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# Natural Language Toolkit: Language ID module using TextCat algorithm
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Avital Pekker <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
A module for language identification using the TextCat algorithm.
An implementation of the text categorization algorithm
presented in Cavnar, W. B. and J. M. Trenkle,
"N-Gram-Based Text Categorization".
The algorithm takes advantage of Zipf's law and uses
n-gram frequencies to profile languages and text-yet to
be identified-then compares using a distance measure.
Language n-grams are provided by the "An Crubadan"
project. A corpus reader was created separately to read
those files.
For details regarding the algorithm, see:
For details about An Crubadan, see:
from sys import maxsize
from nltk.util import trigrams
# Note: this is NOT "re" you're likely used to. The regex module
# is an alternative to the standard re module that supports
# Unicode codepoint properties with the \p{} syntax.
# You may have to "pip install regx"
import regex as re
except ImportError:
re = None
## Language identification using TextCat
class TextCat:
_corpus = None
fingerprints = {}
_END_CHAR = ">"
last_distances = {}
def __init__(self):
if not re:
raise OSError(
"classify.textcat requires the regex module that "
"supports unicode. Try '$ pip install regex' and "
"see for "
"further details."
from nltk.corpus import crubadan
self._corpus = crubadan
# Load all language ngrams into cache
for lang in self._corpus.langs():
def remove_punctuation(self, text):
"""Get rid of punctuation except apostrophes"""
return re.sub(r"[^\P{P}\']+", "", text)
def profile(self, text):
"""Create FreqDist of trigrams within text"""
from nltk import FreqDist, word_tokenize
clean_text = self.remove_punctuation(text)
tokens = word_tokenize(clean_text)
fingerprint = FreqDist()
for t in tokens:
token_trigram_tuples = trigrams(self._START_CHAR + t + self._END_CHAR)
token_trigrams = ["".join(tri) for tri in token_trigram_tuples]
for cur_trigram in token_trigrams:
if cur_trigram in fingerprint:
fingerprint[cur_trigram] += 1
fingerprint[cur_trigram] = 1
return fingerprint
def calc_dist(self, lang, trigram, text_profile):
"""Calculate the "out-of-place" measure between the
text and language profile for a single trigram"""
lang_fd = self._corpus.lang_freq(lang)
dist = 0
if trigram in lang_fd:
idx_lang_profile = list(lang_fd.keys()).index(trigram)
idx_text = list(text_profile.keys()).index(trigram)
# print(idx_lang_profile, ", ", idx_text)
dist = abs(idx_lang_profile - idx_text)
# Arbitrary but should be larger than
# any possible trigram file length
# in terms of total lines
dist = maxsize
return dist
def lang_dists(self, text):
"""Calculate the "out-of-place" measure between
the text and all languages"""
distances = {}
profile = self.profile(text)
# For all the languages
for lang in self._corpus._all_lang_freq.keys():
# Calculate distance metric for every trigram in
# input text to be identified
lang_dist = 0
for trigram in profile:
lang_dist += self.calc_dist(lang, trigram, profile)
distances[lang] = lang_dist
return distances
def guess_language(self, text):
"""Find the language with the min distance
to the text and return its ISO 639-3 code"""
self.last_distances = self.lang_dists(text)
return min(self.last_distances, key=self.last_distances.get)
def demo():
from nltk.corpus import udhr
langs = [
friendly = {
"kmr": "Northern Kurdish",
"abk": "Abkhazian",
"pes": "Iranian Persian",
"hin": "Hindi",
"haw": "Hawaiian",
"rus": "Russian",
"vie": "Vietnamese",
"srp": "Serbian",
"epo": "Esperanto",
tc = TextCat()
for cur_lang in langs:
# Get raw data from UDHR corpus
raw_sentences = udhr.sents(cur_lang)
rows = len(raw_sentences) - 1
cols = list(map(len, raw_sentences))
sample = ""
# Generate a sample text of the language
for i in range(0, rows):
cur_sent = ""
for j in range(0, cols[i]):
cur_sent += " " + raw_sentences[i][j]
sample += cur_sent
# Try to detect what it is
print("Language snippet: " + sample[0:140] + "...")
guess = tc.guess_language(sample)
print(f"Language detection: {guess} ({friendly[guess]})")
print("#" * 140)
if __name__ == "__main__":