
348 lines
12 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import yaml
from torchgen.model import NativeFunction
from torchgen.selective_build.operator import (
# A SelectiveBuilder holds information extracted from the selective build
# YAML specification.
# It includes information about the build's selectivity, the debug_info
# associated with this selective build (opaque string), and the set of
# operators that should be included in the build.
class SelectiveBuilder:
# If true, then the build is not selective, and includes all
# operators.
include_all_operators: bool
# Debug Information at the selective/custom build level.
_debug_info: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]]
# A dictionary of operator -> operator metadata.
operators: Dict[str, SelectiveBuildOperator]
# A dictionary of selected kernel tags and dtypes. Typically a
# PyTorch Operator Kernel (function) may have many code paths
# that are specialized for many many Tensor dtypes, so it's not
# one per kernel function, but there could be many per kernel
# function. The tag isn't a kernel function name, but some fragment
# of the kernel function implementation itself.
kernel_metadata: Dict[str, List[str]]
# ExecuTorch only. A dictionary of kernel tag -> list of (list of input
# dtypes for tensor-like input args).
# This is from selective.yaml
et_kernel_metadata: Dict[str, List[str]]
# A set of all the custom torch bind classes used by the selected models
# Stored as a set internally to remove duplicates proactively, but written
# as a list to yamls
custom_classes: Set[str]
# A set of all the build features used by the selected models
# Stored as a set internally to remove duplicates proactively, but written
# as a list to yamls
build_features: Set[str]
# If true, then fragments for all dtypes for all kernel functions
# are included as well as all custom classes. This is typically set when any one of the
# operator lists is generated from a mechanism other than
# tracing based selective build.
include_all_non_op_selectives: bool
def get_nop_selector() -> "SelectiveBuilder":
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict({"include_all_operators": True})
def from_yaml_dict(data: Dict[str, object]) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
valid_top_level_keys = {
top_level_keys = set(data.keys())
if len(top_level_keys - valid_top_level_keys) > 0:
raise Exception(
"Got unexpected top level keys: {}".format(
",".join(top_level_keys - valid_top_level_keys),
include_all_operators = data.get("include_all_operators", False)
assert isinstance(include_all_operators, bool)
debug_info = None
if "debug_info" in data:
di_list = data["debug_info"]
assert isinstance(di_list, list)
debug_info = tuple(str(x) for x in di_list)
operators = {}
operators_dict = data.get("operators", {})
assert isinstance(operators_dict, dict)
for k, v in operators_dict.items():
operators[k] = SelectiveBuildOperator.from_yaml_dict(k, v)
kernel_metadata = {}
kernel_metadata_dict = data.get("kernel_metadata", {})
assert isinstance(kernel_metadata_dict, dict)
for k, v in kernel_metadata_dict.items():
kernel_metadata[str(k)] = [str(dtype) for dtype in v]
et_kernel_metadata = data.get("et_kernel_metadata", {})
assert isinstance(et_kernel_metadata, dict)
custom_classes = data.get("custom_classes", [])
assert isinstance(custom_classes, Iterable)
custom_classes = set(custom_classes)
build_features = data.get("build_features", [])
assert isinstance(build_features, Iterable)
build_features = set(build_features)
include_all_non_op_selectives = data.get("include_all_non_op_selectives", False)
assert isinstance(include_all_non_op_selectives, bool)
return SelectiveBuilder(
custom_classes, # type: ignore[arg-type]
build_features, # type: ignore[arg-type]
def from_yaml_str(config_contents: str) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
contents = yaml.safe_load(config_contents)
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict(contents)
def from_yaml_path(config_path: str) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
with open(config_path) as f:
contents = yaml.safe_load(f)
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict(contents)
def from_legacy_op_registration_allow_list(
allow_list: Set[str], is_root_operator: bool, is_used_for_training: bool
) -> "SelectiveBuilder":
operators = {}
for op in allow_list:
operators[op] = {
"name": op,
"is_root_operator": is_root_operator,
"is_used_for_training": is_used_for_training,
"include_all_overloads": True,
return SelectiveBuilder.from_yaml_dict(
"operators": operators,
"include_all_non_op_selectives": True,
def is_operator_selected(self, name: str) -> bool:
if self.include_all_operators:
return True
if name in self.operators:
return True
name = strip_operator_overload_name(name)
return name in self.operators and self.operators[name].include_all_overloads
def is_native_function_selected(self, func: NativeFunction) -> bool:
op_name = op_name_from_native_function(func)
return self.is_operator_selected(op_name)
def is_operator_selected_for_training(self, name: str) -> bool:
if not self.is_operator_selected(name):
return False
if self.include_all_operators:
return True
not_training_op = SelectiveBuildOperator(
op = not_training_op
if name in self.operators:
op = self.operators[name]
name = strip_operator_overload_name(name)
base_op = not_training_op
if name in self.operators:
base_op = self.operators[name]
return op.is_used_for_training or (
base_op.include_all_overloads and base_op.is_used_for_training
def is_native_function_selected_for_training(self, func: NativeFunction) -> bool:
op_name = op_name_from_native_function(func)
return self.is_operator_selected_for_training(op_name)
def is_root_operator(self, name: str) -> bool:
if not self.is_operator_selected(name):
return False
if self.include_all_operators:
return True
if name in self.operators:
op: SelectiveBuildOperator = self.operators[name]
return op.is_root_operator
name = strip_operator_overload_name(name)
if name not in self.operators:
return False
base_op: SelectiveBuildOperator = self.operators[name]
return base_op.include_all_overloads and base_op.is_root_operator
def is_kernel_dtype_selected(self, kernel_tag: str, dtype: str) -> bool:
if self.include_all_operators or self.include_all_non_op_selectives:
return True
return (
kernel_tag in self.kernel_metadata
and dtype in self.kernel_metadata[kernel_tag]
def et_get_selected_kernels(self, op_name: str, kernel_key: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Return a list of kernel keys that cover the used ops
# If no kernel metadata, either it's implied by include_all_operators=True or the op is not used.
if op_name not in self.et_kernel_metadata:
return kernel_key if self.include_all_operators else []
# Otherwise, only return the specific kernel keys.
result_set = set()
for model_kernel_keys in self.et_kernel_metadata[op_name]:
key_found = False
for key in kernel_key:
# Don't compare the version for now
if (
key != "default"
and key.split("/")[1] == model_kernel_keys.split("/")[1]
key_found = True
if not key_found:
if "default" not in kernel_key:
raise Exception("Missing kernel for the model")
return list(result_set)
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret: Dict[str, object] = {
"include_all_non_op_selectives": self.include_all_non_op_selectives,
"include_all_operators": self.include_all_operators,
operators = {}
for op_name, op in self.operators.items():
operators[op_name] = op.to_dict()
ret["operators"] = operators
if self._debug_info is not None:
ret["debug_info"] = sorted(self._debug_info)
ret["kernel_metadata"] = {
k: sorted(v) for (k, v) in self.kernel_metadata.items()
ret["et_kernel_metadata"] = self.et_kernel_metadata
ret["custom_classes"] = sorted(self.custom_classes)
ret["build_features"] = sorted(self.build_features)
return ret
def merge_kernel_metadata(
lhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
rhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
kernel_metadata: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for tag_name, dtypes in list(lhs.items()) + list(rhs.items()):
dtypes_copy = set(dtypes)
if tag_name in kernel_metadata:
dtypes_copy |= set(kernel_metadata[tag_name])
kernel_metadata[tag_name] = list(dtypes_copy)
return kernel_metadata
def merge_et_kernel_metadata(
lhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
rhs: Dict[str, List[str]],
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
merge_et_kernel_metadata: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
for op in list(lhs.keys()) + list(rhs.keys()):
merge_et_kernel_metadata[op].update(lhs.get(op, []))
merge_et_kernel_metadata[op].update(rhs.get(op, []))
return {op: sorted(val) for op, val in merge_et_kernel_metadata.items()}
def combine_selective_builders(
lhs: SelectiveBuilder, rhs: SelectiveBuilder
) -> SelectiveBuilder:
include_all_operators = lhs.include_all_operators or rhs.include_all_operators
debug_info = merge_debug_info(lhs._debug_info, rhs._debug_info)
operators = merge_operator_dicts(lhs.operators, rhs.operators)
kernel_metadata = merge_kernel_metadata(lhs.kernel_metadata, rhs.kernel_metadata)
et_kernel_metadata = merge_et_kernel_metadata(
lhs.et_kernel_metadata, rhs.et_kernel_metadata
include_all_non_op_selectives = (
lhs.include_all_non_op_selectives or rhs.include_all_non_op_selectives
custom_classes = lhs.custom_classes.union(rhs.custom_classes)
build_features = lhs.build_features.union(rhs.build_features)
return SelectiveBuilder(
def op_name_from_native_function(f: NativeFunction) -> str:
# This was originally read from the 'operator_name_with_overload' field in the
# declaration dict, which was the part before the first '(' in 'schema_string'.
return f"{f.namespace}::{}"