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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
import warnings
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from numba import jit, vectorize, guvectorize
from numba.core.errors import (NumbaDeprecationWarning,
NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning, NumbaWarning)
from import TestCase, needs_setuptools
def _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings():
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("always", category=NumbaDeprecationWarning)
yield w
class TestDeprecation(TestCase):
def check_warning(self, warnings, expected_str, category, check_rtd=True):
self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
self.assertEqual(warnings[0].category, category)
self.assertIn(expected_str, str(warnings[0].message))
if check_rtd:
def test_explicit_false_nopython_kwarg(self):
# tests that explicitly setting `nopython=False` in @jit raises a
# warning about it doing nothing.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
def foo():
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_missing_nopython_kwarg_not_reported(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize without a nopython kwarg doesn't raise
# a warning about lack of said kwarg.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# This compiles via nopython mode directly
def foo(a):
return a + 1
def test_vectorize_nopython_false_is_reported(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with nopython=False raises a warning
# about supplying it.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# This compiles via nopython mode directly
@vectorize('float64(float64)', nopython=False)
def foo(a):
return a + 1
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_objmode_direct_compilation_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with forceobj=True raises no warnings.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# Compiles via objmode directly with no warnings raised
@vectorize('float64(float64)', forceobj=True)
def foo(a):
return a + 1
def test_vectorize_objmode_compilation_nopython_false_warns(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with forceobj set and nopython set as
# False raises no warnings.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# Compiles via objmode directly with no warnings raised
@vectorize('float64(float64)', forceobj=True, nopython=False)
def foo(a):
return a + 1
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_parallel_true_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with the parallel target doesn't
# raise warnings about nopython kwarg, the parallel target doesn't
# support objmode so nopython=True is implicit.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', target='parallel')
def foo(x):
return x + 1
def test_vectorize_parallel_true_nopython_true_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with the parallel target and
# nopython=True doesn't raise warnings about nopython kwarg.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', target='parallel', nopython=True)
def foo(x):
return x + 1
def test_vectorize_parallel_true_nopython_false_warns(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with the parallel target and
# nopython=False raises a warning about the nopython kwarg being False.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', target='parallel', nopython=False)
def foo(x):
return x + 1
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_calling_jit_with_nopython_false_warns_from_jit(self):
# Checks the scope of the suppression of deprecation warnings that are
# present in e.g. vectorize. The function `bar` should raise a
# deprecation warning, the `@vectorize`d `foo` function should not,
# even though both don't have a nopython kwarg.
# First check that the @vectorize call doesn't raise anything
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', forceobj=True)
def foo(x):
return bar(x + 1)
def bar(*args):
def test_guvectorize_implicit_nopython_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with implicit nopython compilation
# does not warn on compilation.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)')
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_guvectorize_forceobj_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with direct objmode compilation does
# not warn.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)',
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_guvectorize_parallel_implicit_nopython_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with parallel target and implicit
# nopython mode compilation does not warn.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)',
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_guvectorize_parallel_forceobj_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with parallel target and direct
# objmode compilation does not warn.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# This compiles somewhat surprisingly for the parallel target using
# object mode?!
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)',
target='parallel', forceobj=True)
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_reflection_of_mutable_container(self):
# tests that reflection in list/set warns
def foo_list(a):
return a.append(1)
def foo_set(a):
return a.add(1)
for f in [foo_list, foo_set]:
container = f.__name__.strip('foo_')
inp = eval(container)([10, ])
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaWarning)
self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
self.assertEqual(w[0].category, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)
warn_msg = str(w[0].message)
msg = ("Encountered the use of a type that is scheduled for "
self.assertIn(msg, warn_msg)
msg = ("\'reflected %s\' found for argument" % container)
self.assertIn(msg, warn_msg)
self.assertIn("", warn_msg)
def test_pycc_module(self):
# checks import of module warns
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
import numba.pycc # noqa: F401
expected_str = ("The 'pycc' module is pending deprecation.")
self.check_warning(w, expected_str, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)
def test_pycc_CC(self):
# check the most commonly used functionality (CC) warns
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
from numba.pycc import CC # noqa: F401
expected_str = ("The 'pycc' module is pending deprecation.")
self.check_warning(w, expected_str, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)
if __name__ == '__main__':