188 lines
5.6 KiB
188 lines
5.6 KiB
from collections import OrderedDict
import networkx as nx
from .test_digraph import BaseDiGraphTester
from .test_digraph import TestDiGraph as _TestDiGraph
from .test_graph import BaseGraphTester
from .test_graph import TestGraph as _TestGraph
from .test_multidigraph import TestMultiDiGraph as _TestMultiDiGraph
from .test_multigraph import TestMultiGraph as _TestMultiGraph
def test_factories():
class mydict1(dict):
class mydict2(dict):
class mydict3(dict):
class mydict4(dict):
class mydict5(dict):
for Graph in (nx.Graph, nx.DiGraph, nx.MultiGraph, nx.MultiDiGraph):
# print("testing class: ", Graph.__name__)
class MyGraph(Graph):
node_dict_factory = mydict1
adjlist_outer_dict_factory = mydict2
adjlist_inner_dict_factory = mydict3
edge_key_dict_factory = mydict4
edge_attr_dict_factory = mydict5
G = MyGraph()
assert isinstance(G._node, mydict1)
assert isinstance(G._adj, mydict2)
assert isinstance(G._adj[1], mydict3)
if G.is_directed():
assert isinstance(G._pred, mydict2)
assert isinstance(G._succ, mydict2)
assert isinstance(G._pred[1], mydict3)
G.add_edge(1, 2)
if G.is_multigraph():
assert isinstance(G._adj[1][2], mydict4)
assert isinstance(G._adj[1][2][0], mydict5)
assert isinstance(G._adj[1][2], mydict5)
class TestSpecialGraph(_TestGraph):
def setup_method(self):
self.Graph = nx.Graph
class TestOrderedGraph(_TestGraph):
def setup_method(self):
class MyGraph(nx.Graph):
node_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_outer_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_inner_dict_factory = OrderedDict
edge_attr_dict_factory = OrderedDict
self.Graph = MyGraph
class TestThinGraph(BaseGraphTester):
def setup_method(self):
all_edge_dict = {"weight": 1}
class MyGraph(nx.Graph):
def edge_attr_dict_factory(self):
return all_edge_dict
self.Graph = MyGraph
# build dict-of-dict-of-dict K3
ed1, ed2, ed3 = (all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict)
self.k3adj = {0: {1: ed1, 2: ed2}, 1: {0: ed1, 2: ed3}, 2: {0: ed2, 1: ed3}}
self.k3edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]
self.k3nodes = [0, 1, 2]
self.K3 = self.Graph()
self.K3._adj = self.k3adj
self.K3._node = {}
self.K3._node[0] = {}
self.K3._node[1] = {}
self.K3._node[2] = {}
class TestSpecialDiGraph(_TestDiGraph):
def setup_method(self):
self.Graph = nx.DiGraph
class TestOrderedDiGraph(_TestDiGraph):
def setup_method(self):
class MyGraph(nx.DiGraph):
node_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_outer_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_inner_dict_factory = OrderedDict
edge_attr_dict_factory = OrderedDict
self.Graph = MyGraph
class TestThinDiGraph(BaseDiGraphTester):
def setup_method(self):
all_edge_dict = {"weight": 1}
class MyGraph(nx.DiGraph):
def edge_attr_dict_factory(self):
return all_edge_dict
self.Graph = MyGraph
# build dict-of-dict-of-dict K3
ed1, ed2, ed3 = (all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict)
ed4, ed5, ed6 = (all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict)
self.k3adj = {0: {1: ed1, 2: ed2}, 1: {0: ed3, 2: ed4}, 2: {0: ed5, 1: ed6}}
self.k3edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]
self.k3nodes = [0, 1, 2]
self.K3 = self.Graph()
self.K3._succ = self.k3adj
# K3._adj is synced with K3._succ
self.K3._pred = {0: {1: ed3, 2: ed5}, 1: {0: ed1, 2: ed6}, 2: {0: ed2, 1: ed4}}
self.K3._node = {}
self.K3._node[0] = {}
self.K3._node[1] = {}
self.K3._node[2] = {}
ed1, ed2 = (all_edge_dict, all_edge_dict)
self.P3 = self.Graph()
self.P3._succ = {0: {1: ed1}, 1: {2: ed2}, 2: {}}
# P3._adj is synced with P3._succ
self.P3._pred = {0: {}, 1: {0: ed1}, 2: {1: ed2}}
self.P3._node = {}
self.P3._node[0] = {}
self.P3._node[1] = {}
self.P3._node[2] = {}
class TestSpecialMultiGraph(_TestMultiGraph):
def setup_method(self):
self.Graph = nx.MultiGraph
class TestOrderedMultiGraph(_TestMultiGraph):
def setup_method(self):
class MyGraph(nx.MultiGraph):
node_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_outer_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_inner_dict_factory = OrderedDict
edge_key_dict_factory = OrderedDict
edge_attr_dict_factory = OrderedDict
self.Graph = MyGraph
class TestSpecialMultiDiGraph(_TestMultiDiGraph):
def setup_method(self):
self.Graph = nx.MultiDiGraph
class TestOrderedMultiDiGraph(_TestMultiDiGraph):
def setup_method(self):
class MyGraph(nx.MultiDiGraph):
node_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_outer_dict_factory = OrderedDict
adjlist_inner_dict_factory = OrderedDict
edge_key_dict_factory = OrderedDict
edge_attr_dict_factory = OrderedDict
self.Graph = MyGraph