
424 lines
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Created on Fri Apr 2 09:06:05 2021
@author: matth
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from ._axis_nan_policy import _axis_nan_policy_factory, _broadcast_arrays
__all__ = ['entropy', 'differential_entropy']
lambda x: x,
n_samples=lambda kwgs: (
2 if ("qk" in kwgs and kwgs["qk"] is not None)
else 1
n_outputs=1, result_to_tuple=lambda x: (x,), paired=True,
too_small=-1 # entropy doesn't have too small inputs
def entropy(pk: np.typing.ArrayLike,
qk: np.typing.ArrayLike | None = None,
base: float | None = None,
axis: int = 0
) -> np.number | np.ndarray:
Calculate the Shannon entropy/relative entropy of given distribution(s).
If only probabilities `pk` are given, the Shannon entropy is calculated as
``H = -sum(pk * log(pk))``.
If `qk` is not None, then compute the relative entropy
``D = sum(pk * log(pk / qk))``. This quantity is also known
as the Kullback-Leibler divergence.
This routine will normalize `pk` and `qk` if they don't sum to 1.
pk : array_like
Defines the (discrete) distribution. Along each axis-slice of ``pk``,
element ``i`` is the (possibly unnormalized) probability of event
qk : array_like, optional
Sequence against which the relative entropy is computed. Should be in
the same format as `pk`.
base : float, optional
The logarithmic base to use, defaults to ``e`` (natural logarithm).
axis : int, optional
The axis along which the entropy is calculated. Default is 0.
S : {float, array_like}
The calculated entropy.
Informally, the Shannon entropy quantifies the expected uncertainty
inherent in the possible outcomes of a discrete random variable.
For example,
if messages consisting of sequences of symbols from a set are to be
encoded and transmitted over a noiseless channel, then the Shannon entropy
``H(pk)`` gives a tight lower bound for the average number of units of
information needed per symbol if the symbols occur with frequencies
governed by the discrete distribution `pk` [1]_. The choice of base
determines the choice of units; e.g., ``e`` for nats, ``2`` for bits, etc.
The relative entropy, ``D(pk|qk)``, quantifies the increase in the average
number of units of information needed per symbol if the encoding is
optimized for the probability distribution `qk` instead of the true
distribution `pk`. Informally, the relative entropy quantifies the expected
excess in surprise experienced if one believes the true distribution is
`qk` when it is actually `pk`.
A related quantity, the cross entropy ``CE(pk, qk)``, satisfies the
equation ``CE(pk, qk) = H(pk) + D(pk|qk)`` and can also be calculated with
the formula ``CE = -sum(pk * log(qk))``. It gives the average
number of units of information needed per symbol if an encoding is
optimized for the probability distribution `qk` when the true distribution
is `pk`. It is not computed directly by `entropy`, but it can be computed
using two calls to the function (see Examples).
See [2]_ for more information.
.. [1] Shannon, C.E. (1948), A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
Bell System Technical Journal, 27: 379-423.
.. [2] Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas. 2006. Elements of Information
Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing).
Wiley-Interscience, USA.
The outcome of a fair coin is the most uncertain:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.stats import entropy
>>> base = 2 # work in units of bits
>>> pk = np.array([1/2, 1/2]) # fair coin
>>> H = entropy(pk, base=base)
>>> H
>>> H == -np.sum(pk * np.log(pk)) / np.log(base)
The outcome of a biased coin is less uncertain:
>>> qk = np.array([9/10, 1/10]) # biased coin
>>> entropy(qk, base=base)
The relative entropy between the fair coin and biased coin is calculated
>>> D = entropy(pk, qk, base=base)
>>> D
>>> D == np.sum(pk * np.log(pk/qk)) / np.log(base)
The cross entropy can be calculated as the sum of the entropy and
relative entropy`:
>>> CE = entropy(pk, base=base) + entropy(pk, qk, base=base)
>>> CE
>>> CE == -np.sum(pk * np.log(qk)) / np.log(base)
if base is not None and base <= 0:
raise ValueError("`base` must be a positive number or `None`.")
pk = np.asarray(pk)
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
pk = 1.0*pk / np.sum(pk, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
if qk is None:
vec = special.entr(pk)
qk = np.asarray(qk)
pk, qk = _broadcast_arrays((pk, qk), axis=None) # don't ignore any axes
sum_kwargs = dict(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
qk = 1.0*qk / np.sum(qk, **sum_kwargs) # type: ignore[operator, call-overload]
vec = special.rel_entr(pk, qk)
S = np.sum(vec, axis=axis)
if base is not None:
S /= np.log(base)
return S
def _differential_entropy_is_too_small(samples, kwargs, axis=-1):
values = samples[0]
n = values.shape[axis]
window_length = kwargs.get("window_length",
math.floor(math.sqrt(n) + 0.5))
if not 2 <= 2 * window_length < n:
return True
return False
lambda x: x, n_outputs=1, result_to_tuple=lambda x: (x,),
def differential_entropy(
values: np.typing.ArrayLike,
window_length: int | None = None,
base: float | None = None,
axis: int = 0,
method: str = "auto",
) -> np.number | np.ndarray:
r"""Given a sample of a distribution, estimate the differential entropy.
Several estimation methods are available using the `method` parameter. By
default, a method is selected based the size of the sample.
values : sequence
Sample from a continuous distribution.
window_length : int, optional
Window length for computing Vasicek estimate. Must be an integer
between 1 and half of the sample size. If ``None`` (the default), it
uses the heuristic value
.. math::
\left \lfloor \sqrt{n} + 0.5 \right \rfloor
where :math:`n` is the sample size. This heuristic was originally
proposed in [2]_ and has become common in the literature.
base : float, optional
The logarithmic base to use, defaults to ``e`` (natural logarithm).
axis : int, optional
The axis along which the differential entropy is calculated.
Default is 0.
method : {'vasicek', 'van es', 'ebrahimi', 'correa', 'auto'}, optional
The method used to estimate the differential entropy from the sample.
Default is ``'auto'``. See Notes for more information.
entropy : float
The calculated differential entropy.
This function will converge to the true differential entropy in the limit
.. math::
n \to \infty, \quad m \to \infty, \quad \frac{m}{n} \to 0
The optimal choice of ``window_length`` for a given sample size depends on
the (unknown) distribution. Typically, the smoother the density of the
distribution, the larger the optimal value of ``window_length`` [1]_.
The following options are available for the `method` parameter.
* ``'vasicek'`` uses the estimator presented in [1]_. This is
one of the first and most influential estimators of differential entropy.
* ``'van es'`` uses the bias-corrected estimator presented in [3]_, which
is not only consistent but, under some conditions, asymptotically normal.
* ``'ebrahimi'`` uses an estimator presented in [4]_, which was shown
in simulation to have smaller bias and mean squared error than
the Vasicek estimator.
* ``'correa'`` uses the estimator presented in [5]_ based on local linear
regression. In a simulation study, it had consistently smaller mean
square error than the Vasiceck estimator, but it is more expensive to
* ``'auto'`` selects the method automatically (default). Currently,
this selects ``'van es'`` for very small samples (<10), ``'ebrahimi'``
for moderate sample sizes (11-1000), and ``'vasicek'`` for larger
samples, but this behavior is subject to change in future versions.
All estimators are implemented as described in [6]_.
.. [1] Vasicek, O. (1976). A test for normality based on sample entropy.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:
Series B (Methodological), 38(1), 54-59.
.. [2] Crzcgorzewski, P., & Wirczorkowski, R. (1999). Entropy-based
goodness-of-fit test for exponentiality. Communications in
Statistics-Theory and Methods, 28(5), 1183-1202.
.. [3] Van Es, B. (1992). Estimating functionals related to a density by a
class of statistics based on spacings. Scandinavian Journal of
Statistics, 61-72.
.. [4] Ebrahimi, N., Pflughoeft, K., & Soofi, E. S. (1994). Two measures
of sample entropy. Statistics & Probability Letters, 20(3), 225-234.
.. [5] Correa, J. C. (1995). A new estimator of entropy. Communications
in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 24(10), 2439-2449.
.. [6] Noughabi, H. A. (2015). Entropy Estimation Using Numerical Methods.
Annals of Data Science, 2(2), 231-241.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.stats import differential_entropy, norm
Entropy of a standard normal distribution:
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> values = rng.standard_normal(100)
>>> differential_entropy(values)
Compare with the true entropy:
>>> float(norm.entropy())
For several sample sizes between 5 and 1000, compare the accuracy of
the ``'vasicek'``, ``'van es'``, and ``'ebrahimi'`` methods. Specifically,
compare the root mean squared error (over 1000 trials) between the estimate
and the true differential entropy of the distribution.
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> def rmse(res, expected):
... '''Root mean squared error'''
... return np.sqrt(np.mean((res - expected)**2))
>>> a, b = np.log10(5), np.log10(1000)
>>> ns = np.round(np.logspace(a, b, 10)).astype(int)
>>> reps = 1000 # number of repetitions for each sample size
>>> expected = stats.expon.entropy()
>>> method_errors = {'vasicek': [], 'van es': [], 'ebrahimi': []}
>>> for method in method_errors:
... for n in ns:
... rvs = stats.expon.rvs(size=(reps, n), random_state=rng)
... res = stats.differential_entropy(rvs, method=method, axis=-1)
... error = rmse(res, expected)
... method_errors[method].append(error)
>>> for method, errors in method_errors.items():
... plt.loglog(ns, errors, label=method)
>>> plt.legend()
>>> plt.xlabel('sample size')
>>> plt.ylabel('RMSE (1000 trials)')
>>> plt.title('Entropy Estimator Error (Exponential Distribution)')
values = np.asarray(values)
values = np.moveaxis(values, axis, -1)
n = values.shape[-1] # number of observations
if window_length is None:
window_length = math.floor(math.sqrt(n) + 0.5)
if not 2 <= 2 * window_length < n:
raise ValueError(
f"Window length ({window_length}) must be positive and less "
f"than half the sample size ({n}).",
if base is not None and base <= 0:
raise ValueError("`base` must be a positive number or `None`.")
sorted_data = np.sort(values, axis=-1)
methods = {"vasicek": _vasicek_entropy,
"van es": _van_es_entropy,
"correa": _correa_entropy,
"ebrahimi": _ebrahimi_entropy,
"auto": _vasicek_entropy}
method = method.lower()
if method not in methods:
message = f"`method` must be one of {set(methods)}"
raise ValueError(message)
if method == "auto":
if n <= 10:
method = 'van es'
elif n <= 1000:
method = 'ebrahimi'
method = 'vasicek'
res = methods[method](sorted_data, window_length)
if base is not None:
res /= np.log(base)
return res
def _pad_along_last_axis(X, m):
"""Pad the data for computing the rolling window difference."""
# scales a bit better than method in _vasicek_like_entropy
shape = np.array(X.shape)
shape[-1] = m
Xl = np.broadcast_to(X[..., [0]], shape) # [0] vs 0 to maintain shape
Xr = np.broadcast_to(X[..., [-1]], shape)
return np.concatenate((Xl, X, Xr), axis=-1)
def _vasicek_entropy(X, m):
"""Compute the Vasicek estimator as described in [6] Eq. 1.3."""
n = X.shape[-1]
X = _pad_along_last_axis(X, m)
differences = X[..., 2 * m:] - X[..., : -2 * m:]
logs = np.log(n/(2*m) * differences)
return np.mean(logs, axis=-1)
def _van_es_entropy(X, m):
"""Compute the van Es estimator as described in [6]."""
# No equation number, but referred to as HVE_mn.
# Typo: there should be a log within the summation.
n = X.shape[-1]
difference = X[..., m:] - X[..., :-m]
term1 = 1/(n-m) * np.sum(np.log((n+1)/m * difference), axis=-1)
k = np.arange(m, n+1)
return term1 + np.sum(1/k) + np.log(m) - np.log(n+1)
def _ebrahimi_entropy(X, m):
"""Compute the Ebrahimi estimator as described in [6]."""
# No equation number, but referred to as HE_mn
n = X.shape[-1]
X = _pad_along_last_axis(X, m)
differences = X[..., 2 * m:] - X[..., : -2 * m:]
i = np.arange(1, n+1).astype(float)
ci = np.ones_like(i)*2
ci[i <= m] = 1 + (i[i <= m] - 1)/m
ci[i >= n - m + 1] = 1 + (n - i[i >= n-m+1])/m
logs = np.log(n * differences / (ci * m))
return np.mean(logs, axis=-1)
def _correa_entropy(X, m):
"""Compute the Correa estimator as described in [6]."""
# No equation number, but referred to as HC_mn
n = X.shape[-1]
X = _pad_along_last_axis(X, m)
i = np.arange(1, n+1)
dj = np.arange(-m, m+1)[:, None]
j = i + dj
j0 = j + m - 1 # 0-indexed version of j
Xibar = np.mean(X[..., j0], axis=-2, keepdims=True)
difference = X[..., j0] - Xibar
num = np.sum(difference*dj, axis=-2) # dj is d-i
den = n*np.sum(difference**2, axis=-2)
return -np.mean(np.log(num/den), axis=-1)