419 lines
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419 lines
14 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ftModelPostProcessorInternal : AssetPostprocessor
public virtual void UnwrapXatlas(Mesh m, UnwrapParam param)
public partial class ftModelPostProcessor : ftModelPostProcessorInternal
public static bool unwrapError = false;
public static string lastUnwrapErrorAsset = "";
// Deprecated but leave it for now just in case
public class ftSavedPadding : ScriptableObject
public ftGlobalStorage.AdjustedMesh data;
static ftGlobalStorage storage;
UnwrapParam uparams;
const int res = 1024;
static Material mat;
public static RenderTexture rt;
public static Texture2D tex;
static Dictionary<string, bool> assetHasPaddingAdjustment = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
static Dictionary<string, ftSavedPadding2> assetSavedPaddingAdjustment = new Dictionary<string, ftSavedPadding2>();
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
bool deserializedSuccess = false;
ftGlobalStorage.AdjustedMesh deserialized;
public static double GetTime()
return (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks / System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) / 1000.0;
public static void Init()
storage = ftLightmaps.GetGlobalStorage();
void OnPreprocessModel()
assetHasPaddingAdjustment[assetPath] = false;
assetSavedPaddingAdjustment[assetPath] = null;
ModelImporter importer = (ModelImporter)assetImporter;
//if (storage == null) return;
bool hasGlobalPaddingAdjustment = (storage != null && storage.modifiedAssetPathList.IndexOf(assetPath) >= 0);
bool hasGlobalPaddingAdjustment2 = false;
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
var props = importer.extraUserProperties;
for(int p=0; p<props.Length; p++)
if (props[p].Substring(0,7) == "#BAKERY")
hasGlobalPaddingAdjustment2 = true;
var savedAdjustment = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(
Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath) + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath) + "_padding.asset", typeof(ftSavedPadding2)) as ftSavedPadding2;
if (!hasGlobalPaddingAdjustment && !hasGlobalPaddingAdjustment2 && savedAdjustment == null) return;
assetHasPaddingAdjustment[assetPath] = importer.generateSecondaryUV;
importer.generateSecondaryUV = false; // disable built-in unwrapping for models with padding adjustment
assetSavedPaddingAdjustment[assetPath] = savedAdjustment;
void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject g)
ModelImporter importer = (ModelImporter)assetImporter;
if (importer.generateSecondaryUV || assetHasPaddingAdjustment[assetPath])
if (!importer.generateSecondaryUV)
importer.generateSecondaryUV = true; // set "generate lightmap UVs" checkbox back
// Auto UVs: Adjust UV padding per mesh
//if (!storage.modifiedAssetPathList.Contains(assetPath) && g.tag == "BakeryProcessed") return;
//if (ftLightmaps.IsModelProcessed(assetPath)) return;
//g.tag = "BakeryProcessed";
var saved = assetSavedPaddingAdjustment[assetPath];
if (saved != null)
Debug.Log("Bakery: processing auto-unwrapped asset (saved UV padding) " + assetPath);
Debug.Log("Bakery: processing auto-unwrapped asset " + assetPath);
if (storage != null) ftLightmaps.MarkModelProcessed(assetPath, true);
uparams = new UnwrapParam();
UnwrapParam.SetDefaults(out uparams);
uparams.angleError = importer.secondaryUVAngleDistortion * 0.01f;
uparams.areaError = importer.secondaryUVAreaDistortion * 0.01f;
uparams.hardAngle = importer.secondaryUVHardAngle;
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
deserializedSuccess = false;
var props = importer.extraUserProperties;
for(int p=0; p<props.Length; p++)
if (props[p].Substring(0,7) == "#BAKERY")
var json = props[p].Substring(7);
deserialized = JsonUtility.FromJson<ftGlobalStorage.AdjustedMesh>(json);
deserializedSuccess = true;
if (storage != null) storage.InitModifiedMeshMap(assetPath);
var tt = GetTime();
AdjustUV(g.transform, saved);
Debug.Log("UV adjustment time: " + (GetTime() - tt));
if (storage == null) return;
Debug.Log("Bakery: checking for UV overlaps in " + assetPath);
//if (g.tag == "BakeryProcessed") g.tag = "";
ftLightmaps.MarkModelProcessed(assetPath, true);//false);
// Manual UVs: check if overlapping
CheckUVOverlap(g, assetPath);
if (g.tag == "BakeryProcessed") g.tag = ""; // remove legacy mark
public static bool InitOverlapCheck()
rt = new RenderTexture(res, res, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
tex = new Texture2D(res, res, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true);
var shdr = Shader.Find("Hidden/ftOverlapTest");
if (shdr == null)
var bakeryRuntimePath = ftLightmaps.GetRuntimePath();
shdr = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(bakeryRuntimePath + "ftOverlapTest.shader", typeof(Shader)) as Shader;
if (shdr == null)
Debug.Log("No overlap testing shader present");
return false;
mat = new Material(shdr);
return true;
// -1 = No UVs
// 0 = no overlaps
// > 0 = overlapping pixels count
public static int DoOverlapCheck(GameObject g, bool deep)
int overlap = -1;
int overlapCounter = 0;
GL.Clear(false, true, new Color(0,0,0,0));
bool hasUV1 = RenderMeshes(g.transform, deep);
if (hasUV1)
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0,0,res,res), 0, 0, false);
var bytes = tex.GetRawTextureData();
overlap = 0;
for(int i=0; i<bytes.Length; i++)
if (bytes[i] > 1)
if (overlapCounter > 256) // TODO: better check
overlap = 1;
return overlap == 1 ? overlapCounter : overlap;
public static void EndOverlapCheck()
if (rt != null) rt.Release();
if (tex != null) Object.DestroyImmediate(tex);
public static void CheckUVOverlap(GameObject g, string assetPath)
bool canCheck = InitOverlapCheck();
if (!canCheck) return;
int overlap = DoOverlapCheck(g, true);
if (overlap != 1 && overlap > 0)
Debug.LogWarning("[Bakery warning] " + overlap + " pixels overlap: " + assetPath);
//var index = storage.assetList.IndexOf(assetPath);
var index = storage.assetList.IndexOf(assetPath);
var prevOverlap = -100;
if (index < 0)
//index = storage.assetList.Count;
index = storage.assetList.Count;
prevOverlap = storage.uvOverlapAssetList[index];
storage.assetList[index] = assetPath;
storage.uvOverlapAssetList[index] = overlap;
if (prevOverlap != overlap)
bool ValidateMesh(Mesh m, ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper unwrapper)
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
#if UNITY_2018_4_OR_NEWER
// Bug was fixed in 2018.3.5, but the closest define is for 2018.4
if (m.indexFormat == UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32 && unwrapper == ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper.Default)
Debug.LogError("Can't adjust UV padding for " + m.name + " due to Unity bug. Please set Index Format to 16-bit on the asset or use xatlas.");
return false;
return true;
void AdjustUV(Transform t, ftSavedPadding2 saved = null)
var mf = t.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null && mf.sharedMesh != null)
var m = mf.sharedMesh;
var nm = m.name;
int modifiedMeshID;
if (saved != null)
// Get padding from asset
int mindex = saved.data.meshName.IndexOf(nm);
if (mindex < 0)
//Debug.LogError("Unable to find padding value for mesh " + nm);
// This is fine. Apparently caused by parts of models being lightmapped,
// while other parts are not baked, yet still a part of the model.
var padding = saved.data.padding[mindex];
ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper unwrapper = ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper.Default;
if (saved.data.unwrapper != null && saved.data.unwrapper.Count > mindex)
unwrapper = (ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper)saved.data.unwrapper[mindex];
if (!ValidateMesh(m, unwrapper)) return;
uparams.packMargin = padding/1024.0f;
Unwrap(m, uparams, unwrapper);
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
else if (deserializedSuccess && deserialized.meshName != null && deserialized.padding != null)
// Get padding from extraUserProperties (new)
int mindex = deserialized.meshName.IndexOf(nm);
if (mindex < 0)
//Debug.LogError("Unable to find padding value for mesh " + nm);
// This is fine. Apparently caused by parts of models being lightmapped,
// while other parts are not baked, yet still a part of the model.
var padding = deserialized.padding[mindex];
ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper unwrapper = ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper.Default;
if (deserialized.unwrapper != null && deserialized.unwrapper.Count > mindex)
unwrapper = (ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper)deserialized.unwrapper[mindex];
if (!ValidateMesh(m, unwrapper)) return;
uparams.packMargin = padding/1024.0f;
Unwrap(m, uparams, unwrapper);
// Get padding from GlobalStorage (old)
if (storage != null && storage.modifiedMeshMap.TryGetValue(nm, out modifiedMeshID))
var padding = storage.modifiedMeshPaddingArray[modifiedMeshID];
ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper unwrapper = ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper.Default;
if (storage.modifiedMeshUnwrapperArray != null && storage.modifiedMeshUnwrapperArray.Count > modifiedMeshID)
unwrapper = (ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper)storage.modifiedMeshUnwrapperArray[modifiedMeshID];
if (!ValidateMesh(m, unwrapper)) return;
uparams.packMargin = padding/1024.0f;
Unwrap(m, uparams, unwrapper);
else if (storage != null && storage.modifiedMeshMap.TryGetValue(nm, out modifiedMeshID))
var padding = storage.modifiedMeshPaddingArray[modifiedMeshID];
ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper unwrapper = ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper.Default;
if (storage.modifiedMeshUnwrapperArray != null && storage.modifiedMeshUnwrapperArray.Count > modifiedMeshID)
unwrapper = (ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper)storage.modifiedMeshUnwrapperArray[modifiedMeshID];
if (!ValidateMesh(m, unwrapper)) return;
uparams.packMargin = padding/1024.0f;
Unwrap(m, uparams, unwrapper);
// Recurse
foreach (Transform child in t)
AdjustUV(child, saved);
static bool RenderMeshes(Transform t, bool deep)
var mf = t.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null && mf.sharedMesh != null)
var m = mf.sharedMesh;
//var nm = m.name;
bool noUV2 = (m.uv2 == null || (m.uv2.Length == 0 && m.vertexCount != 0));
bool noUV1 = (m.uv == null || (m.uv.Length == 0 && m.vertexCount != 0));
if (noUV1 && noUV2) return false;
mat.SetFloat("uvSet", noUV2 ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
Graphics.DrawMeshNow(m, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
if (!deep) return true;
// Recurse
foreach (Transform child in t)
RenderMeshes(child, deep);
return true;
void Unwrap(Mesh m, UnwrapParam uparams, ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper unwrapper)
if (unwrapper == ftGlobalStorage.Unwrapper.xatlas)
UnwrapXatlas(m, uparams);
var tt = GetTime();
Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet(m, uparams);
if (m.uv2 == null || m.uv2.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("Unity failed to unwrap mesh. Options: a) Use 32-bit indices and Unity >= 2018.4. b) Split it into multiple chunks. c) Disable 'Adjust UV Padding'.");
unwrapError = true;
lastUnwrapErrorAsset = assetPath;
Debug.Log("Unity unwrap time: " + (GetTime() - tt));