
710 lines
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"""This module contains related classes and functions for validation."""
from __future__ import annotations as _annotations
import dataclasses
import sys
from functools import partialmethod
from types import FunctionType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload
from pydantic_core import core_schema
from pydantic_core import core_schema as _core_schema
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Literal, TypeAlias
from . import GetCoreSchemaHandler as _GetCoreSchemaHandler
from ._internal import _core_metadata, _decorators, _generics, _internal_dataclass
from .annotated_handlers import GetCoreSchemaHandler
from .errors import PydanticUserError
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from typing import Protocol
_inspect_validator = _decorators.inspect_validator
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, **_internal_dataclass.slots_true)
class AfterValidator:
"""Usage docs:
A metadata class that indicates that a validation should be applied **after** the inner validation logic.
func: The validator function.
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic import AfterValidator, BaseModel, ValidationError
MyInt = Annotated[int, AfterValidator(lambda v: v + 1)]
class Model(BaseModel):
a: MyInt
#> 2
except ValidationError as e:
"type": "int_parsing",
"loc": [
"msg": "Input should be a valid integer, unable to parse string as an integer",
"input": "a",
"url": ""
func: core_schema.NoInfoValidatorFunction | core_schema.WithInfoValidatorFunction
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(self, source_type: Any, handler: _GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
schema = handler(source_type)
info_arg = _inspect_validator(self.func, 'after')
if info_arg:
func = cast(core_schema.WithInfoValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.with_info_after_validator_function(func, schema=schema, field_name=handler.field_name)
func = cast(core_schema.NoInfoValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.no_info_after_validator_function(func, schema=schema)
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, **_internal_dataclass.slots_true)
class BeforeValidator:
"""Usage docs:
A metadata class that indicates that a validation should be applied **before** the inner validation logic.
func: The validator function.
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel, BeforeValidator
MyInt = Annotated[int, BeforeValidator(lambda v: v + 1)]
class Model(BaseModel):
a: MyInt
#> 2
except TypeError as e:
#> can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
func: core_schema.NoInfoValidatorFunction | core_schema.WithInfoValidatorFunction
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(self, source_type: Any, handler: _GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
schema = handler(source_type)
info_arg = _inspect_validator(self.func, 'before')
if info_arg:
func = cast(core_schema.WithInfoValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.with_info_before_validator_function(func, schema=schema, field_name=handler.field_name)
func = cast(core_schema.NoInfoValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.no_info_before_validator_function(func, schema=schema)
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, **_internal_dataclass.slots_true)
class PlainValidator:
"""Usage docs:
A metadata class that indicates that a validation should be applied **instead** of the inner validation logic.
func: The validator function.
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel, PlainValidator
MyInt = Annotated[int, PlainValidator(lambda v: int(v) + 1)]
class Model(BaseModel):
a: MyInt
#> 2
func: core_schema.NoInfoValidatorFunction | core_schema.WithInfoValidatorFunction
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(self, source_type: Any, handler: _GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
# Note that for some valid uses of PlainValidator, it is not possible to generate a core schema for the
# source_type, so calling `handler(source_type)` will error, which prevents us from generating a proper
# serialization schema. To work around this for use cases that will not involve serialization, we simply
# catch any PydanticSchemaGenerationError that may be raised while attempting to build the serialization schema
# and abort any attempts to handle special serialization.
from pydantic import PydanticSchemaGenerationError
schema = handler(source_type)
serialization = core_schema.wrap_serializer_function_ser_schema(function=lambda v, h: h(v), schema=schema)
except PydanticSchemaGenerationError:
serialization = None
info_arg = _inspect_validator(self.func, 'plain')
if info_arg:
func = cast(core_schema.WithInfoValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.with_info_plain_validator_function(
func, field_name=handler.field_name, serialization=serialization
func = cast(core_schema.NoInfoValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.no_info_plain_validator_function(func, serialization=serialization)
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, **_internal_dataclass.slots_true)
class WrapValidator:
"""Usage docs:
A metadata class that indicates that a validation should be applied **around** the inner validation logic.
func: The validator function.
from datetime import datetime
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, WrapValidator
def validate_timestamp(v, handler):
if v == 'now':
# we don't want to bother with further validation, just return the new value
return handler(v)
except ValidationError:
# validation failed, in this case we want to return a default value
return datetime(2000, 1, 1)
MyTimestamp = Annotated[datetime, WrapValidator(validate_timestamp)]
class Model(BaseModel):
a: MyTimestamp
#> 2032-01-02 03:04:05.000006
#> 2000-01-01 00:00:00
func: core_schema.NoInfoWrapValidatorFunction | core_schema.WithInfoWrapValidatorFunction
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(self, source_type: Any, handler: _GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
schema = handler(source_type)
info_arg = _inspect_validator(self.func, 'wrap')
if info_arg:
func = cast(core_schema.WithInfoWrapValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.with_info_wrap_validator_function(func, schema=schema, field_name=handler.field_name)
func = cast(core_schema.NoInfoWrapValidatorFunction, self.func)
return core_schema.no_info_wrap_validator_function(func, schema=schema)
class _OnlyValueValidatorClsMethod(Protocol):
def __call__(self, cls: Any, value: Any, /) -> Any:
class _V2ValidatorClsMethod(Protocol):
def __call__(self, cls: Any, value: Any, info: _core_schema.ValidationInfo, /) -> Any:
class _V2WrapValidatorClsMethod(Protocol):
def __call__(
cls: Any,
value: Any,
handler: _core_schema.ValidatorFunctionWrapHandler,
info: _core_schema.ValidationInfo,
) -> Any:
_V2Validator = Union[
_V2WrapValidator = Union[
_PartialClsOrStaticMethod: TypeAlias = Union[classmethod[Any, Any, Any], staticmethod[Any, Any], partialmethod[Any]]
_V2BeforeAfterOrPlainValidatorType = TypeVar(
_V2WrapValidatorType = TypeVar('_V2WrapValidatorType', _V2WrapValidator, _PartialClsOrStaticMethod)
def field_validator(
field: str,
*fields: str,
mode: Literal['before', 'after', 'plain'] = ...,
check_fields: bool | None = ...,
) -> Callable[[_V2BeforeAfterOrPlainValidatorType], _V2BeforeAfterOrPlainValidatorType]:
def field_validator(
field: str,
*fields: str,
mode: Literal['wrap'],
check_fields: bool | None = ...,
) -> Callable[[_V2WrapValidatorType], _V2WrapValidatorType]:
FieldValidatorModes: TypeAlias = Literal['before', 'after', 'wrap', 'plain']
def field_validator(
field: str,
*fields: str,
mode: FieldValidatorModes = 'after',
check_fields: bool | None = None,
) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
"""Usage docs:
Decorate methods on the class indicating that they should be used to validate fields.
Example usage:
from typing import Any
from pydantic import (
class Model(BaseModel):
a: str
def ensure_foobar(cls, v: Any):
if 'foobar' not in v:
raise ValueError('"foobar" not found in a')
return v
print(repr(Model(a='this is foobar good')))
#> Model(a='this is foobar good')
except ValidationError as exc_info:
1 validation error for Model
Value error, "foobar" not found in a [type=value_error, input_value='snap', input_type=str]
For more in depth examples, see [Field Validators](../concepts/
field: The first field the `field_validator` should be called on; this is separate
from `fields` to ensure an error is raised if you don't pass at least one.
*fields: Additional field(s) the `field_validator` should be called on.
mode: Specifies whether to validate the fields before or after validation.
check_fields: Whether to check that the fields actually exist on the model.
A decorator that can be used to decorate a function to be used as a field_validator.
- If `@field_validator` is used bare (with no fields).
- If the args passed to `@field_validator` as fields are not strings.
- If `@field_validator` applied to instance methods.
if isinstance(field, FunctionType):
raise PydanticUserError(
'`@field_validator` should be used with fields and keyword arguments, not bare. '
"E.g. usage should be `@validator('<field_name>', ...)`",
fields = field, *fields
if not all(isinstance(field, str) for field in fields):
raise PydanticUserError(
'`@field_validator` fields should be passed as separate string args. '
"E.g. usage should be `@validator('<field_name_1>', '<field_name_2>', ...)`",
def dec(
f: Callable[..., Any] | staticmethod[Any, Any] | classmethod[Any, Any, Any],
) -> _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy[Any]:
if _decorators.is_instance_method_from_sig(f):
raise PydanticUserError(
'`@field_validator` cannot be applied to instance methods', code='validator-instance-method'
# auto apply the @classmethod decorator
f = _decorators.ensure_classmethod_based_on_signature(f)
dec_info = _decorators.FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo(fields=fields, mode=mode, check_fields=check_fields)
return _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy(f, dec_info)
return dec
_ModelType = TypeVar('_ModelType')
_ModelTypeCo = TypeVar('_ModelTypeCo', covariant=True)
class ModelWrapValidatorHandler(_core_schema.ValidatorFunctionWrapHandler, Protocol[_ModelTypeCo]):
"""@model_validator decorated function handler argument type. This is used when `mode='wrap'`."""
def __call__( # noqa: D102
value: Any,
outer_location: str | int | None = None,
) -> _ModelTypeCo: # pragma: no cover
class ModelWrapValidatorWithoutInfo(Protocol[_ModelType]):
"""A @model_validator decorated function signature.
This is used when `mode='wrap'` and the function does not have info argument.
def __call__( # noqa: D102
cls: type[_ModelType],
# this can be a dict, a model instance
# or anything else that gets passed to validate_python
# thus validators _must_ handle all cases
value: Any,
handler: ModelWrapValidatorHandler[_ModelType],
) -> _ModelType:
class ModelWrapValidator(Protocol[_ModelType]):
"""A @model_validator decorated function signature. This is used when `mode='wrap'`."""
def __call__( # noqa: D102
cls: type[_ModelType],
# this can be a dict, a model instance
# or anything else that gets passed to validate_python
# thus validators _must_ handle all cases
value: Any,
handler: ModelWrapValidatorHandler[_ModelType],
info: _core_schema.ValidationInfo,
) -> _ModelType:
class FreeModelBeforeValidatorWithoutInfo(Protocol):
"""A @model_validator decorated function signature.
This is used when `mode='before'` and the function does not have info argument.
def __call__( # noqa: D102
# this can be a dict, a model instance
# or anything else that gets passed to validate_python
# thus validators _must_ handle all cases
value: Any,
) -> Any:
class ModelBeforeValidatorWithoutInfo(Protocol):
"""A @model_validator decorated function signature.
This is used when `mode='before'` and the function does not have info argument.
def __call__( # noqa: D102
cls: Any,
# this can be a dict, a model instance
# or anything else that gets passed to validate_python
# thus validators _must_ handle all cases
value: Any,
) -> Any:
class FreeModelBeforeValidator(Protocol):
"""A `@model_validator` decorated function signature. This is used when `mode='before'`."""
def __call__( # noqa: D102
# this can be a dict, a model instance
# or anything else that gets passed to validate_python
# thus validators _must_ handle all cases
value: Any,
info: _core_schema.ValidationInfo,
) -> Any:
class ModelBeforeValidator(Protocol):
"""A `@model_validator` decorated function signature. This is used when `mode='before'`."""
def __call__( # noqa: D102
cls: Any,
# this can be a dict, a model instance
# or anything else that gets passed to validate_python
# thus validators _must_ handle all cases
value: Any,
info: _core_schema.ValidationInfo,
) -> Any:
ModelAfterValidatorWithoutInfo = Callable[[_ModelType], _ModelType]
"""A `@model_validator` decorated function signature. This is used when `mode='after'` and the function does not
have info argument.
ModelAfterValidator = Callable[[_ModelType, _core_schema.ValidationInfo], _ModelType]
"""A `@model_validator` decorated function signature. This is used when `mode='after'`."""
_AnyModelWrapValidator = Union[ModelWrapValidator[_ModelType], ModelWrapValidatorWithoutInfo[_ModelType]]
_AnyModeBeforeValidator = Union[
FreeModelBeforeValidator, ModelBeforeValidator, FreeModelBeforeValidatorWithoutInfo, ModelBeforeValidatorWithoutInfo
_AnyModelAfterValidator = Union[ModelAfterValidator[_ModelType], ModelAfterValidatorWithoutInfo[_ModelType]]
def model_validator(
mode: Literal['wrap'],
) -> Callable[
[_AnyModelWrapValidator[_ModelType]], _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy[_decorators.ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo]
def model_validator(
mode: Literal['before'],
) -> Callable[[_AnyModeBeforeValidator], _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy[_decorators.ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo]]:
def model_validator(
mode: Literal['after'],
) -> Callable[
[_AnyModelAfterValidator[_ModelType]], _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy[_decorators.ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo]
def model_validator(
mode: Literal['wrap', 'before', 'after'],
) -> Any:
"""Usage docs:
Decorate model methods for validation purposes.
Example usage:
from typing_extensions import Self
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, model_validator
class Square(BaseModel):
width: float
height: float
def verify_square(self) -> Self:
if self.width != self.height:
raise ValueError('width and height do not match')
return self
s = Square(width=1, height=1)
#> Square(width=1.0, height=1.0)
Square(width=1, height=2)
except ValidationError as e:
1 validation error for Square
Value error, width and height do not match [type=value_error, input_value={'width': 1, 'height': 2}, input_type=dict]
For more in depth examples, see [Model Validators](../concepts/
mode: A required string literal that specifies the validation mode.
It can be one of the following: 'wrap', 'before', or 'after'.
A decorator that can be used to decorate a function to be used as a model validator.
def dec(f: Any) -> _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy[Any]:
# auto apply the @classmethod decorator
f = _decorators.ensure_classmethod_based_on_signature(f)
dec_info = _decorators.ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo(mode=mode)
return _decorators.PydanticDescriptorProxy(f, dec_info)
return dec
AnyType = TypeVar('AnyType')
# If we add configurable attributes to IsInstance, we'd probably need to stop hiding it from type checkers like this
InstanceOf = Annotated[AnyType, ...] # `IsInstance[Sequence]` will be recognized by type checkers as `Sequence`
class InstanceOf:
'''Generic type for annotating a type that is an instance of a given class.
from pydantic import BaseModel, InstanceOf
class Foo:
class Bar(BaseModel):
foo: InstanceOf[Foo]
except ValidationError as e:
│ │ 'type': 'is_instance_of',
│ │ 'loc': ('foo',),
│ │ 'msg': 'Input should be an instance of Foo',
│ │ 'input': 42,
│ │ 'ctx': {'class': 'Foo'},
│ │ 'url': ''
│ }
def __class_getitem__(cls, item: AnyType) -> AnyType:
return Annotated[item, cls()]
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
from pydantic import PydanticSchemaGenerationError
# use the generic _origin_ as the second argument to isinstance when appropriate
instance_of_schema = core_schema.is_instance_schema(_generics.get_origin(source) or source)
# Try to generate the "standard" schema, which will be used when loading from JSON
original_schema = handler(source)
except PydanticSchemaGenerationError:
# If that fails, just produce a schema that can validate from python
return instance_of_schema
# Use the "original" approach to serialization
instance_of_schema['serialization'] = core_schema.wrap_serializer_function_ser_schema(
function=lambda v, h: h(v), schema=original_schema
return core_schema.json_or_python_schema(python_schema=instance_of_schema, json_schema=original_schema)
__hash__ = object.__hash__
SkipValidation = Annotated[AnyType, ...] # SkipValidation[list[str]] will be treated by type checkers as list[str]
class SkipValidation:
"""If this is applied as an annotation (e.g., via `x: Annotated[int, SkipValidation]`), validation will be
skipped. You can also use `SkipValidation[int]` as a shorthand for `Annotated[int, SkipValidation]`.
This can be useful if you want to use a type annotation for documentation/IDE/type-checking purposes,
and know that it is safe to skip validation for one or more of the fields.
Because this converts the validation schema to `any_schema`, subsequent annotation-applied transformations
may not have the expected effects. Therefore, when used, this annotation should generally be the final
annotation applied to a type.
def __class_getitem__(cls, item: Any) -> Any:
return Annotated[item, SkipValidation()]
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
original_schema = handler(source)
metadata = _core_metadata.build_metadata_dict(js_annotation_functions=[lambda _c, h: h(original_schema)])
return core_schema.any_schema(
function=lambda v, h: h(v), schema=original_schema
__hash__ = object.__hash__