
442 lines
20 KiB

import torch
import inspect
import numbers
import types
import typing
import enum
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, NamedTuple, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from torch._jit_internal import boolean_dispatched
from ._compatibility import compatibility
from torch._ops import OpOverloadPacket, OpOverload
from .node import Argument
__all__ = ["ArgsKwargsPair", "check_for_mutable_operation", "get_signature_for_torch_op", "create_type_hint",
"type_matches", "normalize_function", "normalize_module"]
class ArgsKwargsPair(NamedTuple):
Simple named tuple for wrapping args/kwargs pairs.
args: Tuple[Any, ...]
kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
_manual_overrides : Dict[Callable, List[inspect.Signature]] = {}
def _nonzero_schemas():
signatures = []
def nonzero(self):
def nonzero(self, *, as_tuple : bool): # type: ignore[no-redef]
return signatures
_manual_overrides[torch.nonzero] = _nonzero_schemas()
class _FakeGlobalNamespace:
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'torch':
return torch
raise RuntimeError('Expected a torch namespace lookup')
_type_eval_globals = {'Tensor' : torch.Tensor, 'Device' : torch.device, 'Layout' : torch.layout,
'number' : numbers.Number, 'Future' : torch.jit.Future,
'AnyEnumType' : enum.Enum, 'QScheme' : torch.qscheme,
'__torch__': _FakeGlobalNamespace(), 'NoneType': type(None),
'Storage': torch.UntypedStorage,
't': typing.TypeVar('t')}
for k in dir(typing):
_type_eval_globals[k] = getattr(typing, k)
def _torchscript_type_to_python_type(ts_type : 'torch._C.JitType') -> Any:
Convert a TorchScript type to a Python type (including subtypes) via
eval'ing the annotation_str. _type_eval_globals sets up expressions
like "List" and "Future" to map to actual types (typing.List and jit.Future)
return eval(ts_type.annotation_str, _type_eval_globals)
def _torchscript_schema_to_signature_impl(ts_schema : torch._C.FunctionSchema) -> inspect.Signature:
from inspect import Parameter
parameters : List[Parameter] = []
for arg in ts_schema.arguments:
arg_type = _torchscript_type_to_python_type(arg.type)
default = arg.default_value if arg.has_default_value() else Parameter.empty
# TODO: Figure out if this is safe. It seems like when generating the type signatures for
# PythonArgParser, we emit signatures with `input` instead of `self` as the first tensor
# argument name. Downstream, if someone converts that positional argument to a keyword
# argument, the name mismatch will break things, so here we're going to normalize the
# name to "input"
name = if != 'self' else 'input'
kind = Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY if arg.kwarg_only else Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
# "from" is a keyword therefore it must be a POSITIONAL_ONLY argument
if name == "from":
assert kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
# ParameterKind type is internal implementation detail to inspec package
# which makes it hard to do type annotation
kind = Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY # type: ignore[assignment]
# This renders all previous arguments to positional only
for idx, p in enumerate(parameters):
assert p.kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
parameters[idx] = Parameter(, kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, default=p.default, annotation=p.annotation)
parameters.append(Parameter(name=name, kind=kind, default=default, annotation=arg_type))
return_types = [_torchscript_type_to_python_type(ret.type) for ret in ts_schema.returns]
if len(return_types) == 0:
return_type = None
elif len(return_types) == 1:
return_type = return_types[0]
return_type = tuple(return_types)
return inspect.Signature(parameters, return_annotation=return_type)
_SCHEMA_TO_SIGNATURE_CACHE : Dict[Tuple[str, str], inspect.Signature] = {}
def _torchscript_schema_to_signature(ts_schema : torch._C.FunctionSchema) -> inspect.Signature:
# Cached as it's called in the hot path of FakeTensor dispatch
cache_key =, ts_schema.overload_name
cache_val = _SCHEMA_TO_SIGNATURE_CACHE.get(cache_key)
if cache_val is not None:
return cache_val
res = _torchscript_schema_to_signature_impl(ts_schema)
return res
def check_for_mutable_operation(target : Callable, args : Tuple['Argument', ...], kwargs : Dict[str, 'Argument']):
signatures, schemas = get_signature_for_torch_op(target, return_schemas=True)
if signatures and schemas:
matched_schemas = []
# Iterate through all of the schema until we find one that matches
# If one matches, populate `new_args_and_kwargs` with the new args/kwargs
# values. If none matches, `new_args_and_kwargs` will be None
for candidate_signature, schema in zip(signatures, schemas):
candidate_signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
matched_schemas.append((candidate_signature, schema))
except TypeError as e:
def throw_if_mutable(schema):
if schema.is_mutable:
raise RuntimeError(f'Tried to trace mutable operation {schema}. FX only supports functional '
f'code, so operations that mutate operands in-place (e.g. via `out` arguments) '
f'are not supported')
if len(matched_schemas) == 0:
# Did not match any schema. Cannot check for mutation
elif len(matched_schemas) == 1:
# Matched exactly one schema, unambiguous
_, schema_to_check = matched_schemas[0]
# Ambiguous schema match. Since mutability checking is best effort,
# do nothing.
def get_signature_for_torch_op(op : Callable, return_schemas : bool = False):
Given an operator on the `torch` namespace, return a list of `inspect.Signature`
objects corresponding to the overloads of that op.. May return `None` if a signature
could not be retrieved.
op (Callable): An operator on the `torch` namespace to look up a signature for
Optional[List[inspect.Signature]]: A list of signatures for the overloads of this
operator, or None if the operator signatures could not be retrieved. If
return_schemas=True, returns a tuple containing the optional Python signatures
and the optional TorchScript Function signature
if isinstance(op, OpOverload):
schemas = [op._schema]
elif isinstance(op, OpOverloadPacket):
schemas = [getattr(op, overload)._schema for overload in op.overloads()]
override = _manual_overrides.get(op)
if override:
return (override, None) if return_schemas else None
aten_fn = torch.jit._builtins._find_builtin(op)
if aten_fn is None:
return (None, None) if return_schemas else None
schemas = torch._C._jit_get_schemas_for_operator(aten_fn)
signatures = [_torchscript_schema_to_signature(schema) for schema in schemas]
return (signatures, schemas) if return_schemas else signatures
def create_type_hint(x):
if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
# todo(chilli): Figure out the right way for mypy to handle this
if isinstance(x, list):
def ret_type(x):
return List[x] # type: ignore[valid-type]
def ret_type(x):
return Tuple[x, ...]
if len(x) == 0:
return ret_type(Any)
base_type = x[0]
for t in x:
if issubclass(t, base_type):
elif issubclass(base_type, t):
base_type = t
return ret_type(Any)
return ret_type(base_type)
except Exception as e:
# We tried to create a type hint for list but failed.
warnings.warn(f"We were not able to successfully create type hint from the type {x}")
return x
def type_matches(signature_type : Any, argument_type : Any):
sig_origin_type = getattr(signature_type, '__origin__', signature_type)
if signature_type is argument_type:
return True
# Union types in signature. Given type needs to match one of the
# contained types in the Union
if sig_origin_type is typing.Union and signature_type != argument_type:
sig_contained = signature_type.__args__
return any(type_matches(c, argument_type) for c in sig_contained)
if signature_type is List[int] and argument_type is int:
# int can be promoted to List[int]
return True
if getattr(signature_type, '__origin__', None) in {list, List}:
sig_el_type = signature_type.__args__[0]
if not inspect.isclass(sig_el_type):
f"Does not support nested parametric types, got {signature_type}. Please file a bug.")
return False
if getattr(argument_type, '__origin__', None) in {list, List}:
return issubclass(argument_type.__args__[0], sig_el_type)
def is_homogeneous_tuple(t):
if getattr(t, "__origin__", None) not in {tuple, Tuple}:
return False
contained = t.__args__
if t.__args__ == ((),): # Tuple[()].__args__ == ((),) for some reason
return True
return all((c is Ellipsis) or issubclass(c, sig_el_type) for c in contained)
# Tuple[T] is accepted for List[T] parameters
return is_homogeneous_tuple(argument_type)
# Dtype is an int in schemas
if signature_type is int and argument_type is torch.dtype:
return True
if signature_type is numbers.Number and argument_type in {int, float}:
return True
if inspect.isclass(argument_type) and inspect.isclass(signature_type):
return issubclass(argument_type, signature_type)
return False
def normalize_function(
target: Callable, args: Tuple[Any], kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, arg_types : Optional[Tuple[Any]] = None,
kwarg_types : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
normalize_to_only_use_kwargs : bool = False) -> Optional[ArgsKwargsPair]:
Returns normalized arguments to PyTorch functions. This means that
`args/kwargs` will be matched up to the functional's
signature and return exclusively kwargs in positional order if
`normalize_to_only_use_kwargs` is True.
Also populates default values. Does not support positional-only
parameters or varargs parameters (*args, **kwargs). Does not support modules.
May require `arg_types` and `kwarg_types` in order to disambiguate overloads.
target (Callable): Function that we are normalizing
args (Tuple[Any]): Tuple of args to the function
kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Dict of kwargs to the function
arg_types (Optional[Tuple[Any]]): Tuple of arg types for the args
kwarg_types (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Dict of arg types for the kwargs
normalize_to_only_use_kwargs (bool): Whether to normalize to only use kwargs.
Returns normalized_args_and_kwargs, or `None` if not successful.
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
new_args_and_kwargs = None
if not isinstance(target, types.BuiltinFunctionType) and not (
isinstance(target, (OpOverloadPacket, OpOverload))
target_for_analysis = target
if target in boolean_dispatched:
# HACK: `boolean_dispatch` as used in `torch.nn.functional` makes it so that we have
# a 2-way dispatch based on a boolean value. Here we check that the `true` and `false`
# branches of the dispatch have exactly the same signature. If they do, use the `true`
# branch signature for analysis. Otherwise, leave this un-normalized
assert not isinstance(target, str)
dispatched = boolean_dispatched[target]
if_true, if_false = dispatched['if_true'], dispatched['if_false']
if inspect.signature(if_true).parameters != inspect.signature(if_false).parameters:
return None
target_for_analysis = if_true
assert callable(target_for_analysis)
sig = inspect.signature(inspect.unwrap(target_for_analysis))
new_args_and_kwargs = _args_kwargs_to_normalized_args_kwargs(sig, args, kwargs, normalize_to_only_use_kwargs)
assert callable(target)
torch_op_schemas = get_signature_for_torch_op(target)
matched_schemas = []
if torch_op_schemas:
# Iterate through all of the schema until we find one that matches
# If one matches, populate `new_args_and_kwargs` with the new args/kwargs
# values. If none matches, `new_args_and_kwargs` will be None
for candidate_signature in torch_op_schemas:
candidate_signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
except TypeError as e:
if len(matched_schemas) == 0:
# Did not match any schema. Cannot normalize
elif len(matched_schemas) == 1:
# Matched exactly one schema, unambiguous
new_args_and_kwargs = _args_kwargs_to_normalized_args_kwargs(matched_schemas[0], args, kwargs,
if arg_types is not None or kwarg_types is not None:
arg_types = arg_types if arg_types else cast(Tuple[Any], ())
kwarg_types = kwarg_types if kwarg_types else {}
for candidate_signature in torch_op_schemas:
sig_matches = True
bound_types = candidate_signature.bind(*arg_types, **kwarg_types)
for arg_name, arg_type in bound_types.arguments.items():
param = candidate_signature.parameters[arg_name]
sig_matches = sig_matches and type_matches(param.annotation, arg_type)
except TypeError as e:
sig_matches = False
if sig_matches:
new_args_and_kwargs = _args_kwargs_to_normalized_args_kwargs(candidate_signature, args, kwargs,
# Matched more than one schema. In this situation, the caller must provide the types of
# the arguments of the overload they expect.
schema_printouts = '\n'.join(str(schema) for schema in matched_schemas)
raise RuntimeError(f'Tried to normalize arguments to {torch.typename(target)} but '
f'the schema match was ambiguous! Please provide argument types to '
f'the normalize_arguments() call. Available schemas:\n{schema_printouts}')
return new_args_and_kwargs
def normalize_module(
root: torch.nn.Module, target: str, args: Tuple[Any], kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
normalize_to_only_use_kwargs : bool = False) -> Optional[ArgsKwargsPair]:
Returns normalized arguments to PyTorch modules. This means that
`args/kwargs` will be matched up to the functional's
signature and return exclusively kwargs in positional order if
`normalize_to_only_use_kwargs` is True.
Also populates default values. Does not support positional-only
parameters or varargs parameters (*args, **kwargs).
root (nn.Module): root module upon which we query modules
target (Callable): Function that we are normalizing
args (Tuple[Any]): Tuple of args to the function
kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Dict of kwargs to the function
normalize_to_only_use_kwargs (bool): Whether to normalize to only use kwargs.
Returns normalized_args_and_kwargs, or `None` if not successful.
submod = root.get_submodule(target)
except AttributeError as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Tried to normalize node with target {target} but root did not "
f"have that target!") from e
if hasattr(submod.__class__, '__name__'):
classname = submod.__class__.__name__
if getattr(torch.nn, classname, None) == submod.__class__:
sig = inspect.signature(inspect.unwrap(submod.forward))
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
new_args_and_kwargs = _args_kwargs_to_normalized_args_kwargs(sig, args, kwargs,
return new_args_and_kwargs
return None
def _args_kwargs_to_normalized_args_kwargs(sig : inspect.Signature, args : Tuple[Any, ...],
kwargs : Dict[str, Any],
normalize_to_only_use_kwargs : bool) -> Optional[ArgsKwargsPair]:
Given a call target, args, and kwargs, return the arguments normalized into
an ArgsKwargsPair, or None if the type signature is not supported by
this normalization.
sig (inspect.Signature): Signature object for the target
args (Tuple): Arguments that appear at the callsite for `target`
kwargs (Dict): Keyword arguments that appear at the callsite for `target`
normalize_to_only_use_kwargs (bool): Whether to normalize to only use kwargs.
Optional[ArgsKwargsPair]: Normalized args and kwargs for `target`, or `None` if
this target is not supported.
# Don't currently support positional-only
# or varargs (*args, **kwargs) signatures
supported_parameter_types = {
inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY}
if any(p.kind not in supported_parameter_types for p in sig.parameters.values()):
# Add an exception for one signature, which is common for random/uniform, i.e.:
# Tensor(a!) self, float from=0, float to=1, *, Generator? generator=None
# `from` is Python keyword and as such functions with that signature should have
# positional-only args, but at the same time they could be dispatched as kwargs
if list(sig.parameters.keys()) != ['input', 'from', 'to', 'generator']:
return None
bound_args = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
new_kwargs : Dict[str, Any] = {}
new_args : List[Any] = []
for i, param in enumerate(sig.parameters):
if not normalize_to_only_use_kwargs and i < len(args):
new_kwargs[param] = bound_args.arguments[param]
return ArgsKwargsPair(tuple(new_args), new_kwargs)