
2446 lines
90 KiB

import collections
import dataclasses
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import math
import operator
import os
import pprint
import textwrap
from typing import (
import sympy
import torch
from torch._dynamo.utils import dynamo_timed
from torch._inductor.metrics import get_metric_table, is_metric_table_enabled
from torch.utils._triton import has_triton
from . import comms, config, dependencies, ir, metrics
from .codegen.common import get_scheduling_for_device, Kernel
from .comm_analysis import estimate_nccl_collective_runtime
from .dependencies import Dep, MemoryDep, StarDep, WeakDep
from .ir import ComputedBuffer, MultiOutput, MultiOutputLayout
from .sizevars import SimplifyIndexing
from .utils import (
from .virtualized import V
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
fusion_log = torch._logging.getArtifactLogger(__name__, "fusion")
class WhyNoFuse:
# TODO when we drop support for Python < 3.10, we can use
# @dataclass(slots=True) instead of manually specifying __slots__.
__slots__ = ["node1", "node2", "reason", "args"]
reason: str
args: Tuple[Any, ...]
def __init__(self, node1: "BaseSchedulerNode", node2: "BaseSchedulerNode"):
self.node1 = node1
self.node2 = node2
def __call__(self, reason, *args):
self.reason = reason
self.args = args
def __str__(self):
return f"cannot fuse {self.node1.get_name()} with {self.node2.get_name()}: " + (
self.reason % self.args
def pformat(obj):
if isinstance(obj, set):
# pformat has trouble with sets of sympy exprs
obj = sorted(obj, key=str)
result = pprint.pformat(obj, indent=4)
if "\n" in result:
return f"\n{textwrap.indent(result, ' '*4)}"
return result
class OutputNode:
def __init__(self, dep):
self.unmet_dependencies = {dep}
self.inverse_users = []
def is_reduction(self):
return False
def get_alias_names(self):
return ()
def get_name(self):
return "OUTPUT"
__repr__ = get_name
def _prune_redundant_deps(node, name_to_fused_node):
Prunes weakdeps intended for mutation ordering
on an upstream fused node if after fusion there is another dependency
on the fused upstream node, making the weakdep redundant
In essence this enforces an ordering on fusions. As fusions occur, weakdeps will
be incrementally removed, enabling other fusions, ensuring they are fused in order.
name_to_dep_count: Counter[str] = collections.Counter()
for dep in node.unmet_dependencies:
if not isinstance(dep, WeakDep):
name_to_dep_count[name_to_fused_node[].get_name()] += 1
def should_prune(dep):
if isinstance(dep, WeakDep):
is_redundant = (
name_to_dep_count[name_to_fused_node[].get_name()] > 0
# These can occur because fused nodes always gather deps from their snodes
# If B has a weakdep on A
# B gets fused with C, then any time BC is fused, the weakdep will reappear
is_self_dep = name_to_fused_node[] == node
return is_redundant or is_self_dep
return False
deps_to_prune = {dep for dep in node.unmet_dependencies if should_prune(dep)}
if deps_to_prune:
node.unmet_dependencies = node.unmet_dependencies - deps_to_prune
# TODO(xmfan): reuse an existing mapping for this if it exists, or formalize this into
kernel_name_to_op = {
"extern_kernels.convolution": torch.ops.aten.convolution,
"extern_kernels.bmm": torch.ops.aten.bmm,
"extern_kernels.addmm": torch.ops.aten.addmm,
class BaseSchedulerNode:
def __init__(self, scheduler: "Scheduler", node: ir.Buffer):
self.scheduler: Scheduler = scheduler
self.node: ir.Buffer = node
self.users: List[NodeUser] = []
self.inverse_users: List[BaseSchedulerNode] = []
self.node_users: List[BaseSchedulerNode] = []
self.ancestors: Set[str] = set()
self.min_order: int
self.max_order: int
self.last_usage: Set[
] = set() # buffers that won't be used after this kernel
self.written = False
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}(name={self.get_name()!r})"
def debug_str(self) -> str:
"""Longer form printout for trace logs"""
name = self.get_name()
lines = [
f"{name}: {type(self).__name__}({type(getattr(self, 'node', None)).__name__})",
f"{name}.writes = {pformat(self.read_writes.writes)}",
f"{name}.unmet_dependencies = {pformat(self.unmet_dependencies)}",
f"{name}.met_dependencies = {pformat(self.read_writes.reads - self.unmet_dependencies)}",
f"{name}.users = {self.users}",
lines += [
except Exception:
log.warning("Ignoring error in debug_str()", exc_info=True)
return "\n".join(lines).rstrip()
def debug_str_extra(self) -> str:
return ""
def log_details(self):
"%s: unmet_dependencies = %s, writes = %s",
def update_mutated_names(self, renames: Dict[str, str]):
def add_mutation_dep(self, dep):
def add_fake_dep(self, dep):
def set_users(self, users: List["NodeUser"]):
# deduplicate
result: Dict[int, NodeUser] = {}
for use in users:
if id(use.node) in result:
result[id(use.node)] = use.merge(result[id(use.node)])
result[id(use.node)] = use
self.users = list(result.values())
def set_last_usage(
self, future_used_buffers: Set[str], mutation_real_name: Dict[str, str]
used_buffers = self.used_or_aliased_buffer_names()
used_buffers = {mutation_real_name.get(k, k) for k in used_buffers}
self.last_usage = used_buffers - future_used_buffers
def get_aliases(self):
return self.node.get_alias_names()
def get_mutations(self):
return self.node.get_mutation_names()
def has_aliasing_or_mutation(self):
return bool(self.get_aliases() or self.get_mutations())
def set_read_writes(self, rw: dependencies.ReadWrites):
self.read_writes: dependencies.ReadWrites = rw
self.unmet_dependencies = self.read_writes.reads
def op_counts(self):
return self.read_writes.op_counts
def used_buffer_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return {
for dep in itertools.chain(self.read_writes.reads, self.read_writes.writes)
def used_or_aliased_buffer_names(self) -> Set[str]:
used_names = set()
for dep in itertools.chain(self.read_writes.reads, self.read_writes.writes):
if V.graph.name_to_buffer.get(
layout = V.graph.name_to_buffer[].get_layout()
# needed to avoid deallocating aliased buffer
# if there are still uses of aliases ahead
if isinstance(layout, ir.AliasedLayout):
return used_names
def prune_deps(self):
self.unmet_dependencies = {
for dep in self.unmet_dependencies
if not in self.scheduler.available_buffer_names
def prune_weak_deps(self):
# Prune weak dependencies on buffers that have been removed
def should_prune(dep):
return isinstance(dep, WeakDep) and in V.graph.removed_buffers
to_remove = {dep for dep in self.read_writes.reads if should_prune(dep)}
def prune_redundant_deps(self, name_to_fused_node):
_prune_redundant_deps(self, name_to_fused_node)
def get_name(self) -> str:
return self.node.get_name()
def get_first_name(self) -> str:
return self.get_name()
def get_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return {self.get_name()}
def get_nodes(self) -> Sequence["BaseSchedulerNode"]:
return [self]
def get_device(self):
return self.node.get_device()
def is_reduction(self):
return False
def is_split_scan(self):
return False
def is_template(self):
return False
def is_extern(self):
return False
def is_foreach(self):
return False
def can_inplace(self, read_dep: dependencies.MemoryDep):
return False
def has_side_effects(self):
return False
def decide_inplace_update(self):
Decide if there should be inplace updates for the node
and record the decision in the active kernel.
if not self.node.should_allocate():
if isinstance(self, (SchedulerNode,)) and (
self.node.get_alias_names() or self.node.get_mutation_names()
if (
isinstance(self, (SchedulerNode,))
# o what have i done. lets make this an api
or (
isinstance(self, ExternKernelSchedulerNode)
and isinstance(self.node, (ir.AllReduce, ir.InPlaceHint))
and config.inplace_buffers
and (
not isinstance(V.kernel, torch._inductor.codegen.triton.TritonKernel)
or getattr(V.kernel, "mutations", None) is not None
from .codegen.wrapper import buffer_reuse_key
ordered_reads = sorted(self.read_writes.reads, key=lambda x:
for read in ordered_reads:
input_node: Optional[
] = self.scheduler.name_to_node.get(
if input_node and V.graph.wrapper_code.can_reuse(input_node, self):
assert input_node.users is not None
remaining_uses = [
for x in input_node.users
if x.node.get_name()
not in self.scheduler.available_buffer_names
if (
len(remaining_uses) == 1
and remaining_uses[0].can_inplace
and remaining_uses[0].node is self
and not isinstance(
and not (
input_node.node, (ir.FallbackKernel, ir.MultiOutput)
and len(input_node.node.get_alias_names()) > 0
and buffer_reuse_key(input_node.node)
== buffer_reuse_key(self.node)
# hacky check for if V.kernel is a real kernel or NullHandler
if hasattr(V.kernel, "args"):
# if there isn't a triton kernel, then we don't need to call triton-specific things.
# but TODO this might be a convenient place to signal to the Collective kernels to inplace
# (and, can we make "kernel" less generic of a name?)
input_node.get_name(), self.get_name()
# mutations not tracked in cpp kernels
if isinstance(
V.kernel, torch._inductor.codegen.triton.TritonKernel
# update last usage of reused node
] = input_node.get_name()
def allocate(self):
if not self.node.should_allocate():
if isinstance(self, (SchedulerNode,)) and (
self.node.get_alias_names() or self.node.get_mutation_names()
# hacky check for if V.kernel is a real kernel or NullHandler
if (
hasattr(V.kernel, "args")
and self.get_name() in V.kernel.inplace_update_buffers
def can_free(self):
# There's no real allocated buffer, no need to free it
if isinstance(self.node.layout, ir.NoneLayout):
return False
for use in self.users:
if isinstance(use.node, OutputNode):
return False
return True
def codegen_originating_info(self, buffer, only_once=True):
if not config.comment_origin:
if only_once and self.written:
origins =
out_lines = []
for o in origins:
if o.op == "output":
# These are boring and samey
# TODO(voz): Should the pragma be constant somewhere?
out_lines.append("#pragma CMT ORIGIN:")
op_info_str = f"#pragma CMT {o.op} {}"
if "seq_nr" in o.meta:
op_info_str = op_info_str + f" seq_nr:{o.meta['seq_nr']}"
if "stack_trace" in o.meta:
stack_trace = f"{o.meta['stack_trace']}"
stack_trace_last_line = stack_trace.split("|")[-1]
"#pragma CMT "
+ stack_trace_last_line.replace("{", "{{")
.replace("}", "}}")
.replace("\n", "\\")
out_lines.append("#pragma CMT END ORIGIN")
if len(out_lines) == 0:
# TODO(voz): Ostensibly, we should not need this. But there are cases where C++ codegen does
# not use BracesBuffer, so we have no good indicator of a C++ buffer atm.
self.written = True
def get_read_write_buffers_sizes(self) -> int:
Counting the number of bytes accessed for a kernel is
surprisingly tricky. In particular, there is a differentiation
between 'theoretical' memory accesses and practical memory
accesses. For example, a layernorm kernel may actually access an
input 3 times, but in theory, it only needs to access its input
once (and may be optimized to do so through say, persistent
Another example is that even though a buffer is passed in, we may
not access the entire buffer. This may occur if we are accessing
a slice of the buffer. Another tricky case is for indirect
indexing, where the amount of bytes accessed depends on the
values of the input.
What this function aims to compute is the memory accesses for
worst-case inputs, best-case optimization. What this means is
that for each buffer we compute the amount of potential accesses in two ways and take the minimum.
1. Numel in ranges multiplied by number of deps the buffer has
2. The buffer size
if isinstance(self, NopKernelSchedulerNode):
return 0
if isinstance(self, ExternKernelSchedulerNode) and isinstance(
self.node, MultiOutput
return 0
if isinstance(self, SchedulerNode):
node_numel = V.graph.sizevars.size_hint(
* sympy_product(self.get_ranges()[1])
node_numel = int(1e9)
buf_accesses = collections.defaultdict(list)
for dep in self.read_writes.reads | self.read_writes.writes:
reads = { for dep in self.read_writes.reads}
writes = { for dep in self.read_writes.writes}
def is_materialized(buf, snodes):
users = self.scheduler.name_to_node[buf].users
buf_uses = {user.node for user in users}
return len(buf_uses - set(snodes)) > 0
if isinstance(self, FusedSchedulerNode):
removed_buffers = {
dep for dep in writes if not is_materialized(dep, self.snodes)
writes = writes - removed_buffers
reads = reads - removed_buffers
node_bytes = 0
for buf_name in reads | writes:
buf_accessed_elems = sum([node_numel for dep in buf_accesses[buf_name]])
buf: Union[ir.Buffer, ir.TensorBox]
if buf_name in V.graph.name_to_buffer:
buf = V.graph.name_to_buffer[buf_name]
elif buf_name in V.graph.graph_inputs:
buf = V.graph.graph_inputs[buf_name]
def get_buf_elems(buf):
return V.graph.sizevars.size_hint(sympy_product(buf.get_size()))
# Kind of a lazy way to get the MultiOutput nodes corresponding to
# a MultiOutputLayout
if isinstance(buf.layout, MultiOutputLayout):
users = self.scheduler.name_to_node[buf.get_name()].users
buf_elems = sum(get_buf_elems(user.node.node) for user in users)
buf_elems = get_buf_elems(buf)
node_bytes += min(buf_elems, buf_accessed_elems) * get_dtype_size(
return node_bytes
def get_estimated_runtime(self) -> float:
Returns estimated op runtime in nanoseconds (ns)
layout = None
dtype = None
if not hasattr(self, "node") or not self.node:
assert isinstance(
self, (FusedSchedulerNode, ForeachKernelSchedulerNode)
), f"{type(self)=}"
assert self.snodes
if not self.snodes[0].node:
return 0
layout = self.snodes[0].node.get_layout()
dtype = self.snodes[0].node.get_dtype()
layout = self.node.get_layout()
dtype = self.node.get_dtype()
if "cuda" != layout.device.type:
# default to no reordering based on runtime
return 0
# Collective kernels
if is_collective(self.node):
return estimate_nccl_collective_runtime(self.node)
elif is_wait(self.node):
# ir.Wait is only used for collective ops.
# The time needed for the collective op is already estimated and considered
# when we are processing the collective op IR node, so ir.Wait takes 0 time
# since it doesn't take extra time to get the result after the collective is completed.
return 0
gpu_memory_bandwidth = get_gpu_dram_gbps()
gpu_flops = get_device_tflops(dtype) * 10**12
except Exception:
return 0
if isinstance(self, ExternKernelSchedulerNode):
assert isinstance(self.node, ir.ExternKernel), f"{type(self.node)=}"
op = kernel_name_to_op.get(
getattr(self.node, "python_kernel_name", ""), None
# if there is a resolved op, dry-run using fake mode and record flop count
if op is not None:
from torch._subclasses.fake_tensor import FakeTensorMode
from torch.utils.flop_counter import FlopCounterMode
with FakeTensorMode(), FlopCounterMode(
) as flop_counter_mode:
from .ir import ir_node_to_tensor
fake_inputs = [
ir_node_to_tensor(input, guard_shape=False)
for input in self.node.inputs
cls = self.node.__class__
cls.process_kernel(op, *fake_inputs, **self.node.kwargs)
# TODO(xmfan): find a better heuristic to model FLOPS/latency relationship
factor = 1.0
counted_flops = flop_counter_mode.get_total_flops()
counted_bytes = self.get_read_write_buffers_sizes()
compute_time = (factor * counted_flops / gpu_flops) * 1e9
transfer_time = counted_bytes / gpu_memory_bandwidth
# Return estimated runtime in nanoseconds
return max(compute_time, transfer_time)
elif isinstance(self, FusedSchedulerNode) or isinstance(
self.node, ComputedBuffer
# Return estimated runtime in nanoseconds (bytes / gbps)
return self.get_read_write_buffers_sizes() / gpu_memory_bandwidth
return 0
class ExternKernelSchedulerNode(BaseSchedulerNode):
def debug_str_extra(self) -> str:
return f"{self.get_name()}.node.kernel = {getattr(self.node, 'python_kernel_name', None)}"
def is_extern(self):
return True
def has_side_effects(self):
return hasattr(self.node, "has_side_effects") and self.node.has_side_effects()
def can_inplace(self, read_dep: dependencies.MemoryDep):
if self.get_aliases() or self.is_template():
return False
if not in self.scheduler.name_to_node:
# don't allow reuse of an 'input' buffer, we don't own it
# (would this have been fixed if I tracked mutations properly above?)
return False
if not isinstance(
self.node, (,
# TODO make this a property of the IR
return False
if len(self.read_writes.writes) == 1:
write_dep = next(iter(self.read_writes.writes))
numel_diff = read_dep.get_numel() - write_dep.get_numel()
return V.graph.sizevars.simplify(numel_diff) == 0
return False
class NopKernelSchedulerNode(BaseSchedulerNode):
class SchedulerNode(BaseSchedulerNode):
def __init__(
scheduler: "Scheduler",
node: Union[ir.ComputedBuffer, ir.TemplateBuffer],
super().__init__(scheduler, node)
def _compute_attrs(
extra_indexing_constraints: Optional[Tuple[Dict[Any, Any], List[Any]]] = None,
assert isinstance(self.node, (ir.ComputedBuffer, ir.TemplateBuffer))
self._sizes, self._body = self.node.simplify_and_reorder(
group_fn = self.scheduler.get_backend(self.node.get_device()).group_fn = (self.node.get_device(), group_fn(self._sizes))
if isinstance(self.node, ir.TemplateBuffer):
self._body, *self._sizes, normalize=True
def recompute_size_and_body(
self, extra_indexing_constraints: Tuple[Dict[Any, Any], List[Any]]
def debug_str_extra(self) -> str:
name = self.get_name()
lines = [
f"{name}.group.device = {[0]}",
f"{name}.group.iteration = {[1]}",
f"{name}.sizes = {self._sizes}",
if self.get_aliases():
lines.append(f"{name}.aliases = {pformat(self.get_aliases())}")
if self.get_mutations():
lines.append(f"{name}.mutations = {pformat(self.get_mutations())}")
if isinstance(self._body, ir.LoopBody):
lines.append(f"class {name}_loop_body:")
lines.append(textwrap.indent(self._body.debug_str(), " "))
return "\n".join(lines)
def get_ranges(self):
return self._sizes
def is_reduction(self):
assert isinstance(
self.node, (ir.ComputedBuffer, ir.TemplateBuffer)
), f"{type(self.node)=}"
return bool(self.node.get_reduction_type())
def is_split_scan(self):
assert isinstance(
self.node, (ir.ComputedBuffer, ir.TemplateBuffer)
), f"{type(self.node)=}"
return isinstance(self.node, ir.ComputedBuffer) and isinstance(, ir.SplitScan
def is_template(self):
return isinstance(self.node, ir.TemplateBuffer)
def get_template_node(self):
return self.node if self.is_template() else None
def run(self, *index_vars):
def mark_run(self):
def ranges_from_index_vars(self, index_vars):
sizes = self._sizes
assert sum(map(len, sizes)) == sum(map(len, index_vars))
var_ranges = dict(
return var_ranges
def codegen(self, index_vars):
var_ranges = self.ranges_from_index_vars(index_vars)
with V.set_ops_handler(
SimplifyIndexing(V.get_ops_handler(), var_ranges)
), V.kernel.set_current_node(self):
except Exception:
log.fatal("Error in codegen for %s", self.node)
def pointwise_read_writes(self):
Get the memory dependencies in the non-reduction axis.
sizes, reduction_sizes = self._sizes
def fn(index):
return self._body(index, [sympy.Integer(0) for _ in reduction_sizes])
return dependencies.extract_read_writes(fn, sizes)
def can_inplace(self, read_dep: dependencies.MemoryDep):
if self.get_aliases() or self.is_template():
return False
if len(self.read_writes.writes) == 1 and isinstance(
read_dep, dependencies.MemoryDep
write_dep = next(iter(self.read_writes.writes))
assert isinstance(write_dep, dependencies.MemoryDep), f"{type(write_dep)=}"
return read_dep.index == write_dep.index and read_dep.size == write_dep.size
return False
def _get_atomic_add_buffers(self) -> Set[str]:
buffers_store_as_atomic_add = set()
if isinstance(self._body, ir.LoopBody):
for node in self._body.get_nodes():
if (
node.op == "call_method"
and == "store"
and (
("mode" in node.kwargs and node.kwargs["mode"] == "atomic_add")
or (len(node.args) == 5 and node.args[4] == "atomic_add")
if "name" in node.kwargs
else (node.args[1] if len(node.args) >= 2 else "")
return buffers_store_as_atomic_add
def has_atomic_add(self, check_buf):
return check_buf in self._get_atomic_add_buffers()
class FusedSchedulerNode(BaseSchedulerNode):
This is a "fake" scheduler node that represents a group of scheduler nodes
that are meant to be fused together. The way it does this is by maintaining
its unmet dependencies as the union of its constituent nodes.
def fuse(cls, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode):
assert node1.scheduler is node2.scheduler
assert isinstance(node1, (SchedulerNode, FusedSchedulerNode)) and isinstance(
node2, (SchedulerNode, FusedSchedulerNode)
return cls(node1.scheduler, list(node1.get_nodes()) + list(node2.get_nodes())) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def __init__(self, scheduler: "Scheduler", snodes: List[SchedulerNode]):
# NB: No need to call super().__init__() because we don't need to re-use any of its logic.
self.snodes = snodes
self.scheduler = scheduler
self.node: ir.Buffer = None # type: ignore[assignment]
self.users: List[NodeUser] = []
self.inverse_users = []
self.node_users = [] = max(snodes, key=lambda x: int(x.is_reduction())).group
self.ancestors = set.union(
*[x.ancestors for x in snodes if x.ancestors is not None]
dependencies.ReadWrites.merge_list([x.read_writes for x in snodes])
self.unmet_dependencies = {
for dep in set.union(*[x.unmet_dependencies for x in snodes])
if not in self.get_names()
} - self.read_writes.writes
self.min_order = min([x.min_order for x in self.snodes])
self.max_order = max([x.max_order for x in self.snodes])
def get_name(self) -> str:
return "_".join([x.get_name() for x in self.snodes])
def get_first_name(self) -> str:
return self.snodes[0].get_name()
def get_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return set.union(*[x.get_names() for x in self.snodes])
def debug_str_extra(self) -> str:
lines = [
f"{self.get_name()}.snodes[{i}] =\n{node.debug_str()}"
for i, node in enumerate(self.snodes)
return textwrap.indent("\n".join(lines).rstrip(), " ")
def set_last_usage(
self, future_used_buffers: Set[str], mutation_real_name: Dict[str, str]
# Set self.last_usage using the global information
# This will be used for inter-kernel optimisations
super().set_last_usage(future_used_buffers, mutation_real_name)
# Set self.last_usage on the snodes
# This will be used for optimisations within the kernel
future_used_buffers: Set[str] = set()
for node in reversed(self.snodes):
node.set_last_usage(future_used_buffers, mutation_real_name)
future_used_buffers.update(node.last_usage) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def used_buffer_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return set.union(*[x.used_buffer_names() for x in self.snodes])
def used_or_aliased_buffer_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return set.union(*[x.used_or_aliased_buffer_names() for x in self.snodes])
def get_nodes(self) -> List[SchedulerNode]:
return self.snodes
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}(nodes={self.get_name()})"
def is_reduction(self):
return any(x.is_reduction() for x in self.snodes)
def is_split_scan(self):
return any(x.is_split_scan() for x in self.snodes)
def is_template(self):
return any(x.is_template() for x in self.snodes)
def get_template_node(self):
for node in self.snodes:
if node.is_template():
return node
return None
def get_device(self):
def has_aliasing_or_mutation(self):
return any(x.has_aliasing_or_mutation() for x in self.snodes)
def op_counts(self):
op_counts: Counter[str] = collections.Counter()
for node in self.snodes:
return op_counts
def has_atomic_add(self, check_buf):
return any(
isinstance(sub_schedule_node1, SchedulerNode)
and sub_schedule_node1.has_atomic_add(check_buf)
for sub_schedule_node1 in self.get_nodes()
# None of these need to be implemented, as a FusedSchedulerNode is just an
# abstraction for scheduling purposes
def update_mutated_names(self, renames: Dict[str, str]):
raise NotImplementedError
def add_mutation_dep(self, name):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_users(self, users: List["NodeUser"]):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_aliases(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_mutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def can_inplace(self, read_dep: dependencies.MemoryDep):
raise NotImplementedError
def allocate(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def can_free(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def debug_str(self) -> str:
"""Longer form printout for trace logs"""
name = self.get_name()
node_typestr = ",".join(type(n).__name__ for n in self.snodes)
lines = [
f"{name}: {type(self).__name__}({node_typestr})",
f"{name}.writes = {pformat(self.read_writes.writes)}",
f"{name}.unmet_dependencies = {pformat(self.unmet_dependencies)}",
f"{name}.met_dependencies = {pformat(self.read_writes.reads - self.unmet_dependencies)}",
f"{name}.users = {self.users}",
lines += [
except Exception:
log.warning("Ignoring error in debug_str()", exc_info=True)
return "\n".join(lines).rstrip()
class ForeachKernelSchedulerNode(FusedSchedulerNode):
"""Scheduler node which consists of a list of scheduler nodes that each operate on a
distinct tensor in a list of tensors."""
def get_consumer_subnode_for(self, producer):
if producer.get_name() in self.read_to_node:
return self.read_to_node[producer.get_name()]
return None
def get_producer_subnode_for(self, consumer):
for rd in consumer.read_writes.reads:
if in self.name_to_node:
return self.name_to_node[]
return None
def can_fuse(cls, producer, consumer):
why = WhyNoFuse(producer, consumer)
if producer.is_foreach() and consumer.is_foreach():
foreach_match = len(producer.snodes) == len(consumer.snodes)
if not foreach_match:
why("foreach do not have same length")
return foreach_match and all(
producer.scheduler.can_fuse(l, r)
for l, r in zip(producer.snodes, consumer.snodes)
elif consumer.is_foreach():
consumer_subnode = consumer.get_consumer_subnode_for(producer)
if consumer_subnode is not None:
return consumer.scheduler.can_fuse(producer, consumer_subnode)
why("candidate producer is not dep of any foreach consumer")
return False
elif producer.is_foreach():
producer_subnode = producer.get_producer_subnode_for(consumer)
if producer_subnode is not None:
return producer.scheduler.can_fuse(producer_subnode, consumer)
why("candidate consumer has no dep in any foreach producer")
return False
raise AssertionError(
"At least one node passed to ForeachKernelSchedulerNode.can_fuse should be a foreach node"
def fuse(cls, producer, consumer):
assert producer.is_foreach() or consumer.is_foreach()
prev_node_1 = None
prev_node_2 = None
if producer.is_foreach() and consumer.is_foreach():
fused_nodes = [
FusedSchedulerNode.fuse(l, r)
for l, r in zip(producer.snodes, consumer.snodes)
elif producer.is_foreach():
producer_subnode = producer.get_producer_subnode_for(consumer)
fused_nodes = []
prev_node_1 = producer
prev_node_2 = None
for node in producer.snodes:
if node is producer_subnode:
new_node = FusedSchedulerNode.fuse(node, consumer)
prev_node_2 = new_node
elif consumer.is_foreach():
consumer_subnode = consumer.get_consumer_subnode_for(producer)
fused_nodes = []
prev_node_1 = consumer
prev_node_2 = None
for node in consumer.snodes:
if node is consumer_subnode:
new_node = FusedSchedulerNode.fuse(producer, node)
prev_node_2 = new_node
return cls(producer.scheduler, fused_nodes, prev_node_1, prev_node_2) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined]
def __init__(
scheduler: "Scheduler",
nodes: List[SchedulerNode],
self.read_to_node = {}
self.name_to_node = {}
if prev_node_1 is None or prev_node_2 is None:
super().__init__(scheduler, nodes)
for node in nodes:
for read in node.read_writes.reads:
self.read_to_node[] = node
for name in node.get_names():
self.name_to_node[name] = node
self.scheduler = scheduler
self.snodes = nodes
self.node: ir.Buffer = None # type: ignore[assignment]
self.users: List[NodeUser] = []
[prev_node_1.read_writes, prev_node_2.read_writes]
self.unmet_dependencies = {
for dep in set.union(
prev_node_1.unmet_dependencies, prev_node_2.unmet_dependencies
if not in self.get_names()
} - self.read_writes.writes
self.min_order = min([prev_node_1.min_order, prev_node_2.min_order])
self.max_order = max([prev_node_1.max_order, prev_node_2.max_order])
foreach_node = prev_node_1 if prev_node_1.is_foreach() else prev_node_2
other_node = prev_node_2 if prev_node_1.is_foreach() else prev_node_1
self.ancestors = foreach_node.ancestors
self.name_to_node = foreach_node.name_to_node
for name in other_node.get_names():
self.name_to_node[name] = other_node = (nodes[0].get_device(), "foreach") Set[torch.fx.Node] = set()
def mark_run(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def codegen(self):
assert isinstance(self.node, ir.ComputedBuffer), f"{type(self.node)=}"
def can_free(self):
return NotImplementedError
def is_foreach(self):
return True
def get_subkernel_nodes(self):
"""Returns a list of nodes which comprise the foreach kernel, operating on corresponding elements of our input lists.
These nodes may be vertically fused."""
return list(self.snodes)
def get_nodes(self):
"""Returns all nodes contained in this kernel, unpacking fused nodes into their constituent scheduler nodes."""
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(x.get_nodes() for x in self.snodes))
def get_first_name(self):
return self.snodes[0].get_first_name()
def prune_redundant_deps(self, name_to_fused_node):
_prune_redundant_deps(self, name_to_fused_node)
for node in self.snodes:
def pick_loop_order(stride_lengths, sizes, priority_idx=()):
A heuristic to decide loop iteration orders. This has not been well
tuned and may be something we should autotune.
def index_cmp(a, b):
if sizes[a] == 1 or sizes[b] == 1:
# 1-sizes don't matter, just move them to the end
return cmp(sizes[a] == 1, sizes[b] == 1)
stride_len_a = [sl[a] for sl in stride_lengths]
stride_len_b = [sl[b] for sl in stride_lengths]
# equivalent to
# np.logical_or(stride_lengths[:, b] == 0, stride_lengths[:, a] < stride_lengths[:, b]).all()
a_first = sum(
sl_b == 0 or sl_a < sl_b for sl_a, sl_b in zip(stride_len_a, stride_len_b)
b_first = sum(
sl_a == 0 or sl_b < sl_a for sl_a, sl_b in zip(stride_len_a, stride_len_b)
if a_first > b_first:
return -1
if b_first > a_first:
return 1
# otherwise contiguous
return cmp(b, a)
order = list(reversed(range(len(stride_lengths[0]))))
if len(priority_idx) > 0:
# if we have priority node, only use that node's order
stride_lengths = [stride_lengths[pi] for pi in priority_idx]
if config.pick_loop_orders:
return order
class NodeUser:
node: BaseSchedulerNode
can_inplace: bool = False
# A weak user must be scheduled after a given node, but doesn't actually
# use the result
is_weak: bool = False
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.node.get_name(), self.can_inplace, self.is_weak))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self.get_name() == other.get_name()
and self.can_inplace == other.can_inplace
and self.is_weak == other.is_weak
def get_name(self):
return self.node.get_name()
def merge(self, other: "NodeUser") -> "NodeUser":
assert self.node is other.node
return NodeUser(
self.can_inplace and other.can_inplace,
self.is_weak and other.is_weak,
_post_grad_graph_counter = itertools.count()
class Scheduler:
def __init__(self, nodes):
self.backends = {}
self.fuse_cache = {}
self.post_grad_graph_id = next(_post_grad_graph_counter)
self.nodes = []
self.available_buffer_names = {
self.nodes = [self.create_scheduler_node(n) for n in nodes]
# some new constants could have been created above
for node in self.nodes:
self.name_to_node: Dict[str, BaseSchedulerNode] = {
n.get_name(): n for n in self.nodes
self.name_to_fused_node: Dict[
str, BaseSchedulerNode
] = dict() # set in fuse_nodes()
# mutation_real_name: Maps back to the original name for codegen
# Example:
# If you mutate buf0 inside of buf1's kernel, then:
# mutation_real_name = {"buf0" : "buf1"}
# all subsequent uses of buf0 become buf1's usage in dependency graph
self.mutation_real_name = {}
# We handle mutation by renaming modified versions of the same
# buffer in the dependency graph to prevent cycles.
# mutation_renames: tracks the current name for a given buffer
# (changed once per mutation)
# Example:
# If you mutate buf0 inside of buf1's kernel, then:
# mutation_renames = {"buf1" : "buf0"}
# in codegen we only use buf0, never buf1
self.mutation_renames = {}
if config.reorder_for_compute_comm_overlap:
metrics.ir_nodes_pre_fusion += len(self.nodes)
self.num_orig_nodes = len(self.nodes)
self.name_to_fused_node = {n.get_name(): n for n in self.nodes}
self.logged_slow_fusion = set()
if config.reorder_for_compute_comm_overlap:
# Refresh node_users and inverse_users to reflect fused nodes
self.nodes = comms.reorder_compute_and_comm_for_overlap(self.nodes)
# used during codegen:
self.current_device: torch.device = None # type: ignore[assignment]
self.buffer_names_to_free = set()
# fx graph node to the position it appears in the graph
# for debug attribution
self.origin_to_index = {}
lambda: {
"graph_id": self.post_grad_graph_id,
"num_nodes_before_fusion": self.num_orig_nodes,
"num_nodes_after_fusion": len(self.nodes),
def debug_draw_graph(self):
"""Generate an image of the graph for debugging"""
if os.environ.get("INDUCTOR_WRITE_SCHEDULER_GRAPH", None) == "1":
from .debug import draw_buffers
draw_buffers(self.nodes, print_graph=True)
def debug_print_nodes(self, label):
if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):"%s:", label)
for node in self.nodes:
def create_scheduler_node(self, node):
assert ( is not None
), "All nodes passed to scheduling must have an origin"
if node.is_no_op():
return NopKernelSchedulerNode(self, node)
elif isinstance(node, (ir.ComputedBuffer, ir.TemplateBuffer)):
return SchedulerNode(self, node)
elif isinstance(node, ir.ExternKernel):
return ExternKernelSchedulerNode(self, node)
raise NotImplementedError(node)
def create_foreach_nodes(self):
removed_node_names = set()
fe_nodes = []
kept_node_names = self.name_to_fused_node.keys()
for names in V.graph.lists.values():
names = [
for name in names
if name in kept_node_names
and not isinstance(self.name_to_node[name], NopKernelSchedulerNode)
if not names:
# All nodes eliminated
snodes = [self.name_to_node[name] for name in names]
fe_node = ForeachKernelSchedulerNode(self, snodes) # type: ignore[arg-type]
for name in names:
self.name_to_fused_node[name] = fe_node
self.nodes = [
node for node in self.nodes if node.get_name() not in removed_node_names
] + fe_nodes
def compute_dependencies(self):
Create dependency edges between nodes, handling aliasing and
mutation properly.
T = TypeVar("T")
class DedupList(Generic[T]):
This data structure behaves like a list except it makes sure the
elements remain unique.
Normally one could use a set/dict for this purpose however
the list in question gets elements appended as it is being
iterated over which means that we need to keep the list
def __init__(self, items=None, membership=None):
self.items = items or list()
self.membership = membership or set()
def append(self, node_user: T) -> None:
if node_user in self.membership:
def __add__(self, other: "DedupList[T]") -> "DedupList[T]":
new_membership = set.union(self.membership, other.membership)
new_items = self.items + [
x for x in other.items if x not in self.membership
return DedupList(new_items, new_membership)
name_to_users: DefaultDict[str, DedupList[NodeUser]] = collections.defaultdict(
# handle aliasing by using python aliasing in name_to_users
# if foo aliases bar then we will make name_to_users["foo"] point
# to the same python list as name_to_users["bar"]
for node1 in self.nodes:
node1_name = node1.get_name()
for node2_name in node1.get_aliases():
if node1_name in name_to_users and node2_name in name_to_users:
# merge the two
list1 = name_to_users[node1_name]
list2 = name_to_users[node2_name]
combined = list1 + list2
for key in name_to_users.keys():
if name_to_users[key] is list1 or name_to_users[key] is list2:
name_to_users[key] = combined
elif node1_name in name_to_users:
name_to_users[node2_name] = name_to_users[node1_name]
name_to_users[node1_name] = name_to_users[node2_name]
def rename(n):
if n in self.mutation_renames:
return rename(self.mutation_renames[n])
return n
def dep_closure(node_name):
reachable_names = {node_name}
node = self.name_to_node[node_name]
write_dep = next(iter(node.read_writes.writes))
for read_dep in node.read_writes.reads:
if ( in self.name_to_node
and isinstance(read_dep, dependencies.MemoryDep)
and isinstance(write_dep, dependencies.MemoryDep)
and read_dep.index == write_dep.index
and read_dep.size == write_dep.size
return reachable_names
def add_user(used_by_name, user_node, can_inplace=False, is_weak=False):
NodeUser(user_node, can_inplace, is_weak)
unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node = {}
for node in self.nodes:
log.debug("scheduling %s", node.node)
# unbacked symbols don't follow ordinary buffer dependencies, so
# we track their def/uses separately
unbacked_symbol_defs = sorted(
node.node.get_unbacked_symbol_defs(), key=lambda x:
for s in unbacked_symbol_defs:
assert isinstance(s, sympy.Symbol)
# Pick the first definer as canonical. There may be multiple
# because if a MultiOutputLayout buffer propagates an unbacked
# symint to multiple outputs, they will all claim to def it.
if s not in unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node:
unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node[s] = node
unbacked_symbol_uses = sorted(
node.node.get_unbacked_symbol_uses(), key=lambda x:
# if a kernel takes unbacked symints, register dependencies
for s in unbacked_symbol_uses:
assert (
s in unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node
), f"{s} not in {unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node}"
# a node will mutate either 0 or 1 buffers
assert len(node.get_mutations()) <= 1
for alt_name in node.get_mutations():
alt_name = rename(alt_name)
# this node must run after the prior writer
add_user(alt_name, node)
for other_node in name_to_users[alt_name].items:
# this node must run after all prior readers
other_name = rename(other_node.get_name())
known_dep_node_names = dep_closure(node.get_name())
if other_name not in known_dep_node_names:
# If this node already directly or indirectly depends on other_node,
# we don't need to insert an extra dep.
add_user(other_name, node, is_weak=True)
# add normal non-mutation dependencies
for read in node.read_writes.reads:
is_weak = isinstance(read, WeakDep)
add_user(, node, node.can_inplace(read), is_weak)
# update our renaming scheme for the next iteration
for alt_name in node.get_mutations():
self.mutation_renames[rename(alt_name)] = node.get_name()
self.mutation_renames[alt_name] = node.get_name()
self.mutation_real_name[node.get_name()] = self.mutation_real_name.get(
alt_name, alt_name
# make sure outputs aren't dead-code-eliminated
for node_name in V.graph.get_output_names():
log.debug("scheduling output %s", node_name)
add_user(node_name, OutputNode(StarDep(node_name)))
# make sure unbacked symints aren't dead-code-eliminated
for node in V.graph.graph_outputs:
for s in node.get_unbacked_symbol_uses():
assert (
s in unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node
), f"{s} not in {unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node.keys()}"
node_name = unbacked_symbol_to_origin_node[s]
log.debug("scheduling output %s for unbacked symint %s", node_name, s)
add_user(node_name, OutputNode(StarDep(node_name)))
# make sure input mutation isn't dead-code-eliminated
for name in self.mutation_renames:
if name in V.graph.graph_inputs:
add_user(name, OutputNode(StarDep(name)))
inp_names = {
name: index for index, name in enumerate(V.graph.graph_inputs.keys())
V.graph.mutated_input_idxs = [
inp_names[name] for name in V.graph.mutated_inputs
# copy users information onto the nodes
for node in self.nodes:
# populate inverse_users
for node in self.nodes:
for user in node.users:
def compute_node_users(self):
# set up buffer name to (fused)snode mapping
buf_to_snode = {}
for node in self.nodes:
if isinstance(node, FusedSchedulerNode):
for x in node.snodes:
buf_to_snode[x.get_name()] = node
buf_to_snode[node.get_name()] = node
for node in self.nodes:
node.node_users = []
node.inverse_users = []
# compute inverse_users
for node in self.nodes:
inverse_users = []
for dep in node.unmet_dependencies:
assert in buf_to_snode
dep_node = buf_to_snode[]
node.inverse_users = inverse_users
# compute node_users
# TODO: ideally, we should deduplicate .users and .node_users,
# but currently .users contains extra information that's difficult to
# extract into a standalone container.
node_to_users: Dict[BaseSchedulerNode, List[BaseSchedulerNode]] = {}
for node in self.nodes:
for inverse_user in node.inverse_users:
node_to_users.setdefault(inverse_user, []).append(node)
for node, users in node_to_users.items():
node.node_users = users
def dead_node_elimination(self):
Remove any nodes without users
again = True # repeat until a fixed point
while again:
updated_nodes = []
for node in self.nodes:
def can_eliminate_user(user: NodeUser):
return user.is_weak or user.get_name() in V.graph.removed_buffers
can_eliminate = not node.has_side_effects() and all(
can_eliminate_user(u) for u in node.users
if not can_eliminate:
# dead code
log.debug("removed dead node: %s", node.get_name())
again = len(self.nodes) > len(updated_nodes)
self.nodes = updated_nodes
# Prune any WeakDeps no longer needed
for node in self.nodes:
def topological_sort_schedule(self):
Ensure self.nodes is in topologically sorted order
seen: Set[ir.Buffer] = set()
name_to_node: Dict[str, ir.Buffer] = dict()
result: List[ir.Buffer] = []
def visit(n):
if n not in seen:
for dep in sorted(n.unmet_dependencies, key=lambda d:
for node in self.nodes:
for name in node.get_names():
name_to_node[name] = node
for node in self.nodes:
self.nodes = result
def compute_ancestors(self):
Populate each node.ancestors
# note self.nodes is topologically sorted
name_to_ancestors: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}
for node in self.nodes:
ancestors = set()
for dep in node.unmet_dependencies:
ancestors |= name_to_ancestors[]
name_to_ancestors[node.get_name()] = ancestors
node.ancestors = ancestors
for order, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
node.min_order = order
node.max_order = order
def fuse_nodes(self):
Mutates self.nodes to combine nodes into FusedSchedulerNodes.
for i in range(10):
old_len = len(self.nodes)
"===== attempting fusion (%d/10): %d nodes =====", i + 1, old_len
new_len = len(self.nodes)
"completed fusion round (%d/10): fused %d nodes into %d nodes\n",
i + 1,
if new_len == old_len or new_len == 1:
fusion_log.debug("===== fusion complete (%d iterations) =====", i + 1)
def benchmark_fused_nodes(self, nodes):
Benchmark fused list of nodes and return the execution time
in milliseconds on randomly generated inputs.
assert len(nodes) > 0
device = nodes[0].get_device()
V.graph.scheduler = self
self.current_device = device
backend = self.get_backend(device)
return backend.benchmark_fused_nodes(nodes)
def speedup_by_fusion(self, node1, node2):
If config.benchmark_fusion is False, always return True.
Otherwise, return True if fusion can brings speedup.
if not config.benchmark_fusion:
return True
if (
and not isinstance(node1.get_template_node(), ir.TritonTemplateBuffer)
or node1.is_foreach()
or node2.is_foreach()
# TODO support benchmarking epilogue fusion
return True
node_list_1 = node1.get_nodes()
device = node_list_1[0].get_device()
# don't support benchmark fusion for CPU right now.
if device.type == "cpu":
return True
node_list_2 = node2.get_nodes()
node_list_fused = node_list_1 + node_list_2
# We can not accurately benchmark kernel using atomic_add
# due to how we generate random integer inputs.
# Skip benchmarking them by allowing fusion.
if any(
hasattr(n.node, "data")
and hasattr(, "scatter_mode")
and == "atomic_add"
for n in node_list_fused
return True
from triton.compiler.errors import CompilationError
why = WhyNoFuse(node1, node2)
ms1, path1 = self.benchmark_fused_nodes(node_list_1)
if math.isinf(ms1):
why("register spilling of the first kernel")
return False
ms2, path2 = self.benchmark_fused_nodes(node_list_2)
if math.isinf(ms2):
why("register spilling of the second kernel")
return False
ms_fused, path_fused = self.benchmark_fused_nodes(node_list_fused)
if math.isinf(ms_fused):
why("register spilling of the fused kernel")
return False
except CompilationError as e:
# workaround triton issue:
if "Loop-carried variable" in str(e):
return True # allow fusion
if fusion_log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
if ms_fused < ms1 + ms2:
"can fuse (benchmark): fusing %s with %s cause %sx speedup",
green_text(f"{(ms1 + ms2) / ms_fused:.3f}"),
"cannot fuse (benchmark): fusing %s with %s cause %sx slowdown",
red_text(f"{ms_fused / (ms1 + ms2):.3f}"),
if (
and ms_fused >= ms1 + ms2
and (path1, path2) not in self.logged_slow_fusion
self.logged_slow_fusion.add((path1, path2))
lambda: {
"kernel1_path": path1,
"kernel1_latency": ms1,
"kernel2_path": path2,
"kernel2_latency": ms2,
"fused_kernel_path": path_fused,
"fused_kernel_latency": ms_fused,
"slow_down_ratio": ms_fused / (ms1 + ms2),
return ms_fused < ms1 + ms2
def fuse_nodes_once(self):
Mutates self.nodes to combine nodes into FusedSchedulerNodes.
This relies on two key functions to control the logic:
- self.can_fuse(): checks if a fusion is legal
- self.score_fusion(): assigns priority to a given fusion
fused_nodes = set(self.nodes)
for node1, node2 in self.get_possible_fusions():
node1 = self.name_to_fused_node[node1.get_first_name()]
node2 = self.name_to_fused_node[node2.get_first_name()]
if self.can_fuse(node1, node2) and not self.will_fusion_create_cycle(
node1, node2
if not self.speedup_by_fusion(node1, node2):
"fusing %s with %s", node1.get_name(), node2.get_name()
# above can_fuse asserts that node2 has the same device
device = node1.get_device()
node3 = self.get_backend(device).fuse(node1, node2)
{n.get_name(): node3 for n in node3.get_nodes()}
self.nodes = sorted(fused_nodes, key=lambda x: x.min_order)
def prune_redundant_deps(self):
for node in self.nodes:
def get_possible_fusions(self):
Helper to find all legal fusion opportunities, sorted by self.score_fusion()
possible_fusions = []
seen = set()
def check_all_pairs(nodes):
for node1_index, node1 in enumerate(nodes):
for node2 in nodes[node1_index + 1 :]:
key = (node1, node2)
if key in seen:
if self.can_fuse(node1, node2):
elif (node2.is_template() or node2.is_foreach()) and self.can_fuse(
node2, node1
# foreach fusions and epilogue fusions are order dependent
possible_fusions.append((node2, node1))
buffer_names_grouping = collections.defaultdict(list)
for node in self.nodes:
for buf in node.used_buffer_names():
for node_grouping in buffer_names_grouping.values():
if config.aggressive_fusion:
group_grouping = collections.defaultdict(list)
for node in self.nodes:
group = getattr(node, "group", None)
if group:
for node_grouping in group_grouping.values():
possible_fusions.sort(key=self.score_fusion_key, reverse=True)
fusion_log.debug("found %d possible fusions", len(possible_fusions))
return possible_fusions
def will_fusion_create_cycle(self, node1, node2):
Finds whether there's a path from node1 to node2 (or vice-versa)
caused indirectly by other fusions.
def found_path(node):
# only fused nodes can introduce new ancestors.
if isinstance(node, FusedSchedulerNode) and node not in visited:
if node.get_names().issubset(combined_ancestors):
# All fusion outputs are in ancestors of node1 and node2, thus
# cannot introduce new path:
# 1. if output is neither descendent of node1 or node2, the
# output cannot introduce a path
# 2. due to [can_fuse]: if WLOG output is descendent of node1, it cannot be
# on path(node1->node2), hence it cannot be ancestor of node2
# 3. due to [acyclic]: if WLOG output is descendent of node1, it cannot be
# ancestor of node1
return False
# continue DFS of new ancestors introduced by the fusion
return bool(combined_names & node.ancestors) or any(
for n in node.ancestors - combined_ancestors
return False
visited = set()
combined_names = node1.get_names() | node2.get_names()
combined_ancestors = (node1.ancestors | node2.ancestors) - combined_names
cycle = any(found_path(self.name_to_fused_node[n]) for n in combined_ancestors)
if cycle:
WhyNoFuse(node1, node2)("will create cycle")
return cycle
def can_fusion_increase_peak_memory(
self, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode
This function prevents fusion for nodes that can increase memory
footprint. This problem is more common in horizontal fusion, where nodes
that are far apart in the original order get fused, lengthening the live
intervals of tensors. This is very evident in models with activation
checkpointing, where the recomputed nodes from different checkpointed
regions get fused and significantly increase the memory footprint.
The current attempt is a quick, possibly hacky, heuristic to prevent the
fusion of nodes that are far away in the original order.
A better but difficult to implement heurisitic would be to use live
intervals of the buffers, find region of peak pressure in the original
program and prevent fusion that crosses that peak region. We might need
special care or good approximation in this implementation, as fusion of
node changes live intervals, and re-computing live intervals and peak
memory after each fusion can introduce large compilation overhead.
proximity_score = max(
abs(node1.min_order - node2.max_order),
abs(node2.min_order - node1.max_order),
return proximity_score > 64
def can_fuse(self, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode):
Determine if it is possible to combine node1 and node2 into a
single fused node.
if node1 is node2:
return False
why = WhyNoFuse(node1, node2)
if (
isinstance(node1, (ExternKernelSchedulerNode, NopKernelSchedulerNode))
and not node1.is_template()
why("node1 is extern or nop")
return False
if (
isinstance(node2, (ExternKernelSchedulerNode, NopKernelSchedulerNode))
and not node2.is_template()
why("node2 is extern or nop")
return False
if node2.get_names() & node1.ancestors:
why("node1 must go before node2")
return False
if (
isinstance(node1, (FusedSchedulerNode, SchedulerNode))
and isinstance(node2, SchedulerNode)
and isinstance(node2._body, ir.LoopBody)
# Fix issue:
# Check:
# If node2 reads a buf which is a mutation buf of node1(SchedulerNode) or among nodes in node1(FusedSchedulerNode),
# we will get the corresponding mutation buf and check if this mutation buf is stored by atomic_add mode.
# If True, we will disable the fusion of node1 and node2.
if any(
node2_used_buf in self.mutation_renames
and node1.has_atomic_add(self.mutation_renames[node2_used_buf])
for node2_used_buf in node2._body.reads_name2expr.keys()
return False
if node2.is_template():
why("templates can only fuse epilogues")
return False
if node1.is_template() and (
or node2.is_reduction()
or not config.epilogue_fusion
why("template epilogue not satisfied")
return False
device = node1.get_device()
device2 = node2.get_device()
if device != device2:
why("device mismatch (%s vs %s)", device, device2)
return False
del device2
no_shared_data = self.score_fusion_memory(node1, node2) == 0
if no_shared_data and (
not config.aggressive_fusion or node1.is_reduction() or node2.is_reduction()
why("no shared data")
return False # heuristic not needed for correctness
if (
not node1.is_foreach()
and not node2.is_foreach()
and len(node1.get_nodes()) + len(node2.get_nodes()) > config.max_fusion_size
why("exceeds max fusion")
return False # heuristic not needed for correctness
if node1.get_names() & node2.ancestors:
# node2 depends on node1 outputs
if not self.can_fuse_vertical(node1, node2):
return False
return self.get_backend(device).can_fuse_vertical(node1, node2)
else: # nodes don't depend on each other, but may have common reads
if self.can_fusion_increase_peak_memory(node1, node2):
why("will increase peak memory")
return False
return self.get_backend(device).can_fuse_horizontal(node1, node2)
def can_fuse_vertical(self, node1, node2):
Check if it is legal to fuse a consumer (node2) into a producer (node1).
We can fuse them if all the reads of node2 either match
corresponding writes in node1, or are written by nodes that can
be scheduled before the fusion of node1 and node2.
We also disable fusion of a write subsequent to a read if the reads
and writes do not align.
node1_names = node1.get_names()
computed_deps = set()
why = WhyNoFuse(node1, node2)
# StarDep doesn't match MemoryDep, different indices don't match
# However, broadcasting sometimes strips dimensions, and if that's the case
# we still can match unmet dep
# if there's indirect indexing, don't match it
def fusable_read_and_write(read: Dep, write: Dep):
return (
self.mutation_renames.get(, ==
and (isinstance(read, MemoryDep) and isinstance(write, MemoryDep))
and not free_symbol_has(read.index, "tmp")
and not free_symbol_has(write.index, "tmp")
and read.index == write.index
and len(read.size) >= len(write.size)
and read.size[: len(write.size)] == write.size
for rd in node2.unmet_dependencies:
for cd in node1.read_writes.writes:
if fusable_read_and_write(rd, cd):
remaining_deps = { for dep in node2.unmet_dependencies - computed_deps}
if remaining_deps & node1_names:
# MemoryDeps didn't match and read different locations of the same buffer.
# Examples here include:
# - MemoryDep("foo", x) != MemoryDep("foo", x + 1)
# - MemoryDep("foo", x) != StarDep("foo")
why("memory deps did not match")
return False
for name in remaining_deps:
if node1_names & self.name_to_fused_node[name].ancestors:
why("intermediate nodes between node1 & node2")
return False
# similar to can_inplace, if we are going to fuse a write subsequent to a read
# require that the indexing and size is the same
for write in node2.read_writes.writes:
for read in node1.read_writes.reads:
if != self.mutation_renames.get(,
# bail on StarDep
if not fusable_read_and_write(read=read, write=write):
why("fusing a write into a read with different indexing formula")
return False
return True
def score_fusion(self, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode):
Assign a score (higher comes first) to the fusion of node1
and node2. When different fusions conflict with each other,
this is the way we decide what order to run them in.
Our current score is based on:
- Estimate of the saved memory operations
- Fusions closer together in original order
memory_score = self.score_fusion_memory(node1, node2)
proximity_score = -max(
abs(node1.min_order - node2.max_order),
abs(node2.min_order - node1.max_order),
return (
node1.is_template() == config.epilogue_fusion_first and memory_score > 0,
node1.is_reduction() == node2.is_reduction() and memory_score > 0,
def score_fusion_memory(self, node1, node2):
The first term in our fusion score that estimates number of saved memory operations.
common_memory_deps = (node1.read_writes.reads | node1.read_writes.writes) & (
node2.read_writes.reads | node2.read_writes.writes
common_memory_deps = {
dep for dep in common_memory_deps if not dep.has_unbacked_symbols()
return sum(dep.numbytes_hint() for dep in common_memory_deps)
def score_fusion_key(self, nodes):
Shim for list.sort(key=...)
node1, node2 = nodes
return self.score_fusion(node1, node2)
def compute_last_usage(self):
Populate node.last_usage recursively (also for the nodes within a FusedSchedulerNode)
future_used_buffers = set()
for node_name in V.graph.get_output_names():
for node in reversed(self.nodes):
node.set_last_usage(future_used_buffers, self.mutation_real_name)
def free_buffers(self):
"""Free any buffers that are no longer needed"""
for name in sorted(
- V.graph.removed_buffers
- V.graph.wrapper_code.freed
if name in self.name_to_node:
node = self.name_to_node[name]
if node.can_free():
elif name in V.graph.graph_inputs:
storage = V.graph.graph_inputs[name].data
assert isinstance(storage, ir.StorageBox) and storage.is_input_buffer()
def remove_kernel_local_buffers(self):
Any buffers that are both created and have a last use in the
same kernel can be removed.
# V.kernel.store_buffer_names should represent the set of nodes
# get fused
fused_node_names = V.kernel.store_buffer_names
names_to_remove = []
for out_buf in V.kernel.store_buffer_names:
users = self.name_to_node[out_buf].users
assert users is not None
users = {user.get_name() for user in users if not user.is_weak}
if users.issubset(fused_node_names):
def remove_filter(n):
return (
n not in V.kernel.must_keep_buffers
and n not in V.kernel.args.input_buffers
and n not in self.mutation_renames
and n not in self.mutation_real_name
names_to_remove = list(filter(remove_filter, names_to_remove))
for name in names_to_remove:
if name in V.kernel.args.inplace_buffers:
buf = V.kernel.args.inplace_buffers[name]
if isinstance(buf, str) and buf.startswith("REMOVED"):
remove = all(n in names_to_remove for n in buf.other_names)
if remove:
def remove_buffer(self, name):
# Assign a special value instead of deleting the entry
# because we still rely on output_buffers's length to
# generate unique arg name.
log.debug("remove_buffer(%r)", name)
V.kernel.args.output_buffers[name] = "REMOVED"
def remove_inplace_buffer(self, name):
log.debug("removing_inplace_buffer(%r)", name)
inner_name = V.kernel.args.inplace_buffers[name].inner_name
V.kernel.args.inplace_buffers[name] = inner_name.replace(
"in_out_ptr", "REMOVED"
def flush(self):
for backend in self.backends.values():
def codegen_extern_call(self, scheduler_node: ExternKernelSchedulerNode):
assert isinstance(scheduler_node, ExternKernelSchedulerNode)
# 'decide_inplace_update' stores the inplace update decisions in
# the current kernel from where 'allocate' retrieve those decisions.
# We have to make sure there is a non-NULL kernel handler to store
# those inplace update decisions.
with V.set_kernel_handler(Kernel(increase_kernel_count=False)):
node = scheduler_node.node
assert isinstance(node, ir.ExternKernel), f"{type(node)=}"
def create_backend(self, device: torch.device):
assert (
device.type != "cuda" or device.index is not None
), f"{device} should have been normalized in lowering"
device_scheduling = get_scheduling_for_device(device.type)
if device_scheduling is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported device type: {device.type}")
if device.type == "cuda" and not has_triton():
device_props = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(device)
if device_props.major < 7:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Found {} which is too old to be supported by the triton GPU compiler, which is used as the backend. Triton only supports devices of CUDA Capability >= 7.0, but your device is of CUDA capability {device_props.major}.{device_props.minor}" # noqa: B950
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot find a working triton installation. More information on installing Triton can be found at" # noqa: B950
return device_scheduling(self)
def get_backend(self, device: torch.device):
if device not in self.backends:
self.backends[device] = self.create_backend(device)
return self.backends[device]
def enter_context(self, node):
def get_order(n):
if n not in self.origin_to_index:
self.origin_to_index.update({n: i for i, n in enumerate(n.graph.nodes)})
return self.origin_to_index[n]
# Use a dict to have ordering
origins = {
(get_order(e), e): None for n in node.get_nodes() for e in
origins = list(origins.keys())
if origins:
_, last = max(origins, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
def codegen(self):
for node in self.nodes:
"Generating code for node %s with estimated runtime %f",
except Exception as e:
"Generating code for node %s with estimated runtime 0.0",
if not isinstance(node, NopKernelSchedulerNode):
device = node.get_device()
if (
device != self.current_device
or node.is_extern()
or node.is_template()
if device != self.current_device:
if device.type == "cuda":
if self.current_device and self.current_device.type == "cuda":
assert device.index is not None, "device should have an index"
elif self.current_device and self.current_device.type == "cuda":
self.current_device = device
if node.is_template():
node, *epilogue = node.get_nodes()
self.get_backend(device).codegen_template(node, epilogue) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined]
elif node.is_extern():
elif node.is_foreach():
self.get_backend(device).codegen_foreach(node) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined]
elif isinstance(node, (FusedSchedulerNode, SchedulerNode)):
self.get_backend(device).codegen_nodes(node.get_nodes()) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined]
assert isinstance(node, NopKernelSchedulerNode)
if config.debug_check_inf_and_nan:
if config.triton.debug_sync_kernel:
self.get_backend(device).codegen_sync() # type: ignore[possibly-undefined]
if not isinstance(node, NopKernelSchedulerNode):
device = node.get_device()
if self.get_backend(device).ready_to_flush():
if self.current_device and self.current_device.type == "cuda":
# exit the outermost CUDA device guard. this is
# important for nested indentation codegen-ing.
def is_unaligned_buffer(self, buf_name):
if buf_name in V.graph.graph_inputs or buf_name in V.graph.constants:
# all graph inputs or constants are assumed to be aligned
return False
node = self.name_to_node[buf_name]
layout = node.node.get_layout()
if isinstance(layout, ir.AliasedLayout):
return not layout.maybe_guard_aligned()
return False
class BaseScheduling:
def can_fuse_vertical(self, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode):
Check whether node1 and node2 can be vertically fused or not.
raise NotImplementedError()
def can_fuse_horizontal(self, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode):
Check whether node1 and node2 can be horizontally fused or not.
raise NotImplementedError()
def fuse(self, node1: BaseSchedulerNode, node2: BaseSchedulerNode):
Fuse two nodes
if node1.is_foreach() or node2.is_foreach():
return ForeachKernelSchedulerNode.fuse(node1, node2)
return FusedSchedulerNode.fuse(node1, node2)
def group_fn(self, sizes):
Process the iteration sizes in case a transformation needs to be applied.
raise NotImplementedError()
def codegen_template(
self, template_node: SchedulerNode, epilogue_nodes: List[SchedulerNode]
Given a template node, generate a kernel.
This function is only available for triton now. If the third-party backend behaves as a sub-class
of TritonScheduling, it can override it or reuse it.
raise NotImplementedError()
def codegen_nodes(self, nodes: List[SchedulerNode]):
Generate a kernel given a list of pre-fused nodes.
raise NotImplementedError()
def codegen_sync(self):
Generate synchronization code for the kernel. This method depends on the hardware characteristics.
raise NotImplementedError()
def ready_to_flush(self) -> bool:
Check whether the backend is requesting the scheduler to flush the generated kernel.
If not supported, please return False.
return False
def flush(self):
Flush the generated kernel and python wrapper code to the source code file.
raise NotImplementedError()
def benchmark_fused_nodes(self, nodes):
Benchmark fused list of nodes and return the execution time
in milliseconds on randomly generated inputs.
raise NotImplementedError()