
672 lines
21 KiB

import contextlib
import functools
import inspect
import os
import platform
import random
import tempfile
import threading
from contextvars import ContextVar
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (
import numpy
from packaging.version import Version
from pydantic.v1 import ValidationError, create_model
except ImportError:
from pydantic import ValidationError, create_model # type: ignore
from wasabi import table
from .compat import (
from .compat import mxnet as mx
from .compat import tensorflow as tf
from .compat import torch
DATA_VALIDATION: ContextVar[bool] = ContextVar("DATA_VALIDATION", default=False)
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from . import types # noqa: E402
from .types import ArgsKwargs, ArrayXd, FloatsXd, IntsXd, Padded, Ragged # noqa: E402
from .api import Ops
def get_torch_default_device() -> "torch.device":
if torch is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot get default Torch device when Torch is not available.")
from .backends import get_current_ops
from .backends.cupy_ops import CupyOps
from .backends.mps_ops import MPSOps
ops = get_current_ops()
if isinstance(ops, CupyOps):
device_id = torch.cuda.current_device()
return torch.device(f"cuda:{device_id}")
elif isinstance(ops, MPSOps):
return torch.device("mps")
return torch.device("cpu")
def get_array_module(arr): # pragma: no cover
if is_numpy_array(arr):
return numpy
elif is_cupy_array(arr):
return cupy
raise ValueError(
"Only numpy and cupy arrays are supported"
f", but found {type(arr)} instead. If "
"get_array_module module wasn't called "
"directly, this might indicate a bug in Thinc."
def gpu_is_available():
return has_gpu
def fix_random_seed(seed: int = 0) -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Set the random seed across random, numpy.random and cupy.random."""
if has_torch:
if has_cupy_gpu:
if has_torch and has_torch_cuda_gpu:
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
def is_xp_array(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check whether an object is a numpy or cupy array."""
return is_numpy_array(obj) or is_cupy_array(obj)
def is_cupy_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
"""Check whether an object is a cupy array."""
if not has_cupy:
return False
elif isinstance(obj, cupy.ndarray):
return True
return False
def is_numpy_array(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check whether an object is a numpy array."""
if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
return True
return False
def is_torch_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
if torch is None:
return False
elif isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
return True
return False
def is_torch_cuda_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
return is_torch_array(obj) and obj.is_cuda
def is_torch_gpu_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
return is_torch_cuda_array(obj) or is_torch_mps_array(obj)
def is_torch_mps_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
return is_torch_array(obj) and hasattr(obj, "is_mps") and obj.is_mps
def is_tensorflow_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
if not has_tensorflow:
return False
elif isinstance(obj, tf.Tensor): # type: ignore
return True
return False
def is_tensorflow_gpu_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
return is_tensorflow_array(obj) and "GPU:" in obj.device
def is_mxnet_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
if not has_mxnet:
return False
elif isinstance(obj, mx.nd.NDArray): # type: ignore
return True
return False
def is_mxnet_gpu_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
return is_mxnet_array(obj) and obj.context.device_type != "cpu"
def to_numpy(data): # pragma: no cover
if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
return data
elif has_cupy and isinstance(data, cupy.ndarray):
return data.get()
return numpy.array(data)
def set_active_gpu(gpu_id: int) -> "cupy.cuda.Device": # pragma: no cover
"""Set the current GPU device for cupy and torch (if available)."""
if not has_cupy_gpu:
raise ValueError("No CUDA GPU devices detected")
device = cupy.cuda.device.Device(gpu_id)
if has_torch_cuda_gpu:
return device
def require_cpu() -> bool: # pragma: no cover
"""Use CPU through best available backend."""
from .backends import get_ops, set_current_ops
ops = get_ops("cpu")
return True
def prefer_gpu(gpu_id: int = 0) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
"""Use GPU if it's available. Returns True if so, False otherwise."""
if has_gpu:
return has_gpu
def require_gpu(gpu_id: int = 0) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
from .backends import CupyOps, MPSOps, set_current_ops
if platform.system() == "Darwin" and not has_torch_mps:
if has_torch:
raise ValueError("Cannot use GPU, installed PyTorch does not support MPS")
raise ValueError("Cannot use GPU, PyTorch is not installed")
elif platform.system() != "Darwin" and not has_cupy:
raise ValueError("Cannot use GPU, CuPy is not installed")
elif not has_gpu:
raise ValueError("No GPU devices detected")
if has_cupy_gpu:
return True
def copy_array(dst: ArrayXd, src: ArrayXd) -> None: # pragma: no cover
if isinstance(dst, numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(src, numpy.ndarray):
dst[:] = src
elif is_cupy_array(dst):
src = cupy.array(src, copy=False)
cupy.copyto(dst, src)
numpy.copyto(dst, src) # type: ignore
def to_categorical(
Y: IntsXd,
n_classes: Optional[int] = None,
label_smoothing: float = 0.0,
) -> FloatsXd:
if n_classes is None:
n_classes = int(numpy.max(Y) + 1) # type: ignore
if label_smoothing < 0.0:
raise ValueError(
"Label-smoothing parameter has to be greater than or equal to 0"
if label_smoothing == 0.0:
if n_classes == 0:
raise ValueError("n_classes should be at least 1")
nongold_prob = 0.0
if not n_classes > 1:
raise ValueError(
"n_classes should be greater than 1 when label smoothing is enabled,"
f"but {n_classes} was provided."
nongold_prob = label_smoothing / (n_classes - 1)
max_smooth = (n_classes - 1) / n_classes
if n_classes > 1 and label_smoothing >= max_smooth:
raise ValueError(
f"For {n_classes} classes "
"label_smoothing parameter has to be less than "
f"{max_smooth}, but found {label_smoothing}."
xp = get_array_module(Y)
label_distr = xp.full((n_classes, n_classes), nongold_prob, dtype="float32")
xp.fill_diagonal(label_distr, 1 - label_smoothing)
return label_distr[Y]
def get_width(
X: Union[ArrayXd, Ragged, Padded, Sequence[ArrayXd]], *, dim: int = -1
) -> int:
"""Infer the 'width' of a batch of data, which could be any of: Array,
Ragged, Padded or Sequence of Arrays.
if isinstance(X, Ragged):
return get_width(, dim=dim)
elif isinstance(X, Padded):
return get_width(, dim=dim)
elif hasattr(X, "shape") and hasattr(X, "ndim"):
X = cast(ArrayXd, X)
if len(X.shape) == 0:
return 0
elif len(X.shape) == 1:
return int(X.max()) + 1
return X.shape[dim]
elif isinstance(X, (list, tuple)):
if len(X) == 0:
return 0
return get_width(X[0], dim=dim)
err = "Cannot get width of object: has neither shape nor __getitem__"
raise ValueError(err)
def assert_tensorflow_installed() -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Raise an ImportError if TensorFlow is not installed."""
template = "TensorFlow support requires {pkg}: pip install thinc[tensorflow]\n\nEnable TensorFlow support with thinc.api.enable_tensorflow()"
if not has_tensorflow:
raise ImportError(template.format(pkg="tensorflow>=2.0.0,<2.6.0"))
def assert_mxnet_installed() -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Raise an ImportError if MXNet is not installed."""
if not has_mxnet:
raise ImportError(
"MXNet support requires mxnet: pip install thinc[mxnet]\n\nEnable MXNet support with thinc.api.enable_mxnet()"
def assert_pytorch_installed() -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Raise an ImportError if PyTorch is not installed."""
if not has_torch:
raise ImportError("PyTorch support requires torch: pip install thinc[torch]")
def convert_recursive(
is_match: Callable[[Any], bool], convert_item: Callable[[Any], Any], obj: Any
) -> Any:
"""Either convert a single value if it matches a given function, or
recursively walk over potentially nested lists, tuples and dicts applying
the conversion, and returns the same type. Also supports the ArgsKwargs
if is_match(obj):
return convert_item(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, ArgsKwargs):
converted = convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, list(obj.items()))
return ArgsKwargs.from_items(converted)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
converted = {}
for key, value in obj.items():
key = convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, key)
value = convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, value)
converted[key] = value
return converted
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, item) for item in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
return tuple(convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, item) for item in obj)
return obj
def iterate_recursive(is_match: Callable[[Any], bool], obj: Any) -> Any:
"""Either yield a single value if it matches a given function, or recursively
walk over potentially nested lists, tuples and dicts yielding matching
values. Also supports the ArgsKwargs dataclass.
if is_match(obj):
yield obj
elif isinstance(obj, ArgsKwargs):
yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, list(obj.items()))
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
for key, value in obj.items():
yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, key)
yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, value)
elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
for item in obj:
yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, item)
def xp2torch(
xp_tensor: ArrayXd,
requires_grad: bool = False,
device: Optional["torch.device"] = None,
) -> "torch.Tensor": # pragma: no cover
"""Convert a numpy or cupy tensor to a PyTorch tensor."""
if device is None:
device = get_torch_default_device()
if hasattr(xp_tensor, "toDlpack"):
dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.toDlpack() # type: ignore
torch_tensor = torch.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor)
elif hasattr(xp_tensor, "__dlpack__"):
torch_tensor = torch.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(xp_tensor)
torch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(xp_tensor)
torch_tensor =
if requires_grad:
return torch_tensor
def torch2xp(
torch_tensor: "torch.Tensor", *, ops: Optional["Ops"] = None
) -> ArrayXd: # pragma: no cover
"""Convert a torch tensor to a numpy or cupy tensor depending on the `ops` parameter.
If `ops` is `None`, the type of the resultant tensor will be determined by the source tensor's device.
from .api import NumpyOps
if is_torch_cuda_array(torch_tensor):
if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps):
return torch_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy()
return cupy_from_dlpack(torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(torch_tensor))
if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or ops is None:
return torch_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy()
return cupy.asarray(torch_tensor)
def xp2tensorflow(
xp_tensor: ArrayXd, requires_grad: bool = False, as_variable: bool = False
) -> "tf.Tensor": # type: ignore # pragma: no cover
"""Convert a numpy or cupy tensor to a TensorFlow Tensor or Variable"""
if hasattr(xp_tensor, "toDlpack"):
dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.toDlpack() # type: ignore
tf_tensor = tf.experimental.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) # type: ignore
elif hasattr(xp_tensor, "__dlpack__"):
dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.__dlpack__() # type: ignore
tf_tensor = tf.experimental.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) # type: ignore
tf_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(xp_tensor) # type: ignore
if as_variable:
# tf.Variable() automatically puts in GPU if available.
# So we need to control it using the context manager
with tf.device(tf_tensor.device): # type: ignore
tf_tensor = tf.Variable(tf_tensor, trainable=requires_grad) # type: ignore
if requires_grad is False and as_variable is False:
# tf.stop_gradient() automatically puts in GPU if available.
# So we need to control it using the context manager
with tf.device(tf_tensor.device): # type: ignore
tf_tensor = tf.stop_gradient(tf_tensor) # type: ignore
return tf_tensor
def tensorflow2xp(
tf_tensor: "tf.Tensor", *, ops: Optional["Ops"] = None # type: ignore
) -> ArrayXd: # pragma: no cover
"""Convert a Tensorflow tensor to numpy or cupy tensor depending on the `ops` parameter.
If `ops` is `None`, the type of the resultant tensor will be determined by the source tensor's device.
from .api import NumpyOps
if is_tensorflow_gpu_array(tf_tensor):
if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps):
return tf_tensor.numpy()
dlpack_tensor = tf.experimental.dlpack.to_dlpack(tf_tensor) # type: ignore
return cupy_from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor)
if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or ops is None:
return tf_tensor.numpy()
return cupy.asarray(tf_tensor.numpy())
def xp2mxnet(
xp_tensor: ArrayXd, requires_grad: bool = False
) -> "mx.nd.NDArray": # type: ignore # pragma: no cover
"""Convert a numpy or cupy tensor to a MXNet tensor."""
if hasattr(xp_tensor, "toDlpack"):
dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.toDlpack() # type: ignore
mx_tensor = mx.nd.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) # type: ignore
mx_tensor = mx.nd.from_numpy(xp_tensor) # type: ignore
if requires_grad:
return mx_tensor
def mxnet2xp(
mx_tensor: "mx.nd.NDArray", *, ops: Optional["Ops"] = None # type: ignore
) -> ArrayXd: # pragma: no cover
"""Convert a MXNet tensor to a numpy or cupy tensor."""
from .api import NumpyOps
if is_mxnet_gpu_array(mx_tensor):
if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps):
return mx_tensor.detach().asnumpy()
return cupy_from_dlpack(mx_tensor.to_dlpack_for_write())
if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or ops is None:
return mx_tensor.detach().asnumpy()
return cupy.asarray(mx_tensor.asnumpy())
# This is how functools.partials seems to do it, too, to retain the return type
PartialT = TypeVar("PartialT")
def partial(
func: Callable[..., PartialT], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> Callable[..., PartialT]:
"""Wrapper around functools.partial that retains docstrings and can include
other workarounds if needed.
partial_func = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
partial_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return partial_func
class DataValidationError(ValueError):
def __init__(
name: str,
X: Any,
Y: Any,
errors: Union[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = [],
) -> None:
"""Custom error for validating inputs / outputs at runtime."""
message = f"Data validation error in '{name}'"
type_info = f"X: {type(X)} Y: {type(Y)}"
data = []
for error in errors:
err_loc = " -> ".join([str(p) for p in error.get("loc", [])])
data.append((err_loc, error.get("msg")))
result = [message, type_info, table(data)]
ValueError.__init__(self, "\n\n" + "\n".join(result))
class _ArgModelConfig:
extra = "forbid"
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def validate_fwd_input_output(
name: str, func: Callable[[Any, Any, bool], Any], X: Any, Y: Any
) -> None:
"""Validate the input and output of a forward function against the type
annotations, if available. Used in Model.initialize with the input and
output samples as they pass through the network.
sig = inspect.signature(func)
empty = inspect.Signature.empty
params = list(sig.parameters.values())
if len(params) != 3:
bad_params = f"{len(params)} ({', '.join([ for p in params])})"
err = f"Invalid forward function. Expected 3 arguments (model, X , is_train), got {bad_params}"
raise DataValidationError(name, X, Y, [{"msg": err}])
annot_x = params[1].annotation
annot_y = sig.return_annotation
sig_args: Dict[str, Any] = {"__config__": _ArgModelConfig}
args = {}
if X is not None and annot_x != empty:
if isinstance(X, list) and len(X) > 5:
X = X[:5]
sig_args["X"] = (annot_x, ...)
args["X"] = X
if Y is not None and annot_y != empty:
if isinstance(Y, list) and len(Y) > 5:
Y = Y[:5]
sig_args["Y"] = (annot_y, ...)
args["Y"] = (Y, lambda x: x)
ArgModel = create_model("ArgModel", **sig_args)
# Make sure the forward refs are resolved and the types used by them are
# available in the correct scope. See #494 for details.
except ValidationError as e:
raise DataValidationError(name, X, Y, e.errors()) from None
def make_tempfile(mode="r"):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode=mode, delete=False)
yield f
def data_validation(validation):
with threading.Lock():
prev = DATA_VALIDATION.get()
def use_nvtx_range(message: str, id_color: int = -1):
"""Context manager to register the executed code as an NVTX range. The
ranges can be used as markers in CUDA profiling."""
if has_cupy:
cupy.cuda.nvtx.RangePush(message, id_color)
class ArrayInfo:
"""Container for info for checking array compatibility."""
shape: types.Shape
dtype: types.DTypes
def from_array(cls, arr: ArrayXd):
return cls(shape=arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype)
def check_consistency(self, arr: ArrayXd):
if arr.shape != self.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"Shape mismatch in backprop. Y: {self.shape}, dY: {arr.shape}"
if arr.dtype != self.dtype:
raise ValueError(
f"Type mismatch in backprop. Y: {self.dtype}, dY: {arr.dtype}"
# fmt: off
__all__ = [
# fmt: on