266 lines
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266 lines
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# cython: infer_types=True
# cython: cdivision=True
cimport cython
cdef class PreshMap:
"""Hash map that assumes keys come pre-hashed. Maps uint64_t --> uint64_t.
Uses open addressing with linear probing.
map = PreshMap() # Create a table
map = PreshMap(initial_size=1024) # Create with initial size (efficiency)
map[key] = value # Set a value to a key
value = map[key] # Get a value given a key
for key, value in map.items(): # Iterate over items
len(map) # Get number of inserted keys
def __init__(self, size_t initial_size=8):
# Size must be power of two
if initial_size == 0:
initial_size = 8
if initial_size & (initial_size - 1) != 0:
power = 1
while power < initial_size:
power *= 2
initial_size = power
self.mem = Pool()
self.c_map = <MapStruct*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(MapStruct))
map_init(self.mem, self.c_map, initial_size)
property capacity:
def __get__(self):
return self.c_map.length
def items(self):
cdef key_t key
cdef void* value
cdef int i = 0
while map_iter(self.c_map, &i, &key, &value):
yield key, <size_t>value
def keys(self):
for key, _ in self.items():
yield key
def values(self):
for _, value in self.items():
yield value
def pop(self, key_t key, default=None):
cdef Result result = map_get_unless_missing(self.c_map, key)
map_clear(self.c_map, key)
if result.found:
return <size_t>result.value
return default
def __getitem__(self, key_t key):
cdef Result result = map_get_unless_missing(self.c_map, key)
if result.found:
return <size_t>result.value
return None
def __setitem__(self, key_t key, size_t value):
map_set(self.mem, self.c_map, key, <void*>value)
def __delitem__(self, key_t key):
map_clear(self.c_map, key)
def __len__(self):
return self.c_map.filled
def __contains__(self, key_t key):
cdef Result result = map_get_unless_missing(self.c_map, key)
return True if result.found else False
def __iter__(self):
for key in self.keys():
yield key
cdef inline void* get(self, key_t key) nogil:
return map_get(self.c_map, key)
cdef void set(self, key_t key, void* value) except *:
map_set(self.mem, self.c_map, key, <void*>value)
cdef class PreshMapArray:
"""An array of hash tables that assume keys come pre-hashed. Each table
uses open addressing with linear probing.
def __init__(self, size_t length, size_t initial_size=8):
self.mem = Pool()
self.length = length
self.maps = <MapStruct*>self.mem.alloc(length, sizeof(MapStruct))
for i in range(length):
map_init(self.mem, &self.maps[i], initial_size)
cdef inline void* get(self, size_t i, key_t key) nogil:
return map_get(&self.maps[i], key)
cdef void set(self, size_t i, key_t key, void* value) except *:
map_set(self.mem, &self.maps[i], key, <void*>value)
cdef void map_init(Pool mem, MapStruct* map_, size_t length) except *:
map_.length = length
map_.filled = 0
map_.cells = <Cell*>mem.alloc(length, sizeof(Cell))
cdef void map_set(Pool mem, MapStruct* map_, key_t key, void* value) except *:
cdef Cell* cell
if key == EMPTY_KEY:
map_.value_for_empty_key = value
map_.is_empty_key_set = True
elif key == DELETED_KEY:
map_.value_for_del_key = value
map_.is_del_key_set = True
cell = _find_cell_for_insertion(map_.cells, map_.length, key)
if cell.key == EMPTY_KEY:
map_.filled += 1
cell.key = key
cell.value = value
if (map_.filled + 1) * 5 >= (map_.length * 3):
_resize(mem, map_)
cdef void* map_get(const MapStruct* map_, const key_t key) nogil:
if key == EMPTY_KEY:
return map_.value_for_empty_key
elif key == DELETED_KEY:
return map_.value_for_del_key
cdef Cell* cell = _find_cell(map_.cells, map_.length, key)
return cell.value
cdef Result map_get_unless_missing(const MapStruct* map_, const key_t key) nogil:
cdef Result result
cdef Cell* cell
result.found = 0
result.value = NULL
if key == EMPTY_KEY:
if map_.is_empty_key_set:
result.found = 1
result.value = map_.value_for_empty_key
elif key == DELETED_KEY:
if map_.is_del_key_set:
result.found = 1
result.value = map_.value_for_del_key
cell = _find_cell(map_.cells, map_.length, key)
if cell.key == key:
result.found = 1
result.value = cell.value
return result
cdef void* map_clear(MapStruct* map_, const key_t key) nogil:
if key == EMPTY_KEY:
value = map_.value_for_empty_key if map_.is_empty_key_set else NULL
map_.is_empty_key_set = False
return value
elif key == DELETED_KEY:
value = map_.value_for_del_key if map_.is_del_key_set else NULL
map_.is_del_key_set = False
return value
cell = _find_cell(map_.cells, map_.length, key)
cell.key = DELETED_KEY
# We shouldn't decrement the "filled" value here, as we're not actually
# making "empty" values -- deleted values aren't quite the same.
# Instead if we manage to insert into a deleted slot, we don't increment
# the fill rate.
return cell.value
cdef void* map_bulk_get(const MapStruct* map_, const key_t* keys, void** values,
int n) nogil:
cdef int i
for i in range(n):
values[i] = map_get(map_, keys[i])
cdef bint map_iter(const MapStruct* map_, int* i, key_t* key, void** value) nogil:
'''Iterate over the filled items, setting the current place in i, and the
key and value. Return False when iteration finishes.
cdef const Cell* cell
while i[0] < map_.length:
cell = &map_.cells[i[0]]
i[0] += 1
if cell[0].key != EMPTY_KEY and cell[0].key != DELETED_KEY:
key[0] = cell[0].key
value[0] = cell[0].value
return True
# Remember to check for cells keyed by the special empty and deleted keys
if i[0] == map_.length:
i[0] += 1
if map_.is_empty_key_set:
key[0] = EMPTY_KEY
value[0] = map_.value_for_empty_key
return True
if i[0] == map_.length + 1:
i[0] += 1
if map_.is_del_key_set:
key[0] = DELETED_KEY
value[0] = map_.value_for_del_key
return True
return False
cdef inline Cell* _find_cell(Cell* cells, const key_t size, const key_t key) nogil:
# Modulo for powers-of-two via bitwise &
cdef key_t i = (key & (size - 1))
while cells[i].key != EMPTY_KEY and cells[i].key != key:
i = (i + 1) & (size - 1)
return &cells[i]
cdef inline Cell* _find_cell_for_insertion(Cell* cells, const key_t size, const key_t key) nogil:
"""Find the correct cell to insert a value, which could be a previously
deleted cell. If we cross a deleted cell and the key is in the table, we
mark the later cell as deleted, and return the earlier one."""
cdef Cell* deleted = NULL
# Modulo for powers-of-two via bitwise &
cdef key_t i = (key & (size - 1))
while cells[i].key != EMPTY_KEY and cells[i].key != key:
if cells[i].key == DELETED_KEY:
deleted = &cells[i]
i = (i + 1) & (size - 1)
if deleted is not NULL:
if cells[i].key == key:
# We need to ensure we don't end up with the key in the table twice.
# If we're using a deleted cell and we also have the key, we mark
# the later cell as deleted.
cells[i].key = DELETED_KEY
return deleted
return &cells[i]
cdef void _resize(Pool mem, MapStruct* map_) except *:
cdef size_t new_size = map_.length * 2
cdef Cell* old_cells = map_.cells
cdef size_t old_size = map_.length
map_.length = new_size
map_.filled = 0
map_.cells = <Cell*>mem.alloc(new_size, sizeof(Cell))
cdef size_t i
cdef size_t slot
for i in range(old_size):
if old_cells[i].key != EMPTY_KEY and old_cells[i].key != DELETED_KEY:
map_set(mem, map_, old_cells[i].key, old_cells[i].value)