797 lines
26 KiB
797 lines
26 KiB
import json
import logging
import math
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import torchgen.api.cpp as cpp
from torchgen.context import native_function_manager
from torchgen.model import (
from torchgen.static_runtime import config
logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger()
def has_alias(
arguments: Sequence[Union[Argument, SelfArgument, TensorOptionsArguments]]
) -> bool:
for arg in arguments:
annotation = getattr(arg, "annotation", None)
if not annotation:
alias_set = getattr(annotation, "alias_set", ())
if alias_set:
return True
return False
BLOCKED_OPS = frozenset(
# non cpu ops
# sparse ops
# deprecated ops
# buggy ops
"conj_physical", # P495807361
"binary_cross_entropy", # P496394764
# uncommon ops
# training related ops
# cannot call directly
# no documentation
# TODO: these ones got added recently and need manual inspection
def is_supported(g: Union[NativeFunctionsGroup, NativeFunctionsViewGroup]) -> bool:
base_op_name = ""
func = None
if isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsViewGroup):
base_op_name = g.view.root_name
func = g.view.func
base_op_name = g.out.func.name.name.base
func = g.out.func
if config.is_hand_written(g):
logger.info("HAND WRITTEN: %s", base_op_name)
return False
if base_op_name in BLOCKED_OPS:
logger.info("BLOCKED: %s", base_op_name)
return False
for arg in func.schema_order_arguments():
maybe_method = ivalue_type_conversion_method(arg.type)
if not maybe_method:
# Type converting is unsupported yet.
logger.info("NOT SUPPORTED TYPE CONVERTING: %s", func)
return False
if isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsViewGroup):
# TODO: stop doing type tests by converting to C++ and then testing
# the string, just test the dang thing directly
if "at::Tensor" != cpp.returns_type(func.returns, symint=False).cpp_type():
# Returns a non-Tensor value.
logger.info("NON-TENSOR RET TYPE: %s", str(func))
return False
return True
# For out variant ops, we need to check the arguments of its functional func.
for arg in g.functional.func.schema_order_arguments():
maybe_method = ivalue_type_conversion_method(arg.type)
if not maybe_method:
# Type converting is unsupported yet.
logger.info("NOT SUPPORTED TYPE CONVERTING: %s", g.functional.func)
return False
if not g.structured:
# In case of unstructured op, we check if it has out variant implementation.
# The out variant implementation satisfies the minimum requirement that it has the output tensor as the last
# parameter.
if (
not hasattr(g, "out")
or not str(func).endswith("Tensor(a!) out) -> Tensor(a!)")
or not str(func.name).endswith(".out")
return False
# TODO: stop type testing by converting to C++
if "at::Tensor &" != cpp.returns_type(func.returns, symint=False).cpp_type():
logger.info("NON_TENSOR RET TYPE: %s", func)
return False
if has_alias(func.arguments.non_out):
# This op may create an alias of inputs.
logger.info("INPUTS ALIAS: %s", base_op_name)
return False
return True
def ivalue_type_conversion_method(
arg_type: Union[BaseType, OptionalType, Type]
) -> Optional[Tuple[bool, str]]:
Return the method call expression of `c10::ivalue' to convert its contained value to
the expected value of `arg_type` type. For example, for `arg_type` == BaseTy.Tensor,
this function returns ".toTensor()", so that it can be appended to the ivalue's
variable name to get the value of the expected type.
type_conversion_methods = {
BaseTy.Tensor: ((True, "toTensor()"), (False, "toOptional<at::Tensor>()")),
BaseTy.int: ((False, "toInt()"), (False, "toOptional<int64_t>()")),
BaseTy.bool: ((False, "toBool()"), (False, "toOptional<bool>()")),
BaseTy.Scalar: ((False, "toScalar()"), (False, "toOptional<at::Scalar>()")),
BaseTy.ScalarType: (
(False, "toScalarType()"),
(False, "toOptional<at::ScalarType>()"),
BaseTy.str: (
(False, "toStringView()"),
(False, "toOptional<c10::string_view>()"),
base_ty_object = None
if isinstance(arg_type, BaseType):
base_ty_object = arg_type.name
elif isinstance(arg_type, OptionalType):
if not isinstance(arg_type.elem, BaseType):
# ListType is currently unsupported.
return None
base_ty_object = arg_type.elem.name
return None
if base_ty_object not in type_conversion_methods:
return None
methods = type_conversion_methods[base_ty_object]
if isinstance(arg_type, BaseType):
return methods[0]
return methods[1]
should_use_int_tensor_ops_ = frozenset(
should_use_complex_tensor_ops_ = frozenset(("view_as_real", "imag", "_conj"))
def should_use_int_tensor(op_name: str) -> bool:
return op_name in should_use_int_tensor_ops_
def should_use_complex_tensor(op_name: str) -> bool:
return op_name in should_use_complex_tensor_ops_
test_tensor_dim_ops_1_ = frozenset(
test_tensor_dim_ops_2_ = frozenset(
("addmm", "mm", "nuclear_norm", "diag", "_addmm_activation", "matrix_H", "t")
def test_tensor_dim(op_name: str) -> int:
if op_name in test_tensor_dim_ops_1_:
return 1
if op_name in test_tensor_dim_ops_2_:
return 2
return 3
test_tensor_shapes_string = '{"view_as_complex": "{2, 2}"}'
test_tensor_shape_json: Dict[str, str] = json.loads(test_tensor_shapes_string)
def test_tensor_shape(op_name: str) -> str:
if op_name in test_tensor_shape_json:
return test_tensor_shape_json[op_name]
return ""
def test_value_expression(
arg_type: Union[BaseType, OptionalType, Type], index: int, op_name: str
) -> str:
tensor_size_ex = test_tensor_shape(op_name)
if tensor_size_ex == "":
num_tensors = 16 if index == 0 else 64
num_dim = test_tensor_dim(op_name)
size_per_dim = math.ceil(num_tensors / float(num_dim))
size_per_dim += size_per_dim % 2
tensor_size_ex = "{%s}" % (",".join([f"{size_per_dim}"] * num_dim))
if should_use_int_tensor(op_name):
tensor_expression = f"at::randint(1, 100, {tensor_size_ex}, at::kInt)"
elif should_use_complex_tensor(op_name):
tensor_expression = f"at::randn({tensor_size_ex}, at::kComplexFloat)"
tensor_expression = f"at::rand({tensor_size_ex})"
value_expressions = {
BaseTy.Tensor: tensor_expression,
BaseTy.int: "1",
BaseTy.bool: "false",
BaseTy.Scalar: "2",
BaseTy.ScalarType: "at::ScalarType::Float",
BaseTy.str: '"floor"',
base_ty_object = None
if isinstance(arg_type, BaseType):
base_ty_object = arg_type.name
assert isinstance(arg_type, OptionalType) and isinstance(
arg_type.elem, BaseType
base_ty_object = arg_type.elem.name
assert base_ty_object in value_expressions, "not expected type"
value_expression = value_expressions[base_ty_object]
return value_expression
def generate_test_value_definitions(schema: FunctionSchema, index: int) -> str:
assert not schema.is_out_fn()
schema_name = schema.name.name.base
arg_map = {}
for arg in schema.schema_order_arguments():
test_value_exp = test_value_expression(arg.type, index, schema_name)
arg_map[arg.name] = test_value_exp
config.override_test_values(arg_map, schema_name, index)
arg_populations = []
for arg_name, arg_value in arg_map.items():
arg_populations.append(f"auto {arg_name}{index} = {arg_value}")
return ";\n ".join(arg_populations) + ";"
def generate_test_value_names(schema: FunctionSchema, index: int) -> str:
assert not schema.is_out_fn()
return ",".join(f"{arg.name}{index}" for arg in schema.schema_order_arguments())
generate_test_ir_arguments_base_ty_to_type_str_ = {
BaseTy.Tensor: "Tensor",
BaseTy.int: "int",
BaseTy.float: "float",
BaseTy.str: "str",
BaseTy.Scalar: "int",
BaseTy.ScalarType: "int",
BaseTy.bool: "bool",
def generate_test_ir_arguments(
schema: FunctionSchema,
) -> List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]:
def ir_argument(arg: Argument) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]:
t = arg.type
add_optional = False
if isinstance(t, OptionalType):
t = t.elem
add_optional = True
assert isinstance(t, BaseType)
type_str = None
if t.name in generate_test_ir_arguments_base_ty_to_type_str_:
type_str = generate_test_ir_arguments_base_ty_to_type_str_[t.name]
if type_str and add_optional:
type_str = f"{type_str}?"
return ("%" + arg.name, type_str)
return [ir_argument(arg) for arg in schema.schema_order_arguments()]
def generate_arg_extraction(schema: FunctionSchema) -> str:
arg_populations = []
for i, arg in enumerate(schema.schema_order_arguments()):
maybe_method = ivalue_type_conversion_method(arg.type)
assert maybe_method
is_reference, type_conversion_method = maybe_method
reference = "&" if is_reference else ""
f"const auto{reference} {arg.name} = p_node->Input({i}).{type_conversion_method}"
return ";\n ".join(arg_populations) + ";"
def get_kernel_name(g: NativeFunctionsGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex) -> str:
kernel = backend_index.get_kernel(g.functional)
if g.structured or kernel is None:
return cpp.name(g.functional.func)
return kernel.kernel
def get_out_kernel_name(g: NativeFunctionsGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex) -> str:
kernel = backend_index.get_kernel(g.out)
if g.structured or kernel is None:
return cpp.name(g.out.func)
return kernel.kernel
def generate_non_out_variant_call(
g: NativeFunctionsGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
schema = g.functional.func
assert not schema.is_out_fn()
kernel_name = get_kernel_name(g, backend_index)
arg_names = (arg.name for arg in schema.schema_order_arguments())
namespace_name = "cpu" if g.structured else "native"
return f'at::{namespace_name}::{kernel_name}({",".join(arg_names)})'
def generate_call_to_view_ops(
g: NativeFunctionsViewGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
schema = g.view.func
kernel_name = cpp.name(schema)
kernel = backend_index.get_kernel(g.view)
if kernel:
kernel_name = kernel.kernel
arg_names = (arg.name for arg in schema.schema_order_arguments())
namespace_name = "native"
return f'at::{namespace_name}::{kernel_name}({",".join(arg_names)})'
def generate_out_variant_call(
g: NativeFunctionsGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
schema = g.out.func
assert schema.is_out_fn()
arg_names = []
kernel_name = get_out_kernel_name(g, backend_index)
if g.structured:
# structured op starts with the output tensor argument.
arg_names = [out_arg.name for out_arg in schema.arguments.out]
arg_names = []
for arg in schema.arguments.non_out:
if isinstance(arg, SelfArgument):
assert isinstance(arg, Argument)
if not g.structured:
assert len(schema.arguments.out) == 1
cpp_arg_names = ",".join(arg_names)
namespace_name = "cpu" if g.structured else "native"
return f"at::{namespace_name}::{kernel_name}({cpp_arg_names})"
no_memory_resize_ops = frozenset(
def should_check_resize(schema: FunctionSchema) -> bool:
schema_str = str(schema)
type_variant_op_name = schema_str[: schema_str.find("(")]
return type_variant_op_name not in no_memory_resize_ops
def op_name_from_group(g: NativeFunctionsGroup) -> str:
return g.functional.func.name.name.base
class GenOpDispatcher:
def out_variant(
self, groups: Sequence[NativeFunctionsGroup], backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
if not groups:
return ""
generated_type_variants = []
for g in groups:
with native_function_manager(g):
assert is_supported(g)
assert isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsGroup)
generated_type_variant = self.out_variant_op_generator(g, backend_index)
op_name = op_name_from_group(groups[0])
body = "\n".join(generated_type_variants)
generated = f"""
[](Node* n) -> SROperator {{
return nullptr;
return generated
def view(
self, groups: Sequence[NativeFunctionsViewGroup], backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
if not groups:
return ""
generated_type_variants = []
for g in groups:
with native_function_manager(g):
assert is_supported(g)
assert isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsViewGroup)
generated_type_variant = self.view_op_generator(g, backend_index)
op_name = config.func_name_base_str(groups[0])
body = "\n".join(generated_type_variants)
generated = f"""
[](Node* n) -> SROperator {{
return nullptr;
return generated
def out_variant_op_generator(
self, g: NativeFunctionsGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
functional = g.functional
schema = str(functional.func)
populated_argument = generate_arg_extraction(g.functional.func)
functional_variant_call = generate_non_out_variant_call(g, backend_index)
assert len(g.out.func.arguments.out) == 1
out_variable_name = str(g.out.func.arguments.out[0].name)
out_variant_call = generate_out_variant_call(g, backend_index)
generated = f"""
if (n->matches(torch::schema("aten::{schema}"))) {{
return [](ProcessedNode* p_node) {{
if (p_node->Output(0).isNone()) {{
p_node->Output(0) = {functional_variant_call};
auto& {out_variable_name} = p_node->Output(0).toTensor();
return generated
def view_op_generator(
self, g: NativeFunctionsViewGroup, backend_index: BackendIndex
) -> str:
schema = str(g.view.func)
populated_argument = generate_arg_extraction(g.view.func)
functional_variant_call = generate_call_to_view_ops(g, backend_index)
generated = f"""
if (n->matches(torch::schema("aten::{schema}"))) {{
return [](ProcessedNode* p_node) {{
p_node->Output(0) = {functional_variant_call};
return generated
class GenOpTestCase:
def out_variant(self, groups: Sequence[NativeFunctionsGroup]) -> str:
if not groups:
return ""
generated_type_variants = []
for g in groups:
with native_function_manager(g):
assert is_supported(g)
assert isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsGroup)
generated_type_variant = self.out_variant_op_test_case_generator(g)
return "\n".join(generated_type_variants)
def view(self, groups: Sequence[NativeFunctionsViewGroup]) -> str:
if not groups:
return ""
generated_type_variants = []
for g in groups:
with native_function_manager(g):
assert is_supported(g)
assert isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsViewGroup)
generated_type_variant = self.view_op_test_case_generator(g)
return "\n".join(generated_type_variants)
def out_variant_op_test_case_generator(self, g: NativeFunctionsGroup) -> str:
schema = g.functional.func
schema_str = str(schema)
assert schema_str.find("(") > 0
type_variant_op_name = schema_str[: schema_str.find("(")].replace(".", "_")
op_name = op_name_from_group(g)
assert type_variant_op_name.startswith(op_name)
arg_types = generate_test_ir_arguments(schema)
arg_declarations = ", ".join(
arg_name if arg_type is None else f"{arg_name}: {arg_type}"
for arg_name, arg_type in arg_types
arg_names = ", ".join((arg_name for arg_name, _ in arg_types))
assert (
len(schema.returns) == 1
and isinstance(schema.returns[0].type, BaseType)
and schema.returns[0].type.name is BaseTy.Tensor
test_value_definitions = generate_test_value_definitions(schema, 0)
test_value_names = generate_test_value_names(schema, 0)
test_value_definitions2 = generate_test_value_definitions(schema, 1)
test_value_names2 = generate_test_value_names(schema, 1)
check_resize = "true" if should_check_resize(schema) else "false"
generated = f"""
TEST(StaticRuntime, autogen_{type_variant_op_name}) {{
const std::string script = R"IR(
%bias: None = prim::Constant()
%ret = aten::{op_name}({arg_names})
%cloned = aten::clone(%ret, %bias)
return (%cloned)
std::vector<IValue> args{{{test_value_names}}};
testStaticRuntime(script, args, {{}}, /*use_allclose=*/false, /*use_equalnan=*/false, /*check_resize=*/{check_resize});
std::vector<IValue> args2{{{test_value_names2}}};
testStaticRuntime(script, args, args2, /*use_allclose=*/false, /*use_equalnan=*/false, /*check_resize=*/{check_resize});
return generated
def view_op_test_case_generator(self, g: NativeFunctionsViewGroup) -> str:
schema = g.view.func
schema_str = str(schema)
assert schema_str.find("(") > 0
type_variant_op_name = schema_str[: schema_str.find("(")].replace(".", "_")
op_name = g.view.root_name
assert type_variant_op_name.startswith(op_name)
arg_types = generate_test_ir_arguments(schema)
arg_declarations = ", ".join(
arg_name if arg_type is None else f"{arg_name}: {arg_type}"
for arg_name, arg_type in arg_types
arg_names = ", ".join((arg_name for arg_name, _ in arg_types))
assert (
len(schema.returns) == 1
and isinstance(schema.returns[0].type, BaseType)
and schema.returns[0].type.name is BaseTy.Tensor
test_value_definitions = generate_test_value_definitions(schema, 0)
test_value_names = generate_test_value_names(schema, 0)
generated = f"""
TEST(StaticRuntime, autogen_{type_variant_op_name}) {{
const std::string script = R"IR(
%bias: None = prim::Constant()
%ret = aten::{op_name}({arg_names})
%cloned = aten::clone(%ret, %bias)
return (%cloned)
std::vector<IValue> args{{{test_value_names}}};
testStaticRuntime(script, args);
return generated