263 lines
9.9 KiB
263 lines
9.9 KiB
import warnings
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from numba import jit, vectorize, guvectorize
from numba.core.errors import (NumbaDeprecationWarning,
NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning, NumbaWarning)
from numba.tests.support import TestCase, needs_setuptools
def _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings():
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("always", category=NumbaDeprecationWarning)
yield w
class TestDeprecation(TestCase):
def check_warning(self, warnings, expected_str, category, check_rtd=True):
self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
self.assertEqual(warnings[0].category, category)
self.assertIn(expected_str, str(warnings[0].message))
if check_rtd:
def test_explicit_false_nopython_kwarg(self):
# tests that explicitly setting `nopython=False` in @jit raises a
# warning about it doing nothing.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
def foo():
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_missing_nopython_kwarg_not_reported(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize without a nopython kwarg doesn't raise
# a warning about lack of said kwarg.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# This compiles via nopython mode directly
def foo(a):
return a + 1
def test_vectorize_nopython_false_is_reported(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with nopython=False raises a warning
# about supplying it.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# This compiles via nopython mode directly
@vectorize('float64(float64)', nopython=False)
def foo(a):
return a + 1
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_objmode_direct_compilation_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with forceobj=True raises no warnings.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# Compiles via objmode directly with no warnings raised
@vectorize('float64(float64)', forceobj=True)
def foo(a):
return a + 1
def test_vectorize_objmode_compilation_nopython_false_warns(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with forceobj set and nopython set as
# False raises no warnings.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# Compiles via objmode directly with no warnings raised
@vectorize('float64(float64)', forceobj=True, nopython=False)
def foo(a):
return a + 1
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_parallel_true_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with the parallel target doesn't
# raise warnings about nopython kwarg, the parallel target doesn't
# support objmode so nopython=True is implicit.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', target='parallel')
def foo(x):
return x + 1
def test_vectorize_parallel_true_nopython_true_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with the parallel target and
# nopython=True doesn't raise warnings about nopython kwarg.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', target='parallel', nopython=True)
def foo(x):
return x + 1
def test_vectorize_parallel_true_nopython_false_warns(self):
# Checks that use of @vectorize with the parallel target and
# nopython=False raises a warning about the nopython kwarg being False.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', target='parallel', nopython=False)
def foo(x):
return x + 1
msg = "The keyword argument 'nopython=False' was supplied"
self.check_warning(w, msg, NumbaDeprecationWarning, check_rtd=False)
def test_vectorize_calling_jit_with_nopython_false_warns_from_jit(self):
# Checks the scope of the suppression of deprecation warnings that are
# present in e.g. vectorize. The function `bar` should raise a
# deprecation warning, the `@vectorize`d `foo` function should not,
# even though both don't have a nopython kwarg.
# First check that the @vectorize call doesn't raise anything
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@vectorize('float64(float64)', forceobj=True)
def foo(x):
return bar(x + 1)
def bar(*args):
def test_guvectorize_implicit_nopython_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with implicit nopython compilation
# does not warn on compilation.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)')
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_guvectorize_forceobj_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with direct objmode compilation does
# not warn.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)',
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_guvectorize_parallel_implicit_nopython_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with parallel target and implicit
# nopython mode compilation does not warn.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)',
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_guvectorize_parallel_forceobj_no_warnings(self):
# Checks that use of @guvectorize with parallel target and direct
# objmode compilation does not warn.
with _catch_numba_deprecation_warnings() as w:
# This compiles somewhat surprisingly for the parallel target using
# object mode?!
@guvectorize('void(float64[::1], float64[::1])', '(n)->(n)',
target='parallel', forceobj=True)
def bar(a, b):
a += 1
def test_reflection_of_mutable_container(self):
# tests that reflection in list/set warns
def foo_list(a):
return a.append(1)
def foo_set(a):
return a.add(1)
for f in [foo_list, foo_set]:
container = f.__name__.strip('foo_')
inp = eval(container)([10, ])
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaWarning)
self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
self.assertEqual(w[0].category, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)
warn_msg = str(w[0].message)
msg = ("Encountered the use of a type that is scheduled for "
self.assertIn(msg, warn_msg)
msg = ("\'reflected %s\' found for argument" % container)
self.assertIn(msg, warn_msg)
self.assertIn("https://numba.readthedocs.io", warn_msg)
def test_pycc_module(self):
# checks import of module warns
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
import numba.pycc # noqa: F401
expected_str = ("The 'pycc' module is pending deprecation.")
self.check_warning(w, expected_str, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)
def test_pycc_CC(self):
# check the most commonly used functionality (CC) warns
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
from numba.pycc import CC # noqa: F401
expected_str = ("The 'pycc' module is pending deprecation.")
self.check_warning(w, expected_str, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)
if __name__ == '__main__':