
832 lines
26 KiB

# Original code by:
# John Gill <>
# Copyright 2004 John Gill and John Hunter
# Subsequent changes:
# The Matplotlib development team
# Copyright The Matplotlib development team
Tables drawing.
.. note::
The table implementation in Matplotlib is lightly maintained. For a more
featureful table implementation, you may wish to try `blume
Use the factory function `~matplotlib.table.table` to create a ready-made
table from texts. If you need more control, use the `.Table` class and its
The table consists of a grid of cells, which are indexed by (row, column).
The cell (0, 0) is positioned at the top left.
Thanks to John Gill for providing the class and table.
import numpy as np
from . import _api, _docstring
from .artist import Artist, allow_rasterization
from .patches import Rectangle
from .text import Text
from .transforms import Bbox
from .path import Path
class Cell(Rectangle):
A cell is a `.Rectangle` with some associated `.Text`.
As a user, you'll most likely not creates cells yourself. Instead, you
should use either the `~matplotlib.table.table` factory function or
PAD = 0.1
"""Padding between text and rectangle."""
_edges = 'BRTL'
_edge_aliases = {'open': '',
'closed': _edges, # default
'horizontal': 'BT',
'vertical': 'RL'
def __init__(self, xy, width, height, *,
edgecolor='k', facecolor='w',
xy : 2-tuple
The position of the bottom left corner of the cell.
width : float
The cell width.
height : float
The cell height.
edgecolor : color
The color of the cell border.
facecolor : color
The cell facecolor.
fill : bool
Whether the cell background is filled.
text : str
The cell text.
loc : {'left', 'center', 'right'}, default: 'right'
The alignment of the text within the cell.
fontproperties : dict
A dict defining the font properties of the text. Supported keys and
values are the keyword arguments accepted by `.FontProperties`.
visible_edges : str, default: 'closed'
The cell edges to be drawn with a line: a substring of 'BRTL'
(bottom, right, top, left), or one of 'open' (no edges drawn),
'closed' (all edges drawn), 'horizontal' (bottom and top),
'vertical' (right and left).
# Call base
super().__init__(xy, width=width, height=height, fill=fill,
edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=facecolor)
self.visible_edges = visible_edges
# Create text object
if loc is None:
loc = 'right'
self._loc = loc
self._text = Text(x=xy[0], y=xy[1], clip_on=False,
text=text, fontproperties=fontproperties,
horizontalalignment=loc, verticalalignment='center')
@_api.rename_parameter("3.8", "trans", "t")
def set_transform(self, t):
# the text does not get the transform!
self.stale = True
def set_figure(self, fig):
def get_text(self):
"""Return the cell `.Text` instance."""
return self._text
def set_fontsize(self, size):
"""Set the text fontsize."""
self.stale = True
def get_fontsize(self):
"""Return the cell fontsize."""
return self._text.get_fontsize()
def auto_set_font_size(self, renderer):
"""Shrink font size until the text fits into the cell width."""
fontsize = self.get_fontsize()
required = self.get_required_width(renderer)
while fontsize > 1 and required > self.get_width():
fontsize -= 1
required = self.get_required_width(renderer)
return fontsize
def draw(self, renderer):
if not self.get_visible():
# draw the rectangle
# position the text
self.stale = False
def _set_text_position(self, renderer):
"""Set text up so it is drawn in the right place."""
bbox = self.get_window_extent(renderer)
# center vertically
y = bbox.y0 + bbox.height / 2
# position horizontally
loc = self._text.get_horizontalalignment()
if loc == 'center':
x = bbox.x0 + bbox.width / 2
elif loc == 'left':
x = bbox.x0 + bbox.width * self.PAD
else: # right.
x = bbox.x0 + bbox.width * (1 - self.PAD)
self._text.set_position((x, y))
def get_text_bounds(self, renderer):
Return the text bounds as *(x, y, width, height)* in table coordinates.
return (self._text.get_window_extent(renderer)
def get_required_width(self, renderer):
"""Return the minimal required width for the cell."""
l, b, w, h = self.get_text_bounds(renderer)
return w * (1.0 + (2.0 * self.PAD))
def set_text_props(self, **kwargs):
Update the text properties.
Valid keyword arguments are:
self.stale = True
def visible_edges(self):
The cell edges to be drawn with a line.
Reading this property returns a substring of 'BRTL' (bottom, right,
top, left').
When setting this property, you can use a substring of 'BRTL' or one
of {'open', 'closed', 'horizontal', 'vertical'}.
return self._visible_edges
def visible_edges(self, value):
if value is None:
self._visible_edges = self._edges
elif value in self._edge_aliases:
self._visible_edges = self._edge_aliases[value]
if any(edge not in self._edges for edge in value):
raise ValueError('Invalid edge param {}, must only be one of '
'{} or string of {}'.format(
", ".join(self._edge_aliases),
", ".join(self._edges)))
self._visible_edges = value
self.stale = True
def get_path(self):
"""Return a `.Path` for the `.visible_edges`."""
codes = [Path.MOVETO]
Path.LINETO if edge in self._visible_edges else Path.MOVETO
for edge in self._edges)
if Path.MOVETO not in codes[1:]: # All sides are visible
codes[-1] = Path.CLOSEPOLY
return Path(
[[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]],
CustomCell = Cell # Backcompat. alias.
class Table(Artist):
A table of cells.
The table consists of a grid of cells, which are indexed by (row, column).
For a simple table, you'll have a full grid of cells with indices from
(0, 0) to (num_rows-1, num_cols-1), in which the cell (0, 0) is positioned
at the top left. However, you can also add cells with negative indices.
You don't have to add a cell to every grid position, so you can create
tables that have holes.
*Note*: You'll usually not create an empty table from scratch. Instead use
`~matplotlib.table.table` to create a table from data.
codes = {'best': 0,
'upper right': 1, # default
'upper left': 2,
'lower left': 3,
'lower right': 4,
'center left': 5,
'center right': 6,
'lower center': 7,
'upper center': 8,
'center': 9,
'top right': 10,
'top left': 11,
'bottom left': 12,
'bottom right': 13,
'right': 14,
'left': 15,
'top': 16,
'bottom': 17,
"""Possible values where to place the table relative to the Axes."""
AXESPAD = 0.02
"""The border between the Axes and the table edge in Axes units."""
def __init__(self, ax, loc=None, bbox=None, **kwargs):
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The `~.axes.Axes` to plot the table into.
loc : str
The position of the cell with respect to *ax*. This must be one of
the ``.
bbox : `.Bbox` or [xmin, ymin, width, height], optional
A bounding box to draw the table into. If this is not *None*, this
overrides *loc*.
Other Parameters
`.Artist` properties.
if isinstance(loc, str):
if loc not in
raise ValueError(
"Unrecognized location {!r}. Valid locations are\n\t{}"
.format(loc, '\n\t'.join(
loc =[loc]
self._axes = ax
self._loc = loc
self._bbox = bbox
# use axes coords
self._cells = {}
self._edges = None
self._autoColumns = []
self._autoFontsize = True
def add_cell(self, row, col, *args, **kwargs):
Create a cell and add it to the table.
row : int
Row index.
col : int
Column index.
*args, **kwargs
All other parameters are passed on to `Cell`.
The created cell.
xy = (0, 0)
cell = Cell(xy, visible_edges=self.edges, *args, **kwargs)
self[row, col] = cell
return cell
def __setitem__(self, position, cell):
Set a custom cell in a given position.
_api.check_isinstance(Cell, cell=cell)
row, col = position[0], position[1]
except Exception as err:
raise KeyError('Only tuples length 2 are accepted as '
'coordinates') from err
self._cells[row, col] = cell
self.stale = True
def __getitem__(self, position):
"""Retrieve a custom cell from a given position."""
return self._cells[position]
def edges(self):
The default value of `~.Cell.visible_edges` for newly added
cells using `.add_cell`.
This setting does currently only affect newly created cells using
To change existing cells, you have to set their edges explicitly::
for c in tab.get_celld().values():
c.visible_edges = 'horizontal'
return self._edges
def edges(self, value):
self._edges = value
self.stale = True
def _approx_text_height(self):
return (self.FONTSIZE / 72.0 * self.figure.dpi /
self._axes.bbox.height * 1.2)
def draw(self, renderer):
# docstring inherited
# Need a renderer to do hit tests on mouseevent; assume the last one
# will do
if renderer is None:
renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
if renderer is None:
raise RuntimeError('No renderer defined')
if not self.get_visible():
renderer.open_group('table', gid=self.get_gid())
for key in sorted(self._cells):
self.stale = False
def _get_grid_bbox(self, renderer):
Get a bbox, in axes coordinates for the cells.
Only include those in the range (0, 0) to (maxRow, maxCol).
boxes = [cell.get_window_extent(renderer)
for (row, col), cell in self._cells.items()
if row >= 0 and col >= 0]
bbox = Bbox.union(boxes)
return bbox.transformed(self.get_transform().inverted())
def contains(self, mouseevent):
# docstring inherited
if self._different_canvas(mouseevent):
return False, {}
# TODO: Return index of the cell containing the cursor so that the user
# doesn't have to bind to each one individually.
renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
if renderer is not None:
boxes = [cell.get_window_extent(renderer)
for (row, col), cell in self._cells.items()
if row >= 0 and col >= 0]
bbox = Bbox.union(boxes)
return bbox.contains(mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y), {}
return False, {}
def get_children(self):
"""Return the Artists contained by the table."""
return list(self._cells.values())
def get_window_extent(self, renderer=None):
# docstring inherited
if renderer is None:
renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
boxes = [cell.get_window_extent(renderer)
for cell in self._cells.values()]
return Bbox.union(boxes)
def _do_cell_alignment(self):
Calculate row heights and column widths; position cells accordingly.
# Calculate row/column widths
widths = {}
heights = {}
for (row, col), cell in self._cells.items():
height = heights.setdefault(row, 0.0)
heights[row] = max(height, cell.get_height())
width = widths.setdefault(col, 0.0)
widths[col] = max(width, cell.get_width())
# work out left position for each column
xpos = 0
lefts = {}
for col in sorted(widths):
lefts[col] = xpos
xpos += widths[col]
ypos = 0
bottoms = {}
for row in sorted(heights, reverse=True):
bottoms[row] = ypos
ypos += heights[row]
# set cell positions
for (row, col), cell in self._cells.items():
def auto_set_column_width(self, col):
Automatically set the widths of given columns to optimal sizes.
col : int or sequence of ints
The indices of the columns to auto-scale.
col1d = np.atleast_1d(col)
if not np.issubdtype(col1d.dtype, np.integer):
_api.warn_deprecated("3.8", name="col",
message="%(name)r must be an int or sequence of ints. "
"Passing other types is deprecated since %(since)s "
"and will be removed %(removal)s.")
for cell in col1d:
self.stale = True
def _auto_set_column_width(self, col, renderer):
"""Automatically set width for column."""
cells = [cell for key, cell in self._cells.items() if key[1] == col]
max_width = max((cell.get_required_width(renderer) for cell in cells),
for cell in cells:
def auto_set_font_size(self, value=True):
"""Automatically set font size."""
self._autoFontsize = value
self.stale = True
def _auto_set_font_size(self, renderer):
if len(self._cells) == 0:
fontsize = next(iter(self._cells.values())).get_fontsize()
cells = []
for key, cell in self._cells.items():
# ignore auto-sized columns
if key[1] in self._autoColumns:
size = cell.auto_set_font_size(renderer)
fontsize = min(fontsize, size)
# now set all fontsizes equal
for cell in self._cells.values():
def scale(self, xscale, yscale):
"""Scale column widths by *xscale* and row heights by *yscale*."""
for c in self._cells.values():
c.set_width(c.get_width() * xscale)
c.set_height(c.get_height() * yscale)
def set_fontsize(self, size):
Set the font size, in points, of the cell text.
size : float
As long as auto font size has not been disabled, the value will be
clipped such that the text fits horizontally into the cell.
You can disable this behavior using `.auto_set_font_size`.
>>> the_table.auto_set_font_size(False)
>>> the_table.set_fontsize(20)
However, there is no automatic scaling of the row height so that the
text may exceed the cell boundary.
for cell in self._cells.values():
self.stale = True
def _offset(self, ox, oy):
"""Move all the artists by ox, oy (axes coords)."""
for c in self._cells.values():
x, y = c.get_x(), c.get_y()
c.set_x(x + ox)
c.set_y(y + oy)
def _update_positions(self, renderer):
# called from renderer to allow more precise estimates of
# widths and heights with get_window_extent
# Do any auto width setting
for col in self._autoColumns:
self._auto_set_column_width(col, renderer)
if self._autoFontsize:
# Align all the cells
bbox = self._get_grid_bbox(renderer)
l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds
if self._bbox is not None:
# Position according to bbox
if isinstance(self._bbox, Bbox):
rl, rb, rw, rh = self._bbox.bounds
rl, rb, rw, rh = self._bbox
self.scale(rw / w, rh / h)
ox = rl - l
oy = rb - b
# Position using loc
TR, TL, BL, BR, R, L, T, B) = range(len(
# defaults for center
ox = (0.5 - w / 2) - l
oy = (0.5 - h / 2) - b
if self._loc in (UL, LL, CL): # left
ox = self.AXESPAD - l
if self._loc in (BEST, UR, LR, R, CR): # right
ox = 1 - (l + w + self.AXESPAD)
if self._loc in (BEST, UR, UL, UC): # upper
oy = 1 - (b + h + self.AXESPAD)
if self._loc in (LL, LR, LC): # lower
oy = self.AXESPAD - b
if self._loc in (LC, UC, C): # center x
ox = (0.5 - w / 2) - l
if self._loc in (CL, CR, C): # center y
oy = (0.5 - h / 2) - b
if self._loc in (TL, BL, L): # out left
ox = - (l + w)
if self._loc in (TR, BR, R): # out right
ox = 1.0 - l
if self._loc in (TR, TL, T): # out top
oy = 1.0 - b
if self._loc in (BL, BR, B): # out bottom
oy = - (b + h)
self._offset(ox, oy)
def get_celld(self):
Return a dict of cells in the table mapping *(row, column)* to
You can also directly index into the Table object to access individual
cell = table[row, col]
return self._cells
def table(ax,
cellText=None, cellColours=None,
cellLoc='right', colWidths=None,
rowLabels=None, rowColours=None, rowLoc='left',
colLabels=None, colColours=None, colLoc='center',
loc='bottom', bbox=None, edges='closed',
Add a table to an `~.axes.Axes`.
At least one of *cellText* or *cellColours* must be specified. These
parameters must be 2D lists, in which the outer lists define the rows and
the inner list define the column values per row. Each row must have the
same number of elements.
The table can optionally have row and column headers, which are configured
using *rowLabels*, *rowColours*, *rowLoc* and *colLabels*, *colColours*,
*colLoc* respectively.
For finer grained control over tables, use the `.Table` class and add it to
the axes with `.Axes.add_table`.
cellText : 2D list of str, optional
The texts to place into the table cells.
*Note*: Line breaks in the strings are currently not accounted for and
will result in the text exceeding the cell boundaries.
cellColours : 2D list of colors, optional
The background colors of the cells.
cellLoc : {'left', 'center', 'right'}, default: 'right'
The alignment of the text within the cells.
colWidths : list of float, optional
The column widths in units of the axes. If not given, all columns will
have a width of *1 / ncols*.
rowLabels : list of str, optional
The text of the row header cells.
rowColours : list of colors, optional
The colors of the row header cells.
rowLoc : {'left', 'center', 'right'}, default: 'left'
The text alignment of the row header cells.
colLabels : list of str, optional
The text of the column header cells.
colColours : list of colors, optional
The colors of the column header cells.
colLoc : {'left', 'center', 'right'}, default: 'left'
The text alignment of the column header cells.
loc : str, optional
The position of the cell with respect to *ax*. This must be one of
the ``.
bbox : `.Bbox` or [xmin, ymin, width, height], optional
A bounding box to draw the table into. If this is not *None*, this
overrides *loc*.
edges : substring of 'BRTL' or {'open', 'closed', 'horizontal', 'vertical'}
The cell edges to be drawn with a line. See also
The created table.
Other Parameters
`.Table` properties.
if cellColours is None and cellText is None:
raise ValueError('At least one argument from "cellColours" or '
'"cellText" must be provided to create a table.')
# Check we have some cellText
if cellText is None:
# assume just colours are needed
rows = len(cellColours)
cols = len(cellColours[0])
cellText = [[''] * cols] * rows
rows = len(cellText)
cols = len(cellText[0])
for row in cellText:
if len(row) != cols:
raise ValueError(f"Each row in 'cellText' must have {cols} "
if cellColours is not None:
if len(cellColours) != rows:
raise ValueError(f"'cellColours' must have {rows} rows")
for row in cellColours:
if len(row) != cols:
raise ValueError("Each row in 'cellColours' must have "
f"{cols} columns")
cellColours = ['w' * cols] * rows
# Set colwidths if not given
if colWidths is None:
colWidths = [1.0 / cols] * cols
# Fill in missing information for column
# and row labels
rowLabelWidth = 0
if rowLabels is None:
if rowColours is not None:
rowLabels = [''] * rows
rowLabelWidth = colWidths[0]
elif rowColours is None:
rowColours = 'w' * rows
if rowLabels is not None:
if len(rowLabels) != rows:
raise ValueError(f"'rowLabels' must be of length {rows}")
# If we have column labels, need to shift
# the text and colour arrays down 1 row
offset = 1
if colLabels is None:
if colColours is not None:
colLabels = [''] * cols
offset = 0
elif colColours is None:
colColours = 'w' * cols
# Set up cell colours if not given
if cellColours is None:
cellColours = ['w' * cols] * rows
# Now create the table
table = Table(ax, loc, bbox, **kwargs)
table.edges = edges
height = table._approx_text_height()
# Add the cells
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
table.add_cell(row + offset, col,
width=colWidths[col], height=height,
# Do column labels
if colLabels is not None:
for col in range(cols):
table.add_cell(0, col,
width=colWidths[col], height=height,
text=colLabels[col], facecolor=colColours[col],
# Do row labels
if rowLabels is not None:
for row in range(rows):
table.add_cell(row + offset, -1,
width=rowLabelWidth or 1e-15, height=height,
text=rowLabels[row], facecolor=rowColours[row],
if rowLabelWidth == 0:
return table