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""" A module for mapping operators to their corresponding eigenstates
and vice versa
It contains a global dictionary with eigenstate-operator pairings.
If a new state-operator pair is created, this dictionary should be
updated as well.
It also contains functions operators_to_state and state_to_operators
for mapping between the two. These can handle both classes and
instances of operators and states. See the individual function
descriptions for details.
TODO List:
- Update the dictionary with a complete list of state-operator pairs
from sympy.physics.quantum.cartesian import (XOp, YOp, ZOp, XKet, PxOp, PxKet,
from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import Operator
from sympy.physics.quantum.state import StateBase, BraBase, Ket
from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import (JxOp, JyOp, JzOp, J2Op, JxKet, JyKet,
__all__ = [
#state_mapping stores the mappings between states and their associated
#operators or tuples of operators. This should be updated when new
#classes are written! Entries are of the form PxKet : PxOp or
#something like 3DKet : (ROp, ThetaOp, PhiOp)
#frozenset is used so that the reverse mapping can be made
#(regular sets are not hashable because they are mutable
state_mapping = { JxKet: frozenset((J2Op, JxOp)),
JyKet: frozenset((J2Op, JyOp)),
JzKet: frozenset((J2Op, JzOp)),
Ket: Operator,
PositionKet3D: frozenset((XOp, YOp, ZOp)),
PxKet: PxOp,
XKet: XOp }
op_mapping = {v: k for k, v in state_mapping.items()}
def operators_to_state(operators, **options):
""" Returns the eigenstate of the given operator or set of operators
A global function for mapping operator classes to their associated
states. It takes either an Operator or a set of operators and
returns the state associated with these.
This function can handle both instances of a given operator or
just the class itself (i.e. both XOp() and XOp)
There are multiple use cases to consider:
1) A class or set of classes is passed: First, we try to
instantiate default instances for these operators. If this fails,
then the class is simply returned. If we succeed in instantiating
default instances, then we try to call state._operators_to_state
on the operator instances. If this fails, the class is returned.
Otherwise, the instance returned by _operators_to_state is returned.
2) An instance or set of instances is passed: In this case,
state._operators_to_state is called on the instances passed. If
this fails, a state class is returned. If the method returns an
instance, that instance is returned.
In both cases, if the operator class or set does not exist in the
state_mapping dictionary, None is returned.
arg: Operator or set
The class or instance of the operator or set of operators
to be mapped to a state
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.cartesian import XOp, PxOp
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.operatorset import operators_to_state
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import Operator
>>> operators_to_state(XOp)
>>> operators_to_state(XOp())
>>> operators_to_state(PxOp)
>>> operators_to_state(PxOp())
>>> operators_to_state(Operator)
>>> operators_to_state(Operator())
if not (isinstance(operators, Operator)
or isinstance(operators, set) or issubclass(operators, Operator)):
raise NotImplementedError("Argument is not an Operator or a set!")
if isinstance(operators, set):
for s in operators:
if not (isinstance(s, Operator)
or issubclass(s, Operator)):
raise NotImplementedError("Set is not all Operators!")
ops = frozenset(operators)
if ops in op_mapping: # ops is a list of classes in this case
#Try to get an object from default instances of the
#operators...if this fails, return the class
op_instances = [op() for op in ops]
ret = _get_state(op_mapping[ops], set(op_instances), **options)
except NotImplementedError:
ret = op_mapping[ops]
return ret
tmp = [type(o) for o in ops]
classes = frozenset(tmp)
if classes in op_mapping:
ret = _get_state(op_mapping[classes], ops, **options)
ret = None
return ret
if operators in op_mapping:
op_instance = operators()
ret = _get_state(op_mapping[operators], op_instance, **options)
except NotImplementedError:
ret = op_mapping[operators]
return ret
elif type(operators) in op_mapping:
return _get_state(op_mapping[type(operators)], operators, **options)
return None
def state_to_operators(state, **options):
""" Returns the operator or set of operators corresponding to the
given eigenstate
A global function for mapping state classes to their associated
operators or sets of operators. It takes either a state class
or instance.
This function can handle both instances of a given state or just
the class itself (i.e. both XKet() and XKet)
There are multiple use cases to consider:
1) A state class is passed: In this case, we first try
instantiating a default instance of the class. If this succeeds,
then we try to call state._state_to_operators on that instance.
If the creation of the default instance or if the calling of
_state_to_operators fails, then either an operator class or set of
operator classes is returned. Otherwise, the appropriate
operator instances are returned.
2) A state instance is returned: Here, state._state_to_operators
is called for the instance. If this fails, then a class or set of
operator classes is returned. Otherwise, the instances are returned.
In either case, if the state's class does not exist in
state_mapping, None is returned.
arg: StateBase class or instance (or subclasses)
The class or instance of the state to be mapped to an
operator or set of operators
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.cartesian import XKet, PxKet, XBra, PxBra
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.operatorset import state_to_operators
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.state import Ket, Bra
>>> state_to_operators(XKet)
>>> state_to_operators(XKet())
>>> state_to_operators(PxKet)
>>> state_to_operators(PxKet())
>>> state_to_operators(PxBra)
>>> state_to_operators(XBra)
>>> state_to_operators(Ket)
>>> state_to_operators(Bra)
if not (isinstance(state, StateBase) or issubclass(state, StateBase)):
raise NotImplementedError("Argument is not a state!")
if state in state_mapping: # state is a class
state_inst = _make_default(state)
ret = _get_ops(state_inst,
_make_set(state_mapping[state]), **options)
except (NotImplementedError, TypeError):
ret = state_mapping[state]
elif type(state) in state_mapping:
ret = _get_ops(state,
_make_set(state_mapping[type(state)]), **options)
elif isinstance(state, BraBase) and state.dual_class() in state_mapping:
ret = _get_ops(state,
elif issubclass(state, BraBase) and state.dual_class() in state_mapping:
state_inst = _make_default(state)
ret = _get_ops(state_inst,
except (NotImplementedError, TypeError):
ret = state_mapping[state.dual_class()]
ret = None
return _make_set(ret)
def _make_default(expr):
# XXX: Catching TypeError like this is a bad way of distinguishing between
# classes and instances. The logic using this function should be rewritten
# somehow.
ret = expr()
except TypeError:
ret = expr
return ret
def _get_state(state_class, ops, **options):
# Try to get a state instance from the operator INSTANCES.
# If this fails, get the class
ret = state_class._operators_to_state(ops, **options)
except NotImplementedError:
ret = _make_default(state_class)
return ret
def _get_ops(state_inst, op_classes, **options):
# Try to get operator instances from the state INSTANCE.
# If this fails, just return the classes
ret = state_inst._state_to_operators(op_classes, **options)
except NotImplementedError:
if isinstance(op_classes, (set, tuple, frozenset)):
ret = tuple(_make_default(x) for x in op_classes)
ret = _make_default(op_classes)
if isinstance(ret, set) and len(ret) == 1:
return ret[0]
return ret
def _make_set(ops):
if isinstance(ops, (tuple, list, frozenset)):
return set(ops)
return ops