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# Natural Language Toolkit: Collocations and Association Measures
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Joel Nothman <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Tools to identify collocations --- words that often appear consecutively
--- within corpora. They may also be used to find other associations between
word occurrences.
See Manning and Schutze ch. 5 at
and the Text::NSP Perl package at
Finding collocations requires first calculating the frequencies of words and
their appearance in the context of other words. Often the collection of words
will then requiring filtering to only retain useful content terms. Each ngram
of words may then be scored according to some association measure, in order
to determine the relative likelihood of each ngram being a collocation.
The ``BigramCollocationFinder`` and ``TrigramCollocationFinder`` classes provide
these functionalities, dependent on being provided a function which scores a
ngram given appropriate frequency counts. A number of standard association
measures are provided in bigram_measures and trigram_measures.
# Possible TODOs:
# - consider the distinction between f(x,_) and f(x) and whether our
# approximation is good enough for fragmented data, and mention it
# - add a n-gram collocation finder with measures which only utilise n-gram
# and unigram counts (raw_freq, pmi, student_t)
import itertools as _itertools
# these two unused imports are referenced in collocations.doctest
from nltk.metrics import (
from nltk.metrics.spearman import ranks_from_scores, spearman_correlation
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from nltk.util import ngrams
class AbstractCollocationFinder:
An abstract base class for collocation finders whose purpose is to
collect collocation candidate frequencies, filter and rank them.
As a minimum, collocation finders require the frequencies of each
word in a corpus, and the joint frequency of word tuples. This data
should be provided through nltk.probability.FreqDist objects or an
identical interface.
def __init__(self, word_fd, ngram_fd):
self.word_fd = word_fd
self.N = word_fd.N()
self.ngram_fd = ngram_fd
def _build_new_documents(
cls, documents, window_size, pad_left=False, pad_right=False, pad_symbol=None
Pad the document with the place holder according to the window_size
padding = (pad_symbol,) * (window_size - 1)
if pad_right:
return _itertools.chain.from_iterable(
_itertools.chain(doc, padding) for doc in documents
if pad_left:
return _itertools.chain.from_iterable(
_itertools.chain(padding, doc) for doc in documents
def from_documents(cls, documents):
"""Constructs a collocation finder given a collection of documents,
each of which is a list (or iterable) of tokens.
# return cls.from_words(_itertools.chain(*documents))
return cls.from_words(
cls._build_new_documents(documents, cls.default_ws, pad_right=True)
def _ngram_freqdist(words, n):
return FreqDist(tuple(words[i : i + n]) for i in range(len(words) - 1))
def _apply_filter(self, fn=lambda ngram, freq: False):
"""Generic filter removes ngrams from the frequency distribution
if the function returns True when passed an ngram tuple.
tmp_ngram = FreqDist()
for ngram, freq in self.ngram_fd.items():
if not fn(ngram, freq):
tmp_ngram[ngram] = freq
self.ngram_fd = tmp_ngram
def apply_freq_filter(self, min_freq):
"""Removes candidate ngrams which have frequency less than min_freq."""
self._apply_filter(lambda ng, freq: freq < min_freq)
def apply_ngram_filter(self, fn):
"""Removes candidate ngrams (w1, w2, ...) where fn(w1, w2, ...)
evaluates to True.
self._apply_filter(lambda ng, f: fn(*ng))
def apply_word_filter(self, fn):
"""Removes candidate ngrams (w1, w2, ...) where any of (fn(w1), fn(w2),
...) evaluates to True.
self._apply_filter(lambda ng, f: any(fn(w) for w in ng))
def _score_ngrams(self, score_fn):
"""Generates of (ngram, score) pairs as determined by the scoring
function provided.
for tup in self.ngram_fd:
score = self.score_ngram(score_fn, *tup)
if score is not None:
yield tup, score
def score_ngrams(self, score_fn):
"""Returns a sequence of (ngram, score) pairs ordered from highest to
lowest score, as determined by the scoring function provided.
return sorted(self._score_ngrams(score_fn), key=lambda t: (-t[1], t[0]))
def nbest(self, score_fn, n):
"""Returns the top n ngrams when scored by the given function."""
return [p for p, s in self.score_ngrams(score_fn)[:n]]
def above_score(self, score_fn, min_score):
"""Returns a sequence of ngrams, ordered by decreasing score, whose
scores each exceed the given minimum score.
for ngram, score in self.score_ngrams(score_fn):
if score > min_score:
yield ngram
class BigramCollocationFinder(AbstractCollocationFinder):
"""A tool for the finding and ranking of bigram collocations or other
association measures. It is often useful to use from_words() rather than
constructing an instance directly.
default_ws = 2
def __init__(self, word_fd, bigram_fd, window_size=2):
"""Construct a BigramCollocationFinder, given FreqDists for
appearances of words and (possibly non-contiguous) bigrams.
AbstractCollocationFinder.__init__(self, word_fd, bigram_fd)
self.window_size = window_size
def from_words(cls, words, window_size=2):
"""Construct a BigramCollocationFinder for all bigrams in the given
sequence. When window_size > 2, count non-contiguous bigrams, in the
style of Church and Hanks's (1990) association ratio.
wfd = FreqDist()
bfd = FreqDist()
if window_size < 2:
raise ValueError("Specify window_size at least 2")
for window in ngrams(words, window_size, pad_right=True):
w1 = window[0]
if w1 is None:
wfd[w1] += 1
for w2 in window[1:]:
if w2 is not None:
bfd[(w1, w2)] += 1
return cls(wfd, bfd, window_size=window_size)
def score_ngram(self, score_fn, w1, w2):
"""Returns the score for a given bigram using the given scoring
function. Following Church and Hanks (1990), counts are scaled by
a factor of 1/(window_size - 1).
n_all = self.N
n_ii = self.ngram_fd[(w1, w2)] / (self.window_size - 1.0)
if not n_ii:
n_ix = self.word_fd[w1]
n_xi = self.word_fd[w2]
return score_fn(n_ii, (n_ix, n_xi), n_all)
class TrigramCollocationFinder(AbstractCollocationFinder):
"""A tool for the finding and ranking of trigram collocations or other
association measures. It is often useful to use from_words() rather than
constructing an instance directly.
default_ws = 3
def __init__(self, word_fd, bigram_fd, wildcard_fd, trigram_fd):
"""Construct a TrigramCollocationFinder, given FreqDists for
appearances of words, bigrams, two words with any word between them,
and trigrams.
AbstractCollocationFinder.__init__(self, word_fd, trigram_fd)
self.wildcard_fd = wildcard_fd
self.bigram_fd = bigram_fd
def from_words(cls, words, window_size=3):
"""Construct a TrigramCollocationFinder for all trigrams in the given
if window_size < 3:
raise ValueError("Specify window_size at least 3")
wfd = FreqDist()
wildfd = FreqDist()
bfd = FreqDist()
tfd = FreqDist()
for window in ngrams(words, window_size, pad_right=True):
w1 = window[0]
if w1 is None:
for w2, w3 in _itertools.combinations(window[1:], 2):
wfd[w1] += 1
if w2 is None:
bfd[(w1, w2)] += 1
if w3 is None:
wildfd[(w1, w3)] += 1
tfd[(w1, w2, w3)] += 1
return cls(wfd, bfd, wildfd, tfd)
def bigram_finder(self):
"""Constructs a bigram collocation finder with the bigram and unigram
data from this finder. Note that this does not include any filtering
applied to this finder.
return BigramCollocationFinder(self.word_fd, self.bigram_fd)
def score_ngram(self, score_fn, w1, w2, w3):
"""Returns the score for a given trigram using the given scoring
n_all = self.N
n_iii = self.ngram_fd[(w1, w2, w3)]
if not n_iii:
n_iix = self.bigram_fd[(w1, w2)]
n_ixi = self.wildcard_fd[(w1, w3)]
n_xii = self.bigram_fd[(w2, w3)]
n_ixx = self.word_fd[w1]
n_xix = self.word_fd[w2]
n_xxi = self.word_fd[w3]
return score_fn(n_iii, (n_iix, n_ixi, n_xii), (n_ixx, n_xix, n_xxi), n_all)
class QuadgramCollocationFinder(AbstractCollocationFinder):
"""A tool for the finding and ranking of quadgram collocations or other association measures.
It is often useful to use from_words() rather than constructing an instance directly.
default_ws = 4
def __init__(self, word_fd, quadgram_fd, ii, iii, ixi, ixxi, iixi, ixii):
"""Construct a QuadgramCollocationFinder, given FreqDists for appearances of words,
bigrams, trigrams, two words with one word and two words between them, three words
with a word between them in both variations.
AbstractCollocationFinder.__init__(self, word_fd, quadgram_fd)
self.iii = iii
self.ii = ii
self.ixi = ixi
self.ixxi = ixxi
self.iixi = iixi
self.ixii = ixii
def from_words(cls, words, window_size=4):
if window_size < 4:
raise ValueError("Specify window_size at least 4")
ixxx = FreqDist()
iiii = FreqDist()
ii = FreqDist()
iii = FreqDist()
ixi = FreqDist()
ixxi = FreqDist()
iixi = FreqDist()
ixii = FreqDist()
for window in ngrams(words, window_size, pad_right=True):
w1 = window[0]
if w1 is None:
for w2, w3, w4 in _itertools.combinations(window[1:], 3):
ixxx[w1] += 1
if w2 is None:
ii[(w1, w2)] += 1
if w3 is None:
iii[(w1, w2, w3)] += 1
ixi[(w1, w3)] += 1
if w4 is None:
iiii[(w1, w2, w3, w4)] += 1
ixxi[(w1, w4)] += 1
ixii[(w1, w3, w4)] += 1
iixi[(w1, w2, w4)] += 1
return cls(ixxx, iiii, ii, iii, ixi, ixxi, iixi, ixii)
def score_ngram(self, score_fn, w1, w2, w3, w4):
n_all = self.N
n_iiii = self.ngram_fd[(w1, w2, w3, w4)]
if not n_iiii:
n_iiix = self.iii[(w1, w2, w3)]
n_xiii = self.iii[(w2, w3, w4)]
n_iixi = self.iixi[(w1, w2, w4)]
n_ixii = self.ixii[(w1, w3, w4)]
n_iixx = self.ii[(w1, w2)]
n_xxii = self.ii[(w3, w4)]
n_xiix = self.ii[(w2, w3)]
n_ixix = self.ixi[(w1, w3)]
n_ixxi = self.ixxi[(w1, w4)]
n_xixi = self.ixi[(w2, w4)]
n_ixxx = self.word_fd[w1]
n_xixx = self.word_fd[w2]
n_xxix = self.word_fd[w3]
n_xxxi = self.word_fd[w4]
return score_fn(
(n_iiix, n_iixi, n_ixii, n_xiii),
(n_iixx, n_ixix, n_ixxi, n_xixi, n_xxii, n_xiix),
(n_ixxx, n_xixx, n_xxix, n_xxxi),
def demo(scorer=None, compare_scorer=None):
"""Finds bigram collocations in the files of the WebText corpus."""
from nltk.metrics import (
if scorer is None:
scorer = BigramAssocMeasures.likelihood_ratio
if compare_scorer is None:
compare_scorer = BigramAssocMeasures.raw_freq
from nltk.corpus import stopwords, webtext
ignored_words = stopwords.words("english")
word_filter = lambda w: len(w) < 3 or w.lower() in ignored_words
for file in webtext.fileids():
words = [word.lower() for word in webtext.words(file)]
cf = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(words)
corr = spearman_correlation(
print("\t", [" ".join(tup) for tup in cf.nbest(scorer, 15)])
print(f"\t Correlation to {compare_scorer.__name__}: {corr:0.4f}")
# Slows down loading too much
# bigram_measures = BigramAssocMeasures()
# trigram_measures = TrigramAssocMeasures()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures
scorer = eval("BigramAssocMeasures." + sys.argv[1])
except IndexError:
scorer = None
compare_scorer = eval("BigramAssocMeasures." + sys.argv[2])
except IndexError:
compare_scorer = None
demo(scorer, compare_scorer)
__all__ = [