
1241 lines
35 KiB

from sympy.core.basic import Basic
from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
from sympy.core.containers import Tuple
from sympy.core.decorators import call_highest_priority
from sympy.core.parameters import global_parameters
from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef, expand
from sympy.core.mul import Mul
from sympy.core.numbers import Integer
from sympy.core.relational import Eq
from sympy.core.singleton import S, Singleton
from sympy.core.sorting import ordered
from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy, Symbol, Wild
from sympy.core.sympify import sympify
from sympy.matrices import Matrix
from sympy.polys import lcm, factor
from sympy.sets.sets import Interval, Intersection
from sympy.tensor.indexed import Idx
from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten, is_sequence, iterable
class SeqBase(Basic):
"""Base class for sequences"""
is_commutative = True
_op_priority = 15
def _start_key(expr):
"""Return start (if possible) else S.Infinity.
adapted from Set._infimum_key
start = expr.start
except (NotImplementedError,
AttributeError, ValueError):
start = S.Infinity
return start
def _intersect_interval(self, other):
"""Returns start and stop.
Takes intersection over the two intervals.
interval = Intersection(self.interval, other.interval)
return interval.inf, interval.sup
def gen(self):
"""Returns the generator for the sequence"""
raise NotImplementedError("(%s).gen" % self)
def interval(self):
"""The interval on which the sequence is defined"""
raise NotImplementedError("(%s).interval" % self)
def start(self):
"""The starting point of the sequence. This point is included"""
raise NotImplementedError("(%s).start" % self)
def stop(self):
"""The ending point of the sequence. This point is included"""
raise NotImplementedError("(%s).stop" % self)
def length(self):
"""Length of the sequence"""
raise NotImplementedError("(%s).length" % self)
def variables(self):
"""Returns a tuple of variables that are bounded"""
return ()
def free_symbols(self):
This method returns the symbols in the object, excluding those
that take on a specific value (i.e. the dummy symbols).
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula
>>> from import n, m
>>> SeqFormula(m*n**2, (n, 0, 5)).free_symbols
return ({j for i in self.args for j in i.free_symbols
def coeff(self, pt):
"""Returns the coefficient at point pt"""
if pt < self.start or pt > self.stop:
raise IndexError("Index %s out of bounds %s" % (pt, self.interval))
return self._eval_coeff(pt)
def _eval_coeff(self, pt):
raise NotImplementedError("The _eval_coeff method should be added to"
"%s to return coefficient so it is available"
"when coeff calls it."
% self.func)
def _ith_point(self, i):
"""Returns the i'th point of a sequence.
If start point is negative infinity, point is returned from the end.
Assumes the first point to be indexed zero.
>>> from sympy import oo
>>> from sympy.series.sequences import SeqPer
>>> SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (-10, 10))._ith_point(0)
>>> SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (-10, 10))._ith_point(5)
End is at infinity
>>> SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (0, oo))._ith_point(5)
Starts at negative infinity
>>> SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (-oo, 0))._ith_point(5)
if self.start is S.NegativeInfinity:
initial = self.stop
initial = self.start
if self.start is S.NegativeInfinity:
step = -1
step = 1
return initial + i*step
def _add(self, other):
Should only be used internally.
self._add(other) returns a new, term-wise added sequence if self
knows how to add with other, otherwise it returns ``None``.
``other`` should only be a sequence object.
Used within :class:`SeqAdd` class.
return None
def _mul(self, other):
Should only be used internally.
self._mul(other) returns a new, term-wise multiplied sequence if self
knows how to multiply with other, otherwise it returns ``None``.
``other`` should only be a sequence object.
Used within :class:`SeqMul` class.
return None
def coeff_mul(self, other):
Should be used when ``other`` is not a sequence. Should be
defined to define custom behaviour.
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> SeqFormula(n**2).coeff_mul(2)
SeqFormula(2*n**2, (n, 0, oo))
'*' defines multiplication of sequences with sequences only.
return Mul(self, other)
def __add__(self, other):
"""Returns the term-wise addition of 'self' and 'other'.
``other`` should be a sequence.
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> SeqFormula(n**2) + SeqFormula(n**3)
SeqFormula(n**3 + n**2, (n, 0, oo))
if not isinstance(other, SeqBase):
raise TypeError('cannot add sequence and %s' % type(other))
return SeqAdd(self, other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self + other
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Returns the term-wise subtraction of ``self`` and ``other``.
``other`` should be a sequence.
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> SeqFormula(n**2) - (SeqFormula(n))
SeqFormula(n**2 - n, (n, 0, oo))
if not isinstance(other, SeqBase):
raise TypeError('cannot subtract sequence and %s' % type(other))
return SeqAdd(self, -other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return (-self) + other
def __neg__(self):
"""Negates the sequence.
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> -SeqFormula(n**2)
SeqFormula(-n**2, (n, 0, oo))
return self.coeff_mul(-1)
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Returns the term-wise multiplication of 'self' and 'other'.
``other`` should be a sequence. For ``other`` not being a
sequence see :func:`coeff_mul` method.
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> SeqFormula(n**2) * (SeqFormula(n))
SeqFormula(n**3, (n, 0, oo))
if not isinstance(other, SeqBase):
raise TypeError('cannot multiply sequence and %s' % type(other))
return SeqMul(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self * other
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(self.length):
pt = self._ith_point(i)
yield self.coeff(pt)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, int):
index = self._ith_point(index)
return self.coeff(index)
elif isinstance(index, slice):
start, stop = index.start, index.stop
if start is None:
start = 0
if stop is None:
stop = self.length
return [self.coeff(self._ith_point(i)) for i in
range(start, stop, index.step or 1)]
def find_linear_recurrence(self,n,d=None,gfvar=None):
Finds the shortest linear recurrence that satisfies the first n
terms of sequence of order `\leq` ``n/2`` if possible.
If ``d`` is specified, find shortest linear recurrence of order
`\leq` min(d, n/2) if possible.
Returns list of coefficients ``[b(1), b(2), ...]`` corresponding to the
recurrence relation ``x(n) = b(1)*x(n-1) + b(2)*x(n-2) + ...``
Returns ``[]`` if no recurrence is found.
If gfvar is specified, also returns ordinary generating function as a
function of gfvar.
>>> from sympy import sequence, sqrt, oo, lucas
>>> from import n, x, y
>>> sequence(n**2).find_linear_recurrence(10, 2)
>>> sequence(n**2).find_linear_recurrence(10)
[3, -3, 1]
>>> sequence(2**n).find_linear_recurrence(10)
>>> sequence(23*n**4+91*n**2).find_linear_recurrence(10)
[5, -10, 10, -5, 1]
>>> sequence(sqrt(5)*(((1 + sqrt(5))/2)**n - (-(1 + sqrt(5))/2)**(-n))/5).find_linear_recurrence(10)
[1, 1]
>>> sequence(x+y*(-2)**(-n), (n, 0, oo)).find_linear_recurrence(30)
[1/2, 1/2]
>>> sequence(3*5**n + 12).find_linear_recurrence(20,gfvar=x)
([6, -5], 3*(5 - 21*x)/((x - 1)*(5*x - 1)))
>>> sequence(lucas(n)).find_linear_recurrence(15,gfvar=x)
([1, 1], (x - 2)/(x**2 + x - 1))
from sympy.simplify import simplify
x = [simplify(expand(t)) for t in self[:n]]
lx = len(x)
if d is None:
r = lx//2
r = min(d,lx//2)
coeffs = []
for l in range(1, r+1):
l2 = 2*l
mlist = []
for k in range(l):
m = Matrix(mlist)
if m.det() != 0:
y = simplify(m.LUsolve(Matrix(x[l:l2])))
if lx == l2:
coeffs = flatten(y[::-1])
mlist = []
for k in range(l,lx-l):
m = Matrix(mlist)
if m*y == Matrix(x[l2:]):
coeffs = flatten(y[::-1])
if gfvar is None:
return coeffs
l = len(coeffs)
if l == 0:
return [], None
n, d = x[l-1]*gfvar**(l-1), 1 - coeffs[l-1]*gfvar**l
for i in range(l-1):
n += x[i]*gfvar**i
for j in range(l-i-1):
n -= coeffs[i]*x[j]*gfvar**(i+j+1)
d -= coeffs[i]*gfvar**(i+1)
return coeffs, simplify(factor(n)/factor(d))
class EmptySequence(SeqBase, metaclass=Singleton):
"""Represents an empty sequence.
The empty sequence is also available as a singleton as
>>> from sympy import EmptySequence, SeqPer
>>> from import x
>>> EmptySequence
>>> SeqPer((1, 2), (x, 0, 10)) + EmptySequence
SeqPer((1, 2), (x, 0, 10))
>>> SeqPer((1, 2)) * EmptySequence
>>> EmptySequence.coeff_mul(-1)
def interval(self):
return S.EmptySet
def length(self):
return S.Zero
def coeff_mul(self, coeff):
"""See docstring of SeqBase.coeff_mul"""
return self
def __iter__(self):
return iter([])
class SeqExpr(SeqBase):
"""Sequence expression class.
Various sequences should inherit from this class.
>>> from sympy.series.sequences import SeqExpr
>>> from import x
>>> from sympy import Tuple
>>> s = SeqExpr(Tuple(1, 2, 3), Tuple(x, 0, 10))
>>> s.gen
(1, 2, 3)
>>> s.interval
Interval(0, 10)
>>> s.length
See Also
def gen(self):
return self.args[0]
def interval(self):
return Interval(self.args[1][1], self.args[1][2])
def start(self):
return self.interval.inf
def stop(self):
return self.interval.sup
def length(self):
return self.stop - self.start + 1
def variables(self):
return (self.args[1][0],)
class SeqPer(SeqExpr):
Represents a periodic sequence.
The elements are repeated after a given period.
>>> from sympy import SeqPer, oo
>>> from import k
>>> s = SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (0, 5))
>>> s.periodical
(1, 2, 3)
>>> s.period
For value at a particular point
>>> s.coeff(3)
supports slicing
>>> s[:]
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
>>> list(s)
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
sequence starts from negative infinity
>>> SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (-oo, 0))[0:6]
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
Periodic formulas
>>> SeqPer((k, k**2, k**3), (k, 0, oo))[0:6]
[0, 1, 8, 3, 16, 125]
See Also
def __new__(cls, periodical, limits=None):
periodical = sympify(periodical)
def _find_x(periodical):
free = periodical.free_symbols
if len(periodical.free_symbols) == 1:
return free.pop()
return Dummy('k')
x, start, stop = None, None, None
if limits is None:
x, start, stop = _find_x(periodical), 0, S.Infinity
if is_sequence(limits, Tuple):
if len(limits) == 3:
x, start, stop = limits
elif len(limits) == 2:
x = _find_x(periodical)
start, stop = limits
if not isinstance(x, (Symbol, Idx)) or start is None or stop is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(limits))
if start is S.NegativeInfinity and stop is S.Infinity:
raise ValueError("Both the start and end value"
"cannot be unbounded")
limits = sympify((x, start, stop))
if is_sequence(periodical, Tuple):
periodical = sympify(tuple(flatten(periodical)))
raise ValueError("invalid period %s should be something "
"like e.g (1, 2) " % periodical)
if Interval(limits[1], limits[2]) is S.EmptySet:
return S.EmptySequence
return Basic.__new__(cls, periodical, limits)
def period(self):
return len(self.gen)
def periodical(self):
return self.gen
def _eval_coeff(self, pt):
if self.start is S.NegativeInfinity:
idx = (self.stop - pt) % self.period
idx = (pt - self.start) % self.period
return self.periodical[idx].subs(self.variables[0], pt)
def _add(self, other):
"""See docstring of SeqBase._add"""
if isinstance(other, SeqPer):
per1, lper1 = self.periodical, self.period
per2, lper2 = other.periodical, other.period
per_length = lcm(lper1, lper2)
new_per = []
for x in range(per_length):
ele1 = per1[x % lper1]
ele2 = per2[x % lper2]
new_per.append(ele1 + ele2)
start, stop = self._intersect_interval(other)
return SeqPer(new_per, (self.variables[0], start, stop))
def _mul(self, other):
"""See docstring of SeqBase._mul"""
if isinstance(other, SeqPer):
per1, lper1 = self.periodical, self.period
per2, lper2 = other.periodical, other.period
per_length = lcm(lper1, lper2)
new_per = []
for x in range(per_length):
ele1 = per1[x % lper1]
ele2 = per2[x % lper2]
new_per.append(ele1 * ele2)
start, stop = self._intersect_interval(other)
return SeqPer(new_per, (self.variables[0], start, stop))
def coeff_mul(self, coeff):
"""See docstring of SeqBase.coeff_mul"""
coeff = sympify(coeff)
per = [x * coeff for x in self.periodical]
return SeqPer(per, self.args[1])
class SeqFormula(SeqExpr):
Represents sequence based on a formula.
Elements are generated using a formula.
>>> from sympy import SeqFormula, oo, Symbol
>>> n = Symbol('n')
>>> s = SeqFormula(n**2, (n, 0, 5))
>>> s.formula
For value at a particular point
>>> s.coeff(3)
supports slicing
>>> s[:]
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
>>> list(s)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
sequence starts from negative infinity
>>> SeqFormula(n**2, (-oo, 0))[0:6]
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
See Also
def __new__(cls, formula, limits=None):
formula = sympify(formula)
def _find_x(formula):
free = formula.free_symbols
if len(free) == 1:
return free.pop()
elif not free:
return Dummy('k')
raise ValueError(
" specify dummy variables for %s. If the formula contains"
" more than one free symbol, a dummy variable should be"
" supplied explicitly e.g., SeqFormula(m*n**2, (n, 0, 5))"
% formula)
x, start, stop = None, None, None
if limits is None:
x, start, stop = _find_x(formula), 0, S.Infinity
if is_sequence(limits, Tuple):
if len(limits) == 3:
x, start, stop = limits
elif len(limits) == 2:
x = _find_x(formula)
start, stop = limits
if not isinstance(x, (Symbol, Idx)) or start is None or stop is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(limits))
if start is S.NegativeInfinity and stop is S.Infinity:
raise ValueError("Both the start and end value "
"cannot be unbounded")
limits = sympify((x, start, stop))
if Interval(limits[1], limits[2]) is S.EmptySet:
return S.EmptySequence
return Basic.__new__(cls, formula, limits)
def formula(self):
return self.gen
def _eval_coeff(self, pt):
d = self.variables[0]
return self.formula.subs(d, pt)
def _add(self, other):
"""See docstring of SeqBase._add"""
if isinstance(other, SeqFormula):
form1, v1 = self.formula, self.variables[0]
form2, v2 = other.formula, other.variables[0]
formula = form1 + form2.subs(v2, v1)
start, stop = self._intersect_interval(other)
return SeqFormula(formula, (v1, start, stop))
def _mul(self, other):
"""See docstring of SeqBase._mul"""
if isinstance(other, SeqFormula):
form1, v1 = self.formula, self.variables[0]
form2, v2 = other.formula, other.variables[0]
formula = form1 * form2.subs(v2, v1)
start, stop = self._intersect_interval(other)
return SeqFormula(formula, (v1, start, stop))
def coeff_mul(self, coeff):
"""See docstring of SeqBase.coeff_mul"""
coeff = sympify(coeff)
formula = self.formula * coeff
return SeqFormula(formula, self.args[1])
def expand(self, *args, **kwargs):
return SeqFormula(expand(self.formula, *args, **kwargs), self.args[1])
class RecursiveSeq(SeqBase):
A finite degree recursive sequence.
That is, a sequence a(n) that depends on a fixed, finite number of its
previous values. The general form is
a(n) = f(a(n - 1), a(n - 2), ..., a(n - d))
for some fixed, positive integer d, where f is some function defined by a
SymPy expression.
recurrence : SymPy expression defining recurrence
This is *not* an equality, only the expression that the nth term is
equal to. For example, if :code:`a(n) = f(a(n - 1), ..., a(n - d))`,
then the expression should be :code:`f(a(n - 1), ..., a(n - d))`.
yn : applied undefined function
Represents the nth term of the sequence as e.g. :code:`y(n)` where
:code:`y` is an undefined function and `n` is the sequence index.
n : symbolic argument
The name of the variable that the recurrence is in, e.g., :code:`n` if
the recurrence function is :code:`y(n)`.
initial : iterable with length equal to the degree of the recurrence
The initial values of the recurrence.
start : start value of sequence (inclusive)
>>> from sympy import Function, symbols
>>> from sympy.series.sequences import RecursiveSeq
>>> y = Function("y")
>>> n = symbols("n")
>>> fib = RecursiveSeq(y(n - 1) + y(n - 2), y(n), n, [0, 1])
>>> fib.coeff(3) # Value at a particular point
>>> fib[:6] # supports slicing
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
>>> fib.recurrence # inspect recurrence
Eq(y(n), y(n - 2) + y(n - 1))
>>> # automatically determine degree
>>> for x in zip(range(10), fib): # supports iteration
... print(x)
(0, 0)
(1, 1)
(2, 1)
(3, 2)
(4, 3)
(5, 5)
(6, 8)
(7, 13)
(8, 21)
(9, 34)
See Also
def __new__(cls, recurrence, yn, n, initial=None, start=0):
if not isinstance(yn, AppliedUndef):
raise TypeError("recurrence sequence must be an applied undefined function"
", found `{}`".format(yn))
if not isinstance(n, Basic) or not n.is_symbol:
raise TypeError("recurrence variable must be a symbol"
", found `{}`".format(n))
if yn.args != (n,):
raise TypeError("recurrence sequence does not match symbol")
y = yn.func
k = Wild("k", exclude=(n,))
degree = 0
# Find all applications of y in the recurrence and check that:
# 1. The function y is only being used with a single argument; and
# 2. All arguments are n + k for constant negative integers k.
prev_ys = recurrence.find(y)
for prev_y in prev_ys:
if len(prev_y.args) != 1:
raise TypeError("Recurrence should be in a single variable")
shift = prev_y.args[0].match(n + k)[k]
if not (shift.is_constant() and shift.is_integer and shift < 0):
raise TypeError("Recurrence should have constant,"
" negative, integer shifts"
" (found {})".format(prev_y))
if -shift > degree:
degree = -shift
if not initial:
initial = [Dummy("c_{}".format(k)) for k in range(degree)]
if len(initial) != degree:
raise ValueError("Number of initial terms must equal degree")
degree = Integer(degree)
start = sympify(start)
initial = Tuple(*(sympify(x) for x in initial))
seq = Basic.__new__(cls, recurrence, yn, n, initial, start)
seq.cache = {y(start + k): init for k, init in enumerate(initial)} = degree
return seq
def _recurrence(self):
"""Equation defining recurrence."""
return self.args[0]
def recurrence(self):
"""Equation defining recurrence."""
return Eq(self.yn, self.args[0])
def yn(self):
"""Applied function representing the nth term"""
return self.args[1]
def y(self):
"""Undefined function for the nth term of the sequence"""
return self.yn.func
def n(self):
"""Sequence index symbol"""
return self.args[2]
def initial(self):
"""The initial values of the sequence"""
return self.args[3]
def start(self):
"""The starting point of the sequence. This point is included"""
return self.args[4]
def stop(self):
"""The ending point of the sequence. (oo)"""
return S.Infinity
def interval(self):
"""Interval on which sequence is defined."""
return (self.start, S.Infinity)
def _eval_coeff(self, index):
if index - self.start < len(self.cache):
return self.cache[self.y(index)]
for current in range(len(self.cache), index + 1):
# Use xreplace over subs for performance.
# See issue #10697.
seq_index = self.start + current
current_recurrence = self._recurrence.xreplace({self.n: seq_index})
new_term = current_recurrence.xreplace(self.cache)
self.cache[self.y(seq_index)] = new_term
return self.cache[self.y(self.start + current)]
def __iter__(self):
index = self.start
while True:
yield self._eval_coeff(index)
index += 1
def sequence(seq, limits=None):
Returns appropriate sequence object.
If ``seq`` is a SymPy sequence, returns :class:`SeqPer` object
otherwise returns :class:`SeqFormula` object.
>>> from sympy import sequence
>>> from import n
>>> sequence(n**2, (n, 0, 5))
SeqFormula(n**2, (n, 0, 5))
>>> sequence((1, 2, 3), (n, 0, 5))
SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (n, 0, 5))
See Also
seq = sympify(seq)
if is_sequence(seq, Tuple):
return SeqPer(seq, limits)
return SeqFormula(seq, limits)
class SeqExprOp(SeqBase):
Base class for operations on sequences.
>>> from sympy.series.sequences import SeqExprOp, sequence
>>> from import n
>>> s1 = sequence(n**2, (n, 0, 10))
>>> s2 = sequence((1, 2, 3), (n, 5, 10))
>>> s = SeqExprOp(s1, s2)
>>> s.gen
(n**2, (1, 2, 3))
>>> s.interval
Interval(5, 10)
>>> s.length
See Also
def gen(self):
"""Generator for the sequence.
returns a tuple of generators of all the argument sequences.
return tuple(a.gen for a in self.args)
def interval(self):
"""Sequence is defined on the intersection
of all the intervals of respective sequences
return Intersection(*(a.interval for a in self.args))
def start(self):
return self.interval.inf
def stop(self):
return self.interval.sup
def variables(self):
"""Cumulative of all the bound variables"""
return tuple(flatten([a.variables for a in self.args]))
def length(self):
return self.stop - self.start + 1
class SeqAdd(SeqExprOp):
"""Represents term-wise addition of sequences.
* The interval on which sequence is defined is the intersection
of respective intervals of sequences.
* Anything + :class:`EmptySequence` remains unchanged.
* Other rules are defined in ``_add`` methods of sequence classes.
>>> from sympy import EmptySequence, oo, SeqAdd, SeqPer, SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> SeqAdd(SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo)), EmptySequence)
SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo))
>>> SeqAdd(SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, 5)), SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 6, 10)))
>>> SeqAdd(SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo)), SeqFormula(n**2, (n, 0, oo)))
SeqAdd(SeqFormula(n**2, (n, 0, oo)), SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo)))
>>> SeqAdd(SeqFormula(n**3), SeqFormula(n**2))
SeqFormula(n**3 + n**2, (n, 0, oo))
See Also
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_parameters.evaluate)
# flatten inputs
args = list(args)
# adapted from sympy.sets.sets.Union
def _flatten(arg):
if isinstance(arg, SeqBase):
if isinstance(arg, SeqAdd):
return sum(map(_flatten, arg.args), [])
return [arg]
if iterable(arg):
return sum(map(_flatten, arg), [])
raise TypeError("Input must be Sequences or "
" iterables of Sequences")
args = _flatten(args)
args = [a for a in args if a is not S.EmptySequence]
# Addition of no sequences is EmptySequence
if not args:
return S.EmptySequence
if Intersection(*(a.interval for a in args)) is S.EmptySet:
return S.EmptySequence
# reduce using known rules
if evaluate:
return SeqAdd.reduce(args)
args = list(ordered(args, SeqBase._start_key))
return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
def reduce(args):
"""Simplify :class:`SeqAdd` using known rules.
Iterates through all pairs and ask the constituent
sequences if they can simplify themselves with any other constituent.
adapted from ``Union.reduce``
new_args = True
while new_args:
for id1, s in enumerate(args):
new_args = False
for id2, t in enumerate(args):
if id1 == id2:
new_seq = s._add(t)
# This returns None if s does not know how to add
# with t. Returns the newly added sequence otherwise
if new_seq is not None:
new_args = [a for a in args if a not in (s, t)]
if new_args:
args = new_args
if len(args) == 1:
return args.pop()
return SeqAdd(args, evaluate=False)
def _eval_coeff(self, pt):
"""adds up the coefficients of all the sequences at point pt"""
return sum(a.coeff(pt) for a in self.args)
class SeqMul(SeqExprOp):
r"""Represents term-wise multiplication of sequences.
Handles multiplication of sequences only. For multiplication
with other objects see :func:`SeqBase.coeff_mul`.
* The interval on which sequence is defined is the intersection
of respective intervals of sequences.
* Anything \* :class:`EmptySequence` returns :class:`EmptySequence`.
* Other rules are defined in ``_mul`` methods of sequence classes.
>>> from sympy import EmptySequence, oo, SeqMul, SeqPer, SeqFormula
>>> from import n
>>> SeqMul(SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo)), EmptySequence)
>>> SeqMul(SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, 5)), SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 6, 10)))
>>> SeqMul(SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo)), SeqFormula(n**2))
SeqMul(SeqFormula(n**2, (n, 0, oo)), SeqPer((1, 2), (n, 0, oo)))
>>> SeqMul(SeqFormula(n**3), SeqFormula(n**2))
SeqFormula(n**5, (n, 0, oo))
See Also
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_parameters.evaluate)
# flatten inputs
args = list(args)
# adapted from sympy.sets.sets.Union
def _flatten(arg):
if isinstance(arg, SeqBase):
if isinstance(arg, SeqMul):
return sum(map(_flatten, arg.args), [])
return [arg]
elif iterable(arg):
return sum(map(_flatten, arg), [])
raise TypeError("Input must be Sequences or "
" iterables of Sequences")
args = _flatten(args)
# Multiplication of no sequences is EmptySequence
if not args:
return S.EmptySequence
if Intersection(*(a.interval for a in args)) is S.EmptySet:
return S.EmptySequence
# reduce using known rules
if evaluate:
return SeqMul.reduce(args)
args = list(ordered(args, SeqBase._start_key))
return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
def reduce(args):
"""Simplify a :class:`SeqMul` using known rules.
Iterates through all pairs and ask the constituent
sequences if they can simplify themselves with any other constituent.
adapted from ``Union.reduce``
new_args = True
while new_args:
for id1, s in enumerate(args):
new_args = False
for id2, t in enumerate(args):
if id1 == id2:
new_seq = s._mul(t)
# This returns None if s does not know how to multiply
# with t. Returns the newly multiplied sequence otherwise
if new_seq is not None:
new_args = [a for a in args if a not in (s, t)]
if new_args:
args = new_args
if len(args) == 1:
return args.pop()
return SeqMul(args, evaluate=False)
def _eval_coeff(self, pt):
"""multiplies the coefficients of all the sequences at point pt"""
val = 1
for a in self.args:
val *= a.coeff(pt)
return val