also, nonholonomic Fr_star in steady turning condition: Fr_star_steady.
Fr_c = Fr_u[:3, :].col_join(Fr_u[6:, :]) + A_rs.T * Fr_u[3:6, :]
Fr_star_c = Fr_star_u[:3, :].col_join(Fr_star_u[6:, :])\
+ A_rs.T * Fr_star_u[3:6, :]
Fr_star_steady = Fr_star_c.subs(ud_zero).subs(u_dep_dict)\
.subs(steady_conditions).subs({q[3]: -r*cos(q[1])}).expand()
# Second, using KaneMethod in mechanics for fr, frstar and frstar_steady.
# Rigid Bodies: disc, with inertia I_C_O.
iner_tuple = (I_C_O, O)
disc = RigidBody('disc', O, C, m, iner_tuple)
bodyList = [disc]
# Generalized forces: Gravity: F_o; Auxiliary forces: F_p.
F_o = (O, F_O)
F_p = (P, F_P)
forceList = [F_o, F_p]
# KanesMethod.
kane = KanesMethod(
N, q_ind= q[:3], u_ind= u[:3], kd_eqs=kindiffs,
q_dependent=q[3:], configuration_constraints = f_c,
u_dependent=u[3:], velocity_constraints= f_v,
# fr, frstar, frstar_steady and kdd(kinematic differential equations).
(fr, frstar)= kane.kanes_equations(bodyList, forceList)
frstar_steady = frstar.subs(ud_zero).subs(u_dep_dict).subs(steady_conditions)\
.subs({q[3]: -r*cos(q[1])}).expand()
kdd = kane.kindiffdict()
assert Matrix(Fr_c).expand() == fr.expand()
assert Matrix(Fr_star_c.subs(kdd)).expand() == frstar.expand()
assert (simplify(Matrix(Fr_star_steady).expand()) ==
syms_in_forcing = find_dynamicsymbols(kane.forcing)
for qdi in qd:
assert qdi not in syms_in_forcing
def test_non_central_inertia():
# This tests that the calculation of Fr* does not depend the point
# about which the inertia of a rigid body is defined. This test solves
# exercises 8.12, 8.17 from Kane 1985.
# Declare symbols
q1, q2, q3 = dynamicsymbols('q1:4')
q1d, q2d, q3d = dynamicsymbols('q1:4', level=1)
u1, u2, u3, u4, u5 = dynamicsymbols('u1:6')
u_prime, R, M, g, e, f, theta = symbols('u\' R, M, g, e, f, theta')
a, b, mA, mB, IA, J, K, t = symbols('a b mA mB IA J K t')
Q1, Q2, Q3 = symbols('Q1, Q2 Q3')
IA22, IA23, IA33 = symbols('IA22 IA23 IA33')
# Reference Frames
F = ReferenceFrame('F')
P = F.orientnew('P', 'axis', [-theta, F.y])
A = P.orientnew('A', 'axis', [q1, P.x])
A.set_ang_vel(F, u1*A.x + u3*A.z)
# define frames for wheels
B = A.orientnew('B', 'axis', [q2, A.z])
C = A.orientnew('C', 'axis', [q3, A.z])
B.set_ang_vel(A, u4 * A.z)
C.set_ang_vel(A, u5 * A.z)
# define points D, S*, Q on frame A and their velocities
pD = Point('D')
pD.set_vel(A, 0)
# u3 will not change v_D_F since wheels are still assumed to roll without slip.
pD.set_vel(F, u2 * A.y)
pS_star = pD.locatenew('S*', e*A.y)
pQ = pD.locatenew('Q', f*A.y - R*A.x)
for p in [pS_star, pQ]:
p.v2pt_theory(pD, F, A)
# masscenters of bodies A, B, C
pA_star = pD.locatenew('A*', a*A.y)
pB_star = pD.locatenew('B*', b*A.z)
pC_star = pD.locatenew('C*', -b*A.z)
for p in [pA_star, pB_star, pC_star]:
p.v2pt_theory(pD, F, A)
# points of B, C touching the plane P
pB_hat = pB_star.locatenew('B^', -R*A.x)
pC_hat = pC_star.locatenew('C^', -R*A.x)
pB_hat.v2pt_theory(pB_star, F, B)
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pC_star, F, C)
# the velocities of B^, C^ are zero since B, C are assumed to roll without slip
kde = [q1d - u1, q2d - u4, q3d - u5]
vc = [dot(p.vel(F), A.y) for p in [pB_hat, pC_hat]]
# inertias of bodies A, B, C
# IA22, IA23, IA33 are not specified in the problem statement, but are
# necessary to define an inertia object. Although the values of
# IA22, IA23, IA33 are not known in terms of the variables given in the
# problem statement, they do not appear in the general inertia terms.
inertia_A = inertia(A, IA, IA22, IA33, 0, IA23, 0)
inertia_B = inertia(B, K, K, J)
inertia_C = inertia(C, K, K, J)
# define the rigid bodies A, B, C
rbA = RigidBody('rbA', pA_star, A, mA, (inertia_A, pA_star))
rbB = RigidBody('rbB', pB_star, B, mB, (inertia_B, pB_star))
rbC = RigidBody('rbC', pC_star, C, mB, (inertia_C, pC_star))
km = KanesMethod(F, q_ind=[q1, q2, q3], u_ind=[u1, u2], kd_eqs=kde,
u_dependent=[u4, u5], velocity_constraints=vc,
forces = [(pS_star, -M*g*F.x), (pQ, Q1*A.x + Q2*A.y + Q3*A.z)]
bodies = [rbA, rbB, rbC]
fr, fr_star = km.kanes_equations(bodies, forces)
vc_map = solve(vc, [u4, u5])
# KanesMethod returns the negative of Fr, Fr* as defined in Kane1985.
fr_star_expected = Matrix([
-(IA + 2*J*b**2/R**2 + 2*K +
mA*a**2 + 2*mB*b**2) * u1.diff(t) - mA*a*u1*u2,
-(mA + 2*mB +2*J/R**2) * u2.diff(t) + mA*a*u1**2,
t = trigsimp(fr_star.subs(vc_map).subs({u3: 0})).doit().expand()
assert ((fr_star_expected - t).expand() == zeros(3, 1))
# define inertias of rigid bodies A, B, C about point D
# I_S/O = I_S/S* + I_S*/O
bodies2 = []
for rb, I_star in zip([rbA, rbB, rbC], [inertia_A, inertia_B, inertia_C]):
I = I_star + inertia_of_point_mass(rb.mass,
bodies2.append(RigidBody('', rb.masscenter, rb.frame, rb.mass,
(I, pD)))
fr2, fr_star2 = km.kanes_equations(bodies2, forces)
t = trigsimp(fr_star2.subs(vc_map).subs({u3: 0})).doit()
assert (fr_star_expected - t).expand() == zeros(3, 1)
def test_sub_qdot():
# This test solves exercises 8.12, 8.17 from Kane 1985 and defines
# some velocities in terms of q, qdot.
## --- Declare symbols ---
q1, q2, q3 = dynamicsymbols('q1:4')
q1d, q2d, q3d = dynamicsymbols('q1:4', level=1)
u1, u2, u3 = dynamicsymbols('u1:4')
u_prime, R, M, g, e, f, theta = symbols('u\' R, M, g, e, f, theta')
a, b, mA, mB, IA, J, K, t = symbols('a b mA mB IA J K t')
IA22, IA23, IA33 = symbols('IA22 IA23 IA33')
Q1, Q2, Q3 = symbols('Q1 Q2 Q3')
# --- Reference Frames ---
F = ReferenceFrame('F')
P = F.orientnew('P', 'axis', [-theta, F.y])
A = P.orientnew('A', 'axis', [q1, P.x])
A.set_ang_vel(F, u1*A.x + u3*A.z)
# define frames for wheels
B = A.orientnew('B', 'axis', [q2, A.z])
C = A.orientnew('C', 'axis', [q3, A.z])
## --- define points D, S*, Q on frame A and their velocities ---
pD = Point('D')
pD.set_vel(A, 0)
# u3 will not change v_D_F since wheels are still assumed to roll w/o slip
pD.set_vel(F, u2 * A.y)
pS_star = pD.locatenew('S*', e*A.y)
pQ = pD.locatenew('Q', f*A.y - R*A.x)
# masscenters of bodies A, B, C
pA_star = pD.locatenew('A*', a*A.y)
pB_star = pD.locatenew('B*', b*A.z)
pC_star = pD.locatenew('C*', -b*A.z)
for p in [pS_star, pQ, pA_star, pB_star, pC_star]:
p.v2pt_theory(pD, F, A)
# points of B, C touching the plane P
pB_hat = pB_star.locatenew('B^', -R*A.x)
pC_hat = pC_star.locatenew('C^', -R*A.x)
pB_hat.v2pt_theory(pB_star, F, B)
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pC_star, F, C)
# --- relate qdot, u ---
# the velocities of B^, C^ are zero since B, C are assumed to roll w/o slip
kde = [dot(p.vel(F), A.y) for p in [pB_hat, pC_hat]]
kde += [u1 - q1d]
kde_map = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d, q3d])
for k, v in list(kde_map.items()):
kde_map[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)
# inertias of bodies A, B, C
# IA22, IA23, IA33 are not specified in the problem statement, but are
# necessary to define an inertia object. Although the values of
# IA22, IA23, IA33 are not known in terms of the variables given in the
# problem statement, they do not appear in the general inertia terms.
inertia_A = inertia(A, IA, IA22, IA33, 0, IA23, 0)
inertia_B = inertia(B, K, K, J)
inertia_C = inertia(C, K, K, J)
# define the rigid bodies A, B, C
rbA = RigidBody('rbA', pA_star, A, mA, (inertia_A, pA_star))
rbB = RigidBody('rbB', pB_star, B, mB, (inertia_B, pB_star))
rbC = RigidBody('rbC', pC_star, C, mB, (inertia_C, pC_star))
## --- use kanes method ---
km = KanesMethod(F, [q1, q2, q3], [u1, u2], kd_eqs=kde, u_auxiliary=[u3])
forces = [(pS_star, -M*g*F.x), (pQ, Q1*A.x + Q2*A.y + Q3*A.z)]
bodies = [rbA, rbB, rbC]
# Q2 = -u_prime * u2 * Q1 / sqrt(u2**2 + f**2 * u1**2)
# -u_prime * R * u2 / sqrt(u2**2 + f**2 * u1**2) = R / Q1 * Q2
fr_expected = Matrix([
f*Q3 + M*g*e*sin(theta)*cos(q1),
Q2 + M*g*sin(theta)*sin(q1),
e*M*g*cos(theta) - Q1*f - Q2*R])
#Q1 * (f - u_prime * R * u2 / sqrt(u2**2 + f**2 * u1**2)))])
fr_star_expected = Matrix([
-(IA + 2*J*b**2/R**2 + 2*K +
mA*a**2 + 2*mB*b**2) * u1.diff(t) - mA*a*u1*u2,
-(mA + 2*mB +2*J/R**2) * u2.diff(t) + mA*a*u1**2,
fr, fr_star = km.kanes_equations(bodies, forces)
assert (fr.expand() == fr_expected.expand())
assert ((fr_star_expected - trigsimp(fr_star)).expand() == zeros(3, 1))
def test_sub_qdot2():
# This test solves exercises 8.3 from Kane 1985 and defines
# all velocities in terms of q, qdot. We check that the generalized active
# forces are correctly computed if u terms are only defined in the
# kinematic differential equations.
# This functionality was added in PR 8948. Without qdot/u substitution, the
# KanesMethod constructor will fail during the constraint initialization as
# the B matrix will be poorly formed and inversion of the dependent part
# will fail.
g, m, Px, Py, Pz, R, t = symbols('g m Px Py Pz R t')
q = dynamicsymbols('q:5')
qd = dynamicsymbols('q:5', level=1)
u = dynamicsymbols('u:5')
## Define inertial, intermediate, and rigid body reference frames
A = ReferenceFrame('A')
B_prime = A.orientnew('B_prime', 'Axis', [q[0], A.z])
B = B_prime.orientnew('B', 'Axis', [pi/2 - q[1], B_prime.x])
C = B.orientnew('C', 'Axis', [q[2], B.z])
## Define points of interest and their velocities
pO = Point('O')
pO.set_vel(A, 0)
# R is the point in plane H that comes into contact with disk C.
pR = pO.locatenew('R', q[3]*A.x + q[4]*A.y)
pR.set_vel(A, pR.pos_from(pO).diff(t, A))
pR.set_vel(B, 0)
# C^ is the point in disk C that comes into contact with plane H.
pC_hat = pR.locatenew('C^', 0)
pC_hat.set_vel(C, 0)
# C* is the point at the center of disk C.
pCs = pC_hat.locatenew('C*', R*B.y)
pCs.set_vel(C, 0)
pCs.set_vel(B, 0)
# calculate velocites of points C* and C^ in frame A
pCs.v2pt_theory(pR, A, B) # points C* and R are fixed in frame B
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pCs, A, C) # points C* and C^ are fixed in frame C
## Define forces on each point of the system
R_C_hat = Px*A.x + Py*A.y + Pz*A.z
R_Cs = -m*g*A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pCs, R_Cs)]
## Define kinematic differential equations
# let ui = omega_C_A & bi (i = 1, 2, 3)
# u4 = qd4, u5 = qd5
u_expr = [C.ang_vel_in(A) & uv for uv in B]
u_expr += qd[3:]
kde = [ui - e for ui, e in zip(u, u_expr)]
km1 = KanesMethod(A, q, u, kde)
fr1, _ = km1.kanes_equations([], forces)
## Calculate generalized active forces if we impose the condition that the
# disk C is rolling without slipping
u_indep = u[:3]
u_dep = list(set(u) - set(u_indep))
vc = [pC_hat.vel(A) & uv for uv in [A.x, A.y]]
km2 = KanesMethod(A, q, u_indep, kde,
u_dependent=u_dep, velocity_constraints=vc)
fr2, _ = km2.kanes_equations([], forces)
fr1_expected = Matrix([
-R*(Px*cos(q[0]) + Py*sin(q[0]))*tan(q[1]),
R*(Px*cos(q[0]) + Py*sin(q[0])),
fr2_expected = Matrix([
assert (trigsimp(fr1.expand()) == trigsimp(fr1_expected.expand()))
assert (trigsimp(fr2.expand()) == trigsimp(fr2_expected.expand()))