
389 lines
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"""py.test hacks to support XFAIL/XPASS"""
import sys
import re
import functools
import os
import contextlib
import warnings
import inspect
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Callable
from sympy.utilities.exceptions import SymPyDeprecationWarning
# Imported here for backwards compatibility. Note: do not import this from
# here in library code (importing sympy.pytest in library code will break the
# pytest integration).
from sympy.utilities.exceptions import ignore_warnings # noqa:F401
ON_CI = os.getenv('CI', None) == "true"
import pytest
USE_PYTEST = getattr(sys, '_running_pytest', False)
except ImportError:
raises: Callable[[Any, Any], Any]
XFAIL: Callable[[Any], Any]
skip: Callable[[Any], Any]
SKIP: Callable[[Any], Any]
slow: Callable[[Any], Any]
nocache_fail: Callable[[Any], Any]
raises = pytest.raises
skip = pytest.skip
XFAIL = pytest.mark.xfail
SKIP = pytest.mark.skip
slow = pytest.mark.slow
nocache_fail = pytest.mark.nocache_fail
from _pytest.outcomes import Failed
# Not using pytest so define the things that would have been imported from
# there.
# _pytest._code.code.ExceptionInfo
class ExceptionInfo:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return "<ExceptionInfo {!r}>".format(self.value)
def raises(expectedException, code=None):
Tests that ``code`` raises the exception ``expectedException``.
``code`` may be a callable, such as a lambda expression or function
If ``code`` is not given or None, ``raises`` will return a context
manager for use in ``with`` statements; the code to execute then
comes from the scope of the ``with``.
``raises()`` does nothing if the callable raises the expected exception,
otherwise it raises an AssertionError.
>>> from sympy.testing.pytest import raises
>>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/0)
<ExceptionInfo ZeroDivisionError(...)>
>>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
... n = 1/0
>>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
... n = 1/2
Traceback (most recent call last):
Note that you cannot test multiple statements via
``with raises``:
>>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
... n = 1/0 # will execute and raise, aborting the ``with``
... n = 9999/0 # never executed
This is just what ``with`` is supposed to do: abort the
contained statement sequence at the first exception and let
the context manager deal with the exception.
To test multiple statements, you'll need a separate ``with``
for each:
>>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
... n = 1/0 # will execute and raise
>>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
... n = 9999/0 # will also execute and raise
if code is None:
return RaisesContext(expectedException)
elif callable(code):
except expectedException as e:
return ExceptionInfo(e)
raise Failed("DID NOT RAISE")
elif isinstance(code, str):
raise TypeError(
'\'raises(xxx, "code")\' has been phased out; '
'change \'raises(xxx, "expression")\' '
'to \'raises(xxx, lambda: expression)\', '
'\'raises(xxx, "statement")\' '
'to \'with raises(xxx): statement\'')
raise TypeError(
'raises() expects a callable for the 2nd argument.')
class RaisesContext:
def __init__(self, expectedException):
self.expectedException = expectedException
def __enter__(self):
return None
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type is None:
raise Failed("DID NOT RAISE")
return issubclass(exc_type, self.expectedException)
class XFail(Exception):
class XPass(Exception):
class Skipped(Exception):
class Failed(Exception): # type: ignore
def XFAIL(func):
def wrapper():
except Exception as e:
message = str(e)
if message != "Timeout":
raise XFail(func.__name__)
raise Skipped("Timeout")
raise XPass(func.__name__)
wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
return wrapper
def skip(str):
raise Skipped(str)
def SKIP(reason):
"""Similar to ``skip()``, but this is a decorator. """
def wrapper(func):
def func_wrapper():
raise Skipped(reason)
func_wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(func_wrapper, func)
return func_wrapper
return wrapper
def slow(func):
func._slow = True
def func_wrapper():
func_wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(func_wrapper, func)
func_wrapper.__wrapped__ = func
return func_wrapper
def nocache_fail(func):
"Dummy decorator for marking tests that fail when cache is disabled"
return func
def warns(warningcls, *, match='', test_stacklevel=True):
Like raises but tests that warnings are emitted.
>>> from sympy.testing.pytest import warns
>>> import warnings
>>> with warns(UserWarning):
... warnings.warn('deprecated', UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
>>> with warns(UserWarning):
... pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
Failed: DID NOT WARN. No warnings of type UserWarning\
was emitted. The list of emitted warnings is: [].
``test_stacklevel`` makes it check that the ``stacklevel`` parameter to
``warn()`` is set so that the warning shows the user line of code (the
code under the warns() context manager). Set this to False if this is
ambiguous or if the context manager does not test the direct user code
that emits the warning.
If the warning is a ``SymPyDeprecationWarning``, this additionally tests
that the ``active_deprecations_target`` is a real target in the
```` file.
# Absorbs all warnings in warnrec
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warnrec:
# Any warning other than the one we are looking for is an error
warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=warningcls)
# Now run the test
yield warnrec
# Raise if expected warning not found
if not any(issubclass(w.category, warningcls) for w in warnrec):
msg = ('Failed: DID NOT WARN.'
' No warnings of type %s was emitted.'
' The list of emitted warnings is: %s.'
) % (warningcls, [w.message for w in warnrec])
raise Failed(msg)
# We don't include the match in the filter above because it would then
# fall to the error filter, so we instead manually check that it matches
# here
for w in warnrec:
# Should always be true due to the filters above
assert issubclass(w.category, warningcls)
if not re.compile(match, re.I).match(str(w.message)):
raise Failed(f"Failed: WRONG MESSAGE. A warning with of the correct category ({warningcls.__name__}) was issued, but it did not match the given match regex ({match!r})")
if test_stacklevel:
for f in inspect.stack():
thisfile = f.filename
file = os.path.split(thisfile)[1]
if file.startswith('test_'):
elif file == '':
# skip the stacklevel testing in the doctests of this
# function
raise RuntimeError("Could not find the file for the given warning to test the stacklevel")
for w in warnrec:
if w.filename != thisfile:
msg = f'''\
Failed: Warning has the wrong stacklevel. The warning stacklevel needs to be
set so that the line of code shown in the warning message is user code that
calls the deprecated code (the current stacklevel is showing code from
{w.filename} (line {w.lineno}), expected {thisfile})'''.replace('\n', ' ')
raise Failed(msg)
if warningcls == SymPyDeprecationWarning:
this_file = pathlib.Path(__file__)
active_deprecations_file = (this_file.parent.parent.parent / 'doc' /
'src' / 'explanation' /
if not active_deprecations_file.exists():
# We can only test that the active_deprecations_target works if we are
# in the git repo.
targets = []
for w in warnrec:
with open(active_deprecations_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
text =
for target in targets:
if f'({target})=' not in text:
raise Failed(f"The active deprecations target {target!r} does not appear to be a valid target in the file ({active_deprecations_file}).")
def _both_exp_pow(func):
Decorator used to run the test twice: the first time `e^x` is represented
as ``Pow(E, x)``, the second time as ``exp(x)`` (exponential object is not
a power).
This is a temporary trick helping to manage the elimination of the class
``exp`` in favor of a replacement by ``Pow(E, ...)``.
from sympy.core.parameters import _exp_is_pow
def func_wrap():
with _exp_is_pow(True):
with _exp_is_pow(False):
wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(func_wrap, func)
return wrapper
def warns_deprecated_sympy():
Shorthand for ``warns(SymPyDeprecationWarning)``
This is the recommended way to test that ``SymPyDeprecationWarning`` is
emitted for deprecated features in SymPy. To test for other warnings use
``warns``. To suppress warnings without asserting that they are emitted
use ``ignore_warnings``.
.. note::
``warns_deprecated_sympy()`` is only intended for internal use in the
SymPy test suite to test that a deprecation warning triggers properly.
All other code in the SymPy codebase, including documentation examples,
should not use deprecated behavior.
If you are a user of SymPy and you want to disable
SymPyDeprecationWarnings, use ``warnings`` filters (see
>>> from sympy.testing.pytest import warns_deprecated_sympy
>>> from sympy.utilities.exceptions import sympy_deprecation_warning
>>> with warns_deprecated_sympy():
... sympy_deprecation_warning("Don't use",
... deprecated_since_version="1.0",
... active_deprecations_target="active-deprecations")
>>> with warns_deprecated_sympy():
... pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
Failed: DID NOT WARN. No warnings of type \
SymPyDeprecationWarning was emitted. The list of emitted warnings is: [].
.. note::
Sometimes the stacklevel test will fail because the same warning is
emitted multiple times. In this case, you can use
:func:`sympy.utilities.exceptions.ignore_warnings` in the code to
prevent the ``SymPyDeprecationWarning`` from being emitted again
recursively. In rare cases it is impossible to have a consistent
``stacklevel`` for deprecation warnings because different ways of
calling a function will produce different call stacks.. In those cases,
use ``warns(SymPyDeprecationWarning)`` instead.
See Also
with warns(SymPyDeprecationWarning):
def _running_under_pyodide():
"""Test if running under pyodide."""
import pyodide_js # type: ignore # noqa
except ImportError:
return False
return True
def skip_under_pyodide(message):
"""Decorator to skip a test if running under pyodide."""
def decorator(test_func):
def test_wrapper():
if _running_under_pyodide():
return test_func()
return test_wrapper
return decorator