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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import yaml
from torchgen.model import NativeFunction
from torchgen.selective_build.operator import (
# A SelectiveBuilder holds information extracted from the selective build
# YAML specification.
# It includes information about the build's selectivity, the debug_info
# associated with this selective build (opaque string), and the set of
# operators that should be included in the build.
class SelectiveBuilder:
# If true, then the build is not selective, and includes all
# operators.
include_all_operators: bool
# Debug Information at the selective/custom build level.
_debug_info: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]]
# A dictionary of operator -> operator metadata.
operators: Dict[str, SelectiveBuildOperator]
# A dictionary of selected kernel tags and dtypes. Typically a
# PyTorch Operator Kernel (function) may have many code paths
# that are specialized for many many Tensor dtypes, so it's not
# one per kernel function, but there could be many per kernel
# function. The tag isn't a kernel function name, but some fragment
# of the kernel function implementation itself.
kernel_metadata: Dict[str, List[str]]
# ExecuTorch only. A dictionary of kernel tag -> list of (list of input
# dtypes for tensor-like input args).
# This is from selective.yaml
et_kernel_metadata: Dict[str, List[str]]
# A set of all the custom torch bind classes used by the selected models
# Stored as a set internally to remove duplicates proactively, but written
# as a list to yamls
custom_classes: Set[str]
# A set of all the build features used by the selected models
# Stored as a set internally to remove duplicates proactively, but written
# as a list to yamls
build_features: Set[str]
# If true, then fragments for all dtypes for all kernel functions
# are included as well as all custom classes. This is typically set when any one of the
# operator lists is generated from a mechanism other than
# tracing based selective build.
include_all_non_op_selectives: bool
def get_nop_selector() -> "SelectiveBuilder":
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict({"include_all_operators": True})
def from_yaml_dict(data: Dict[str, object]) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
valid_top_level_keys = {
top_level_keys = set(data.keys())
if len(top_level_keys - valid_top_level_keys) > 0:
raise Exception(
"Got unexpected top level keys: {}".format(
",".join(top_level_keys - valid_top_level_keys),
include_all_operators = data.get("include_all_operators", False)
assert isinstance(include_all_operators, bool)
debug_info = None
if "debug_info" in data:
di_list = data["debug_info"]
assert isinstance(di_list, list)
debug_info = tuple(str(x) for x in di_list)
operators = {}
operators_dict = data.get("operators", {})
assert isinstance(operators_dict, dict)
for k, v in operators_dict.items():
operators[k] = SelectiveBuildOperator.from_yaml_dict(k, v)
kernel_metadata = {}
kernel_metadata_dict = data.get("kernel_metadata", {})
assert isinstance(kernel_metadata_dict, dict)
for k, v in kernel_metadata_dict.items():
kernel_metadata[str(k)] = [str(dtype) for dtype in v]
et_kernel_metadata = data.get("et_kernel_metadata", {})
assert isinstance(et_kernel_metadata, dict)
custom_classes = data.get("custom_classes", [])
assert isinstance(custom_classes, Iterable)
custom_classes = set(custom_classes)
build_features = data.get("build_features", [])
assert isinstance(build_features, Iterable)
build_features = set(build_features)
include_all_non_op_selectives = data.get("include_all_non_op_selectives", False)
assert isinstance(include_all_non_op_selectives, bool)
return SelectiveBuilder(
custom_classes, # type: ignore[arg-type]
build_features, # type: ignore[arg-type]
def from_yaml_str(config_contents: str) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
contents = yaml.safe_load(config_contents)
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict(contents)
def from_yaml_path(config_path: str) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
with open(config_path) as f:
contents = yaml.safe_load(f)
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict(contents)
def from_legacy_op_registration_allow_list(
allow_list: Set[str], is_root_operator: bool, is_used_for_training: bool
) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
operators = {}
for op in allow_list:
operators[op] = {
"name": op,
"is_root_operator": is_root_operator,
"is_used_for_training": is_used_for_training,
"include_all_overloads": True,
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict(
"operators": operators,
"include_all_non_op_selectives": True,
def is_operator_selected(self, name: str) -> bool:
if self.include_all_operators:
return True
if name in self.operators:
return True
name = strip_operator_overload_name(name)
return name in self.operators and self.operators[name].include_all_overloads
def is_native_function_selected(self, func: NativeFunction) -> bool:
op_name = op_name_from_native_function(func)
return self.is_operator_selected(op_name)
def is_operator_selected_for_training(self, name: str) -> bool:
if not self.is_operator_selected(name):
return False
if self.include_all_operators:
return True
not_training_op = SelectiveBuildOperator(
op = not_training_op
if name in self.operators:
op = self.operators[name]
name = strip_operator_overload_name(name)
base_op = not_training_op
if name in self.operators:
base_op = self.operators[name]
return op.is_used_for_training or (
base_op.include_all_overloads and base_op.is_used_for_training
def is_native_function_selected_for_training(self, func: NativeFunction) -> bool:
op_name = op_name_from_native_function(func)
return self.is_operator_selected_for_training(op_name)
def is_root_operator(self, name: str) -> bool:
if not self.is_operator_selected(name):
return False
if self.include_all_operators:
return True
if name in self.operators:
op: SelectiveBuildOperator = self.operators[name]
return op.is_root_operator
name = strip_operator_overload_name(name)
if name not in self.operators:
return False
base_op: SelectiveBuildOperator = self.operators[name]
return base_op.include_all_overloads and base_op.is_root_operator
def is_kernel_dtype_selected(self, kernel_tag: str, dtype: str) -> bool:
if self.include_all_operators or self.include_all_non_op_selectives:
return True
return (
kernel_tag in self.kernel_metadata
and dtype in self.kernel_metadata[kernel_tag]
def et_get_selected_kernels(self, op_name: str, kernel_key: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Return a list of kernel keys that cover the used ops
# If no kernel metadata, either it's implied by include_all_operators=True or the op is not used.
if op_name not in self.et_kernel_metadata:
return kernel_key if self.include_all_operators else []
# Otherwise, only return the specific kernel keys.
result_set = set()
for model_kernel_keys in self.et_kernel_metadata[op_name]:
key_found = False
for key in kernel_key:
# Don't compare the version for now
if (
key != "default"
and key.split("/")[1] == model_kernel_keys.split("/")[1]
key_found = True
if not key_found:
if "default" not in kernel_key:
raise Exception("Missing kernel for the model")
return list(result_set)
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret: Dict[str, object] = {
"include_all_non_op_selectives": self.include_all_non_op_selectives,
"include_all_operators": self.include_all_operators,
operators = {}
for op_name, op in self.operators.items():
operators[op_name] = op.to_dict()
ret["operators"] = operators
if self._debug_info is not None:
ret["debug_info"] = sorted(self._debug_info)
ret["kernel_metadata"] = {
k: sorted(v) for (k, v) in self.kernel_metadata.items()
ret["et_kernel_metadata"] = self.et_kernel_metadata
ret["custom_classes"] = sorted(self.custom_classes)
ret["build_features"] = sorted(self.build_features)
return ret
def merge_kernel_metadata(
lhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
rhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
kernel_metadata: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for tag_name, dtypes in list(lhs.items()) + list(rhs.items()):
dtypes_copy = set(dtypes)
if tag_name in kernel_metadata:
dtypes_copy |= set(kernel_metadata[tag_name])
kernel_metadata[tag_name] = list(dtypes_copy)
return kernel_metadata
def merge_et_kernel_metadata(
lhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
rhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
merge_et_kernel_metadata: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
for op in list(lhs.keys()) + list(rhs.keys()):
merge_et_kernel_metadata[op].update(lhs.get(op, []))
merge_et_kernel_metadata[op].update(rhs.get(op, []))
return {op: sorted(val) for op, val in merge_et_kernel_metadata.items()}
def combine_selective_builders(
lhs: SelectiveBuilder, rhs: SelectiveBuilder
) -> SelectiveBuilder:
include_all_operators = lhs.include_all_operators or rhs.include_all_operators
debug_info = merge_debug_info(lhs._debug_info, rhs._debug_info)
operators = merge_operator_dicts(lhs.operators, rhs.operators)
kernel_metadata = merge_kernel_metadata(lhs.kernel_metadata, rhs.kernel_metadata)
et_kernel_metadata = merge_et_kernel_metadata(
lhs.et_kernel_metadata, rhs.et_kernel_metadata
include_all_non_op_selectives = (
lhs.include_all_non_op_selectives or rhs.include_all_non_op_selectives
custom_classes = lhs.custom_classes.union(rhs.custom_classes)
build_features = lhs.build_features.union(rhs.build_features)
return SelectiveBuilder(
def op_name_from_native_function(f: NativeFunction) -> str:
# This was originally read from the 'operator_name_with_overload' field in the
# declaration dict, which was the part before the first '(' in 'schema_string'.
return f"{f.namespace}::{}"